DDA Chapter 25

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Kristine-lots of prayers for you and baby!!!:hug:

what is the name of those pillows with the clear window that you find doodads through?
I've always thought of them as I Spy Pillows. Joe & I made them for Lizzy & Emma for Christmas. I could NOT find the little beads to fill them with locally and didn't have time to order online so I ended up using some I got from the floral department. It can get pricey to buy all the little trinkets. I got lots of buttons.

I tried to find photos of the ones I made but I couldn't find them.:confused3

I found these instructions for making them:



Here an example of one for sale on etsy:
Kristine - What delightful news! I am sending all my best thoughts for the next few weeks. I can't wait for you all to meet your new precious little bundle!!
Kristine - many good thoughts headed your way, take care of yourself and your little one. :hug:
Stopping by to say hi....haven't been around in a long time. Mostly because of this:


I am due approx. 2 weeks after Tia. Unfortunately it has been a very difficult pregnancy. After an emergency surgery at 18 weeks I have been put on TOTAL bed rest for the duration. Short term goal is to make it 28 weeks (26 weeks now)

Any spare good thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.

Kristine, you and the baby are in my prayers! Take care of yourself!!!
Great trip report Jen!:goodvibes:goodvibes

Great news Kristine. Hug Bill for me! Congratulations!:goodvibes:goodvibes

:Welcome: home Glynis.

Hope you feel better soon, Debbie..:goodvibes:goodvibes

I can't wait to read about your cruises Deb and Tammi. :cool1::cool1:
Stopping by to say hi....haven't been around in a long time. Mostly because of this:

I am due approx. 2 weeks after Tia. Unfortunately it has been a very difficult pregnancy. After an emergency surgery at 18 weeks I have been put on TOTAL bed rest for the duration. Short term goal is to make it 28 weeks (26 weeks now)

Any spare good thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.

congrats, and good luck.
Hi everyone! We got back late yesterday afternoon, and I had to get my house back in order before I allowed myself to catch up here! That's done, now, so here I am!

We had a great trip. Mostly. The plays were fantastic! I wish y'all lived closer so that you could come see them! What a great season!!! My brother was a saint, and took Jacob and Mary camping with his kids, so I didn't have to deal with their whining! They had a great time, and did lots of fun stuff! Mary was thrilled she was allowed to shoot the BB gun! She even hit the middle of the target!

We got haircuts for the boys, and I have to say that Timothy looks so much older, now! I cried, he screamed, and the barber shop people laughed! Such memories!

We spent the 4th at my dad's having a barbecue. I finally mastered my mom's fried chicken, which made my dad so happy! He has been missing that a lot! I promised to make it each time I come down. We also had dutch oven potatoes, baked beans, jello salad, and strawberry pie! It was a fun afternoon!

We spent the evening at my brother's house to watch the fireworks. The city shoots off the fireworks right behind their house, so we had a great view. The kids had a great time! My brother passed out glow sticks, instead of sparklers, and they were a huge hit! The best part was that no one got hurt!!!

The only bad thing was that Timothy really had a hard time this trip. I don't know what it was (possibly strange bed), but every night he would cry and cry until he started coughing so hard he would throw up. We'd clean him up, and put him in bed with us, but the coughing would continue all night long. I was worried about him, but he did just fine last night in his own bed. No crying, no coughing, no barfing! Hooray!!!

Now, we're back into our summer routine. The kids are cleaning the house for Katie's birthday party this Friday night, and then we'll go visit the cousins house for some playing.

I'm glad to see that so many had wonderful holidays! I missed you all!

I'm glad you had a fun trip. I wonder if Timothy was allergic to something in the house :confused3 Good to hear that he is better now.

Stopping by to say hi....haven't been around in a long time. Mostly because of this:


I am due approx. 2 weeks after Tia. Unfortunately it has been a very difficult pregnancy. After an emergency surgery at 18 weeks I have been put on TOTAL bed rest for the duration. Short term goal is to make it 28 weeks (26 weeks now)

Any spare good thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.

Wow, that is terrific news as I remember that you had been trying for a while. I hope that you can make it well beyond 28 weeks. :wizard: Do you know if it is a boy or girl? What do the kids think? I'm so happy for you and your family :goodvibes
Kristine-lots of prayers for you and baby!!!:hug:

I've always thought of them as I Spy Pillows. Joe & I made them for Lizzy & Emma for Christmas. I could NOT find the little beads to fill them with locally and didn't have time to order online so I ended up using some I got from the floral department. It can get pricey to buy all the little trinkets. I got lots of buttons.

I tried to find photos of the ones I made but I couldn't find them.:confused3

I found these instructions for making them:



Here an example of one for sale on etsy:

thanks!! I couldn't even think of what to call them to show my mom a picture of. She was trying to think of an original craft to do and sell at craft shows this fall/winter so I thought I'd see what she thought of those.
thanks!! I couldn't even think of what to call them to show my mom a picture of. She was trying to think of an original craft to do and sell at craft shows this fall/winter so I thought I'd see what she thought of those.

Do a search on Etsy. I wonder how many people buy them at $20/$25 each.

I do have to say again I spent a small fortune in buying stuff for them. Of course other than the filler beads I have enough stuff to make a ton more.

How about crayon roll ups? You should be able to find cheap crayons at back to school sales soon. I think Walmart usually has them for 25 cents.


Joe & I also made the girls and others crayons by using old crayon pieces. We melted the crayons and poured into soap and candy molds.

I haven't made this but these are so cute!

youcanmakethis also has a ton of patterns for felt food that looks fun-but you could find free online patterns too. I also like the polar fleece "monsters".

OH...and I did make this cute apron:
Good morning!
Im officially too excited to sleep as im up at 530 this morning! Off to get ready, go pick up my friend, and were leaving for the cruise ship at 10am! Im not buying the internet package, but iget some free minutes so ill check in on facebook once in awhile...Deb and Tammi-I think you also leave soon--have great trips!
Bon Voyage, Jen! Yep, we sail on Sunday. Two days and a wakeup! But I'm just as excited for Saturday to meet up with all the Mid-Atlantic DDA!
Good morning. :)

Manicure, pedicure, laundry, and PACKING!
Stopping by to say hi....haven't been around in a long time. Mostly because of this:
I am due approx. 2 weeks after Tia. Unfortunately it has been a very difficult pregnancy. After an emergency surgery at 18 weeks I have been put on TOTAL bed rest for the duration. Short term goal is to make it 28 weeks (26 weeks now)

Any spare good thoughts you have would be greatly appreciated.

Kristine, I am thrilled for you! I am sorry that it has been so difficult, though. I will definitely keep you and the baby in my thoughts and prayers.
Good morning, DDA! It's not bad yet, but it looks like it's going to be another hot and humid day. I think we're doing a bunch of errands today that will take us from the air conditioned car to air conditioned buildings. I need to start thinking about what we'll need to take with us.

Jen, I'm sure I missed you, but I hope you have a terrific cruise!

The DDA meet sounds like a lot of fun...take plenty of pictures! Unfortunately, it's a little far for me this weekend.

Tammi, your cruise is fast approaching! I hope it's a great one!
Theresa, I made a bunch of the I Spy pillows at Christmas time. I made one for every one of my preschoolers plus a few extra. The beads are the part that gets really expensive and became hard to find. Michael's had some, but they didn't seem to ever re-stock after I bought them all. I'm not sure if they have them now or not, since I haven't had any reason to look. The little things to put in can get pricey, too.

I used to make the crayon rolls. Those are pretty easy, too. I'm trying to remember what my biggest sellers were back when I used to do craft shows. I had a bunch of puppets, pillow cases, doll-sized sleeping bags, those blankets that fold into their own (attached) tote, little totes that could be folded down to make a doll bed w/doll, blanket, pillow. It ended up not really being worth it for me, but my kids were also little, so I couldn't really devote the time to it.
Thank you all for the kind words! :goodvibes

Deb: kids are very excited. They have been really great throughout. It has not been easy for them with me totally unable to participate in anything.
I have felt terribly guilty on many occassions.

Bill has really become dad and mom and I know he must be exhausted. But I couldn't ask for a better man!

Oh....and it is a girl!! We are very excited :cloud9:
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