DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

And another election prediction - everyone loses. This is an absolute disgrace. It doesn't matter which one wins now as the other side will declare fraud because of the time delay in counting.

On the job front, had a phone interview yesterday for a medical social worker position with a managed care company, working from home and making visits when COVID restrictions permits. Also, had a friend of a friend reach out from a local law firm that specializes in real estate. Not sure what I would be doing there, and don't even know if there is a job opening.

Dang. Since you're so amazing at predicting the future, can you tell me what today's lottery number are please?

A series of whole #s, less than a 100. You're welcome.

Submit paperwork from McDonalds and see if they decline for being supplier to the government or some such idiocy.

I've thought about it. I'm guessing it's the 90 day time frame, or just that no one has any work to do because they are sitting at home with nothing to do because of the COVID lockdowns.

this. Our Trump lite has said he is quitting in March as the pay isn't high enough. Don't let the barn door hit you on the way out, sunshine.

And just think, we started a revolution for a tax on tea. Bigger government and more taxes will fix it though. Ugh.

"1+1 =.... um... better get an answer from the Supreme Court."

That will make this sh1tshow even worse.

Good luck! Did you actually apply at a bakery??

Panera Bread. It was an old posting, so probably already filled. There's a local donut store that has an opening, but not wanting to work 8 PM to 4 AM.

Hey, everyone! Well, it's 8:00 as I type this, I just got in the office 10 minutes ago, and I left the house at 6:20 am. Just so everyone knows, it's a 20 minute commute from my house to work. It started off with me having to wait while the emergency services helped with an accident, I really hope they are ok because it looked horrible, and then I got a flat that I had to deal with. Thankfully the flat happened outside a Dunkin Donuts, so I was set with my tea....and an extra breakfast if I felt up to it. My tire picked up a razor blade off the road, jus t hope it can be fixed. And now I have a headache....this is going to be an interesting day.

That's a rough start to the day, even worse for whoever was in the accident. Hope the day improves for you.
On a very deep level, maybe we always wanted Cromwell to finish the job on the toffs, and get a President of a republic,and you never really wanted to let George III go, whatever Lin Manuel Miranda says.

:rotfl: Thanks for reminding us of your love.

I always thought a proportional allocation of the electoral colleges votes based on the respective percentages of the candidates would have been a more elegant solution.
Like you say, NY, Cali and Chicago get you over a third of the way there if you are a Dem. 4 million people voted Republican in Cali, and it's effectively a dead race.
Or the flip side, Biden would have taken 1 less vote out of Florida than Trump, as it was 2% in it. Seems intuitively fairer.

I could get on board with a system like that.

Up here, living in the middle of the country, with most of the population in Ontario and Quebec (to the east of me). I frequently turn on the TV on election day to hear "The ____ have formed a majority government" even before the rest of the country's votes are counted.

That doesn't sound depressing at all.

I always vote because I figure a lot of good people died to give me that right. But sometimes it does seem pointless. Like, I could have voted for literally anyone this week--even Homer Simpson, and it wouldn't have mattered because Biden was winning Delaware no matter what.

I'm not saying if I voted for Biden or Homer, but the point is that in many areas you already know who the winner is going to be before you even cast your vote.

Morning chaps from a frosty mother country. Its about 4 degrees over here, so I guess Ponzie, Jeff and Darcy would be breaking out the factor 20 just to get a light tan. Whereas this is called "Big Coat Weather" over here. 1st day of new lockdown. Maybe I can offer to help Pennsylvania and Georgia count votes.

Ever see that Cheers episode where they got obsessed with the idea of counting the number of bolts in the floor of Boston Garden?


"Wait, I already counted that one."


(Tears up paper)


I majored in Politics, minored in History & Law. Comes with the territory. I would have thought that was blatantly obvious, with me building toy shops for a living. Wait, what?

I'm sure politics comes in handy when dealing with contractors.

'Morning all...
How about a few pictures from one of my past travels?
(yeah, I know that some of y'all are better photographers, but humor me.)

View attachment 536731

Looks like a nice spot. Charlotte zoo?

My tire picked up a razor blade off the road, jus t hope it can be fixed.

Razor blades on the road? Man, Cape Cod is no joke.
Sorry for the delay in chiming in to the profound discussions of this place. I did not go back and catch up so hope all are safe and that us U.S. contingent of Dads are getting through the election season................... Had a nice visit with DS for a few days and enjoyed just hanging out with our girl. SIL was able to get back from the campaign trail a day early so we were able to get to see him too which was good.

Good luck to those on the job fronts, stay safe, bacon, bourbon and SW Mandalorian for everyone!
Very nice mate. Where was that?
Looks like a nice spot. Charlotte zoo?
North Carolina Zoo up in Asheboro.

It's actually one largest natural habitat zoos in operation (if not the largest - who'd a thunk) and well worth the visit if you're ever traveling through central NC.

Does that mean it's picture day? If so, I hope you did your hair.
Pretty much no one is interested in pictures that include appearances of myself (and including myself in that opinion).

As for the hair... I maintain a detente relationship with it - So long as it don't fall out, I agree to mess with it as little as possible. Thus far the stand off has been mutually beneficial.
Ah! Interesting.
Up here, living in the middle of the country, with most of the population in Ontario and Quebec (to the east of me). I frequently turn on the TV on election day to hear "The ____ have formed a majority government" even before the rest of the country's votes are counted.
I get the opposite here. We get to pretend Atlantic Canada votes matter for an hour, and then Quebec and Ontario steamroll it.
Makes it marginally more interesting I suppose.

Its about 4 degrees over here, so I guess Ponzie, Jeff and Darcy would be breaking out the factor 20 just to get a light tan.
Well it was a balmy 1C here (32F I believe) this morning although sunny and while I didn’t put on sunscreen, I did think it would be nice to go for a walk (furlough does have some advantages).
Similar to Darcy and pkondz’s temperature swings, it’s headed to 10C or more tomorrow. Just to make this week even more wacky.
The projection models that the Networks use are directly tied to the individual counties and they do their own tabulation. They calculate the remaining votes in the respective counties, not the state as a whole, and work out the remaining votes in those counties against how the 2 (or 4) candidates are tracking in that county, which would give you a total assumed vote count. Once the threshold of 99.5% statistical probability is crossed, they project the winner. The states always take a while to count votes, it just normally doesn't matter as the states with wider margins would normally deliver a result of the total election and everyone loses interest.
Hence the Electoral college being in December, as obviously before counting machines it took forever.
It looks like the Governors website is showing a blip in the number, because both the candidates numbers are off.

Over to you Chief, on the weather desk.
Okay! Thanks for that in-depth answer. I looked this afternoon and the .GOV site is showing the swing to Biden now.
How about a few pictures from one of my past travels?
Those are great! I was going to ask where that was, too, but you've already posted the answer.
I got a flat that I had to deal with. Thankfully the flat happened outside a Dunkin Donuts, so I was set with my tea....and an extra breakfast if I felt up to it.
Well, I suppose if you're going to get a flat, that's probably the third best place to get one.
Yep, and the law suits are flying.
Saw that. Also saw that one already got quashed.
I don't even pretend to understand how someone can say "Okay, I'm leading, so now you have to stop counting the votes."
Wouldn't it be simpler to put all the votes in a hat and the first one plucked out is the winner?
And another election prediction - everyone loses.
It doesn't matter which one wins now as the other side will declare fraud because of the time delay in counting.
I really don't get that. It takes time to count millions of votes. Why on Earth would it be fraudulent to count them all?
A series of whole #s, less than a 100. You're welcome.
Woot! This is gonna be a snap!
Panera Bread. It was an old posting, so probably already filled. There's a local donut store that has an opening, but not wanting to work 8 PM to 4 AM.
Ugh... no. No you don't.
That doesn't sound depressing at all.
It's never bothered me, actually. If a majority is already in place, then most likely the rest of the country is leaning that way anyways.
And there have been elections where that hasn't happened too, of course.
I always vote because I figure a lot of good people died to give me that right.
I always vote because I've always felt if you don't vote, you don't get to complain about those in power or their policies.
"I'm not happy about ______!"
"Did you vote?"
"Well... no."
"Then you don't get to complain as you chose not to do anything about it."
I'm not saying if I voted for Biden or Homer, but the point is that in many areas you already know who the winner is going to be before you even cast your vote.
Not always.

In 2006, in my riding, I already knew who I was voting for. The incumbent was a long time, powerful politician. Very influential. One day, a canvasser for the opponent came knocking on the door. "Hi! Did you have any questions for ____? He's across the street talking to your neighbour, and can come over if you like." I declined, but was still impressed that a candidate was actually putting in the legwork to go door to door. Later in the election campaign, the incumbent was off in another part of the city, trying to bolster support for the candidate there. I found that to be arrogant. I mean... shouldn't you be running here? Instead of trying to get someone else elected? I decided to vote for the other guy.

And he won. By 111 votes.

Ever see that Cheers episode where they got obsessed with the idea of counting the number of bolts in the floor of Boston Garden?


"Wait, I already counted that one."


(Tears up paper)


It's actually one largest natural habitat zoos in operation (if not the largest - who'd a thunk) and well worth the visit if you're ever traveling through central NC.
Sure! Now you tell me! :laughing:
I get the opposite here. We get to pretend Atlantic Canada votes matter for an hour, and then Quebec and Ontario steamroll it.
Interesting. Can definitely see that.
'Evening folks...
Not much happening and I'm trying to not pay attention to the news right now, so I'll take some time to go back and actually read the last page or two. The down side of that being that it will likely result in unwanted commentary that you'll have to either pull your hair out over of just scroll past while rolling your eyes (as you normally have to do).

You'll get over it...

I majored in Politics, minored in History & Law. Comes with the territory.
Well I'll be...
A renascence man.

We may have to start referring to you as The Professor.

I would have thought that was blatantly obvious, with me building toy shops for a living.
Oh, well obviously...
We should have picked right up on that.

My tire picked up a razor blade off the road...
That is both a rough start to the day and an interesting implement to have pulled out of a tire.

In my years of driving, I've probably had better then thirty different instances of having to get a tire patched or plugged. The offending articles have ranged from the standard nails and screws up to iron spikes and even a 22 caliber bullet. But a razor blade...
That's a new one.

had a phone interview yesterday for a medical social worker position with a managed care company, working from home and making visits when COVID restrictions permits.
That one could be an interesting option if it were to pan out.
May you find something that works best for you in the near.

But sometimes it does seem pointless. Like, I could have voted for literally anyone this week--even Homer Simpson, and it wouldn't have mattered because Biden was winning Delaware no matter what.
I've never missed one either - off years and odd years included - and have a similar problem. Your frustration is temporary and based on the current tickets; mine has been going on for generations and is unlikely to change any time soon.

Had a nice visit with DS for a few days and enjoyed just hanging out with our girl. SIL was able to get back from the campaign trail a day early so we were able to get to see him too which was good.
Welcome back. Glad you got to spend time with all the kin folk. May we all find it easier to pull that off sooner rather then later.

Well, I suppose if you're going to get a flat, that's probably the third best place to get one.


Sure! Now you tell me! :laughing:
You had other fish to fry on that trip, and a lot of miles that needed covering that day.

If you foolishly come back down here I can recommend a number of interesting spots.
The zoo and the NC Rail Museum come to mind.
We may have to start referring to you as The Professor.
In front of a service station (preferably with someone who's not busy at the moment.)
Strip club.
You had other fish to fry on that trip, and a lot of miles that needed covering that day.
That's true. But next time I go that way...
If you foolishly come back down here I can recommend a number of interesting spots.
The zoo and the NC Rail Museum come to mind.
And a place that has good chicken that I did not go to last time.
That's the image.

Dan wont be able to get us of this island (island, continent, whatever...), but he'll be able to build us any other device we need for survival.

Just substituting Legos for coconuts as the primary building material, of course.

In front of a service station (preferably with someone who's not busy at the moment.)
Strip club.
There ya' go.
Gives us a good insight into your priorities.

That's true. But next time I go that way...
I'm good at suggesting things I find interesting.
Everyone else's mileage may vary.

And a place that has good chicken that I did not go to last time.
It's a funky place to be sure.
Guy Fieri did a spot about it at one point.
"A joint where a Po' Boy is a hamburger and the barbecue chicken is fried..."

I really don't get that. It takes time to count millions of votes. Why on Earth would it be fraudulent to count them all?

I don't think I posted anything about not counting votes. Going back to "Dewey beats Truman" newspaper headlines, elections have been determined on election day. In a time when America has never been more divided, why create a system that lacks transparency and credibility? 46/50 states figured out how to count and publish the results on election day, just like they have every time.

And, to your specific question, we already know some ballots aren't being counted. Maybe all those photos/ reports of ballots found in trash cans are fake news. However, our elected clerk produced data in the primary elections of the ballots not being counted and the specific reason, i.e., not sealing the envelope, postmark, etc.

That one could be an interesting option if it were to pan out.
May you find something that works best for you in the near.

Managed care gets a bad wrap, but if you can treat people without medications and surgeries, then I think that would be the better option. I want to be able to do meaningful work that matches with my own philosophy.
Morning, Gents! Little late on my check in this morning, but I made it. I've been having some computer issues at home and I was trying to deal with it this morning. Every time I get online, Google Chrome would freeze, then followed by the rest of the computer. Well, I started off by clearing my cache in Chrome, which took a quite a while. I then had some other programs freeze. Ultimately, I'm going to have to do some updating to my computer this weekend. Took my car to Town Fair Tire to get the flat fixed yesterday after work and wound up having to leave the tire because they were backed up. I'll grab it after work tonight. Outside that? I almost, and I do mean ALMOST slapped my boss a while ago. He came up to me and asked how's it going and how the project was going (the project where I move/assign electronically floor stock to a location in the inventory program we use), I said fine, and asked a few questions for clarification. My boss then asked me if everything was written down, write down all the part numbers and where they are and then head to the computer for the other part. I told him no, that only the old racks with an actual letter on them have been written down, that the new racks with no physical letter attached to them still need to be written down. I said this 3x and even showed him physically which racks still needed to be written down. He then get this tone of annoyance and asks me yet AGAIN, which racks still need to be written down. It was at this point I raised my voice and said a 4th time what was written down. I had to bite my tongue to keep from yelling and hitting him. He's a nice guy, but he does not listen. Now, I will entertain the idea that I may not have been clear the first time, but when you repeat yourself a total of 4 times then you know it's not you.

Saw this on the Book of Face and thought I'd share it for my Canadian friends, "Canada must feel like they live in an apartment above a meth lab." I'm not sure we're a meth lab, but certainly a dysfunctional family at least.


Yesterday we hovered at or below the freezing mark, today we are headed for the mid teens Celsius or in the 60s F. There has ben some wacky weather lately but hey, it's 2020.

It was in the 60's here yesterday and supposed to be today, I believe. I know I shouldn't complain, but this is unusual.

And another election prediction - everyone loses. This is an absolute disgrace. It doesn't matter which one wins now as the other side will declare fraud because of the time delay in counting.

This is a disgrace. We should know by now.

On the job front, had a phone interview yesterday for a medical social worker position with a managed care company, working from home and making visits when COVID restrictions permits. Also, had a friend of a friend reach out from a local law firm that specializes in real estate. Not sure what I would be doing there, and don't even know if there is a job opening.

Hope something works out for you.

That's a rough start to the day, even worse for whoever was in the accident. Hope the day improves for you.

It certainly wasn't a good start to the day, but the day got better. And I do hope the people involved in the accident is ok.

:rotfl: Thanks for reminding us of your love.


That doesn't sound depressing at all.

I always vote because I figure a lot of good people died to give me that right. But sometimes it does seem pointless. Like, I could have voted for literally anyone this week--even Homer Simpson, and it wouldn't have mattered because Biden was winning Delaware no matter what.

I'm not saying if I voted for Biden or Homer, but the point is that in many areas you already know who the winner is going to be before you even cast your vote.

I know my vote for president doesn't count here in Massachusetts, but I vote anyways to show that there are more than just one party in this state.

Ever see that Cheers episode where they got obsessed with the idea of counting the number of bolts in the floor of Boston Garden?


"Wait, I already counted that one."


(Tears up paper)



Razor blades on the road? Man, Cape Cod is no joke.

We be tough here on the Cape, Yo! :teeth: My guess is fell off a truck going to/from a construction site because it had that angle on it like it fit into a box cutter.

Sorry for the delay in chiming in to the profound discussions of this place. I did not go back and catch up so hope all are safe and that us U.S. contingent of Dads are getting through the election season................... Had a nice visit with DS for a few days and enjoyed just hanging out with our girl. SIL was able to get back from the campaign trail a day early so we were able to get to see him too which was good.

Glad you got to hang with family. I had a nice long call with my brother and sis-in-law yesterday. Hadn't done that in a long time and it felt good.

Good luck to those on the job fronts, stay safe, bacon, bourbon and SW Mandalorian for everyone!

Bacon and SW Mandalorian...what else is there? Bourbon? Not my thing. Now, a good beer? Sure.

Pretty much no one is interested in pictures that include appearances of myself (and including myself in that opinion).

As for the hair... I maintain a detente relationship with it - So long as it don't fall out, I agree to mess with it as little as possible. Thus far the stand off has been mutually beneficial.

I have an agreement with my hair as well. I make my hair look good once in a while, and the rest of the time I leave it alone.

Well, I suppose if you're going to get a flat, that's probably the third best place to get one.

Yep. ::yes:::thumbsup2

Saw that. Also saw that one already got quashed.
I don't even pretend to understand how someone can say "Okay, I'm leading, so now you have to stop counting the votes."
Wouldn't it be simpler to put all the votes in a hat and the first one plucked out is the winner?

At this point I'll take that approach.

I always vote because I've always felt if you don't vote, you don't get to complain about those in power or their policies.
"I'm not happy about ______!"
"Did you vote?"
"Well... no."
"Then you don't get to complain as you chose not to do anything about it."

Yep, that's why I vote.

'Evening folks...
Not much happening and I'm trying to not pay attention to the news right now, so I'll take some time to go back and actually read the last page or two. The down side of that being that it will likely result in unwanted commentary that you'll have to either pull your hair out over of just scroll past while rolling your eyes (as you normally have to do).

Hey! Read and comment and then we'll, well....do something. :teeth:

That is both a rough start to the day and an interesting implement to have pulled out of a tire.

In my years of driving, I've probably had better then thirty different instances of having to get a tire patched or plugged. The offending articles have ranged from the standard nails and screws up to iron spikes and even a 22 caliber bullet. But a razor blade...
That's a new one.

I've never heard of a 22 caliber bullet before, so that's a new one on me.

View attachment 536855

In front of a service station (preferably with someone who's not busy at the moment.)
Strip club.


I use to work as a bouncer at a strip club. Best job I've ever had. Whenever one of the ladies got an "enhancement," I was the one that got to inspect the results. Mmmm loved my job.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
Last edited:
Morning, Gents! Little late on my check in this morning, but I made it. I've been having some computer issues at home and I was trying to deal with it this morning. Every time I get online, Google Chrome would freeze, then followed by the rest of the computer. Well, I started off by clearing my cache in Chrome, which took a quite a while. I then had some other programs freeze. Ultimately, I'm going to have to do some updating to my computer this weekend. Took my car to Town Fair Tire to get the flat fixed yesterday after work and wound up having to leave the tire because they were backed up. I'll grab it after work tonight.

Impressive that you could drive home on 3 tires. ;)
I don't think I posted anything about not counting votes. Going back to "Dewey beats Truman" newspaper headlines, elections have been determined on election day. In a time when America has never been more divided, why create a system that lacks transparency and credibility? 46/50 states figured out how to count and publish the results on election day, just like they have every time.

It baffles me as to why someone wouldn't want complete transparency in an election. Any hint of lack of transparency begets crap like this. I want it over with already...no matter who wins.

Impressive that you could drive home on 3 tires. ;)

(buffs fingernails) I'm good. :smooth:
Top O the Morning and Happy Friday! Looking forward to the weekend with temps in the 70's and the big ND / Clemson game tomorrow night and then my Bears are playing the local Titans on Sunday. Just back to me and Mrs after spending time with the kids the past couple of weekends - sure will be a less expensive weekend 8-)

Enjoy what is hopefully some down time, stress reduced weekend and stay safe!
'Evening folks...
Not much happening and I'm trying to not pay attention to the news right now, so I'll take some time to go back and actually read the last page or two. The down side of that being that it will likely result in unwanted commentary that you'll have to either pull your hair out over of just scroll past while rolling your eyes (as you normally have to do).
Your commentary is always welcomed and one of the things I like about hanging out here so keep 'em coming!
We may have to start referring to you as The Professor.
You know, even on Gilligan’s Island, they listened to The Professor and not The Millionaire.

That has no relevance to the current electoral shenanigans.:rolleyes1

Just to add to the general comments on voting, some of you may recall that I used to work overseas a few years ago, in a country where the people did not have the right to vote.
One of the locals asked me, quite sincerely one day, “What is it like the vote?”
That simple question had an impact on me.
Regardless of the outcome or any frustration I have with the choices, I will always cast that ballot, because I know that person is out there who does not know what it means to vote.
North Carolina Zoo up in Asheboro.

It's actually one largest natural habitat zoos in operation (if not the largest - who'd a thunk) and well worth the visit if you're ever traveling through central NC.

Sounds pretty nice. I'll have to keep it in mind.

Similar to Darcy and pkondz’s temperature swings, it’s headed to 10C or more tomorrow. Just to make this week even more wacky.

You guys will all have pneumonia before you get COVID.

I don't even pretend to understand how someone can say "Okay, I'm leading, so now you have to stop counting the votes."

Well, you can say anything you want if you're unhinged.

Wouldn't it be simpler to put all the votes in a hat and the first one plucked out is the winner?

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I always vote because I've always felt if you don't vote, you don't get to complain about those in power or their policies.
"I'm not happy about ______!"
"Did you vote?"
"Well... no."
"Then you don't get to complain as you chose not to do anything about it."

Yes, that too!

Not always.

In 2006, in my riding, I already knew who I was voting for. The incumbent was a long time, powerful politician. Very influential. One day, a canvasser for the opponent came knocking on the door. "Hi! Did you have any questions for ____? He's across the street talking to your neighbour, and can come over if you like." I declined, but was still impressed that a candidate was actually putting in the legwork to go door to door. Later in the election campaign, the incumbent was off in another part of the city, trying to bolster support for the candidate there. I found that to be arrogant. I mean... shouldn't you be running here? Instead of trying to get someone else elected? I decided to vote for the other guy.

And he won. By 111 votes.

There are always stories like that. So for that reason and the reasons above, I don't miss elections. But in this particular case, Biden is from Delaware. If he didn't win his home state, he might as well pack it in.

I've never missed one either - off years and odd years included - and have a similar problem. Your frustration is temporary and based on the current tickets; mine has been going on for generations and is unlikely to change any time soon.

I get where you're coming from.

The zoo and the NC Rail Museum come to mind.

I wish I'd had time to stop at the Rail Museum. It looked pretty cool.

And a place that has good chicken that I did not go to last time.

:rotfl: I remember that story!

Well, it's Friday.

That's all I got.

Pay day here, so that makes it better.

You know, even on Gilligan’s Island, they listened to The Professor and not The Millionaire.

That has no relevance to the current electoral shenanigans.:rolleyes1


One of the locals asked me, quite sincerely one day, “What is it like the vote?”
That simple question had an impact on me.
Regardless of the outcome or any frustration I have with the choices, I will always cast that ballot, because I know that person is out there who does not know what it means to vote.

Great story, and a good reminder.


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