Cuthbert and I do Disney. Sep/ Oct 2002


<font color=teal>Lady of the Manor<br><font color=
Apr 30, 2001
At the end of September Cuthbert and I took a short break to WDW to celebrate getting our manor back. We left the children at home with Cuthbert's niece |Yasmin. We had taken them to WDW last year and didn't want to take them again so soon for fear of over stimulating them.
Here is a summary of our trip. I do hope you enjoy it.

Day 1

Arrived at the airport nice and early for check in. Obviously we were flying first class so we didn’t need to queue up with the commoners. After check in we went straight to the security area to get ourselves airside. I was in a rush to get to Harrods and Cuthbert to his favourite bar. There was quite a queue when we got there but it was soon my turn. I popped my lovely designer, genuine leather bag onto the x-ray thing and then walked gracefully through the x-ray. When my bag came out a lady went through it and confiscated my tweezers. It was at this point I realised that Cuthbert was causing some sort of commotion.

He was setting off the alarm at the x-ray. He removed his belt but the beeping continued. They scanned Cuthbert with a little hand held thing and he appeared fine. He was told to go to through the x-ray again and low and behold he set it off again. I suggested that they put him through the baggage machine to get a closer look at him. The security man told me to be quiet and seeing as he had a truncheon I did as he asked. Eventually they took him off to a side room and it turns out it was the staples I had used to hold his toupee in place that were causing the problem. They got a nurse to remove them and she had the cheek to lecture me on how dangerous this could have been for Cuthbert. I politely told her to mind her own business and explained that I would not be having a repeat of last years performance from his hair. She put little sticking plasters on his head where the staples had been and sent us on our way. I told her she would be hearing from our lawyer.

After this delay we had to straight to the plane as boarding was beginning. Soon it was time for take off. Cuthbert had forgotten his earplugs so I gave him some hard boiled sweets to suck to prevent his ears popping. Don’t know why I bothered, the stupid man choked! During the flight the trolley waitress persons refused to supply Cuthbert with any more drink, apparently he was drinking them dry. Funniest moment of the flight was when I was returning from the toilet and we hit turbulence. I fell over and my head struck Cuthbert’s nose. He didn’t even waken up, bless. Anyway his nose had started to bleed and I couldn’t waken him (think it was the whisky) and obviously I didn’t want to sit pinching his nose so I stuck a tampon in each nostril, this did the trick and I was able to continue painting my nails.

When we finally arrived we collected our luggage and then gave it away again. Why the airport persons can’t do this themselves is beyond my comprehension. We boarded the monorail and were soon at the other terminal. I did miss Yasmin as she had kindly let me rest on her back last year. When we boarded I turned to Cuthbert and before I even said a word he growled ,”Don’t even ask!” I think he was in a huff because the persons who had joined us in first class laughed at him. I told him he needs a personality transplant. It was funny when he sneezed and his tampons flew across the cabin.

We were met outside by our limousine driver. His name was Kingston. He kindly obliged when Cuthbert asked to be taken to a store to buy some whisky before we went to the Contemporary. When we stopped at Walmart I sent Cuthbert in on his own. I asked Kingston could he please tell Cuthbert that the Contemporary was closed due to a train spotters conference and Mr Disney had asked for us to be taken to the Wilderness Lodge house. Kingston said he would. After 2 hours Cuthbert appeared with his whisky, a tent, 2 garden chairs and a barbeque!!!

Finally arrived at the Wilderness Lodge and I’m pleased to say that Cuthbert bought the story about the Contemporary. He is so gullible. Soon checked in and the bell boy took us to our room. It wasn’t quite the Grand Floridian but it would do. I was so glad we hadn’t brought the children there just wouldn’t have been any room for them.

We got showered and changed and then got a taxi to Downtown Disneyworld to get some dinner. We ate at the Planet Hollywood place. I thought it was amazing how they managed to get curved bricks to build this huge ball shaped restaurant. The food was alright, Cuthbert gave the bar full marks. After eating we went to the World of Disneyworld shop to purchase some gifts for the children incase we forgot later in the week. We got Dixie a Minnie Mouse sweater and a rucksack and some sweets. For Amos we chose a Little Mermaid sweater, a hat and some sweets also.

Returned to the Wilderness house. I put on the television to check out the weather forecast and Cuthbert went to out to the balcony. I caught him just as he was about to have a cigar. I told him smoking was prohibited, this hotel was made from wood and he could destroy it. I went to bed but was woken soon after with Cuthbert shouting. The stupid man was rubbing sticks on the balcony trying to start a camp fire. He said this hotel reminded him of his days as a boy scout. I gave him a night cap of whisky and a sleeping tablet and he was soon out cold, bless.
Looking forward to going to the theme parks to ride the new rides and the things we missed last year.


Up bright and early this morning and headed straight to the Animal Kingdom in a taxi for breakfast with Donald Ducky. It was very nice and I am pleased to report that Cuthbert is more relaxed with the characters this year. He doesn’t appear to feel intimidated by them now. Cuthbert got some fabulous video of Donald giving myself a piggy back. After breakfast we went to the Dinosaur land. We went straight on Primeval Whirl which I thoroughly enjoyed. True to form Cuthbert vomited but it was alright I had come prepared this time and had attached a little bag under his chin to catch any vomit so he didn’t need to go to the restrooms to clean up. Super!!! Next we went on Chester and Hesters Dumbo type ride. This was fun and Cuthbert wasn’t sick. After the rides we went to the carnival type things and I spent $200 trying to win a cuddly toy. I was so happy with the little dinosaur I eventually won and called it Roger. Next we had lunch at Tusker or something. I had rotisserie chicken and Cuthie had pizza.
Took up our spot for the parade next. After 3 hours of waiting we were invited to be part of the parade. It was so exciting to be chosen to ride on the little float thing. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and was in my element waving to my adoring fans in the crowd. Cuthbert fell asleep which was rather embarrassing. At the end of the parade we got photographs taken with Mickey and Minnie. I was so surprised when Donald came over to greet us. He remembered myself from breakfast and wanted me to give him a piggy back. How could I deprive such a sweet little duck so I duly obliged. I have to say he was heavy but he quacked with such enjoyment it was a pleasure. I invited him to join us for dinner but he declined, apparently Daisy doesn’t like him out on his own.
Left the park soon after and boarded a BUS!!! We were fortunate enough to get a seat, others were not so lucky. When we got off my bottom was numb and my back extremely sore from all the bumping around. We will be using taxi’s in future. Returned to the room and decided to try out the swimming pool. It was most refreshing. After dinner I went sailing on the seven seas lagoon resort boat thing. Cuthbert stayed at the marina as he didn’t want to become sea sick. It was a good job he did because we stopped at the Contemporary resort and there wasn’t a train spotter in sight. I disembarked and went shopping. When I returned to the Wilderness place Cuthbert was gone. I set off to find our room but was chased by a bear. I reported it at Guest Relatives, the hired help seemed most concerned though she did have a coughing fit when I first told her. It was huge and I have never been so afraid. When I found Cuthbert in the bar he got me a triple brandy and tried to assure me that there are no bears here but I know what I saw!!! I showed Cuthbert my shopping, he frowned. Apparently he waited for 2 hours for me to return and then went to the bar. He said he phoned home!!! Why he did that who knows, it’s not like I was going to be there is it!
Returned to the room and I watched Cuthbert pack up our belongings. We are moving to the Animal Lodge in the morning. I was most impressed when he got the garden chairs into the suitcase.
Locked the door to the balcony and then put chairs up against it in the event of the bear coming after me in the night.


Up and out of the Wilderness place by 10am. Kingston arrived and took us to the Animal Lodge in the limousine. I told him all about the bear chase and he had a coughing fit as well. There seems to be a coughing bug going round in WDW. I sure hope I don’t catch it.
We were checked into our room with a view by 11am.After unpacking I went for a nap in bed and Cuthbert went to watch the animals with his binoculars on the balcony. I awoke at 12.30 and found Cuthbert asleep on the balcony. He was quickly awoken by my screams. A giraffe was chewing on his toupee!!!!!! My screams scared the giraffe off and Cuthbert said he was glad I had stapled his toupee back on otherwise the pesky giraffe might have stolen it. I had to have a whisky to calm my nerves. I telephoned front desk to ask if they could have the giraffes kept under control. I am sure he laughed!!! I thought the animals here were stuffed.
Left for the Magical Kingdom at 1.45pm, got a taxi to the Grand Floridian and then took the monorail. Whilst we were passing through the Grand Floridian we popped into the bar and the bar man recognised Cuthbert. It was so sweet, he had a drink to reminise about old times. By the time we arrived at the Magical Kingdom we were just in time for the Share a Dream come true parade. It was most nice to see my good self riding on the float with Pinokio. I was enjoying myself and clapping heartily until the villain’s past by. Cruella de Vile was staring at me and when I shouted to ask her what she was looking at she was most rude. I told her she needed her roots done. That wiped the smirk off her face I can tell you.

Walked up the Main Street and headed to the left to the Adventure zone. Went up ALL the steps to visit the Family Robinson’s in their tree house. What a disappointment, they didn’t have any benches on route and I was tired. I wouldn’t want to live up there, they don’t even have any windows. Went to the Tiki room next. Those birds need a lesson in manners, shouting and squawking when they have guests. I did like the music but they way they asked us to leave was disgusting. I did complain.

Went to the Hall of Presidents next. I was very confused here. I had expected to see Tony Blair. After this we went to the Country Jamboree. I was asked to leave half way through. I got very distressed when I recognised one of the performing bears as the one who chased me last night. I did apologise to all the children I scared with my ear piercing screams and to the man I stood on during my mission to get out. The hired help suggested I never see this show again.

Left the Magical Kingdom to return to the Animal Lodge for dinner at Boma’s. Got the monorail to the Grand Floridian and then took a taxi to the Animal lodge. While Cuthbert was in the shower I sat out on the balcony, the giraffe that was eating Cuthbert’s hair backed away when it saw me. Either it’s keeper had given it a stern lecture or it was scared of me. When Cuthbert came out the shower he mumbled something about feeling shivery. I told him to put on a sweater if he was cold and stop complaining. I showered and then dressed in my beautiful black Guicci dress with matching shoes and bag. We headed down to the restaurant in time for our reservation. It was most beautiful here. I had a steak and Cuthbert some chicken. When dessert came he said he felt really washed out so I ate his as well as my own. I must admit he looked a bit flushed so I said he should go back to the room while I went for a night cap at the bar. When I returned to the room Cuthbert was asleep. I watched TV and then went to bed. Cuthbert was very restless and his moaning and groaning was keeping me awake so I woke him up to see if he was alright. He seemed rather hot so I gave him some Calpol and some whisky. The Calpol would reduce his temperature and the whisky would help him sleep. I put a cold flannel on his forehead and then went to sleep.


When we got up this morning Cuthbert was still running a fever and looked dreadful (well, he looked worse than normal). I checked our plan. We were supposed to be going to MGM today but I really didn’t think Cuthbert was up to it. He said he thought he should see a doctor so I arranged a taxi to take him to the Center care place. The driver was good enough to drop me off at MGM first. I told Cuthbert to call me on my mobile if he needed me and off I went.

I didn’t have much still to do at this park so I went to Sounds Dangerous. This was good and I was pleased that Cuthbert hadn’t come because he couldn’t have coped with the sound of the bees. Next I went to One Man’s Dreams. What a dream Walter had is all I can say. It was very interesting and what an imaginative young chap he was. I was in here for hours. I enjoyed looking at all the little models of the parks here. I was surprised to discover there is a Disneyland in Japan and France. I had lunch at the Science Fiction diner which I enjoyed. Cuthbert would have enjoyed the movies they showed here. I went on Tower of Terror and the Rocky Rollering Coaster before finding a spot for the parade. This parade was excellent. So many characters and their cars are fantastic. I want a car like the Monsters. The hired help got upset when I rushed out in front of the car to take a photograph of Mike and Silly. He said I could have been run over but I think he was exaggerating a little, it’s not as if the cars were breaking any speed limits.

After the parade I thought I should return to Cuthbert. I got a taxi back to the Animal Lodge only to find he was asleep. I thought it best to let him sleep so I went to Epcot to see the fireworks. They were as beautiful as I had remembered them to be. I returned to the hotel and went to the bar for a night cap and made friends with a nice couple from Arizona. We chatted for an hour or so and we swapped telephone numbers. I returned to the room and woke Cuthbert up to tell him I was going to bed. He informed me the doctor said he had a fever and told him to drink lots of fluids and rest.


Woke up bright and early and was horrified when I turned round and saw Cuthbert. His face was covered in red spots that looked like little blisters. On closer inspection we discovered that Cuthbert was covered in these things. I told him to call for a taxi to take him back to Center care. Whilst he did this I got my things ready for Blizzard Beach. The taxi dropped me off before it took Cuthbert to the doctor. I told Cuthbert I would be back at the hotel around 3pm.

Found a sun bed in a great spot and lay down to work on my tan. After a few hours I purchased some water and doughnuts. Then I went for a walk in the lazy river. I was exhausted when I finally got out. I took the chair lift up to the top of the mountain and then found a nice American family who were happy for me to join them on the family raft ride. I explained about having to leave the children at home so they weren’t over stimulated and Cuthbert having to go to the doctors. They were very nice. The Mr of the family is a lawyer and the Mrs is a truck driver. Once we reached the bottom we said our goodbyes. We couldn’t swap numbers as I had forgotten to pop a pen in my hand bag. It was a good job my hand bag was waterproof because it got hit with what can only be described as a tidal wave on the way down the slide. I returned to my sun bed and slept for an hour and then headed out the park. Waited ages for my taxi so he didn’t get a tip.

Returned to Animal Lodge room and found Cuthbert on the balcony talking to the giraffe’s. He was still covered in these red things though they were covered in white stuff. He explained he had chicken pox and the white stuff helped with the itching. I went crazy!!! I was straight on the phone to front desk and demanded to speak to the Boma chef. I explained Cuthbert had eaten chicken there last night and caught a pox from it. They tried to say that you don’t catch it from food but I didn’t believe them and added them to my “consult the lawyer” list.

Cuthbert said he felt a little better and I didn’t want to be stuck indoors with him so I suggested we go to Disney Quest. It would be dark in there so no-one would see him anyway. I covered the visible spots with some make up. He thought he looked like a drag queen but I insisted he looked fine. Got a taxi to Disney Quest and told Cuthbert to look at the ground until we were inside. I have to say he got a lot of stares tonight. I had fun here with all the little games. I really liked the Buzz and Woody game where you fired balls at people, Cuthbert complained it was too noisy. I also liked the river raft thing where we had to paddle our yacht. Unfortunately Cuthbert was caught off balance and he fell out. I laughed heartily along with everyone who saw him. He cried. We also had a go at the drawing lessons. We had to draw Mickey Mouse. The teacher went much to fast and I had problems keeping up. Cuthbert commented that his was better than mine so I got up and scribbled all over his!
Took us 2 hours to exit this building, we went round and round and round in circles. It was a like a miracle when we finally got outside in the dark.

Returned to hotel in taxi and went to bed. Cuthbert said he is not going to the Magical Kingdom tomorrow looking like a drag queen. I told him to not worry, I would sort it out.


What a surprise Cuthbert got this morning when he woke up and the spots on his face were gone. I explained that I had pulled them off during the night and now he just looked like he had acne. He didn’t look convinced but I told him to get ready.

Got a taxi to the Grand Floridian and had breakfast there. We agreed that if we come back again I would be staying here again. It is so much more my kind of place. Got the monorail to the Magical Kingdom and went straight to Tomorrow Tomorrow to ride the speedway. I was so good at driving on this, Cuthbert was in front of me and he couldn’t control the car at all. I would have preferred this ride if it had gone much faster so I could have driven like David Coulthard. From here we went to get the ferry to Tommy Sawyer Island. I was horrified to discover that the ferry is in fact a little wooden raft with no seats, I don’t know how it passed it’s water test. I was sure it would sink with all the people they crammed on it. Surprisingly we arrived in one piece and set off to explore. Cuthbert told me he had seen a video and they have bears on this island. I was terrified. I wanted to leave straight away but Cuthbert heard the boat driver say the next boat was not for 2 hours. I got a drink from Aunt Dolly’s place and then found a rocking chair with a view of Big Thundering Hill and sat there for the next hour and 55 minutes. We reminisced about Cuthbert losing his hat on the ride. I told Cuthbert I wanted to go on it again. When we eventually got off this island Cuthbert told me he was joking about the 2 hour wait for the boat. He said it was revenge for all the things I made him do here on our last visit. I stormed off and left him on his own but before I did I told him there was NO conference for train spotters and the reason we weren’t at the Contemporary was because I didn’t want to go there! I went on Thundering Hill which I really enjoyed. Next I went on the Liberty river ferry, this was a nice trip and then I went over to ride Buzz Lightyear and Space Hill.

Headed for the exit and popped in and out of all the shops on my way down Main Street and spent $2,695 in the shop that sells the crystal things. That’ll teach Cuthbert to upset me!!! Got the monorail back to the Grand Floridian and then got a taxi to the Florida Mall. I had a lovely time here and managed to spend $1,894 on myself. Got a taxi back to the Animal Lodge and found Cuthbert sulking in the room. He was very upset about the Contemporary. I told him I was scared on the little island and he apologised. We decided to go to the cinema at Downtown Disneyworld. Got a taxi and we were there very quickly. Cuthbert wanted to see Lilo and Stitch but I told him it was full so we went to see Scooby Scooby Doo. Cuthbert was terrified and had a little accident so we had to return to the hotel for dinner.

Returned to room around 11pm and Cuthbert packed while I watched TV. He kept me awake half the night due to the nightmares he was having about the film. I gave him some Calpol and whisky and he was soon sound asleep. Leaving in the morning so I must get my rest.


Left the hotel at 11am when Kingston collected us in the limousine. I took Cuthbert to the Bells Factory place seeing as he didn’t come here last year. We shopped till Cuthbert realised how much I was spending. I told Cuthbert we must make him trendy so I bought him, Timberland boots, some jeans, sports clothes and a base ball cap. He looked ridiculous but at least he is trendy now. I got designer clothes and perfume. We bought Yasmin some boots and a CD player as a thank you for looking after the children.
Just before we reached the airport I put some foundation on Cuthbert’s “acne”. We had to try and cover it or else we wouldn’t get him on the plane. We had to pay $2000 in excess baggage so we couldn’t buy Cuthbert’s mother a present or else it would have been more. I suggested he give her the barbeque but he wants to keep that for himself when he goes camping in his new tent so she is getting nothing. The flight home was uneventful, Cuthbert slept nearly the whole way which was good because it meant I could eat his dinner.
Yasmin met us at the airport and was delighted with her gifts. On the way back to our manor we reflected on our holiday and agreed that it was very relaxing and we had both enjoyed ourselves although I would have enjoyed it more without Cuthbert.

It is lovely to be home again.

Love always
Oh Veronica! I'm so pleased you took Cuthbert back to Disney - I was sure you'd leave him at home and take the children with you!

(But then it wouldn't have been nearly so funny!)
Veronia, you are to funny , Glad to hear Cuthbert lived to make it home.


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