DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

oops...looks like I missed a week on here. I didn't realize it was that long. I guess I was enjoying being crazy busy with work too much. Hope everyone is doing well.

I have a quick scan over the last 5 pages. I just read the important stuff and ignored the nonsense and foolishness....

...I didn't read very much :rotfl2:

Really nothing new to report from me. Just work and school going on in my life.

Weather took a fall-ish turn here this week. Last week we had an enjoyable late summer with temps around 20C/68F. This week it's taken a winter-is-coming turn with temps around 10C/50F. I think there was a hint of frost very early one morning too.
But I love the crisp air and fall colours. Its my favourite time of year.
(no charge for the extra U's there boys)
Morning all. Skipped EPL for French Open women's final this morning. Gotta work again this weekend, which is becoming really old really quickly.

What kind of user errors can occur?

Too many to type. The equipment is automated, but still has to be manually started. And, when it faults out, has to be reset. The machine was designed for 2 people to run, and I'm trying to figure it out solo 2 weeks on the job.

To date, not a single Big Foot has been treated in hospital for Covid.

Here's why.


Big Foot knows the little cloth mask protects from most dangerous virus in history.


Sure, after our Governor issued a "mask mandate", the number of cases increased. But, Bigfoot has the science down.
I guess I was enjoying being crazy busy with work too much.
Last week we had an enjoyable late summer with temps around 20C/68F. This week it's taken a winter-is-coming turn with temps around 10C/50F. I think there was a hint of frost very early one morning too.
Similar weather over here.
Too many to type. The equipment is automated, but still has to be manually started. And, when it faults out, has to be reset. The machine was designed for 2 people to run, and I'm trying to figure it out solo 2 weeks on the job.
Here's why.

Morning all. And today is truly a happy Sunday. I put my two weeks notice in yesterday. Sure, while I only have offers and not another job, I still have money coming in. And, at this point in my life, there is no need to stay at a job that makes me miserable.

Last night, we were the only line running, and even more people called in sick. I even had a different team leader in charge, who attempted to help me run my station when he learned of my vast 2 weeks of training, but he ended up asking me to fix things he couldn't. I would have stayed if they fixed the pay and the shift. Oh well. That was a real short chapter in my life.
Morning, Gents! How's everyone on this Monday morning? For those of us who work the Monday through Friday shift, did you enjoy your weekend? And for those who work through the weekend, I'm sorry, but I hope you had two good work days. Well, I had a good day at work on Friday, and a good weekend. Spent all of Saturday inside the house and glued to my computer watching YouTube videos. Most of the videos I watched were music videos, and yes, some Bigfoot videos. One of my favorites to watch are the Kennedy Center Honors. I love watching the performances. While honoring Bruce Springsteen, Jon Stewart said "I believe that Bob Dylan and James Brown had a baby and abandoned him between Exits 8A and 9 on the New Jersey Turnpike." :lmao: That's hysterical, but sums up his style. Well, Gents, I'm off. Have a good day, and we'll chat along the way.


I've heard of these books. I gather they're good? I'm into the Star Wars and Star Trek books, but also Historical Fiction. There is one author I love that writes in the vane of International Intrigue, I guess you'd call it, and his name is Steve Berry. He writes a story that has something based in history, but it's not Historical Fiction. I highly recommend his books.

30 DAYS. But, like all good mask wearing government employees, they are all sitting at home on zoom meetings with each other. I'll just continue to call them twice a week. Hopefully, this won't be the start of the third "Red" movie. I'm not dangerous at all. :lmao:

I trust you won't go "Red" on them. :lmao:

Now that the pay has been adjusted, it's better. I was ready to quit today if it weren't. Now the issue is the 19/2 until January 2. Do I want to have 9 days off between now and the end of the year? I never agreed to that in the interview.

Good that you got the extra pay.

That is making it a hard decision. I'm confident enough in my abilities, but like your situation, things can happen that are out of your control. I've got a sure thing with good money. Hopefully, you'll hear something soon and get a good offer.

Yeah that is a tough decision, but sometimes you just have throw caution to the wind and see what happens. I'm hoping that things work out for you. And I'm hoping to hear something this week.

I think I've met up with as many disdads outside WDW as I have there. After that Thanksgiving thread debacle, most everyone left this site and just do the FB groups.

Ok, seeing as you brought it up, I have to ask: What happened with the Thanksgiving thread?

Morning gents.
Still trying to recover after my four midnight shifts. Glad it's my last one of those (We go back to a more "normal" cycle in November.)

Shifting sleeping patterns after a few days on the midnight shift is tough. I use to work the second shift in a large copy center of large law firm, and when the third shift guy went on vacation, it was my job to take over for him. It always took a few days for me to get back into my old sleeping pattern after I shifted back to the second shift.

Well, I'm glad you're having a good day... what about the rest of us???

The rest of you can suffer! Buahahahahaha :lmao:

We cleared the skies quickly too. Except of course that all the planes heading to the US landed here instead.

Not a well known fact, but about a day? 2 days? after the airspace was closed, MEDEVAC (Medical Evacuation flight = air ambulance) flights were allowed to operate.
It was pretty amazing at just how many flights suddenly became MEDEVAC flights. :rolleyes1

I imagine you cleared the skies pretty quickly. And funny how that works. There's always a work around to every situation.

You've probably heard of the one with the SR71 Blackbird? By far my favourite.

For those of you who haven't, the SR71 Blackbird was the fastest plane in the world for years. Technically, it still is if you discount rocket powered aircraft. Typical passenger jets that you've probably flown on fly at speeds of 400-500 knots ((460 – 575 mph / 740 – 930 km). The SR71 flew at maximum speeds of Mach 3.5 (3.5 times the speed of sound, around 2,330 knots / 2685 mph / 4320 km).

Here is the (abridged) story as told by pilot Brian Schul who was flying that day with his radio operator Walt (!) :

There were a lot of things we couldn't do in an SR-71, but we were the fastest guys on the block and loved reminding our fellow aviators of this fact. But there was one day in our Sled experience when we would have to say that it was pure fun to be the fastest guys out there, at least for a moment.

We listened as the shaky voice of a lone Cessna pilot asked Center for a readout of his ground speed. Center replied: "November Charlie 175, I'm showing you at ninety knots on the ground."

Now the thing to understand about Center controllers, was that whether they were talking to a rookie pilot in a Cessna, or to Air Force One, they always spoke in the exact same, calm, deep, professional, tone that made one feel important. I referred to it as the " Houston Center voice." Conversely, over the years, pilots always wanted to ensure that, when transmitting, they sounded like Chuck Yeager, or at least like John Wayne. Better to die than sound bad on the radios.

Just moments after the Cessna's inquiry, a Twin Beech piped up on frequency, in a rather superior tone, asking for his ground speed. "I have you at one hundred and twenty-five knots of ground speed." Boy, I thought, the Beechcraft really must think he is dazzling his Cessna brethren. Then out of the blue, a navy F-18 pilot out of NAS Lemoore came up on frequency. You knew right away it was a Navy jock because he sounded very cool on the radios. "Center, Dusty 52 ground speed check". Before Center could reply, I'm thinking to myself, hey, Dusty 52 has a ground speed indicator in that million-dollar cockpit, so why is he asking Center for a readout? Then I got it, ol' Dusty here is making sure that every bug smasher from Mount Whitney to the Mojave knows what true speed is. He's the fastest dude in the valley today, and he just wants everyone to know how much fun he is having in his new Hornet. And the reply, always with that same, calm, voice, with more distinct alliteration than emotion: "Dusty 52, Center, we have you at 620 on the ground."

Somewhere, 13 miles above Arizona, there was a pilot screaming inside his space helmet. Then, I heard it. The click of the mic button from the back seat. That was the very moment that I knew Walter and I had become a crew. Very professionally, and with no emotion, Walter spoke: "Los Angeles Center, Aspen 20, can you give us a ground speed check?" There was no hesitation, and the replay came as if was an everyday request. "Aspen 20, I show you at one thousand eight hundred and forty-two knots, across the ground."

I think it was the forty-two knots that I liked the best, so accurate and proud was Center to deliver that information without hesitation, and you just knew he was smiling. But the precise point at which I knew that Walt and I were going to be really good friends for a long time was when he keyed the mic once again to say, in his most fighter-pilot-like voice: "Ah, Center, much thanks, we're showing closer to nineteen hundred on the money."

For a moment Walter was a god. And we finally heard a little crack in the armor of the Houston Center voice, when L.A.came back with, "Roger that Aspen, Your equipment is probably more accurate than ours. You boys have a good one."

It all had lasted for just moments, but in that short, memorable sprint across the southwest, the Navy had been flamed, all mortal airplanes on freq were forced to bow before the King of Speed, and more importantly, Walter and I had crossed the threshold of being a crew. A fine day's work. We never heard another transmission on that frequency all the way to the coast.

Gawd I love that.

View attachment 531082

Love this story. Must have listened to it a dozen times on YouTube.

Be careful what you wish for. ;)

Ok, now I have to ask, who bites? Should I get my shots before meeting up with you guys?

To date, not a single Big Foot has been treated in hospital for Covid.

It's gotta be because of the social distancing. That's it. :teeth:

oops...looks like I missed a week on here. I didn't realize it was that long. I guess I was enjoying being crazy busy with work too much. Hope everyone is doing well.

So far, so good here. I'm still employed and waiting to hear back from a bank for a job I interviewed for. Outside that? Not much has happened.

I have a quick scan over the last 5 pages. I just read the important stuff and ignored the nonsense and foolishness....

Which was mine, right?

...I didn't read very much :rotfl2:

Except for all my posts, obviously, because I'm the popular one. :teeth: :lmao:

Really nothing new to report from me. Just work and school going on in my life.

Sometimes not having anything to report is good.

Weather took a fall-ish turn here this week. Last week we had an enjoyable late summer with temps around 20C/68F. This week it's taken a winter-is-coming turn with temps around 10C/50F. I think there was a hint of frost very early one morning too.
But I love the crisp air and fall colours. Its my favourite time of year.
(no charge for the extra U's there boys)

I love the fall season. Even though I live on beautiful Cape Cod, we don't get the big swaths of areas covered in beautiful fall colors like you do in Vermont or Connecticut. But still, some are beautiful.

Too many to type. The equipment is automated, but still has to be manually started. And, when it faults out, has to be reset. The machine was designed for 2 people to run, and I'm trying to figure it out solo 2 weeks on the job.

That's crazy!

Here's why.

View attachment 531369

Big Foot knows the little cloth mask protects from most dangerous virus in history.

Well, that plus his ability to social distance with the best of them.

If anyone is interested.

Have a couple of cold ones and celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving.

9 p.m. EST

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 281 770 9524
Passcode: 534483

I missed it AGAIN! I'm going to catch it one of these days.

Morning all. And today is truly a happy Sunday. I put my two weeks notice in yesterday. Sure, while I only have offers and not another job, I still have money coming in. And, at this point in my life, there is no need to stay at a job that makes me miserable.

After what you've been posting, I think this is a good move. Good luck with the other potential job offers.
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Morning, Gents! How's everyone on this Monday morning?
Very, very, very tired.
For those of us who work the Monday through Friday shift, did you enjoy your weekend? And for those who work through the weekend, I'm sorry, but I hope you had two good work days.
I'm neither of those. I work shift work, but this particular week, my Monday falls on... a Monday. Which is funny since everyone else has it off for the holiday.
Most of the videos I watched were music videos, and yes, some Bigfoot videos. One of my favorites to watch are the Kennedy Center Honors.
I had no idea Bigfoot was at the Kennedy Center.
While honoring Bruce Springsteen, Jon Stewart said "I believe that Bob Dylan and James Brown had a baby and abandoned him between Exits 8A and 9 on the New Jersey Turnpike."
Shifting sleeping patterns after a few days on the midnight shift is tough. I use to work the second shift in a large copy center of large law firm, and when the third shift guy went on vacation, it was my job to take over for him. It always took a few days for me to get back into my old sleeping pattern after I shifted back to the second shift.
Yeah, I'm still waiting.
The rest of you can suffer! Buahahahahaha :lmao:
Love this story. Must have listened to it a dozen times on YouTube.
::yes:: I prefer reading to listening, but I have heard it as well.
Ok, now I have to ask, who bites? Should I get my shots before meeting up with you guys?
Answers: It varies. And, yes.
1st rule of the Thanksgiving Thread, don’t talk about the Thanksgiving Thread.
'twas before my time... but even I know not to mention it's dark name.
BTW, Happy Thanksgiving to all the Silly Canadians!
Thanks. I'm going to celebrate by going to work.
I have a quick scan over the last 5 pages. I just read the important stuff and ignored the nonsense and foolishness....

...I didn't read very much

:rotfl2: Sounds about right.

I put my two weeks notice in yesterday. Sure, while I only have offers and not another job, I still have money coming in. And, at this point in my life, there is no need to stay at a job that makes me miserable.

Maybe you can start handling jobs like Belichick. "We're on to the assembly line."

Ok, seeing as you brought it up, I have to ask: What happened with the Thanksgiving thread?

Ok, I know the other guys are messing with you, so I'll put you out of your misery.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

We used to have a lot more members hanging out here. One (American) Thanksgiving several years ago, some of those fellas were having a grand old time celebrating the holiday. In fact, many of them were having too good of a time, and were well past the point where the bartender would have cut them off. But they were all hanging out on the DISboards, where there is no bartender.

In the old days, a thread would cut off after 250 pages--the moderators would see that the thread had gone on too long and step in to close it, forcing us to start a new one. Being 1) guys and 2) bored, we would often race to see how many pages we could get past the 250-limit before a mod noticed the thread and closed it.

So on that particularly inebriated Thanksgiving day, some of the fellas got together, and being 1) guys, 2) bored and 3) plastered out of their minds, they decided to see if they could race through starting and closing a thread on a single day. Because, of course, there is no better way to celebrate with friends and family and demonstrate your thankfulness for the blessings you have received.

So they were off to the races, and the longer the thread went, the more inappropriate the posts became. This included many photos which you would normally not want to share with friends and family.

This resulted, shockingly, in many members suddenly receiving suspensions from the DISboards. Not only was the Thread That Shall Not Be Named closed, it vanished from the face of the earth. Wiped clean by the Wrath of Go--er, Mods.

Thanks. I'm going to celebrate by going to work.

Man, you guys certainly know how to party.

Happy Thanksgiving, all of you goofballs north of the border!
Happy Thanksgiving to you too Darcy.

What happened with the Thanksgiving thread?
It was before my time as well. But Mark filled in the blanks (well done, as usual)
I always chuckle at the mention of the Thanksgiving thread because my one and only DISDad meet up was with one of the infamous contributors to that thread.
Many of the guys are over on the FB group, but you don't get to know guys there the way you do here.

I love the fall season. Even though I live on beautiful Cape Cod, we don't get the big swaths of areas covered in beautiful fall colors like you do in Vermont or Connecticut. But still, some are beautiful.
As far North as I am, we have a lot of evergreens (fir, spruce, pine), so while it's nice here in the Fall, I would love to get into New England in the Fall. I got to Nova Scotia a couple times, which was nice too, but that's as far as I got.

Thanks. I'm going to celebrate by going to work.
Hey, that's what I did!
I did have a to-go plate brought over from my parents house, full turkey dinner including two desserts (pecan pie and carrot cake) because who needs just one dessert on Thanksgiving. Needless to say I did not go to bed hungry.
1st rule of the Thanksgiving Thread, don’t talk about the Thanksgiving Thread.

BTW, Happy Thanksgiving to all the Silly Canadians!

Then I shall keep my mouth shut and now ask again. 🤐

Very, very, very tired.

Lots of caffeine, my friend.

I'm neither of those. I work shift work, but this particular week, my Monday falls on... a Monday. Which is funny since everyone else has it off for the holiday.

Sorry you have to work when everyone else has it off. I sometimes love working when that happens...I can get more done.

I had no idea Bigfoot was at the Kennedy Center.

He's in disguise as a very hairy rocker


Yeah, I'm still waiting.

Well, may it come soon.


::yes:: I prefer reading to listening, but I have heard it as well.

I like listening to it. There's one where the pilot of a SR71 talks about flying down the ramp at Sacramento Metro. That's pretty funny as well.

Answers: It varies. And, yes.

Got it. I'll make sure to get my shots.
Happy Thanksgiving, Canada.

Another miserable solo night. Last night was 1/2 the output, being down with maintenance for two repairs, and another machine just kept faulting out. These will be a long two weeks. I've never walked off a job before, but it may just happen.

But good you had the life experience and the income to be able to walk away.


Morning, Gents! How's everyone on this Monday morning? For those of us who work the Monday through Friday shift, did you enjoy your weekend? And for those who work through the weekend, I'm sorry, but I hope you had two good work days. Well, I had a good day at work on Friday, and a good weekend. Spent all of Saturday inside the house and glued to my computer watching YouTube videos. Most of the videos I watched were music videos, and yes, some Bigfoot videos. One of my favorites to watch are the Kennedy Center Honors. I love watching the performances. While honoring Bruce Springsteen, Jon Stewart said "I believe that Bob Dylan and James Brown had a baby and abandoned him between Exits 8A and 9 on the New Jersey Turnpike." :lmao: That's hysterical, but sums up his style. Well, Gents, I'm off. Have a good day, and we'll chat along the way.

Sounds like you had a good weekend. I'll occasionally watch YouTube videos, but it's easy to go down a rabbit hole and watch all sorta of things.

Ok, seeing as you brought it up, I have to ask: What happened with the Thanksgiving thread?

Mark got it. Some felt they were wrongfully, overly punished. Then, a new website was created with it's own forum/ discussion boards, which eventually led to a business, which also caused trademark issues for some. Then, FB did the group things, and most of the chatter went there for convenience purposes.

That kind of thing would never happen in a Canadian Thanksgiving thread.

True. ::yes::
Happy Thanksgiving to the Lads up north.

Ok, I know the other guys are messing with you, so I'll put you out of your misery.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

We used to have a lot more members hanging out here. One (American) Thanksgiving several years ago, some of those fellas were having a grand old time celebrating the holiday. In fact, many of them were having too good of a time, and were well past the point where the bartender would have cut them off. But they were all hanging out on the DISboards, where there is no bartender.

In the old days, a thread would cut off after 250 pages--the moderators would see that the thread had gone on too long and step in to close it, forcing us to start a new one. Being 1) guys and 2) bored, we would often race to see how many pages we could get past the 250-limit before a mod noticed the thread and closed it.

So on that particularly inebriated Thanksgiving day, some of the fellas got together, and being 1) guys, 2) bored and 3) plastered out of their minds, they decided to see if they could race through starting and closing a thread on a single day. Because, of course, there is no better way to celebrate with friends and family and demonstrate your thankfulness for the blessings you have received.

So they were off to the races, and the longer the thread went, the more inappropriate the posts became. This included many photos which you would normally not want to share with friends and family.

This resulted, shockingly, in many members suddenly receiving suspensions from the DISboards. Not only was the Thread That Shall Not Be Named closed, it vanished from the face of the earth. Wiped clean by the Wrath of Go--er, Mods.

Now I know. Thanks for filling in the information I needed to know what happened. Thanks. Sounds like a good time was had by all those guys...too good of a time, but a good time nonethless.

It was before my time as well. But Mark filled in the blanks (well done, as usual)
I always chuckle at the mention of the Thanksgiving thread because my one and only DISDad meet up was with one of the infamous contributors to that thread.
Many of the guys are over on the FB group, but you don't get to know guys there the way you do here.

Over the years, I've gotten to know a lot of good people on the Dis, which I why I like hanging out here. Sadly, I've lost track of many of those people I got to know, but I'm making new friends.

As far North as I am, we have a lot of evergreens (fir, spruce, pine), so while it's nice here in the Fall, I would love to get into New England in the Fall. I got to Nova Scotia a couple times, which was nice too, but that's as far as I got.

New England is beautiful year around, but especially in the fall. If you ever make down this way let me know.
Sounds like you had a good weekend. I'll occasionally watch YouTube videos, but it's easy to go down a rabbit hole and watch all sorta of things.

Oh it's so easy to go down the rabbit hole on YouTube. Can't tell you how many times I started watching music videos only to wind up watching sappy feel-good military homecoming videos with a tissue in my hand dabbing the tears from my eyes...because something always gets in my eyes at about the same time and not because I was crying. Nope. Wasn't crying.

Mark got the most if it. Some felt they were wrongfully, overly punished. Then, a new website was created with it's own forum/ discussion boards, which eventually led to a business, which also caused trademark issues for some. Then, FB did the group things, and most of the chatter went there for convenience purposes.

It's probably for the best that they went to FB.


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