DD got to see Arthurs's sister D.W. at school...


DIS Old Timer
Jun 1, 2000
Well, she actually got to see Marc Browns sister who is the basis for the sister in his Childrens books about Arthur.

I got to listen to a little of her presentation to a bunch of the kids at the school and it was pretty cool. She actually kinda looks like DW in the books. (well, after you take being human outta the equation. :) )

very cool! how excited was your DD?
We LOVE Arthur and DW.

I grew up in the town that Marc Brown lives in, and every so often either in a book, or on the show, there will be a reference only 'townies' will get, and it is pretty cool.
Originally posted by worm761
very cool! how excited was your DD?

She was pretty excited. It would have been better had it been Marc Brown, IMHO, but DD can relate to being a sister so it had that draw for her (I think).

She signed some books for us, DD loves showing it off...
I would have enjoyed that myself!

I watch that show when DD isn't home! :o :o

Cool for Brittany!! :cool:


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