Days of Our Lives Watchers Part Two....

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<font color=green>That first page just got too hea
May 31, 2006
Our Thread got to long so I hope you don't mind I started another one!!

I am so glad Victor is back. I missed him.

So Coleen is John's mother. We figured that one out.
John sure knocked Doc's head against the wall today. If you ask me she's being way too trusting of him right now.
I haven't seen it yet today...

BUT what is with the thread being locked did I miss some new rule about Jumbo threads? I already miss our old thread I liked it's Jumbo size :upsidedow
They are not letting any thread go past 250 pages I think.

So the Dis will load faster.

I liked the old thread too.

Checking in, and I found us....:cool1:

our new home will soon fill up with Salem news;)
Well half of Salem is in Ireland right now....but returning after one day. :lmao:
I loved seeing Victor again.

I like how the story lines do not seem to be dragging.

I think the gang should have told Shawn that hsi sister was alive before bringing him into her room. I thought the old man was going to have a heart attack ;)

I still believe Will is the one who shot EJ and Lucas is just covering for him. I wish they would wrap this storyline up. I really hate EJ and Sami together. EJ drives me nuts.

Oh and Lexi ---- she has only been back a few episodes and she is already on my nerves. She has NO right to tell EJ that Kayla is pregnant!

I am very curious what is wrong with Bo. I do hope it is something "real" not not a mystery illness. Those storylines are usually very stupid. It would be nice to have the characters deal with a real life illness for a change.

I didn't realize that Colleen was Johns Mom I guess I am really behind LOL!
Hello Days fans-our new home!

I don't know what's wrong with Lucas. If he wants to be with his family so bad, he should at least be defended!

I hope Kayla carries the baby to term. I think that would be a good story line. Speaking of kids, where is Ciara while everyone is in Ireland?

I actually don't mind EJ and Sami together. I like EJ.
I couldn't believe John slammed Marlena into the door either. She should have known better.
I couldn't believe John slammed Marlena into the door either. She should have known better.

I was kind of happy that he slammed her in the door I know she loves him but she knows he isn't himself and then if he kills someone she is going to loose him forever.
Well I hope that Shawn gets to see his sister again before they kill her off. They did that so fast , look your sister is alive now go....

I am sure since Lucas is out of the picture , E.J. and Sami will get closer. They have chemistry together.
I started watching days again as well after a long break so I'm just posting to join the discussion! I really don't have anything of value to say but I will.
I too think that Lucas is covering for Will and am wondering if now that he has confessed if they will move it along faster.

Was weirded out to see a new thread!!!
Ok, this hurts my head to think this all out, so if John is Colleen's son, Colleen is a Brady, and his father was Santo, a DiMera, he is a Brady/DiMera....what does that do to Belle being married to Shawn? aren't they related somehow?:confused3 Like I said, I can't think it all through right now so I'm asking it here:goodvibes

Yeah, that had to be quite a shock for oldShawn to see his sister alive, I think they should have prepared him a bit...
I'm new to this thread. I've been watching Days for the last 20 years :scared1: I can't believe it has been that long!

Anyway, I'm glad I found this thread, although, I might not visit very often b/c I DVR Days b/c I work so I'm sometimes behind episodes.

One thing I do have to say though is:

Since when are doctors allowed to discuss medical info with everyone and their brother, but not the patient!!!!! That drives me crazy!

I also must have missed, but are Belle and Shawn back together?
Mickey4ver-- Bo really isn't a blood Brady his father is Victor so I think they will get away with this.

Is it just Bo that is going to be sick. that is what I read somewhere but on mine Hope is complaining about the same thing. A sore back and dizzy. And Kayla said they both need tested.

I think it is funny that they are a pub and no one is running it.....:lmao: They are getting there own food and drink. And isn't that the door from the Dimera mansion. :confused3
I think it is funny that they are a pub and no one is running it.....:lmao: They are getting there own food and drink. And isn't that the door from the Dimera mansion. :confused3

LOL...probably budget cuts using the same set for different locals :goodvibes
I just realized that Theo is just as much Stefano's grandson as Johnny is. How come Stefano has never shown any interest in him? :confused3
Probably because Theo would be known as a Carver (Abe's last name). That would be my guess.
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