DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

I'm supposed to leave for Alaska 3 weeks from today, and I still have no idea if I'm going, or if it's a good idea.

OMG, it just hit me, YOU HAVE GOT TO GO!!!! Mark, this is it, the holy grail of states, you only need this one to finish them all. I mean, who knows what the future holds. If I were you and me, being me, I would still go if I could. Your family isn't getting any younger. (I hope)
I've kept the stream on in the background most of the day and things look pretty organized. It will be interesting to see if it stays that way with bigger crowds and open to the public.

Characters seem to all be at on the Train Station balcony and they have multiple parades at least once an hour, similar to this.

I'm supposed to leave for Alaska 3 weeks from today, and I still have no idea if I'm going, or if it's a good idea.
I think.... go? As far as I know, there are no restrictions to travel State to State? And there aren't that many cases there.
I think.... go? As far as I know, there are no restrictions to travel State to State? And there aren't that many cases there.

Travel to Alaska requires you to test for the rona before you go and again once you get there, if both test are clean, you are welcome to move about. If not it's 14 days in the hole for you!
What's up, Gents! Pretty normal day yesterday, so nothing to worry about there. Tomorrow's the day when our new appliances show up, and today's the day the electrician and plumber show up to work in the kitchen. Both the electrician and plumber are friends of ours, so we're getting this done on the cheap. I've helped the plumber move twice now, moving all 15,000 books of his, so he's doing this for cost of parts. And while the electrician is charging us something, it's between $300 and $500, a lot cheaper than what I was expecting. It's funny, I'm looking forward to having a new fridge with water and ice built in. And to think, when I was a kid I felt bad for my Great Aunt Charlene because she didn't get any toys for Christmas. Now? I'm excited over a new fridge. Life as an adult, right? Alright, Gents, I'm outta here. Have a great day.


Vent away, we're always here to listen.


And we don't have to live with you and put up with your "moods". ;)


With wearing mask being mandatory in many places, I was wondering how much would you spend on a mask? I thinking $5 USD/ $6.78 CAD is the most I would like to pay, how about you?

My wife's made mine, but there have been a couple I've seen on FB ads that I'd like to own and they were around $7, so not bad, I guess. Really depends on the design.

Happy Tuesday. Guess who took another sick day today?


2 beers is good thinking. I won't lump you in a comparison to me, but something you may be struggling with is loyalty along the lines of "treat others as you want to be treated". You are being honest and expecting others to be honest. Sadly, there are many people who don't have that philosophy, and then many others who are just fake or hypocrites.

I'm going to have to stop for more beer after work tonight...I ran out. You are correct, I can be very loyal, and it becomes difficult to leave because of it, not that I haven't left for something better, mind you, but it does become difficult at times. I talked to the wife last night about this, and unless something changes, as in the Post Office guaranteeing me a lot of hours, I think I made my choice. I'm going to apply to the position at work and see what happens.

That's what we're here for. ::yes::


Sounds like you've made your decision. And it's okay if you change your mind 2-12 times in between. It's not an easy one.
Sorry about no sympathy from DW. I get what that's like.
Yesterday was... brutal for me. It just got worse.

I have. I'm going to apply to the position and see what happens.

Then use your honesty to your advantage. Tell the boss that you've decided not to pursue the post office and concentrate on this job. He knows about the coding, so no need to bring that up.

That's a good idea, and I'm not going to bring up the coding. If he brings it up, I'll address it, but until then, I won't say a word. I know one thing, I'm going to push for a good wage. And I know what my supervisor will say, "We can't pay you that because you'll have no room to grow (he's said that before), like I'm going to make this warehouse job a career. I, of course, won't say that, but he also knows I'm going to do this forever. This is when my negotiating skills come into play.

FYI: It is my understanding, Disney doesn't allow bandanas to be used as face masks.

This is a good thing to know.

Hey guys, I'm back from a long weekend visiting my brother's family and his newborn son in Ohio. We seem to have successfully pulled off a road trip while avoiding large crowds, wearing masks, and social distancing. So that was cool. It was great going out to see something different than the walls of my house.

Not going back to read what I missed, so I'm sure you have been busy solving all of the world's problems. Thanks for that.

I'm supposed to leave for Alaska 3 weeks from today, and I still have no idea if I'm going, or if it's a good idea.

Welcome back, man!
Morning, folks.

Pretty bagged this morning. The shift was a struggle. One hour to go, 30ish minutes to drive home, then... sleeeeeeeep.

It's really not that bad... :rolleyes1
Have you had it done?
Both the electrician and plumber are friends of ours, so we're getting this done on the cheap.
Nice one. ::yes::
I'm looking forward to having a new fridge with water and ice built in.
We use ours all the time.
I'm going to apply to the position and see what happens.
Good luck!
Morning, folks.

Pretty bagged this morning. The shift was a struggle. One hour to go, 30ish minutes to drive home, then... sleeeeeeeep.

How’d that shift go?

Nice one. ::yes::

I got lucky, and I mean, REAL lucky.

We use ours all the time.

I'm so looking forward to it. That and the built in dishwasher! OMG! A built in dishwasher! It's the little things in life.

Good luck!

Thank, man. Now it's time to get to work and make some money for a vacation to Disney World! But first I have to get the wife's permission.
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Happy Wednesday. Groundhog day time is still dreadfully slow, and I imagine it stays that way till our trip to WDW when it will speed up.

Been driving with younger dd. She does well, with her biggest difficulties being turning and almost stopping in the road to make a turn. I was afraid she would get run over, so I took her to a parking lot for some ovals and figure 8s around the lights. She had fun with her mock race track and drove way more confidently.

FYI: It is my understanding, Disney doesn't allow bandanas to be used as face masks.

Yeah, I got the bandanas back in the early days of COVID, when the expert scientists said masks were not necessary and the government shut down churches but left Walmart open. I figured they were a good contingent plan for WDW. Strike 1.

Unless you use your fingers to measure Bourbon pours. Then 9 fingers is nuttin but bonus.

Silly English. Who measures bourbon pours? Yours truly, Fat American.

Watching a live feed from the beginning, about a half hour behind. Taking selfie’s in MK is going to be a little strange for awhile.

I'm sure there will be many dropping mask for a quick picture, maybe even me. But, I don't care to keep the mask on as it makes my pictures look better. Plus, if we survive all these catastrophic events, it will make for a fun memory.

Afternoon gents. Hope all had a good 4th. Still fighting off this cellulitis and some residual numbness in the arm. Dr gave me a different antibiotic last Thursday and off course I had an allergic reaction of a rash. Now back on a third antibiotic to hopefully zap this thing, rash is getting better. Enough of that nonsense congrats and elated birthday wishes to Rob'd DD and nice job Darcy and PK on the decks. Nice to see people in the parks and interested in how it goes over the weekend and next week to help make final call on go / no go for first week August.

I have run out of any decent top 5's or Pick 'ems so will start thinking of something else - any ideas welcome. Stay safe out there guys!

Sorry to hear about the arm. Hope round 3 clears it up. As for top 5 lists, you can always go top 5 bourbons, beers, tequilas, etc. As for Disneu specific, top 5 princesses (getting past the under age thing), disney memories, disney movies and then do top 5 vacation spots non Disney (if there is such a thing), etc.

Well, I wasn't posting about it on FB. Didn't want to deal with people casting judgment on us for leaving the state.

Yes, watch out for the mob of shaming Karen's out there. I've read different accounts of people or their spouses being fired over something they posted on social media. It's not that I agree with those opinions. I don't understand the premise of getting someone fired and/or evicted because of an non-actionable thought or expression.
OMG, it just hit me, YOU HAVE GOT TO GO!!!! Mark, this is it, the holy grail of states, you only need this one to finish them all. I mean, who knows what the future holds. If I were you and me, being me, I would still go if I could. Your family isn't getting any younger. (I hope)

Yeah, that's what is making this so hard. This is number 50, the end of the quest. Been planning this for a long time.

But there's this stupid pandemic. And the fact that our country is doing a terrible job of keeping it under control. The numbers are climbing in most states, including in my own (Delaware) and in Alaska (although they are low compared to others). The risk of infection is greater when you travel than it is staying home.

But I could also still get sick here at home. I really want to go, but I also don't want to do something stupid. So I'm really torn on this one.

The safest thing to do is probably to cancel and plan for next summer. But it will also be much more crowded and expensive next summer (provided we're not still in a pandemic then).

I think.... go? As far as I know, there are no restrictions to travel State to State? And there aren't that many cases there.

As Randall said, you have to get a test before you go to Alaska. If you can get a test within 72 hours of your flight and show negative results, you don't have to get tested again at the airport when you arrive. You can also get tested within 5 days of the flight and then again at the airport upon arrival and minimize contact with people until the second results come in. Or you can arrive and quarantine for 14 days.

Travel to Alaska requires you to test for the rona before you go and again once you get there, if both test are clean, you are welcome to move about. If not it's 14 days in the hole for you!

If you can somehow pull off the 72-hour test, you don't need a second one at the airport. That might be easier said than done, though.

Ah. Um... is that the test where they stick one foot of Q-tip up your nose (which is NOT one foot long.)

Delaware has a saliva-based one that sounds a lot easier to take. I wasn't eager to have someone try and scrape out my brain through my nose.

Welcome back, man!

Thank you!
Afternoon fellas from a overcast London.

Pretty bagged this morning. The shift was a struggle. One hour to go, 30ish minutes to drive home, then... sleeeeeeeep
Yeesh. Drive safe, my man.
How did I know that was coming?
Well, we like to maintain a certain standard of response for non-attendance. Its a protocol thing.
I've never seen the kids so excited to drive across Ohio.
I'd be excited to drive across Ohio. If I was gonna end up a Wrigley Field. Or Soldier Field. Or Twin Anchors Ribs.
I have run out of any decent top 5's or Pick 'ems so will start thinking of something else - any ideas welcome.
What about "Armchair Imagineering"? We get to do over a ride or a restaurant a day in terms of IP ,theming or general Improvements. No doing away with and starting something else, the main vision of the ride has to stay intact. There are 27 attractions in MK alone, so once you've topped up 10 restaurants, that's a good couple o weeks a park about attractions we give a monkey's about.. And then we'll be in August before you know it.
It's really not that bad...
I'm not sure I'd do it just to get to Alaska though.
Silly English. Who measures bourbon pours? Yours truly, Fat American.
There is nothing more pleasurable than getting to the last pour of a bottle and it exactly fills your cocktail jigger. Yours with affection, OCD Brit.

Have a great day fellas.
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Morning dads from a going to be hot and rainy Orlando. So, essentially, summer in central FL.
They said on the radio coming into work, it will be up to 93, but heat index will be 105.
On the other hand, saying storms this afternoon/evening and weather app on phone is showing 90% chance.

I can do better that them....afternoon in FL ----
100% chance of rain.
The safest thing to do is probably to cancel and plan for next summer. But it will also be much more crowded and expensive next summer (provided we're not still in a pandemic then).

Mark, you do you. But I've have way to many things that I should have done, on things that no longer can be done, to let something like this pass me by.


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