DDP to not include the tip? Rumor


DIS Veteran
Jul 8, 2003
I would love to know what you guys think of these rumors on the dining board about the grauity not being included anymore. I have seen several threads and rumors. How do you think it will effect the DDP?
We ususally get the DDP this summer we arent for the first time. I think the tips being included is a great benefit, I dont think DH would like it was much if it was gone.
insome ways its a great thing to have it includes so i dont have money on hand but in other ways my family likes to give a little more but with the tip included we dont..
I wasn't happy about it when I first read about it, but after some time, it might mean better service when you're on the DDP since the tip isn't automatic.
I've heard this from several different sources. I suspect that it is true.
yeah we tend to leave extra $ if the server is great
the tips really add up if you are eatig at good TS so and I bet the server are less than thrilled with this

I wonder what Pete and team think?
We considered the 'included' tip as being the bare minimum. In every case we added something over and above that, because in every case we felt that we received service that deserved to be rewarded.

One of the most attractive aspects of the DP is being able to enjoy our vacation knowing that our meals have been paid for. I'm by nature a cheap @#$!^#, and would involuntarily be watching what my family was ordering for every meal. I'd rather pay a little more in advance and know that I don't have to think about that sort of thing. That's my vacation -- a vacation from being a cheap @#$!^#. And believe me, my family enjoys that as well.

Yes, I am in need of serious long-term therapy. But I'm too cheap to pay for it. :rotfl2:

Anyway, the DDP for me should include the tip, at least at some minimal level. IF Disney decides to take that away, then it would be a significant detriment to using the plan. And then I start acting like a cheap @#$!^#, and that's no good for anybody.
We considered the 'included' tip as being the bare minimum. In every case we added something over and above that, because in every case we felt that we received service that deserved to be rewarded.

One of the most attractive aspects of the DP is being able to enjoy our vacation knowing that our meals have been paid for. I'm by nature a cheap @#$!^#, and would involuntarily be watching what my family was ordering for every meal. I'd rather pay a little more in advance and know that I don't have to think about that sort of thing. That's my vacation -- a vacation from being a cheap @#$!^#. And believe me, my family enjoys that as well.

Yes, I am in need of serious long-term therapy. But I'm too cheap to pay for it. :rotfl2:

Anyway, the DDP for me should include the tip, at least at some minimal level. IF Disney decides to take that away, then it would be a significant detriment to using the plan. And then I start acting like a cheap @#$!^#, and that's no good for anybody.

First of all I have to say that your name checkwriter is too funny in relation to being a cheap xxxx.

I agree that the tip being included is a major benfit. As a single mom I work hard to make a trip possible and I love the fact that the DDP is all paid for and set ahead of time. I do give extra tips as a rule since it seems what is included is the minimum but if the service is terrible I do not have too. This gives me more value for my money and more peace of mind which is priceless. This being said if they do not include the tip in the future I may be hesitant to buy the DDP.
if this happens, i think the value of the plan plummets. i have always supported the plan as a great deal, assuming you want a sit down meal just about everday of your vacation. i thought i read that the plan included 18%, and i did leave extra if i thought the service deserved it. i, too, am a cheap @!***, but was glad to pay. i would have to take a closer look at the value of the plan if they no longer included gratuity.
I have heard this as well and believe that Disney will change the plan to not include the tip in the future.

I have no idea how much of the DDP cost went to the CMs in the form of a tip. I know from personal experience that when the gratuity is included in my bill (i.e. some places add it to large parties) I never tip more. I actually feel a little put-off by this. However, when I am tipping on my own it's always more than the 15%. Usually if I use the Disney Dining Experience Card I tip what I saved so the server gets 20%.

However, I think the real issue here is that Disney is once again 'chipping away' at a good thing. They love to tweak these things and make it less and less cost effective to the consumer in order to maximize their profits. While the gratuity will no longer be incuded we're all paying the same price so the value goes down. I also wouldn't be surprised to see the price of the plan go up.

This will be one of those things that Disney will keep changing until we reach the point where it's no longer cost effective to purchase the plan over paying for your own meals. I fully expect that it will be a DISer that will do the math and come up with the point at which adding the DDP is no longer worth it :teacher:

I also think their is some planning and work that goes into making sure you maximize the plan - so people will have to take that into account as well when they decide it it's worth it or not.

Then once Disney sees people are not purchasing the plan they will readjust to make it a value again and the cycle will start all over. We see this all the time.

Just my thoughts

I have heard this as well and believe that Disney will change the plan to not include the tip in the future.

I have no idea how much of the DDP cost went to the CMs in the form of a tip. I know from personal experience that when the gratuity is included in my bill (i.e. some places add it to large parties) I never tip more. I actually feel a little put-off by this. However, when I am tipping on my own it's always more than the 15%. Usually if I use the Disney Dining Experience Card I tip what I saved so the server gets 20%.

However, I think the real issue here is that Disney is once again 'chipping away' at a good thing. They love to tweak these things and make it less and less cost effective to the consumer in order to maximize their profits. While the gratuity will no longer be incuded we're all paying the same price so the value goes down. I also wouldn't be surprised to see the price of the plan go up.
This will be one of those things that Disney will keep changing until we reach the point where it's no longer cost effective to purchase the plan over paying for your own meals. I fully expect that it will be a DISer that will do the math and come up with the point at which adding the DDP is no longer worth it :teacher:

I also think their is some planning and work that goes into making sure you maximize the plan - so people will have to take that into account as well when they decide it it's worth it or not.

Then once Disney sees people are not purchasing the plan they will readjust to make it a value again and the cycle will start all over. We see this all the time.

Just my thoughts


I couldnt agree more. We love the DDP as is and have used it the last 4 trips even while staying club level. My DH was less than impressed with the kids menus last time and when I told him about this he said what you said. Its lessens the value. Who knows maybe they will get rid of the DDP?
We purchased the DDP for our August trip (JUST missed free dining by a couple days...drats!) I chose it BECAUSE the tip was included. If we have to pay an additional gratuity it wouldn't be worth it to us.
However, I think the real issue here is that Disney is once again 'chipping away' at a good thing.

If they do this, then I think you've nailed the reason. According to Disney's recent financial reports, guest spending has been going up, but I suspect the margins may have taken a hit with the Dining Plan. People are getting more food for less money, even if they don't eat it all. Removing the tip would immediately bump Disney's revenue up 18%, at least on paper. That would be pure profit above what they are already making.

Honestly though, I'm still a bit surprised they would make this drastic a change. I would have expected them to perhaps take the tip out, but reduce the plan price by a lower amount. They would still improve their margins, but would also be throwing guests a bone with the slightly lower price.
When I did the math (created a elaborate spreadsheet actually, I'm a bit obsessive like that), I found that DDP was only marginally cost effective for the way we would actually eat. We will average one appetizer and dessert for my wife and I per meal. We just won't eat enough on most occasions to buy 2 of either (unless, of course, dessert is creme brulee, my DW has an addiction).

With the tip included the plan makes sense. If they exclude the tip, it just doesn't, and most people will save money and improve their flexibility by not buying it.
I think Disney looking for more trouble if and when they changing the DDP. With the change of the plane I see mass confusion most people will think the plan still contains the 18% tip and will tip extra only for good service thus basically stiffing the servers and making them pay the taxes any way on the whole check. The servers are taxed on each customers check for tips buy the government as part of there income (yes they are takening money u haven’t earned ) so if a severer is stiffed they end up owing the government for tips they didn’t receive seems fare to me.:confused3
There will be mass confusion when disney change the plan and the servers will suffer extra taxes less tips and really bad service because they are worried about the 8 top they have and the 3 and 4 tops will get lost cause the servers is worried about paying the taxes on a 400 dollar check while they think to them self eves I can take the hit on the 4 top there just ordering soft drinks and entrees.
When I did the math (created a elaborate spreadsheet actually, I'm a bit obsessive like that), I found that DDP was only marginally cost effective for the way we would actually eat. We will average one appetizer and dessert for my wife and I per meal. We just won't eat enough on most occasions to buy 2 of either (unless, of course, dessert is creme brulee, my DW has an addiction).

This was our case also, we only did the DDP one time because the savings for the way we eat were really small and it was not worth changing the way we visit WDW to keep ADR's. (DDE card works better for us also because we drink.)
Anyway I guess I'm the odd man out because I hated the fact that tips were included. A few times I got really bad service that I felt did not warrant an 18% tip but I was stuck since it was included in the tip.
I would probably cancel my DDP for October if it happens. That would make me very sad.


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