Debt Dumpers - 2018

I realize I only post like once every six months so don't know if anyone remembers me but here I am lol.

And I am here to say: with last Friday's paycheck I finally finished paying off February's Disney World trip AND my brother's March wedding! Woo! and this is on top of my cats each needing like $2000 of emergency work in the last 6 months that came out of my emergency fund/bonus, which I was pretty proud of (tho it was sad to see the speed with which that bonus entered and left my account).

So, having gotten through 2018's big expenditures it's back to debt dumping. I continue to have a slow upward trajectory, hoping I can accelerate that now that I've paid all this nonsense off.
I realize I only post like once every six months so don't know if anyone remembers me but here I am lol.

And I am here to say: with last Friday's paycheck I finally finished paying off February's Disney World trip AND my brother's March wedding! Woo! and this is on top of my cats each needing like $2000 of emergency work in the last 6 months that came out of my emergency fund/bonus, which I was pretty proud of (tho it was sad to see the speed with which that bonus entered and left my account).

So, having gotten through 2018's big expenditures it's back to debt dumping. I continue to have a slow upward trajectory, hoping I can accelerate that now that I've paid all this nonsense off.

Hi! I feel the same way, I only post on here with big updates otherwise I'm trucking along. I do read all the posts though.

Woo Hoo for a cash-flowed trip! :dogdance: I just paid mine off for our January trip.
Dryer repair guy came and replaced the fuse for free bc it is within the guarantee period. He said it’s blowing bc we need the vents cleaned and they don’t do that. The duct cleaning company my hvac company works with is backed up for three weeks so I googled and found a place that can come Friday for $99. I hope they are reputable. And I hope this is really what’s wrong. I’m not using the dryer until the vent is cleaned just in case it blows again. I don’t think we’ve ever had them cleaned, didn’t know you needed to. I’ve been doing laundry all week and hanging it to dry but took a load of towels to my friend’s to dry. And the few things that needed ironing, I tried to do but haven’t used my iron literally in years and it didn’t heat very well and didn’t steam. I might replace it with a handheld steamer instead.
Unfortunately, I woke up this morning and the alarm for our septic tank was going off. It's done this before and righted itself, so I'm hoping it does that again.
Ours went off last weekend (9/29/18). And it needed a new pump. Not the news I wanted before I had to leave the country on Tuesday. Didn't have a choice but to pay, on CC, the $1300 to replace it.

Then the craziest thing happened. My DH mentioned to his boss what happened, because we weren't sure if the pump company needed us onsite to repair (they didn't). After we landed for our vacation, his boss had sent an email that said, "You'll see a deposit for $1500. I didn't want you to have to worry about spending money on your vacation." Yes, we had tears in our eyes. It was such a huge relief.

And now that we are back home, with the countdown onto the trip that about never was, we are focusing on not spending. Even though the Discover cash back is 5% for Amazon...
Ours went off last weekend (9/29/18). And it needed a new pump. Not the news I wanted before I had to leave the country on Tuesday. Didn't have a choice but to pay, on CC, the $1300 to replace it.

Then the craziest thing happened. My DH mentioned to his boss what happened, because we weren't sure if the pump company needed us onsite to repair (they didn't). After we landed for our vacation, his boss had sent an email that said, "You'll see a deposit for $1500. I didn't want you to have to worry about spending money on your vacation." Yes, we had tears in our eyes. It was such a huge relief.

And now that we are back home, with the countdown onto the trip that about never was, we are focusing on not spending. Even though the Discover cash back is 5% for Amazon...

Wow!! How generous!!
Dryer repair guy came and replaced the fuse for free bc it is within the guarantee period. He said it’s blowing bc we need the vents cleaned and they don’t do that. The duct cleaning company my hvac company works with is backed up for three weeks so I googled and found a place that can come Friday for $99. I hope they are reputable. And I hope this is really what’s wrong. I’m not using the dryer until the vent is cleaned just in case it blows again. I don’t think we’ve ever had them cleaned, didn’t know you needed to. I’ve been doing laundry all week and hanging it to dry but took a load of towels to my friend’s to dry. And the few things that needed ironing, I tried to do but haven’t used my iron literally in years and it didn’t heat very well and didn’t steam. I might replace it with a handheld steamer instead.

Hi Hon
This is the reason why we went through 3 dryers in 7 years,,,duct cleaning company finally removed 2 birds nests and a lot of lint,,
the service person said we were lucky that a fire hadn't happened.
They installed a plastic vent on the outside to prevent birds from nesting.
Now I have them come once a year to clean the vents.

Hugs Mel
Well, we made the decision to get rid of our dish network and go with an antenna and get home internet and just stream. Called this morning to actually cancel Dish and when I told them it was just too expensive after 2 years, they actually lowered our package to a smaller one (we had a lot of channels we didn't really watch) and put a guaranteed $30/month discount on the account for a year, which made it the same price as the streaming package we were looking at, plus won't have an internet bill either. So, I guess we're keeping Dish for $50 a month. DF is happy, kids are happy, and I'm happy to have taken my $130 package down to $50. Lol.

Vacation is in 2 weeks! I picked up 2 days last week, 2 this week, and more than likely 2 next week which gives me PLENTY of overtime. I figure we should have about $600 for the trip: $200 for gas, $100 for P's birthday party, and $300 for spending. Other than gas, I don't think we'll even hit the other two costs. I know we are planning a trip to the pumpkin patch and corn maze ($16 total) and dinner with two sets of friends (maybe $70 for both combined). I'm hoping to maybe sneak away for a little bit of a fancy dinner for my birthday, so possibly another $60 there. Other meals will be at familys house and I'll probably get stabbed if I try to pay for any of it. (kidding, sorta)
Alright. I looked into insurance and storage costs for a trailer. The ongoing yearly costs should come out to about $800. That seems doable for us. We are scheduled to go see it on Saturday and I am hopeful that it will be in like new condition and that we will both like it. If that is the case, then we would work to secure the additional financial funding asap so that we could seal the deal.
Ours went off last weekend (9/29/18). And it needed a new pump. Not the news I wanted before I had to leave the country on Tuesday. Didn't have a choice but to pay, on CC, the $1300 to replace it.

Then the craziest thing happened. My DH mentioned to his boss what happened, because we weren't sure if the pump company needed us onsite to repair (they didn't). After we landed for our vacation, his boss had sent an email that said, "You'll see a deposit for $1500. I didn't want you to have to worry about spending money on your vacation." Yes, we had tears in our eyes. It was such a huge relief.

And now that we are back home, with the countdown onto the trip that about never was, we are focusing on not spending. Even though the Discover cash back is 5% for Amazon...

That is one awesome boss! Enjoy your vacation!
The planning for DD's second birthday trip to WDW has begun! I let my brother know the dates for our trip and they decided that they would love to come with us. I think the fact that it was in October, so we would be there during Food & Wine, plus Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party sold them on it. My SIL loves WDW, but they haven't been since 2014. They booked at Polynesian and my mom booked at Contemporary. We plan to book at Poly at the 11 month mark and then try to transfer the reservation to VGF at the 7 month mark.

My SIL has already put together an extensive google doc that lists dining ideas, show times, fastpass strategies and more. She is obviously psyched about the trip and it makes me happy to know that. But she is planning for some extra events that we don't normally do, such as dessert parties. And I am not sure how DD would do to stay up for the later shows. She might just sleep in her stroller as she does now, but that is a year from now so it is hard to say. I think I am just going to have to plan to save a bit extra and see how things go on our trip in March.

That sounds like a lot of fun, to have everyone along, and more babysitters too! Your family like nice hotels too! :love:
Ours were 19 months I believe when we took them to DL (my sister and I had our babies a week apart) and they were def too tired for evening entertainment and past sleeping in DD just turned 2 and doesn't sleep in the stroller anymore, hasn't for a long time... We found that even with naps back at the hotel, they were still pretty much done by 7-8ish, but they are all different right.
Alright. I looked into insurance and storage costs for a trailer. The ongoing yearly costs should come out to about $800. That seems doable for us. We are scheduled to go see it on Saturday and I am hopeful that it will be in like new condition and that we will both like it. If that is the case, then we would work to secure the additional financial funding asap so that we could seal the deal.

Hi Jen
I am going to throw in my 2 cents and offer a bit of advise and my thoughts,, and please know it's just because I care.
RV's depreciate the minute they are driven off the sales lot.
Do a search of the model and call around to some RV places to get an estimate on a new one, and ask their advice on a resale price.
Ask yourself is this an atleast 5 year use plan--like we have been camping before and are committed to at least 5 years of RVing?
Fall is here and it is a prime time for RV's to be sold as many people who bought now have buyers remorse and do not want to pay for storage for something they do not plan to use next Spring. Consider a low ball offer,you can always go up.
This is a pic of one like my dad bought a few years ago. He quickly found out that he should have bought resale.
Consider your gas and wear and tear on your vehicle that is pulling the RV.
I have always wanted to get myself a little tear drop and maybe one day I will,,I'm still looking.
I think it is a great way for a family of 3 and maybe 4 in the future to explore great family adventures together.
Best wishes and good luck Hon
Hugs Mel


Used RVs: 10 Tips to Help You Avoid Buying a Lemon
  1. Never buy a Used RV Sight Unseen. ...
  2. Look Very Carefully For Signs of Mold. ...
  3. Go Over Every Inch of the Ceiling. ...
  4. Do a Close Inspection of all the Floors. ...
  5. Look Under the Exterior Trim and Check the Screws. ...
  6. Open Up and Look Inside all the Exterior Panels. ...
  7. Test the Walls. ...
  8. Carefully Give the Roof a Thorough Inspection.
Link to an online guide
Nada Guide' Lite|183324084&model=CAMPLITE|764941920

Can you tell i've been reading up on the

This is a pic of the Tear Drop T@B Camper that got me interested in them
Last edited:
That sounds like a lot of fun, to have everyone along, and more babysitters too! Your family like nice hotels too! :love:
Ours were 19 months I believe when we took them to DL (my sister and I had our babies a week apart) and they were def too tired for evening entertainment and past sleeping in DD just turned 2 and doesn't sleep in the stroller anymore, hasn't for a long time... We found that even with naps back at the hotel, they were still pretty much done by 7-8ish, but they are all different right.

Yes. So hard to say now. DD still naps well in the stroller and her car seat. The motion helps lull her into taking a nap. I think we will see how she is on our trip in March and decide if we think she can handle anything later or not. Her current bedtime is around 8pm, but some nights she doesn't want to stop playing and we are challenged to getting her to bed. She is just so very active now. Walking and almost running around, playing with everything.

ETA: Yes, my family has a preference for monorail hotels. :P
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Hi Jen
I am going to throw in my 2 cents and offer a bit of advise and my thoughts,, and please know it's just because I care.
RV's depreciate the minute they are driven off the sales lot.
Do a search of the model and call around to some RV places to get an estimate on a new one, and ask their advice on a resale price.
Ask yourself is this an atleast 5 year use plan--like we have been camping before and are committed to at least 5 years of RVing?
Fall is here and it is a prime time for RV's to be sold as many people who bought now have buyers remorse and do not want to pay for storage for something they do not plan to use next Spring. Consider a low ball offer,you can always go up.
This is a pic of one like my dad bought a few years ago. He quickly found out that he should have bought resale.
Consider your gas and wear and tear on your vehicle that is pulling the RV.
I have always wanted to get myself a little tear drop and maybe one day I will,,I'm still looking.
I think it is a great way for a family of 3 and maybe 4 in the future to explore great family adventures together.
Best wishes and good luck Hon
Hugs Mel


Used RVs: 10 Tips to Help You Avoid Buying a Lemon
  1. Never buy a Used RV Sight Unseen. ...
  2. Look Very Carefully For Signs of Mold. ...
  3. Go Over Every Inch of the Ceiling. ...
  4. Do a Close Inspection of all the Floors. ...
  5. Look Under the Exterior Trim and Check the Screws. ...
  6. Open Up and Look Inside all the Exterior Panels. ...
  7. Test the Walls. ...
  8. Carefully Give the Roof a Thorough Inspection.
Link to an online guide
Nada Guide' Lite|183324084&model=CAMPLITE|764941920

Can you tell i've been reading up on the

This is a pic of the Tear Drop T@B Camper that got me interested in them

Thanks for your thoughts! My parents had an RV when I was younger, so I am very familiar with the RVing life and know the committment. Their RV was pretty similar to the picture of the big rig you posted. We actually went to WDW and stayed at Ft. Wilderness 1-2 times a year back then.

We wouldn't buy an RV given the safety concerns about having people (especially kids) properly restrained during travel, so we have decided to opt for a travel trailer. We like the Camplite's because they have a full aluminum frame and no wood, so they won't rust or rot over time. Maintenance should be less and it should remain in better shape for a longer time versus other types. The model we are looking at is a bunkhouse model, so we can easily fit two kids in the bunks, plus it has a true queen sized bed for me and DH. I love the idea of static beds, rather than having to make and unmake a sofa bed or dinette bed each night like we did in my parent's RV.

We had planned to wait a year or two and keep our eye out for a used model. The one that we are looking at was used just this past year and I have known the person that is selling the trailer for probably 5 years now. She has a personal reason for selling such a new trailer. I looked up the "blue book" price for it and her asking price is on the very low end of the value range for this trailer, so I feel like she is asking a very fair price, especially considering the added accessories. We don't plan to counteroffer with anything lower.

We hope to have and use this trailer for much longer than 5 years. With DD so young and hopefully having a second kid in the next few years, we want to make this trailer a regular part of our travel adventures. We have been taking several weekend trips this past Spring/Summer/Fall and we would use the trailer to take even more trips like that as well as some longer trips to places like WDW, Smokey Mountains, Upper Peninsula, etc.
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ETA: Yes, my family has a preference for monorail hotels. :P
Have you stayed at the Contemporary? I've always wondered how that is! We had a trailer since the kids were little but just sold it as the boys outgrew it and my DH travels too much now for work so we have so much less time, but anyway lots of fond memories for them and got them OUTSIDE. It was an adventure for them. Around the campsite, loaded up bikes and scooters, searching for firewood, playing outside, fishing, etc. I'm more of a hotel person myself, but nostalgic for the togetherness we shared when they were younger from the closer space and outdoors lifestyle of camping life!
Have you stayed at the Contemporary? I've always wondered how that is! We had a trailer since the kids were little but just sold it as the boys outgrew it and my DH travels too much now for work so we have so much less time, but anyway lots of fond memories for them and got them OUTSIDE. It was an adventure for them. Around the campsite, loaded up bikes and scooters, searching for firewood, playing outside, fishing, etc. I'm more of a hotel person myself, but nostalgic for the togetherness we shared when they were younger from the closer space and outdoors lifestyle of camping life!

I haven't stayed at Contemporary, but my brother and SIL have and they loved it. But then they haven't stayed at Poly yet and we love that place so much. Super glad that it is our home resort.

I have great memories from our RV trips as a kid. Very nostalgic for it. :)
I had four individual interviews for my promotion on Thursday. For my last interview, I met with one of our compliance leaders that leads several of our services (including mine). He didn't ask me a single question. All he did was talk about upcoming projects and how excited he was. He also said "I think that you know that this role was created for you" and thanked me for my patience in waiting for an opportunity. So I'm 95% sure that I'll get the role, but there's always a possibility someone else will pop up. I'm excited for the offer and to see what kind of bump in pay I can expect!!!

That's really exciting! Hope the bump in pay is a good one!
Switched my auto insurance this morning due to the really high premiums Allstate was giving us for our next 6 month policy. Switched to Geico with the same coverage/if not slightly better and we'll be saving roughly $70/month. Granted this will make our homeowners go up slightly with Allstate (they were by far cheaper than Geico on this), but even with that we'll still be saving $50-60 bucks a month.
The raise I've been waiting on for forever, finally starts next Monday with the new pay period. And it's even the full amount and not 1% less like I was told at one point. I'm sort of in disbelief.

I mean, it's not make it or break it for this place, but I was really just thinking it wasn't happening this year at this point. At least it will be nice to have a small pay bump while I job hunt.
Finally got my car situation worked out. It's strange to take on a car loan, I haven't had one since 2009. I think I got a decent rate though, 1.9% for 48 months for a Toyota, the remainder I had my trade in and a down payment.

I did some price watching on Southwest over the weekend, and sure enough the rates went down for the particular days we are flying on our Disney trip, and also they were down for the surrounding days. So, I didn't need to really bother waiting for the schedule release that they had for the Apr-June 2019 flights it seems. There are still "sold out" so they say now, wanna get away fares, but I think with all the algorithms or statistics, or whatever math name can be labeled to such, flight prices and points will fluctuate still.

Anyway, bottom line is I ended up getting DH a refund of over 28,000 points back to his SW account, and then I altered our return flight by a day, and got a better flight time and direct flight, and also got back over 28,000 points to my SW account. I'd fly at terrible times myself, but with kids we rather do sometime between 0800-1600 flight times. Overall, a win for checking the flights again. It did make our hotel bill go up by another $150 for the night, that adds on dinner that night too, but that was okay as that's our big trip for 2019 anyway. We'll try to drive down to Hilton Head and stay at a non-Disney hotel for a three night over summer as I don't think I'll reasonably get us into Disney's HH Resort. And, late fall next year if all is well, we may go down for a three day to somewhere else, and also visit family road trip.


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