~ Curse YOU indoor plumbing!!! ~ Sept 2009

Great update! Love all the pics of Gabriel with his Mickey hat! I almost bought that this past trip, too! It's sooo cute!!!!!:cutie:

Sorry to hear you weren't feeling too hot! Hope you were okay the rest of the day!!!!:goodvibes
We left MK and took the Monorail over to Epcot around 1:30.

We had an ADR for Le Cellier at 4:30.

It was so very hot this day!

Peter wondered what they had inside the “Big Ball”. We had never gone inside and I thought it might be a perfect place to cool off.

It’s a perfect place to relax as the ride takes you through different periods of time. Gabriel now thinks “Space” is inside the “Big Ball”.

They take your picture and then there is movie at the end starring YOU based on the answers to certain questions.

Gabriel had his Piglet this time….I think Tigger went in the backpack and Piglet came out? He put him up so he would get his picture taken and Piglet ended up in our movie. It was pretty funny.

Gabriel really liked this ride.

After that we headed over to Soarin ~ of course we loved it. We still had time before our ADR so we did the Nemo ride and checked out the aquariums in more detail. This is also a very good place to hang when it’s hot!



Gabriel also had a go at the Kiddie station:

We also hung out in Club Cool….we didn’t feel good. I was so upset that I was going to try the famous Le Cellier and I had that Blah stomach again:mad:.

We started towards Canada and stopped to get an ice cream for Gabriel. This was the biggest soft serve in a cup I have EVER seen!!!! I grabbed a free ice water there and quickly downed it. We grabbed a bench and I ended up getting two more refills of this water! I really don’t think I drank enough and maybe that was my problem the entire trip:idea:.

I actually started to feel a little bit better in my tummy. We headed to Canada and I sat down outside after checking in. Peter went off to explore. As I was sitting there - a lady came out of the restaurant exclaiming that she didn’t know what the big to do about ADR’s were because she was seated after a 15min wait with NO ADR! Well, that was a bit shocking to me but it was very slow and it was early for dinner.

Peter had made it overhead of me and was throwing ice at me to get my attention. It didn’t work and he had to actually call me because he was afraid of nailing someone else with his ice:sad2:.

I told him to get back down here because we would be called soon:mad:.

He returned and we were called in. The interior of Le Cellier fits us to the tee. He loved the woodworking and actually took a picture of the ceiling!


Our server came out and was very nice. He told us we would have a different server that he was training. He also told us to mess with him. Of course my husband was all about that. I think the Trainer was Patrick and the Trainee was Erik?? Both were great!

I ordered the Filet with no fungus(mushrooms) & cream cheesed mashed potatoes. Peter ordered the Strip Steak. Gabriel wouldn’t eat anything but I ordered a kids meal anyway thinking Daddy could eat it and I wanted to try the cheese soup.

They brought out the breadsticks and Gabriel’s soup. I quickly devoured it by dipping the pretzel bread into the soup. VERY GOOD!

Our entrees came out and mine was so good. I had said I didn’t want the truffle sauce originally and the waiter suggested I get it on the side and just try it. I did and WOW! Dipping that tender steak into the rich sauce….oh man…..drooling now thinking about it.

Peter said his was good (it was a huge piece of steak) but mine was better. We both ended up getting the Chocolate Mouse and they brought us out Champagne for my B-day and Anniversary.

Le Cellier was great all around and it was definitely the best meal of the trip for me.

We headed out and visited the "Big Ball" again on our way.

Back to the resort………ughhhh, that Pop bus stop is so far away!

Well, we were leaving the next day and I really wanted to goto DTD to shop with my gift card! I have no idea where I was getting my energy from because we had all been up since 6:30 and touring in the heat. I let the boys rest while I packed most of everything.

I told Peter I would goto DTD by myself but he wanted to come too. So, against my mommy instinct away we went to the DTD bus stop.

When we arrived Gabriel was in a daze. I knew this was going to be a mistake. We checked out the art store and they didn’t have the painting or any prints of it either. We quickly walked through some of the stores but spent most of the time worrying about Gabriel. We ended up getting him Nemo Toys and a Handy Manny Toy. Peter took him outside so I could look but I really couldn’t get into anything because I felt so bad knowing how exhausted Gabriel must be.

I decided I would just have to look for something tomorrow and we headed home. Gabriel crashed on the bus. I was able to wake him to walk to the room - thank goodness!
Great update! Love all the pics of Gabriel with his Mickey hat! I almost bought that this past trip, too! It's sooo cute!!!!!:cutie:

Sorry to hear you weren't feeling too hot! Hope you were okay the rest of the day!!!!:goodvibes

Thanks. The hat now resides in the back of my car (back window). It will probably get faded from the sun but I'd rather display it then stash it away. He is done wearing it now :)

I think we were just icky because we were exhausted, hot and dehydrated:confused3 I felt better after a down a buttload of water so I really think that may have been the problem.:thumbsup2
Great update! :thumbsup2
Thanks ~ BTW, I am loving the gym and I am using a trip to Disney as my goal:thumbsup2 It helps get me up at 5:15am when it's pitch dark:yay:

Oh what a great rest of your bday. The meal sounds yummy! I am so glad you finally were hungry and enjoyed it.
That meal was awesome. It is expensive there though. I doubt I would pay OOP but for a $20 tip - it was heaven:cloud9:

I don't think I've subbed to your trip report! I have to remedy that. I am so behind on my Dis!

Great update...Love Le Celliar! So glad you were feeling a bit better so you could enjoy your dinner there. One of our favs!!!!:thumbsup2

MMMMM, it was good::yes::

I just got my Photopass CD! I am not happy with the pics but there were a few I liked. I have to finish up our last day and then I'll post those.

I can't wait to see your pics - I know they are going to be awesome!
Great update!!! I'm so glad you enjoyer LeCellier. Lucky you getting an ADR there. :goodvibes

I noticed Gabriel's Autism button in the picture of him at the Living Seas. It is really neat. When did you discover that he is Autistic? I hope that's not too personal. :flower3:
Great update!!! I'm so glad you enjoyer LeCellier. Lucky you getting an ADR there. :goodvibes

I noticed Gabriel's Autism button in the picture of him at the Living Seas. It is really neat. When did you discover that he is Autistic? I hope that's not too personal. :flower3:

It was DELISH! I think because it was the day after Labor Day they had spots open. It really wasn't that busy.

The button kind of sucks because you can't really read it. I have had so many people drop down and say "awwwww what does your button say?" and then they realize and the back up like he has cooties. I think maybe they just feel foolish for bringing it up but they really shouldn't. I wouldn't put the thing on him if I cared to hide it:goodvibes I use it as a warning as well as a sign if would get lost.

No, it is not too personal of a question.

He is our only child. At 2.75 years, his PED said I should get him tested at Kennedy Kreiger. He was never sick really so the PED didn't see him but a handful of times - so I never knew there was a problem:confused3.

Gabriel didn't have alot of words (everyone said that was okay because so and so started talking so late). His eye contact wasn't good, he played with toys in different ways (lining up cars, blocks, crayons, etc). He acted like he was deaf (you'd have to call his name a few times to get his attention)- although I knew he wasn't because he'd be up in a flash as I tried to sneak out of his room when I put him down. He had some terrible tantrums:scared1:(of course, I chalked that up to the age). He seemd to be in his own world. I wasn't in denial or anything....I just didn't know a thing about Autism or any of it's spectrum disorders. I thought I just had a very active boy:yay:

Kennedy Kreiger tested him and then I opted to have a State program come out to our house for further testing, therapies. I liked them better than the renouned Kennedy Kreiger:confused3

I am not sure how much you know about Autism but I knew nothing at the time. Gabriel falls into the High Functioning Autistic spectrum. There is a saying "when you've met one autistic child, you've met one autistic child".

They diagnosed him after meetings, tests, and observations. He started school at 3 in a special class for children with Autism. He was kicked out;) into an adaptive class the following year because he was functioning higher than the rest of the group. He is still in an adaptive class now.

He is quite the quirky little boy:upsidedow and it would take alot more typing to expain how different he is. My husband and I live our lives day to day and it doesn't really affect us until we are in situations with other children. First of all, you can REALLY see the difference in our child compared to other children. Secondly, social settings are one of our biggest problems.

We are very lucky and for the most part he is a very good boy. Although last week, he did tell his teacher

"Mrs. So and So, You're PATHETIC".:headache:
Yep, that's from Spongebob. Squidward says it to be exact.

Sorry, that went on and on:rolleyes:

On a happier note!
I have your stuff boxed up and I just need to remember to bring it to work to get it mailed out:dance3:
Hey- subbing on...

Enjoying your tr so far...I think your photos are lovely...especially loved the DC ones...:goodvibes

Gabriel is an absolutely beautiful boy...the missing teeth are too cute...

(btw...my favorite photo is actually the one is your siggie...I noticed it before in another tr and thought it was gorgeous...)

Sorry you didn't find Pop to be what you had hoped for...sounds like your were having a lot of fun though...

looking forward to more ...popcorn::
sorry I missed your last post about the great b-day dinner...glad your stomach woes passed enought to enjoy that spectular dinner! sorry you haven't found that present yet!

Here's hoping for a wonderful last day! pixiedust:
Hey- subbing on...

Enjoying your tr so far...I think your photos are lovely...especially loved the DC ones...:goodvibes

Gabriel is an absolutely beautiful boy...the missing teeth are too cute...

(btw...my favorite photo is actually the one is your siggie...I noticed it before in another tr and thought it was gorgeous...)

Sorry you didn't find Pop to be what you had hoped for...sounds like your were having a lot of fun though...

looking forward to more ...popcorn::

Thanks so much for the compliments. His teeth are FINALLY coming in:laughing:

The picture in my siggie is by Michael and Inessa Garmash and it's called Wonderful World. It looks so much like my Gabriel that he even asked if that was him:cloud9: It brings tears to my eyes when I look at it.....not sure why but I guess it captures an age that is long gone:sad:

sorry I missed your last post about the great b-day dinner...glad your stomach woes passed enought to enjoy that spectular dinner! sorry you haven't found that present yet!

Here's hoping for a wonderful last day! pixiedust:

Hey there :wave: Hope things are going okay for you.

Meh...the last day was kind of uneventful. I will try to post it soon though. I joined the gym and I just haven't had the time to put my thoughts together. Hopefully this week.
I'm glad you thought the meal at Le Cellier was pretty good despite your tummy not feeling too hot. I hope you managed to find something with your birthday card. :)

I need to get back on track with working out. DH's parents gave us an elliptical machine because it was too hard for them to use so I really should not have an excuse but the energy is lacking and there are some many other things to do.

I'm desperately trying to catch up with everyone before we leave Friday...

I'm really looking forward to our first meal at LeCellier; hard to believe someone got in without an ADR! The pretzel bread/cheese soup combo is making my mouth water!

I know.....I suck.

Anyway, things have been :eek:

I hope to finally get my last day posted and will update/rant about life in general.

Wouldn't you know that Gabriel put a ZHU ZHU pet on his Christmas list:sad2:

Still working out but got sidetracked for a bit......

I haven't read anyone's trip reports either so at least I have that to look forward to when the weather gets bad.



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