DDP; now I know why over 50% of americans are overweight.

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Let's keep this on an even keel---

I will add tho that WDW is a great place to walk and swim off all those excess DP (and in my case, DDE) calories.
This is another great thread! I was sitting here just cooling off from my workout- Yes I am crazy- Food is big to me
The size issue: at my best fighting weight of recent years 140-145 at 5'8"and a 1/2" (have to get that 1/2" in!) I was a size 10! I felt great at that weight, maintained it until my second pregnancy which went well for me weight wise until my father died of brain cancer (age 55) a month before I had my DS. After i gave birth I just started packing it on - not the greatest way to grieve
but Dad loved food so.... Then last year we were out of our home for 8 months while renovating- anybody know what 8 months of quarter pounders with cheese will do to you? Yeah- add on 25lbs.
So I am now mending my ways- knowing my body type and how fast I can pack it on I watch DS closely - he was born big 10.1 lbs and was always off the "curve" Now he is 8 and 59" tall and weighs 120lbs. He is active but still a BIG boy. My DS was a piker at 9.10lbs- she is a skinny thing at this point and eats well.
Boy this is like therapy- have to agree with alot of the posts - many people dont know what is healthy what is not. I know just have to put it into better action.

Oh yeah and portion sizes in AMerica- we can do a whole thread on that!
Even though I dont look so great right now - I am changing my ways to "feel" good . Down 13lbs and I am feeling better already.
BBGirl said:
I was 5'7 and weighted oh about 103 I was a size 6 sometimes . Size 10 is NOT fat when I was a size 10/12 I was my ideal weight of 130. I carry all my weight in my tummy so my body size is different then someone elses who at the same weight and height would wear a smaller size. Oh yeah and at 5'7 at 103 I was off the charts thin at a HUGE size 6. :lmao: :lmao:

One thing that a lot of people don't actually put into perspective is the way sizes have changed over the years.

I'm 36 now. When I was in high school I was 5'4" and 95 pounds. I wore either a size 5 or a size 5/6. Women who wore size 9/10 or 11/12 generally looked healthy or even slender depending on their height and build.

Over the past 20 years sizing has changed in women's clothing because studies have found that women feel better about themselves if they wear a smaller size.

So now, two kids and 15 pounds heavier, I wear anything from a kid's 14 up to an adult 4, depending on the brand and cut. The adult size 4s are few and far between...most are too large on me. I outgrew kid's size 14 in the 7th grade, but now at 36 and much larger I fit in them again? Something just isn't right about that! There are plenty of grown women out there who are a lot smaller than me, but now they can't find "mature" clothes to fit them because the size 3 from the 1980s is now closer to a kid's size 12.

The clothing industry has served no good in this change other than to pump up womens' egos by making them think they are healthier than they really are. Twenty years ago a size 6 woman was very slender...today most people still have the mind set that a size 6 is the perfect size, and I'm not arguing that some tall women who wear a size 6 are very slender, but a size 6 today isn't a true size 6...it's a size 10 by historical standards. By today's sizing standards, most shorter women (5'4" and under) who wear a size 6 probably need to lose a few pounds. Obviously the 100 pound, size 6 person who posted before is a major exception to this.
It's ridiculous to say someone is overweight or healthy just based on a size. Individual bodies are so different. Prior to my son's birth I could fit a size 2 or size 4 in jeans, after his birth, even though I weighed less, I was lucky if I could fit the 4 because of how my bodie changed and now mostly wear a size 6. Also, I wear a L or XL on top or if I'm getting a dress, wear a 10 or 12 sometimes because I have a large chest. So I can wear a size 4 or a size 12 depending on the item of clothing.

I also used to be extremely overweight, 100+ heavier than I am now (coming up on my 6th anniversary of losing the weight) and can I tell you, a size 10 or 12 is so not fat. When you've worn a size 26/28 (on top anyway, used to be able to squeeze my tush into 14/16s and 16/18s, see that divergent size thing) believe me a size 10 is normal.
formernyer said:
One thing that a lot of people don't actually put into perspective is the way sizes have changed over the years.

I'm 36 now. When I was in high school I was 5'4" and 95 pounds. I wore either a size 5 or a size 5/6. Women who wore size 9/10 or 11/12 generally looked healthy or even slender depending on their height and build.

Over the past 20 years sizing has changed in women's clothing because studies have found that women feel better about themselves if they wear a smaller size.

So now, two kids and 15 pounds heavier, I wear anything from a kid's 14 up to an adult 4, depending on the brand and cut. The adult size 4s are few and far between...most are too large on me. I outgrew kid's size 14 in the 7th grade, but now at 36 and much larger I fit in them again? Something just isn't right about that! There are plenty of grown women out there who are a lot smaller than me, but now they can't find "mature" clothes to fit them because the size 3 from the 1980s is now closer to a kid's size 12.

The clothing industry has served no good in this change other than to pump up womens' egos by making them think they are healthier than they really are. Twenty years ago a size 6 woman was very slender...today most people still have the mind set that a size 6 is the perfect size, and I'm not arguing that some tall women who wear a size 6 are very slender, but a size 6 today isn't a true size 6...it's a size 10 by historical standards. By today's sizing standards, most shorter women (5'4" and under) who wear a size 6 probably need to lose a few pounds. Obviously the 100 pound, size 6 person who posted before is a major exception to this.

This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO true. If you are a size 10 or 12 and think you are the "perfect" size, you are delusional. Get a wakeup call because you probably are overweight. I'm 5'7, 140 pounds, a size 10 and I can tell you with all certainty - and a doctor who just verified this - that I could stand to lose a few pounds and a clothing size. Am I obese? No, but I can look in the mirror and see curves where there aren't supposed to be any and cellulite where I don't want it. It's obvious I have a problem in the making and I must change my habits or I will have serious health risks in the future (which I am doing). We're a generation headed for health problems, and as taxpayers, we will all foot the bill.
Lewisc said:
The plan must have changed since December when I was able to get diet soda and bottled water, with zero calories, as my beverage.

Thank you!! I too was wondering why they wouldn't let me have my bottled water that I order at every meal! :rotfl:

As for the size 10/12 being fat....please. At my goal weight which I am not currently at, but working on it, I weigh 153 lbs and am 5'8". That is a body mass index of 23. Anything in the range of 19-24.9 is considered healthy. At that weight I have never, ever worn anything smaller than a 12.
new_mouser said:
This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO true. If you are a size 10 or 12 and think you are the "perfect" size, you are delusional. Get a wakeup call because you probably are overweight. I'm 5'7, 140 pounds, a size 10 and I can tell you with all certainty - and a doctor who just verified this - that I could stand to lose a few pounds and a clothing size.

OMG!!!!!!!!!! Get a GRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5 7' 140lbs is well within a healthy weight range! Your doctor should be shot. I'm sorry. Go join weight watchers and you will see that you are right in line with the "goal weight range" for your height.

I teach dance and I have plenty of dancers in the size 10 range who are shorter than that and they are VERY fit. They are not anorexic ballerinas ... but muscular normal kids. In fact the two thinnest girls I have on my Competition team are always sick with colds or something and need to put on some weight. (They are not anorexic, just thin naturally.)

I do agree that overall our eating habits are horrendous here in the U.S. But to say a SIZE 10 is fat???????? Come on. I hope if you have children you don't impose this thinking on them as well or you may end up with very sick children with eating disorders.

Lewisc said:
The plan must have changed since December when I was able to get diet soda and bottled water, with zero calories, as my beverage.

Apparently the reffilable mugs are also no longer good for diet soda, coffee or tea either. pirate:
I don't think that it is any secret that we do have an obesity problem in the US and that medical conditions and such don't explain it away. But to single out specific behavior such and enjoying excess calories on vacation or reffilable mugs seems a bit out of line.

You don't need to go to Disney to see the nature of the problem. It exists almost everywhere. Try to go out and get a quick lunch that is healthy and affordable. Its almost impossible. If I were to pick an area that causes problems with obesity a Vacation isn't where I would start. People only vacation for a short period of time each year and generally they change thier lifestyles when they do. (That's why we go on vacation!). Its the way they live the other 50+ weeks of the year that should be a concern. That week or so at Disney isn't the cause of the problem.
new_mouser said:
This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO true. If you are a size 10 or 12 and think you are the "perfect" size, you are delusional. Get a wakeup call because you probably are overweight. I'm 5'7, 140 pounds, a size 10 and I can tell you with all certainty - and a doctor who just verified this - that I could stand to lose a few pounds and a clothing size. Am I obese? No, but I can look in the mirror and see curves where there aren't supposed to be any and cellulite where I don't want it. It's obvious I have a problem in the making and I must change my habits or I will have serious health risks in the future (which I am doing). We're a generation headed for health problems, and as taxpayers, we will all foot the bill.

Well according to a body mass index caculator you have a bmi of 21 which is well within the healthy range of 20 - 25.
walkermm said:
I was very aware of the obesity epidemic while spending time at WDW ...... I was shocked to see how many people are overeating, and how many overweight and obese people are overeating.

So sorry that you were too busy paying to other people rather than your own vacation. I feel bad for you.

walkermm said:
....watching TV does not count as moderate intensity activity......

Making such a snide comment does count towards being an a$$.

walkermm said:
There, I'm done.


walkermm said:
Don't forget, this is what I do for a living.....I feel compelled to reach out and speak about this area that I am very passionate about....

I think you need to go to a seminar on how to be a motivator rather than a degrader because you certainly missed the class on that topic the first time.

walkermm said:
Thanks for reading.

Sure ... I lost a few pounds after puking while reading your post. You must be so proud of me yes???

walkermm said:
Please don't respond to angrily to my post!

Please don't spew your fat predjudice all over the DIS board.
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
walkermm said:
Don't do the DDP - you'll save $$$ and calories!!!!

Thanks for the tip.

Less than 6 more months until - FREE FOOD :banana: FREE FOOD :woohoo: And more FREEEEEEEEE FOOOOOD! :yay:

*I plan on stuffing my face until I'm sick - and now even more so, since I know 'some' people will notice! :wave2: *
travellady said:
One morning I was sitting by the pool and a woman got out who must have weighed at least 350 lbs if not more. I mentally applauded her for putting on a suit and swimming despite her weight, but at the same time couldn't help but wonder what somebody eats to maintain that much weight. She could hardly walk, it was pretty sad.

Awwww - that was so nice of yuo to mentally applaud her.

Im so saddened by the fact you were noticing other people's weight, instead of enjoying your vacation. Enjoying your kids playing in the pool. I mean, you went as far as to wonder how much she ate... geez, how long did this bother you for?

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