Debt Dumpers 2020

We don't have minor league hockey in seattle and haven't had a junior team in the actually city for quite some time. They play in the suburbs 😊

Thanks. I knew they weren't actually in the city of Seattle, but I couldn't remember where they were at but I knew they were right outside of Seattle. Its been a few years since we went.
How bizarre that the tour company cancelled, but in many ways I think the death of Diana caught so many people on the hop that they reacted quickly on a "what if" basis.

I haven't seen the Harry Potter play but keep meaning too. Obviously it is currently off but apparently the theatre company are looking to see if it can be one of the first to reopen - with appropriate social distancing measures. As many London theatres were built over 100 years ago they face particular challenges in being able to reopen with fewer seats etc. And the economics of reopening mean it isn't necessarily viable. I feel there may be a sudden burst of one and two man shows being staged. Big "all singing, all dancing" musicals definitely feel like they might be a long way off.

One of the big differences between the UK and US can really be shown with the medical costs post. I know this is one of those areas that often stirs emotions but just for contrast I had a similar operation to the lady with the $125,000 bill - but mine involved full open surgery due to the nature of the condition that was being dealt with and a 3 night hospital stay due to complications. I could have had it via the National Health Service for nothing but I wanted it done in a particular timeframe, and I have private medical insurance so I opted to have it done privately. The insurance company were billed less than $10,000. My annual medical insurance bill is about $2,500 with a $350 annual deductible.

The NHS is by no means perfect, but I do find some of the numbers involved in medical matters in the US eye-watering.

Insurance companies don't actually pay those crazy prices either. Let's say I get my foot xrayed and the bill says $300. The contracted, agreed upon rate between the ins co. and the hospital may be $75, so that's what the hospital gets. It doesn't make any sense but that's how it's done.

I've had 2 c-sections. The first one cost me $9 charge to have the TV in my room turned on for 4 days. For our 2nd baby, my doctor switched from the hospital where I work to one nearby, same city, about 2 months before my due date. Because it was considered not part of our "enterprise" I would have had to pay thousands out of pocket to deliver there. Instead we switched to dh's insurance (an HMO) and had to pay a $250 deductible. Still not bad though this was 20 & 23 years ago.
Two years ago I took ds20, then 18, to one of our oral surgeons to have his wisdom teeth pulled. They were impacted and ruining the perfect alignment he achieved with braces. We paid the $30 co-pay for the initial consult and the rest was covered 100%.
on the flip side, many of us are flabbergasted when taxation rates for non u.s. countries are quoted. we hear of other countries getting income taxed at 40% or more and not knowing if that means it's a 'total' tax or if people still have property and sales taxes our eyes water as well (any insight you could provide on how this stuff works-i for one would be fascinated to learn and am willing to share how my individual state works b/c taxation varies state to state in the u.s.).

I do recall our tour guide mentioning up to 60% in income taxes plus 25% sales tax in Denmark. :faint:
I would be willing to entertain the idea of national medicine/insurance but anything our government touches, is run so completely ineptly and inefficiently. Look at Medicare and Social Security. :headache: If you've ever had to help your parents deal with either of these, you would see why so much of the country just doesn't trust them to be as efficient as private insurance companies. Just hearing dh talk about how terrible our county-owned wastewater treatment plant is run, it would sicken me to think the same goofballs could be in charge of our health. No wonder NJ has the highest # of residents in the country that are moving out of state. Well, maybe after covid we are #2 after NY.
There is a castle you can stay at in Ireland via the Red Carnation hotels. I think you can book that hotel via Costco. I do want to get back to the UK. The Doctor Who Experience was closed when I visited.

There are at least 2 I can think of, where we stayed during part of our honeymoon: Ashford Castle and Dromoland Castle. Both are stunning! Only one night in each and the rest was all B&B stays but it sure was fun! :cloud9:
I do recall our tour guide mentioning up to 60% in income taxes plus 25% sales tax in Denmark. :faint:
I would be willing to entertain the idea of national medicine/insurance but anything our government touches, is run so completely ineptly and inefficiently. Look at Medicare and Social Security. :headache: If you've ever had to help your parents deal with either of these, you would see why so much of the country just doesn't trust them to be as efficient as private insurance companies. Just hearing dh talk about how terrible our county-owned wastewater treatment plant is run, it would sicken me to think the same goofballs could be in charge of our health. No wonder NJ has the highest # of residents in the country that are moving out of state. Well, maybe after covid we are #2 after NY.

i totally get you. i'm retired from dshs and supervised a medicaid unit at one point in time. efficiency and accuracy were never priorities that the higher ups supported.
Howdy all! Partially back from the absence. Just logged on to check the CC balances and I have ONE MORE PAYMENT on CC1!!!!! I'm.So.Excited! Still on track for CC2 to be paid off by January, conservatively. I can pay it off by December, possibly, but want to leave a bigger emergency fund. We've drained that puppy twice this year and refunded it. I love emergency funds. Loathed them before this year and now understand the amazing benefit of being able to use it for new tires and a battery when you're out of state and buying an oven when yours suddenly stops working.

I'm not back to work full time yet. The surgery had complications. Was under for 13 hours and hospitalized for 7 days. But recovery is going really well for now. So grateful for my insurance and my boss. And amazing friends checking in on me.
DH and I finally bought all-weather mats for the Highlander we bought back in June. Luckily since he used to work for Toyota and still knows people there we were able to get the employee pricing which saved us money. We also decided to buy a beverage fridge because we're tired of having to make room in our fridge for food with so many drinks and stuff in there. Its been a pricey day, but at least we've taken care of a couple things we've been talking about for awhile. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
uckily since he used to work for Toyota and still knows people there we were able to get the employee pricing which saved us money. We also decided to buy a beverage fridge because we're tired of having to make room in our fridge for food with so many drinks and stuff in there. Its been a pricey day, but at least we've taken care of a couple things we've been talking about for awhile. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
I like the Highlander so much I may consider it in a few years, hope it's a great vehicle for you. Speaking of extra fridges and such, I have been on an online quest with no luck to find an extra chest freezer at Home Depot or Lowes between 7-11 cu. ft.
I like the Highlander so much I may consider it in a few years, hope it's a great vehicle for you. Speaking of extra fridges and such, I have been on an online quest with no luck to find an extra chest freezer at Home Depot or Lowes between 7-11 cu. ft.

I'm definitely loving the highlander. Its such a great car. I drove our camry today for the first time in awhile because my DH was cleaning the highlander and the Camry felt soooo weird lol.

If you have costco or sams club check there. Ive seen chest freezers in stock at both places. Also check best buy as i got lucky with a stand up freezer there.
I like the Highlander so much I may consider it in a few years, hope it's a great vehicle for you. Speaking of extra fridges and such, I have been on an online quest with no luck to find an extra chest freezer at Home Depot or Lowes between 7-11 cu. ft.

I think you still have to be quick or get lucky with the freezers. We were also looking for one and my mom happened to look while she was at Lowes for something else and they had some. While she was talking to the person to get the freezer two other people came up for them as well. They seem to be selling out as soon as they get them still. It was nice though, fit in the back of my mom's escape and we were able to get rid of our full size stand up freezer that was over 41 years old. It was still going strong but we kept so little in it and it obviously wasn't energy efficient it just made sense to finally replace it.
I'm definitely loving the highlander. Its such a great car. I drove our camry today for the first time in awhile because my DH was cleaning the highlander and the Camry felt soooo weird lol.

If you have costco or sams club check there. Ive seen chest freezers in stock at both places. Also check best buy as i got lucky with a stand up freezer there.
That's great! I also like the Camry but yes, it does feel so much different to drive a car after riding in an SUV. My DH does our Costco runs and I have him look, he never sees any! I wonder if it could be my area, if I had the inclination which I don't, let's say I could ride bike to the capital.
That's great! I also like the Camry but yes, it does feel so much different to drive a car after riding in an SUV. My DH does our Costco runs and I have him look, he never sees any! I wonder if it could be my area, if I had the inclination which I don't, let's say I could ride bike to the capital.

Also try their website. We're not in the market for appliances but we've gotten great deals on computers through their website that no other store could even come close to for pricing.
Howdy all! Partially back from the absence. Just logged on to check the CC balances and I have ONE MORE PAYMENT on CC1!!!!! I'm.So.Excited! Still on track for CC2 to be paid off by January, conservatively. I can pay it off by December, possibly, but want to leave a bigger emergency fund. We've drained that puppy twice this year and refunded it. I love emergency funds. Loathed them before this year and now understand the amazing benefit of being able to use it for new tires and a battery when you're out of state and buying an oven when yours suddenly stops working.

I'm not back to work full time yet. The surgery had complications. Was under for 13 hours and hospitalized for 7 days. But recovery is going really well for now. So grateful for my insurance and my boss. And amazing friends checking in on me.

So glad you're ok. :goodvibes :hug: :flower3:
We also decided to buy a beverage fridge because we're tired of having to make room in our fridge for food with so many drinks and stuff in there. !
DH has a wine fridge that I never think to put other drinks in, lol. It's got wine bottle-shaped racks but I could put other bottles in there, too. DUH!
How are home sales in your area? Open house near me was so busy yesterday.

the traditional housing area near us is supposedly one of the hottest in the nation with a short supply vs. ready/willing/able buyers. i don't think the houses in my specific area even make it to having an open house-rural properties have become INSANELY sought after and we get constant stuff in our mailbox from realtors trying to entice us to sell. one neighbor has had realtors show up at her door with offers in hand (she has no intention of selling).
How are home sales in your area? Open house near me was so busy yesterday.

We have so few homes being sold right now in our town, that each house is snapped up immediatly. I’ve put two offers in on homes at full asking within the first 48 hours of them being on the market and didn’t get either.


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