Debt Dumpers 2020

I'm still anxiously awaiting my Nov cruise. I'm not concerned about the corona-virus, but I am concerned that our ship will be delayed again because of it. If it gets delayed again, then we're going to have figure out something else. Maybe a different cruise out of FL since we already have our airfare out th
I'm just going to wait and see how things travel related look over the next month, but it has taken the wind out of the sails so to speak being excited to cruise to not as excited. So far I haven't heard anything about Port Canaveral, just the Fort Lauderdale Port Everglades terminal. That's just my feeling right now, of course. I'll wait a bit and see, payment isn't due for some time. We are outside the 31 July Cruise with Confidence policy that RC put out.

I got another credit today off one flight with SW again, price dropped a little more this morning.
So jealous of the laser hair removal. I hope you keep us updated about how well it works. I have thought about it several times, but it has just never worked out. We are probably moving someplace a lot warmer this summer, so my lazy leg shave status won’t work as well next winter :P It may be something I need to budget for.

Not to make light or upset anyone, but I do sometimes miss my “chemo” shave. Chemo is crap, so you kind of deserve at least one benefit. Other than the obvious, of course. No shaving and no allergies were definitely the only good side effects. And they were some pretty good side effects for this hairy allergy ridden body.

Gotta find a silver lining, right? :hug:
It's 2 weeks out from 1st treatment and I am seeing very little regrowth in my underarms. I shaved on Sunday and still can't feel any stubbles. I bought six treatment package because that is typical but I can save some for future use if I like.

Bikini area is gonna take a while. I think I'm related to Chewbacca somehow. :chewy:
It definitely worked but more regrowth compared to underarms.

It really wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be. I found a Groupon for the underarms (or small area such as upper lip) for only $166 for 6 treatments. Not bad IMO. I wasn't planning to get that too but for that price I might as well.
Bikini area ranges from $360-775 (6 treatments) depending how much area you want done.
Full legs are around $1400 so that definitely needs to be a Christmas gift. I can't spend that much on myself just for the heck of it.

This is definitely a great idea for an "I-paid-off-all-our-debt" splurge. We all need some kind of carrot dangling in front of us to keep us motivated.

Keep going! Never give up!

Btw, we are cancelling our 3/28 cruise on the Magic. I just can't take a chance getting my dad sick; he'd never survive it. Not worth all the stress.
Take care everyone!
Gotta find a silver lining, right? :hug:
It's 2 weeks out from 1st treatment and I am seeing very little regrowth in my underarms. I shaved on Sunday and still can't feel any stubbles. I bought six treatment package because that is typical but I can save some for future use if I like.

Bikini area is gonna take a while. I think I'm related to Chewbacca somehow. :chewy:
It definitely worked but more regrowth compared to underarms.

It really wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be. I found a Groupon for the underarms (or small area such as upper lip) for only $166 for 6 treatments. Not bad IMO. I wasn't planning to get that too but for that price I might as well.
Bikini area ranges from $360-775 (6 treatments) depending how much area you want done.
Full legs are around $1400 so that definitely needs to be a Christmas gift. I can't spend that much on myself just for the heck of it.

This is definitely a great idea for an "I-paid-off-all-our-debt" splurge. We all need some kind of carrot dangling in front of us to keep us motivated.

Keep going! Never give up!

Btw, we are cancelling our 3/28 cruise on the Magic. I just can't take a chance getting my dad sick; he'd never survive it. Not worth all the stress.
Take care everyone!
Those are really good prices. I had no idea they stabilized so much. Definitely something to think about. Thanks for update.
Bikini area is gonna take a while. I think I'm related to Chewbacca somehow. :chewy:

Overpayment on my car came in the mail on the same day as my medical bill from my surgeries and it covers the amount, with $20 to spare!

I'm exhausted. Hard week with DH's work and mine. I'm looking forward to the weekend not only for the rain (we need it), but I've set up two friends who have been texting each other like mad since they agreed to it last week and are meeting for the first time Saturday. His mom even sent me a text that she's never seen him smile this much! And although it's not budget-related, I thought we could all use a little cute "awwwwww" moment. I'll let you know how it goes. :thumbsup2
Well, not certain if going to WDW any longer in April. Looking to August instead, not a fan of that heat at the time, but that's the current thought as kids still would be out from school, and already had flights in place for the cruise. Will need to do something with SW on these flights and book for a trip next spring, hopefully. And, on the cruise, we pulled the plug on the late summer cruise and awaiting UR points and RCCL credit back, thankfully calling and dealing with it Wednesday and Thursday before the lines when nutty. No remorse, we want to see how things shake out first, how the cruise line handles everything, and importantly what happens in foreign ports. If all goes well, we can maybe take advantage of last minute deals if any.
The world has definitely gone mad. Costco last night was a madhouse, when usually if I go in an hour or so before they close it's pretty calm. Shelves and freezers were empty. I just went to Safeway to get some other groceries and it was also crazy busy, but luckily not really anything out of stock except for the elusive toilet paper. My co-worker went to Costco just a little bit ago and register lines were all the way to the back of the store. Usually this Costco is pretty calm and not really ever busy. It makes me glad I went last night when it wasn't quite as bad. Stay safe out there everyone!

The world has definitely gone mad. Costco last night was a madhouse, when usually if I go in an hour or so before they close it's pretty calm. Shelves and freezers were empty. I just went to Safeway to get some other groceries and it was also crazy busy, but luckily not really anything out of stock except for the elusive toilet paper. My co-worker went to Costco just a little bit ago and register lines were all the way to the back of the store. Usually this Costco is pretty calm and not really ever busy. It makes me glad I went last night when it wasn't quite as bad. Stay safe out there everyone!
The grocery store was bad enough, it had things but a lot of empty spots on shelves for simple things like spaghetti. I've also been to Walmart yesterday, Walmart was busy AND they were out of cart wipes, and nobody wipes anything down between customers, well there was only one worker there for what, 12 self check out registers. At least that was the experience when I went in. Walgreen's this afternoon and its pharmacy area was a bit busy. Good luck out there!
Excited to share I paid off my car and only $100 away from having emergency fund completed. Thank goodness for a great bonus and not owing any taxes this year.


the importance of an emergency fund is being brought home to our dd today and our state as a whole. b/c of the impact on the travel & meeting industry dd got word today her hours are being reduced at work-initialy they hope to only cut everyone by 1 day per week. yikes-losing 20% of your income is hard, luckily she has some savings she was going to throw at her student loans but will hang on to it to cover expenses instead. on a state wide level-all k through 12 public and private schools are closing tuesday the 17 and will remain closed until at least april 24th o_O i can't imagine how parents are going to handle it. so many employers can't do telecommuting and i've only heard of the big name companies on the west side of washington offering paid leave.
Everything is ok on this end. All of the sacramento county schools are out of session until april. I dont work for a school district itself, but with the county office and we are still supposed to report to work at this point. Kinda seems pointless to me since with all of the schools out, we dont have a whole lot to do. But it is what it is. I was able to get my essentials, plus a couple extra things last week when I went to costco and Safeway. Luckily I hit both before it got uber crazy. My DH will also still be working.

What about you @barkley ?

Eta: I'm taking some time today to make a big batch of mickey waffles to freeze so we have them on hand for a quick meal.
how is everyone doing? not talking debt dumping wise-but in general. it's a crazy time so i hope everyone is well and taking care.

Thanks for asking, barkley. Crazy times indeed! Work was exhausting last week and only likely to become more so--unending barrage of decisions that need to be made in preparing for continuity of operations. Don't won't to overreact, don't want to underreact, can't just shut everything down. My greatest fear is that people in similar situations give up and everything crashes around us.

On a slightly more debt dumping note, I've spent a ton of money this month--new dishwasher, had to have the locksmith out to fix some broken locks, and I've been buying more food and household supplies than normal. I'm uncomfortable with that because I think we should all resist the urge to hoard goods. I'm generally very minimalist in what I keep in my house. I live just two blocks from a grocery store so usually don't feel the need to have lots of stuff on hand--only have a weeks worth of food, maybe two if i really stretched it, in my house. Now I've got twice that. Probably just a "normal" amount for many Americans (and that's how I justified it to myself) but, still, I don't feel good about changing my behavior in that way. I'm admitting it here because I want to hold myself accountable for my own bad behavior!

Barkley, I hope you and all the dis'ers are holding up okay.
Well, we were supposed to go to WDW at the end of this month, so I had to call in on Friday and move it. For now it is at the end of April, because we are going with my cousin, parents and sister who are all going in my parents RV and that was the only week we could find with a full hook-up site for them that worked for all of their schedules. We will see if WDW is open again by then, I'm not sure right now.

Otherwise, we still have work so we are doing alright. Local grocery stores are getting more and more sparse in what they have. When I went shopping earlier today about half of the shelves were bare. They had no bacon, sausage, eggs, bread, soups, pasta, toilet paper, paper towels.....and what they did have was about 1/3 of the normal selection. I had to be creative in what I bought to make meals with because they were out of so much. Several fast food places around here have gone to drive thru only to minimize interaction.

I hope everyone else is doing well, and that this all ends soon so people don't start to get in bad situations with money and supplies.
As long as DH stays healthy and automotive stays deemed an essential service (if it gets to that point), we will be fine. Teen ds and I might kill each other, though...

Our real issue is DH has been offered a job out of state with June start date to a location we have never visited. No final discussion of pay, benefits (insurance plan can be a make or break for us) or relocation package. Company is headquartered in metro N.Y., so any final plan discussion is currently on hold. We have accepted we may have to pick housing and school district long distance, but we have been researching the heck out of it for months. DS is in 9th grade and plays football. Separating the family long term or postponing any later in HS is not an option. This is DH dream job under one of his favorite supervisors ever. It will be devastating for DH if this position doesn’t work out.

As far as current living situation, we live in a suburban keyed access elevator apartment complex that caters to downsizing seniors and newly relocated families (which we were nearly 5 years ago—long, unnecessary story). We got new landlord/management company January 1. It is a pretty big company with complexes in many states. They have told us nothing. What they are doing to protect employees or residents. What they plan. Accommodations if you have financial needs. Nothing. The lack of communication isn’t totally surprising. We found out about buyout around 10 business days in advance. They didn’t announce January rent had to be paid via check or money order until evening 12/30. Pretty sure most people had been paying electronically and some were out of town.

We get weekly cleaning of common areas, and they aren’t very thorough. We have had a rotting leaf on the steps to the garage for close to 2 months. I am a klutz, so I rarely use steps up or down without using the rail. And, there are a lot of fire doors in shared spaces. And, of course, the elevator.
What about you @barkley ?
Barkley, I hope you and all the dis'ers are holding up okay.

it's kinda cray-cray here but not nearly as bad as on the western (seattle) side of the state. people were stocking up and such here but it wasn't as bad as reports elsewhere UNTIL the governor announced on friday that all k-12 public and private schools would be open tomorrow but then close until (at the earliest) april 24th. then the libraries announced they were closing this weekend-for at least a month. then we get our first in county confirmed cases-3-. now the store shelves are getting emptied, people are trying to figure out childcare...

i am hunkered down and binge watching stuff (though the timing of watching the new updated 'war of the worlds' miniseries is very creepy).

everyone take care.
it's kinda cray-cray here but not nearly as bad as on the western (seattle) side of the state. people were stocking up and such here but it wasn't as bad as reports elsewhere UNTIL the governor announced on friday that all k-12 public and private schools would be open tomorrow but then close until (at the earliest) april 24th. then the libraries announced they were closing this weekend-for at least a month. then we get our first in county confirmed cases-3-. now the store shelves are getting emptied, people are trying to figure out childcare...

i am hunkered down and binge watching stuff (though the timing of watching the new updated 'war of the worlds' miniseries is very creepy).

everyone take care.
Same here - stores are empty, people are lining up a few hours before Costco opens. Have a positive case in our local hospital. Dh still has to go to work, but can stay away from people. He's off now until Thurs. The boys haven'y left the house in a week, my last grocery trip was Thurs. and haven't left since. We are on lockdown. Will continue to check info. but won't be going anywhere!
We have been mandated to work from home with no specified end date. DS14 is on 4 days of eLearning this week and then starts Spring Break. They will reassess at the end of break to determine what they will do beyond that. DH works in manufacturing so has to go to work. We are practicing social distancing to try and flatten the curve. I have blown out the grocery budget stocking up on some items (but not hoarding, I swear) but at the same time cancelled our trip to Cleveland so no harm to the bank account.

It all seems so surreal.
update from here-many more shut downs due to the governor's new orders. on the bright side-ds is just about done with his on-line class so w/the college closures/extended spring breaks we will be a month free of schoolwork :cheer2: i gotta say, i never thought there would be a bright side to ds's only real social contact being playing d&d on-line with who i suspect are a number of other people on the spectrum but boy howdy-no issues with him complaining about business shutdowns and isolation orders, in fact he's thrilled that he and his d&d buds can game so much more since they don't have to plan around classes or their jobs:cool:
Checking in from lovely, rainy Nor Cal, where the kids have no school and everything is switching to online classes for high schools and college until the end of the semester. My kids are social butterflies, so we have made the decision to allow the youngest one to at least visit select friends once a week, even if it's to go skateboarding in the park. Then there is my dad, who has stage 4 cancer, "heard on the radio that it's just a bad cold" and refuses to quarantine. It's frustrating, but he's his own man and I won't change that.

Got the mortgage all figured out. They "didn't know" that third payment had come out. :sad2:

In other news, my boss says that this is all Trump's fault and also blamed me for the expired hand sanitizer. I take a deep breath, nod, and do my job. :surfweb:


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