DD's BF is coming home from bootcamp Friday!


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Jul 20, 2000
We are so excited and have missed him so much! My dd's BF is graduating this Friday. My dd is flying down for the ceremony at Parris Island. He will be home for 10 days then off to Texas then well...not quite sure yet. We are having a welcome home party for him and suggestions on party ideas?!!! Thanks just wanted to share!
Congrats! Hope ya'll have a great homecoming!! When DH came home from Basic, we had a BBQ with family and friends and made sure we got one of those 'Welcome Home' banners. :jumping1:

Ya'll must be so excited!! Tell him we all said CONGRATS and give him a big :hug: from all of us. (My DD's boyfriend just got to Iraq and we can't wait for his year to be up!!)

Hope your welcome back party goes great and ya'll have a wonderful time. When DD's BF came home his parent's had a huge BBQ and I know he loved it!!
Off to the airport tonight! Heard from my dd who is staying on base right now. She finally saw him yesterday during the awards ceremony and then they released the Marines for a few hours to see their family. They played "Proud to be an American" and she said there wasn't a dry eye to be found. She said that he seems different "Yes Sir" "No Sir" and will not walk by the Amercian flag without saluting it. And he got really skinny! :) We are so proud of him. Sunday is the big party with friends, family and even some of his high school teachers coming. I have tons of flags and strings of red white and blue lights. Is there anything special you think I should have at the BBQ that he may want that he hasnt been able to have for the last 3 months? Also can we salute him or is that for only military to do to other military? Sorry for the ramble we are just really happy to have him home for a little while! :)
Sooooooooooooo How did it go??????????

Was he excited? Tell us all the details!!! :Pinkbounc :bounce:

It must have been awesome!

:cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: :cool1:
Sorry about taking forever to give the details but we have been so happy spending time with our Marine! :) It actually didnt start off too well poor kid went right from the graduation ceremony to the airport in Savannah to fly home only to be told after 6 hrs of waiting that the plane is "broken"! He had to stay overnight at the hotel with nothing but his Marine uniform on. So his 10 days was reduced to 9 due to spending that day with airport and delay and cancellation problems. :( BUT...what a great homecoming when he finally made it! He looks so handsome and skinny! He was proud to show off his pin for sharp shooting and for entering the service during war time. The party went great and he was surprised. We had friends, family, fireman from his firehouse and one of his high school teachers stopped by to welcome him home. While he was at bootcamp there was a new baby born to a close friends mom so he was able to meet him for the first time. My dd brought home the colors shirts from bootcamp so we had them on for the party. He was quite pleased I think! :) He leaves on Monday so tomorrow night we are having "Thanksgiving dinner" with all the trimmings since he wont be able to be here. If I can figure out how to put on a pic I will try to post it. Thank you for your well wishes and I will pass them on .
Thank you so much for letting us know how the welcome home party went. I'm so glad that he had a great time once all the confusion at the airport was over!! What a wonderful idea having a "Thanksgiving Dinner" while he is here so that he can enjoy it also.

You are right he is a very handsome young man. Please tell him thank you from all of us for all that he is doing for our country. I hope that ya'll get to enjoy every moment that he is at home!!!


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