Day 4 - Veggie Day


Disney Nutter - Looking for FUN !!!! Life is what
Jun 20, 2002
family - me - aged 33
Steve (dh) - aged 37
Billy (ds) - aged 9 going on 90
Jack (ds) - aged 22 months

Jack slept till 6am better still, getting into a routine pretty quickly bless him, decided to have a bit of a veggie day today and try to recouperate, by 9am we were all in the pool messing around for a good couple of hours even before the others (wellardstallards family) got up. Lucky sods !!!:) :)

Paulas nose stud had fallen out in the night so she was having a bit of a mare trying to get it back in but to no avail:mad:

Well by 2pm we were itching to go and do something so we all decided to go down International Drive to have a look around and see what was happening this place always has something to do and plenty of shops where I can spend lots of money - much to steves disgust:rolleyes: I've promised him though no spending pennies today, not on pressies anyway - i'll leave that to another day (lol):p

Phoned my Mum and Dad to see how they were, they cheared me up by telling me the weather is absolutely horrible back home - I told them it was in its high 80's out here - hehe (lol)

Went to Blackbeards for a game of crazy golf, I didn't win so I'm not going to write much about this, lets just say PAULA done very very well.:crazy: We then took a drive to Ripleys but decided against it when we asked the price $15.95 for an adult and $10.95 for the kids, I thought it was a bit O.T.T. and me and steve had already been in when we were on honeymoon 5 years earlier so we turned away, and too be honest Billy was more interested in winding me up about winning me at golf to notice:rolleyes: , drove onto Belz Shopping Mall and lost Phil, Paula and Sara somehow:eek: , we did drive around for a bit looking for them but it was like looking for a needle in a haystack - all hire cars look the same !!!

We decided to go to the Ramada to see if steves family was there and they were so we stayed there for a couple of hours, Billy soon dissapeared in the amusement arcade with my nephew daniel and Jack was all over his Uncle John - so it gave me and steve a rest so no complaining !!!, at 9pm we headed back to the villa and brought Daniel back with us for Billy to give him some more male company.

Got back to the villa at 9.40pm, the others were already there, they had gone to Tony Romas for something to eat (my favourite place) Jack was fast asleep so he was put straight to bed while Daniel and Billy went in the pool, seeing as we hadn't eaten Steve went to get a KFC for dinner, in the meantime I had a couple of lagers and a few cigarettes relaxing by the pool, steve returned with PIZZA!!!!:confused: :confused: good old me says "what you got?" Phil thought that was funny seeing as the flat boxes with Domino Pizzas wrote across it gave it away;) very funny, its just that I was expecting KFC... it was closed apparently and thats why we got Pizza - I WAS ONLY ASKING !!! HONESTLY

Pizza was very nice but very filling so there was a lot left over which went in the fridge, Daniel went back in the pool, Billy was having none of it he said he was dry now and didn't want to get wet again, so I felt a bit sorry for Daniel being in there on his own so good to form I jumped straight in with my PJs on and had a game of water volley ball well tried anyway - Daniel said I'm his most Nuttiest Funniest Aunty !! I'm going to take that as a compliment, I think:p , well after about 20 minutes we both decided to get out and watch some telly before going to bed.

Tomorrow Epcot.
Another fun day and a report to match. Your veggie day still seems very busy if you ask me. LOL Carolyn:cool: :cool: :cool:
:rolleyes: When you said Veggie day . . . I thought you meant you were all stuffing tomatoes or something:rolleyes:

Sounds quite energetic, your quiet day - especially with the shopping (never did find out if you spent a dime?).


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