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It's so hard to find real poutine around here, (ones made with cheese curds are pretty much non existent) but I knew I wanted to try the real thing if I was trying it for the first time. Most the "poutines" Disney has area really just fries with stuff on them, but I was glad to see they had the real thing to try!

Even in Canada it's hard to find real good poutine! The worst ones are the ones sold at McDonald or Burger King! The only American fast-food chain that makes a okay poutine imo is FiveGuys.

I'm now dairy-free so I cannot eat poutine anymore and the only cheese I really miss super fresh cheese curds.
This looks great. I've been wanting to try these, I love all things French Fries.

Minus the sides because I don't think most or any are GF (I'm not sure because I wasn't in line with him if none of them are GF or he just didn't want any). Because he didn't have any sides they took some off the price too because it's sold at a set amount due to the included cornbread and side.
That's really nice of them to lower the price since he couldn't get any of the sides.

These are all so cute looking, I'd feel bad eating something so pretty lol.

I would come to regret not ordering a different cake since most of this one went in the garbage. It was the first Amorettes cake I've ever had that I disliked (the seasonal one last Christmas was so good!) The outside was definitely not icing. It was like a giant gummy? It says that nowhere, and in something I read they only described it as icing, but there's no way that's what it was. It was sticky, incredibly chewy, and didn't taste good at all. Mixed with the gummy outside the inside flavors were incredibly weird. The bourbon was overpowering, and it basically just tasted like bourbon and gummis. Gross. Luckily after the holidays I doubt this cake will be coming back, so my warning to steer clear of it probably isn't necessary.
I'm sorry the one you got didn't taste good. That does sound awful I would have thrown it out too. Just encase they have this again I'll make sure I don't order it.

How cute!
Ugh, I love bourbon and that cake doesn't even sound good to me! I am always afraid of pretty cakes like that because I've never had good fondant and that's usually what they use to make cakes pretty. I'd rather have regular ol buttercream!

We had polite pig in late October... I'm not there yet in my report but it was SO GOOD!

And the poutine at DS is great when it's cold out. I love that they do seasonal ones too! Shoot now I'm hungry

I'm NOT saying I lied about my birthday. Of course not. Never. But they will not check your ID at any point to prove you chose the correct birthday month. It doesn't matter to them since they only have to offer you one birthday reward a year regardless. Just in case birthday fraud appeals to you. ...It totally didn't appeal to me. At all. :rolleyes:

I mean... wait... I think someone's birthday is in January! Or our dating anniversary is... that's practically a birthday right?

When I signed up at Yak & Yeti they actually told me not to put my birthday, to pick a month that I usually travel so we could use the reward! I don't think they care at all about what date you pick. Also we were actually there once around my real birthday in August and I had on a birthday button. The server asked about my birthday reward and I told her that we'd signed up for a May birthday and she worked some magic and gave us the $25 discount anyway! They really are great
Wow the Mac n Cheese side at Boathouse does not look good. My DH got the Shrimp and Sausage Mac n Cheese on our trip and the Mac n Cheese was nothing like the side you got. We thought the bread was great too , for me it was 2nd to YSH onion rolls. If you like Shrimp I can recommend their Coconut Shrimp which comes with those great fries.
Loving reading your detailed food adventure. Plan on trying to find your other food reviews now. Especially love how you are keeping track of budget, what you expected to spend, actual expense. Looking forward to reading where you headed next. I especially liked the look of the pumpkin bread pudding.
My biggest regret of the meal is that I only had 2 rolls to save some room for lunch. So I guess that tells you something about how good this bread was...or how bad my meal was, but we’ll get there soon :rotfl:

This bread looks AMAZING!!!! But it doesn't sounds good if it was the best part!?!

I feel like that’s something they should list on the menu or tell people, but maybe I’m the only one that was surprised by the taste.
They should def put that on the menu! I would easily pass on mac n cheese but beer mac n cheese would intrigue me... You may have liked it more if you had expected it too. It's all about setting expectations.

He loved this! Said it was really tender and delicious and didn't taste fishy at all. I don't eat seafood so I didn't try it, but he said it was his favorite dish on this trip.
It sounds like you really need to stick with seafood here. That dis food episode kind of sounded the same...

This was much better! Really moist, it was good, but I did think there was more frosting than it needed. Still it wasn’t overly sweet so it worked.
In my oppinion, you can never have too much frosting! ;)
I can tell you in the case of my food....


Oh no!!

But that reference though...:rotfl:

Less than a month later I had my answer (The Dis did a dining review there)’s beer cheese. I’ve never had beer cheese because I don’t like beer so that explains why the taste was unfamiliar to me, but also why I didn’t like it either. I feel like that’s something they should list on the menu or tell people, but maybe I’m the only one that was surprised by the taste.

Oh...ew. I mean, I know some people would really like this if they liked beer cheese, but WHY wouldn't they list this on the menu!??

Since we skipped dessert at The Boathouse, we headed to Erin Mckenna’s to get Josh a snack:


Yeah ya did!!


I know he got some donuts and crumb cake because those are his favorites

The donuts though! Best!

I’ve actually seen a lot of people GF and non GF alike who say their baked goods aren’t that good, but Josh really likes them. He does agree that some things are better than others. He’s not really a cake/pastry kind of guy so he really only goes for the donuts and crumb cake. And I can vouch that even by non GF standards these are pretty good.

I'd have to agree that some things are definitely better than others. The donuts and cakes/loaves are usually pretty consistently delish, at least by my standards. I find the cupcakes are hit or miss. Sometimes they're really good, and sometimes they're pretty dry and not great. Though I think part of the problem is that they're kept cold because of the frosting, but they don't really taste their best until they've have time to come a little closer to room temperature. I'm also not a huge fan of some of the other stuff, like the thin mint cookies. Also, I always think I want a cookie sandwich when I go there and see them, and then I eat half of it and it's way too rich and kinda weird-tasting and I never finish it, and then the next time I go there you'd think I would have learned...but I repeat the process again. :confused3
Disappointing about the Boathouse!!! It's on my list too, but after reading your review, it's another one that can pushed back a bit longer...
When we got there we were brought bread. This was the best bread service ever! The rolls were warm, fluffy, and there seemed to be a honey drizzle on top. They were really delicious. My biggest regret of the meal is that I only had 2 rolls to save some room for lunch. So I guess that tells you something about how good this bread was...or how bad my meal was, but we’ll get there soon :rotfl:

Wow, your bread looks and sounds infinitely better than what we got. Ours were fine, but I don't recall any honey drizzle on top. I'm sure that would have made a big difference.


I had heard a lot of good reviews about these. Including the fact that this was a small, but good cut of meat for the price.
Yikes, I'd heard a lot of great things about thee too. Sorry there were a bust. I was this close to ordering these but opted in the seafood direction. Glad that I did. But those fries were most definitely a think of glory.

Less than a month later I had my answer (The Dis did a dining review there)’s beer cheese. I’ve never had beer cheese because I don’t like beer so that explains why the taste was unfamiliar to me, but also why I didn’t like it either. I feel like that’s something they should list on the menu or tell people, but maybe I’m the only one that was surprised by the taste.
That is so weird that they made mac and cheese from beer cheese and don't say anything about it on the menu. I can see how you wouldn't have liked it if you don't like beer. I like beer and beer cheese, but I still don't think I want mac and cheese made out of it


He loves Erin Mckenna’s and buys a bunch to nibble on throughout the trip. We usually bring some home, but we had 0 room for Tupperware after packing all those sweaters/sweatshirts :rotfl:
Glad he was able to get some sweets in.


This was much better! Really moist, it was good, but I did think there was more frosting than it needed. Still it wasn’t overly sweet so it worked.
Glad this worked out better for you than last time.
These were super chewy, not cooked well, and the second one was almost completely fat. I ended up maybe eating half of one. And I know for $14 you can’t expect the best cut of steak, but I assumed they were good cuts and priced that way because they’re super small. Seriously there’s more meat of a higher quality, and half the price in the Le Cellier filet dish at F&W.
That's a shame these weren't good. I love filet mignon sliders at other places. When I went to the Boathouse I had some of the worst food of the trip, but the best service, so it was a conflicting meal.

It's a little weird that the cheese isn't melted on this mac and cheese.

He loved this! Said it was really tender and delicious and didn't taste fishy at all. I don't eat seafood so I didn't try it, but he said it was his favorite dish on this trip.
At least there was one good meal :)

This was much better! Really moist, it was good, but I did think there was more frosting than it needed. Still it wasn’t overly sweet so it worked.
That's good that dessert was much better than dinner. And this frosting looks so good, it's my favorite part of a cupcake.
OMG those rolls!! I've only been to the Boathouse once but now I want to go back just for those rolls.

Filet Mignon Sliders (Two Sliders)
Maitre d' Butter served with fresh Cut Fries

My mom had these and really liked them. She must have had a better cut of meat than you. Those fries do look amazing though.

Sadly, I didn’t have better luck with my side either. I opted for the mac n cheese dish:


It’s just listed as mac n’ cheese on the menu, and I’ve read a few reviews of The Boathouse online that just mention it’s a good mac and cheese dish. But nothing noted a different type of cheese from your standard mac and cheese which I found strange because the minute I started eating it I found the taste to be kind of off. The cheese was kind of tangy, and tasted like alcohol. Since Josh couldn’t taste it, I didn’t really have a second opinion.
Beer cheese definitely has a distinct taste so I can see how you would be taken back by it. I love beer cheese though so this is right up my alley!

Speaking of things that didn’t taste as good as you want them to... I decided to give Sprinkles another try. In 2016 I went and got a red velvet cupcake which was dry and not really anything special. This time I went with a banana bread cupcake. (Banana bread is so delicious :lovestruc).


This was much better! Really moist, it was good, but I did think there was more frosting than it needed. Still it wasn’t overly sweet so it worked.
MMM I love banana bread! What was the frosting flavor? Cream cheese?
When we got there we were brought bread. This was the best bread service ever! The rolls were warm, fluffy, and there seemed to be a honey drizzle on top. They were really delicious.
I saw those on your insta and they looked yummy! I'm glad they tasted good too!

These were super chewy, not cooked well, and the second one was almost completely fat. I ended up maybe eating half of one. And I know for $14 you can’t expect the best cut of steak, but I assumed they were good cuts and priced that way because they’re super small. Seriously there’s more meat of a higher quality, and half the price in the Le Cellier filet dish at F&W.
Eew. That always sucks!
Less than a month later I had my answer (The Dis did a dining review there)’s beer cheese. I’ve never had beer cheese because I don’t like beer so that explains why the taste was unfamiliar to me, but also why I didn’t like it either. I feel like that’s something they should list on the menu or tell people, but maybe I’m the only one that was surprised by the taste.
Yeah, that should absolutely be listed! What about people who don't drink alcohol!

So, my recent misadventures with mac and cheese. We have a recipe for homemade mac and cheese which we usually end up making a couple times per month. Last week my sister was in charge of making it while my mom ran to the store to get something. Eventually we all sat down to dinner and I take a couple bites of the mac and cheese and am like-something is off. I tried to keep going to not be rude, but finally I had to stop and ask what was wrong. Turns out my sister decided to add paprika and garlic seasoning to the sauce! Icky! My mom just looked at Lauren and said - she figured it out, so I guess they were trying to pull one over on me! But mom and I talked later and I guess she didn't like it either and was annoyed that Lauren didn't split up the cheese sauce so she could have some with the spices and the rest normal.
For those looking to try The Boathouse I wouldn’t completely advise against it. I would advise however to maybe skip the lunch fare (burger and sandwich type dishes), and go for the steak/seafood. I’d recommend the fresh cut fries too.
It's on my list, but I'd probably get crab cake or something like that!
We’ve only dined once at the Boathouse for lunch when it first opened.
Our server was really great very funny and personable.
I had the crab cake and my DD had their burger and fries. Both I remember being very good.
I wouldn’t be happy with those sliders either and the mac and cheese :crazy2:


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