Debt Dumpers 2020

Our savings account just hit the $20,000 mark, which feels like a big accomplishment. That is currently enough to fully pay off my husband's car, our credit card balance transfer, and renew 4 Disneyland APs when they come due. So, technically, we are debt free now, but I'm gonna keep earning the interest and make those payoffs in December. Feels good.

On track to put another $5k in next month.
That's great for all those making progress! Luckily we have income coming in and thankfully still plugged away at the Roth IRA and no issue paying bills, but as far as any other saving that is about out the window this year so far. Mentioned earlier posts on the family issues I've had to pay on as mom didn't have any insurance or savings to pass on for final arrangements. But anyway, enough on that. Newest major expense is moving into a new place soon with our lease up and not renewing. We have to put down deposit on a new place as we are moving out with our lease expiration, so that is $3,000. That was sort of sudden, and then again not. Knew the lease was coming upon expiration but landlord only wants to do a 12 month and sell it, and DH is ready to part ways with this place as the home has many issues and not very responsive on when we needed certain items fixed, and hadn't been turned over right anyway when we came (last tenants apparently were in here the night before finishing their packout after living in it for three years, we got the keys the next day at noon, so we came in to barely cleaned place and spackled walls-anyway, then had to ask them, the owner, to paint at least the main floor). So yes, this rental is a bit of a fixer upper :)
No, do you remember last year someone posted about weight watchers running a deal and a couple other people joined too? Well I've been going strong since 3/2019! I even joined the WW Instagram community and I post quite a lot of there, progress, food, etc. There's a lot of very helpful stuff there is anyone else is still on the program! The running is new actually, I need SOMETHING with my gym closed, I was getting tired of Walk at Home videos on youtube, I needed to be physically propelled forward (I was doing a treadmill before at the gym, I find the stress release cathartic, and I need it being stuck at home with a teen and tween lol). I'm not very good/fast yet, but I manage a 1.5 mile loop around my subdivision a couple times a week usually.

Thank you!!

Congratulations! I'm also on WW (online only at this point). I started back in 9/2018 after many years of trying on my own without enough success. I'm down 90 plus 30 pre-WW. It feels so good to be able to do things again. I'm not a gym person but getting in plenty of activity points tackling a lot of long neglected yard work and gardening. Saves me a ton on landscapers too. Planning to pull my bike out of the basement in the next week or so to start to ride again. I tried before I lost weight and couldn't do it which made me really sad. I've never done Instagram but love reading Connect. WW is one expense that I won't consider eliminating again.
Congratulations! I'm also on WW (online only at this point). I started back in 9/2018 after many years of trying on my own without enough success. I'm down 90 plus 30 pre-WW. It feels so good to be able to do things again. I'm not a gym person but getting in plenty of activity points tackling a lot of long neglected yard work and gardening. Saves me a ton on landscapers too. Planning to pull my bike out of the basement in the next week or so to start to ride again. I tried before I lost weight and couldn't do it which made me really sad. I've never done Instagram but love reading Connect. WW is one expense that I won't consider eliminating again.

It is money WELL SPENT! Good job on your weight loss! Let m know on here if you'd like to connect on connect, I am always looking for people to follow, Disney people are one of my faves!
Jumping in randomly like I do:

Both of my credit cards with capital one are PAID COMPLETELY off and i brought my $2900 care credit card balance down to 1900 and if theres another stimulus check or my state stays on stay at home until june 1, I will be debt free with a 3 month emergency fund! I have never felt so financially healthy if that make sense 😅
It is money WELL SPENT! Good job on your weight loss! Let m know on here if you'd like to connect on connect, I am always looking for people to follow, Disney people are one of my faves!
I don't normally post anything about myself on Connect except when I'm trying to encourage other people. I'll keep an eye out for your posts there. Thanks!
Those of you talking gas prices- I think we are about $1.60-$1.70 in South Dakota. My daughter lives in Madison, WI and gas there is $0.99.

We got our stimulus check and immediately paid debt. Got the $400 from opening a Wells Fargo checking account today and will apply that to debt as well.

We are planning a big trip to Disney next December with my husband and I, my daughter and her husband, our 11 year old nephew, and my mother in law. Originally had planned on using my mother in laws military discount for tickets and rooms, however; she is often times unreliable and I can see planning it all with that and then at the last minute she changes her mind. I told my husband yesterday we need to just book with Disney rates and any discounts that come out. He gets paid 2x per month and July is an extra check- considering putting that towards a Disney trip to help pay for it. We have taken my nephew 3 times, but usually we only
I don't even know what gas prices are since I only go out one a week to get groceries I haven't needed gas in several weeks. LOL

I did find out I will be returning back to the office on June 1st. They are having folks come back in waves and because I am "healthy" and don't have daycare to worry about I will be in wave 1. I am fine with that. I have been having some health issues lately which has been hard to deal with. I am not able to run until the issues are sorted out and that is how I mentally stayed sane. So I have taken up yoga and walking. It's not the same but its something. I never had health issues when I was obese but now that I am at a healthy weight I have issues. Go figure!

DD's car needs some repairs done tomorrow so that is $400 not planned. I was able to make a double house payment this month though so that was good.

Weather was beautiful this weekend so got radishes and spinach planted. I already have lettuce growing. It looks like temp will drop on Friday to freezing so will hold off on tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash until hopefully next weekend.

Waiting on Royal to cancel our June 18th cruise out of NJ. We won't be re-booking and will ask for full refund so will probably just put that money into savings. I want to plan a trip but don't want to be dissapointed if it gets cancelled so I think if we do anything this summer it will be last minute.
Here's a funny, "Well this sucks...oh wait..." story from your friend Batman.

We spent the stimulus money on the flooring, right? Ordered the rest of what we needed to get the vinyl planks installed. Planned on our own installment to save money even though I have back issues and DH just had foot surgery. Whatever, we're on a budget but we have time. Get an email today that "Gee, that flooring you ordered last week and spent $1k on? We don't have it AND it's discontinued." Great. This means we'll have to return what we have and suffer a 25% return fee. Okay...still doable with the funds. So I get ready to order the new flooring and just hold off for some reason. DH calls about 7 mins later trying to be all mysterious and downcast, but he's a generally happy guy and failed miserably. He got a bonus. Now we not only order new flooring but pay for installation! We lose out on $100 for the returns but I've never been so happy to have something installed!!!
Here's a funny, "Well this sucks...oh wait..." story from your friend Batman.

We spent the stimulus money on the flooring, right? Ordered the rest of what we needed to get the vinyl planks installed. Planned on our own installment to save money even though I have back issues and DH just had foot surgery. Whatever, we're on a budget but we have time. Get an email today that "Gee, that flooring you ordered last week and spent $1k on? We don't have it AND it's discontinued." Great. This means we'll have to return what we have and suffer a 25% return fee. Okay...still doable with the funds. So I get ready to order the new flooring and just hold off for some reason. DH calls about 7 mins later trying to be all mysterious and downcast, but he's a generally happy guy and failed miserably. He got a bonus. Now we not only order new flooring but pay for installation! We lose out on $100 for the returns but I've never been so happy to have something installed!!!
Fantastic news!!!!
April Update:

2020 Financial Goals:
Pay off my car (Goal: $12,800): $10,500 paid. 2 more payments over the next month and it will be DONE.

Begin contributing $50/paycheck to my HSA (Goal: $1500): $450

Contribute $2500 to DS14’s 529: $500 contributed YTD.

2020 Personal Goals:

Have a will drawn up - Not yet

Get back into running and lose enough weight to fit back into clothes that are in my closet: The world has brought this to a screeching halt. I have time to do it, and even bought a desktop that works with my treadmill so I could at least walk and work, but the motivation has been completely lost. I’m hoping to do better here in April. Totally didn’t do better in April.

Read more and spend less time on stupid iPad games: Just got the latest Stephen King book from Amazon. I have also gotten a ton of jigsaw puzzles and have been working on those.

Vacation plans – Zero. :(

DH’s furlough is supposed to end this week and he is currently scheduled to start back up on Monday – fingers crossed that happens, however they have also sent notices that basically indicate they will be looking at a headcount reduction. Since it’s manufacturing, the logical part of my brain assumes they would just cut second shift and DH works first so should be safe, but we shall see what transpires. They don’t always do things that appear logical to me.

Gas prices here are around 1.65. I had about 1/3 of a tank left (from my last visit on 3/13) but had some expiring fuel points so decided to go ahead and fill it last weekend. I got $1 off so filled my tank for less than $7. I spent $26 for gas in March, and only the $7 in April. Crazy pants.
Happy Cinco de Mayo! We've started May off with hiring a painter to do the exterior of our home. I'm soooo excited to see what it will look like. I'm going to get the deposit out of the bank today and he'll start most likely next Monday as long as the weather this week doesn't interfere with his current job (supposed to rain all day here today). We had to go to Home Depot to pick out paint colors the other day after hiring him so we picked up a couple other things for home improvement projects as well. I got new front door lights for our house since the base of one of ours has completely broken now. We also placed some Amazon orders for a few items to redo our kitchen cabinets. I'm going to get us Chick Fil A for lunch today when I run out to the bank but otherwise I'm hoping to keep our restaurant costs super low again this month. We have a ton of food in the house right now so hopefully we won't need to go to the grocery store again for a while.
@jackers it is definitely difficult to find the motivation to work out during this pandemic! Ive been trying not to beat myself up to much about it. My workout process has been off and on since all this started, but I did finally finish the good doctor on hulu! I was only letting myself watch it when I worked out. Now I need to find another show to motivate myself with.
@jackers it is definitely difficult to find the motivation to work out during this pandemic! Ive been trying not to beat myself up to much about it. My workout process has been off and on since all this started, but I did finally finish the good doctor on hulu! I was only letting myself watch it when I worked out. Now I need to find another show to motivate myself with.

Running keeps me sane. I go after work 2 or 3 days a week and am in a better, refreshed mood when I'm done. The other 1 or 2 days I do some leg and core stuff that I can do at home. Keeping my back happy motivates that part.
Our gas is going up. DH paid $1.29 last week and it's back up to $1.59 this week. He is essential so still driving every day.
Our gas is going up. DH paid $1.29 last week and it's back up to $1.59 this week. He is essential so still driving every day.
Our savings account just hit the $20,000 mark, which feels like a big accomplishment. That is currently enough to fully pay off my husband's car, our credit card balance transfer, and renew 4 Disneyland APs when they come due. So, technically, we are debt free now, but I'm gonna keep earning the interest and make those payoffs in December. Feels good.

On track to put another $5k in next month.

That must feel really good- if those payments are 0 interest, might as we hang on and make a few dollars.
If you're saving 5K a month, you must be a high earner, or mortgage free already? still 15 years of big mortgage (over 3K a month but it's really pricey here) *sigh*

My daughter lives in Madison, WI and gas there is $0.99.
.99! Wow!
Gas is $1.05/L here, so that's around 2.99/gallon with the exchange and all...well jealous!
That must feel really good- if those payments are 0 interest, might as we hang on and make a few dollars.
If you're saving 5K a month, you must be a high earner, or mortgage free already? still 15 years of big mortgage (over 3K a month but it's really pricey here) *sigh*

.99! Wow!
Gas is $1.05/L here, so that's around 2.99/gallon with the exchange and all...well jealous!

No mortgage. We rent. Our rent is around $3300/month. Never want to buy really. We live in an area where renting is FAR cheaper than buying, over time. My husband earns good money as a military officer. I have no complaints. I'm a SAHM. We are earning a bit extra each month right now since my husband is stationed overseas away from us. We get about an extra $1000, tax free, in allowances and COLA, plus we get to skip paying CA state taxes which saves us a few hundred dollars every month. The quarantine has our spending WAY down. Normally, we save about $2000-3000 every month.


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