Daylight Savings Time


<font color=green>That makes me happy<br><font col
Aug 26, 2006
Ok - I have lived in AZ my whole life, and can never keep track of Daylight Savings Time. When does it change next, and if a football game is on at 8:30pm ET, what time is it on in California???
Thank you! I guess you guys are always three hours behind east coast - it is confusing for us because 1/2 the year we are two hours behind, and then three hours the other 1/2.
:offtopic: Not really Disney related, but...

dizzyami said:
Ok - I have lived in AZ my whole life, and can never keep track of Daylight Savings Time. When does it change next, and if a football game is on at 8:30pm ET, what time is it on in California???

OK, I've wondered why you good folks in AZ do not do the DST thing like the rest of the country.
Captjackson said:
:offtopic: Not really Disney related, but...

OK, I've wondered why you good folks in AZ do not do the DST thing like the rest of the country.

We have a house in Phoenix and I often wonder the same thing... :confused3
Captjackson said:
:offtopic: Not really Disney related, but...

OK, I've wondered why you good folks in AZ do not do the DST thing like the rest of the country.

I can answer this one, I hope (haha). My mom told me when she was younger they actually tried DST and it was still light outside at 9 or 10, so the state decided to not observe DST. There is a part of AZ that observes it, in NorthEast Arizona, the Navajo Nation. HTH!
Captjackson said:
:offtopic: Not really Disney related, but...

OK, I've wondered why you good folks in AZ do not do the DST thing like the rest of the country.

The reason is we get so much sunshine (heat) :sunny: that they found it unnessary (sp?)to keep any thing open longer. We just start 'really' early in the morning and get done sooner. :smokin:
My gram said they voted against it in the 60's. As far as it changing, I had no idea! I thought it was always Oct & April!
I'm just glad we don't have to mess with it, I know I'd be late or early for something! :blush:
I promise - it really was disney related. We will be there the 15 - 19th of October, and are considering going to ESPN ZONE on Monday night, and I wanted to know for sure what time the game was - it was all for planning my Disney trip!!


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