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Once we finally got off the bridge we were disappointed to find the Peoplemover seemed to be down for the night.
We decided not to count these games towards our total anymore, because someone or both of us always have issues with our guns, and Josh has said even when it works he can't tell what he's hitting.
I can never tell where my gun is aimed either! Though last time we rode, it was with another couple off the boards so I had all of the high point targets pointed out to me :rotfl:
Next up I persuaded Josh to try a brand new ride :rotfl: One he's dreaded trying because it looks awful (for adults, I see the value for children). So we got in line for the Tomorrowland Speedway since the wait was only 20 mins.
I did this to Zack. We just cracked up because it was so hard for him to steer which he was not expecting :rotfl2:
We thought the cannonball splash might've undergone some kind of refurb because the water splashed really high and hit everyone in the boat! We were actually quite surprised because the splashes usually aren't big enough to hit anyone.
I got nailed in January by that! It was the weirdest thing!
Then we got a PP picture of our kiss goodnight :rotfl:

Anytime PP tries to make us kiss they come out terribly. In December one lady did the mistletoe magic shot, and it's just all of my hair. I was like, why would this look like a good photo? :rotfl2:

Whatever setting it was on when we got there it was vibrating against something, and that's why it was so loud.
That drives me batty! We have a fan in our window that will start shaking sometimes, I think because it's pretty old... and I just lay there... o_O zack complains, and then a month or so ago I was like oh, should we get a new one now? Wed get extra points on the credit cards right now... no why would we do that, nothing is wrong with it :badpc:

This might be my favorite picture ever

lifelong dream that one day he'll get to hug a tiger.

You know I relate to this! But honestly, if we weren't meant to hug bears, foxes, and tigers, then why are they so CUTE??

We'll be back later this year in Sep and Dec, but with Josh's new AP we might do the end of April/beginning of May next year too :thumbsup2

And hopefully I'll be able to do the same! I still think I can go for basically free if I use airline miles, Disney points, and Starwood points.

I love this one! That is a good new Disney Wall!

Best gif!

Of course the minute I got out of work and started driving, I realized my car was making horrible noises. It started right then too, it wasn't having any issues when I went on lunch 3 hours earlier. But Josh drove it when I got home and realized what it was! I guess a belt or something rusted off from around/near my muffler and a bolt had fallen out that was keeping it attached.

I forgot all about this happening! Not what anyone wants right before a trip, ugh!

(It was 3:30 am when we got up).

:sad: this will be me on Tuesday

I have a feeling if we hadn't spotted it before they moved it out of the area it would've been a real hassle to claim it.

That's terrifying. Having something happen to luggage is my travel nightmare, I'm obsessive about checking the app to see if our bags are loaded/unloaded at each stop. I'm so glad you noticed them sitting over there!

Where we learned that Doc Oc loves pretzels and he looks like Spiderman just foiled his attempt to steal them... :rotfl:



I should mention before going any further that we're not Fast and Furious fans

I feel like I saw the first one in the theater. Because I thought Paul Walker was hot. A terrible, terrible actor...but hot.

Afterwards Josh called it "Wait in Line: The Ride" :rotfl:


i think these rooms are so pretty. I like the flowers!

and then we watched more crime shows before bed

We watched a ton of Criminal Minds on the NYE trip. It felt safe watching it at Disney World (or Universal!)

Ok, going back to read more!

I still think this is adorable!

I think the view is the whole reason I want to eat at Cali Grill

I think this bunny is adorable :lovestruc


Then we hopped on over to the Poly:

I see what you did there...bunny...hopping...And this bunny is super cute!

I wanted to include this because apparently I thought it important to note that day, but the monorail smelled like pee :rotfl:

I usually say it smells like a cattle trailer.

I really wish I didn't know what a cattle trailer smells like. :crazy2:


According to a book I read they're called that because back in the day that's where nannies would sit while kids rode the carousel. It would've been undignified for a nanny to get on one of the horses too so spaced throughout the carousel where these chairs.

Although that doesn't really explain why they look like horrifying flower demon children.

I hate these chairs!! The Boardwalk is so pretty and then they throw those ugly things in there!

I immediately take a picture of my Flower & Garden passport :rotfl:


Yes! Because it's pretty!

He was also excited to see the Viking exhibit, but it was a little small.

I'm excited to see something other than the Frozen stuff in there!

My only issue was the family in front of us spent the whole ride taking flash pictures (you can even see in the vlog)

No! Nooooooo! I hate that so much!!

Basically the episode ran through a bunch of plotlines as though the toss of a coin would split their lives into 6 possible timelines, and in one the "darkest" timeline a bunch of bad stuff happens and in the middle of the floor is sitting one of these (someone got it as a gift for someone):


(Well it's not completely the same, but I think that's just because of the hat).

Haha! I love Nyform trolls. I have one upstairs from my first ever visit. He's sitting down with a hand covering one eye. The burning one in the gif is the stuff of nightmares though, gah!!

The color on this is awesome

:sad::sad::sad: I have to get back in May!

The Guardians construction wall!
I think it went up right before our trip. Not only can I not wait for this ride, I even love this wall.


We watched Guardians last night, and I forgot how much I liked the movie. Aside from Star Wars land, this is the new ride I'm most excited about (then followed by Mickey and Minnie's Runaway Railway or whatever the heck the GMR replacement is)

I can't get over the face Josh made :lmao:





Oooh, this is beautiful!!


I think this picture sums it up pretty well :rotfl:

Love me or else. :rotfl2: I'm dying!

Hmm...maybe THIS is actually the best gif

Everything was so incredible that I just wanted to share the pictures with you all! :lovestruc

Everything here looks so good!!

this chair is amazing and I need one in my house!!

Here's one I found on Google that kind of looks like it:


This cracks me up! We were at walmart yesterday picking up some things for our trip and they had a version of these out, but they were like stuffed animal material.

I like this picture! The blues/purples and the angle is cool.

Love this too, the dragon fire is my favorite. I need to get back to Diagon Alley too *sigh*

I finally got my new laptop! :cheer2:



and so I can share our Sep/Dec plans with you all I've started a new PTR

I will need to get over there, too. And the dining one! I am really regretting this Dis break that I took

This is our second set of construction pins which I sent to @xlsm because she loves construction pins :rotfl:

Because you're awesome!! I love them :cloud9:

We remembered the way to our room because our courtyard had spitting lion fountains in it :rotfl:


That's definitely a good way to remember, lol! I love the look of CSR, it's my top pick for mods I think. I used to say French Quarter was my number one, but every time I see pics of CSR I want to stay there more and more.


We basically walked right into the perfect spot on Main St!

Ok, I am so jealous of this spot!! You know I've had a terrible time with luck for this show. I have the After Fireworks Dessert Party booked for 1/1 just so I can get a decent view locked down.

Tink!! I will never forget my first ever visit when Fantasy in the Sky were the fireworks. I saw Tinkerbell and criiied. HEA gives me the same feeling when Tink flies.



But first we had to squeeze our way back into Tomorrowland.

There were so many people on the bridge and no one was just walking. They were pushing, trying to cut across the bridge, people trying to find "shortcuts" by running along the outside edges of the bridge then jumping back into the crowd. and yelling things like "my family is all the way over (direction against traffic) and I need to get over there RIGHT NOW" before jumping into the crowd.

These two quotes are why i hated the Main Street Electrical Parade. I hear the music and it just takes me back to getting trapped on the the bridge toward fantasyland. It's the worst! Trying to get to Tomorrowland is equally as bad. I mean, the parade is probably actually awesome but I will always hate it for that reason, and was not at all sorry when it ended. (although i do want a new nighttime parade in the MK!! Paint the Night in DL is amazing - but we also sat on the sidewalk two hours before it started to save spots)

Annnd I'm caught up!! Whew!!
Is the Tomorrowland Speedway driver cert thing a photopass picture from that ride or how do you get those?
We did Tomorrowland Speedway in March for the first time in years! I actually sorta kinda enjoyed it since it had been so long, but yeah now I don't need to do it again for a very long time :faint:
Love your kiss good night pic!
Too Fast, Too Furious the Tomorrowland Speedway Edition
:rotfl: Great title :thumbsup2

one or both of us always have issues with our guns, and Josh has said even when it works he can't tell what he's hitting.
I don't know that I've ever successfully ridden this ride :laughing:

(I seem to be looking in the right general direction this time unlike every other person on the boat besides Josh) :rotfl:
I feel like this camera location is just so awkward for 99% of people - I'm always out to lunch, looking randomly at something, and can never pinpoint until it happens where the camera is :rotfl2:

We thought the cannonball splash might've undergone some kind of refurb because the water splashed really high and hit everyone in the boat! We were actually quite surprised because the splashes usually aren't big enough to hit anyone.
Yes! I had the same experience/thought!
Me too! I do think it was bigger than Pop. I can't remember off the top of my head if Pop had the double sinks, but the room overall felt roomier, although that might be because we had the king bed and no fold out bed.

Pop has only the single sink and a lot of shelving!

I know! Once we stopped seeing these people, we started seeing a bunch of different groups that were a little older. They were actually quite a bit worse than the young kids because they were running and yelling everywhere! It seems every week we go ends up being a cheer week :rotfl: I can't even keep track. Last May we went the same week and didn't see any.

They are everywhere! There has to be a convention going on every week!
I've never not seen them during all our trips last year.

Cute pic! That frame looks new!

I made him drive, but it was every bit as horrible as we thought :laughing: Of course he did drive very fast and furious (I assume he was inspired by our Fast and Furious journey a few days before). :car: For me, I just thought the track felt weird. Like it felt like we weren't aligned properly on a track and we were just bumping around, but obviously it's impossible to not be on the track so I guess the track is just weirdly bumpy. So it felt weird, smelled awful, and overall felt pointless for two adults to do. So we've tried it and now we don't have to go on it again :rotfl:

This ride I think is made to be deliberately bumpy no matter how smooth you think you're driving. It's like bumper cars but on a track.

We thought the cannonball splash might've undergone some kind of refurb because the water splashed really high and hit everyone in the boat! We were actually quite surprised because the splashes usually aren't big enough to hit anyone.

I've gotten splashed more times than not last year on Pirates! pirate:


This failed pretty majorly as you can tell Josh is super confused as to what we're doing and why :rotfl:

Me: "Okay so don't people close their eyes when they drink? Maybe that would look more natural. Let's look at each other with our eyes closed!"



Brilliant photographer instructions, right? :lmao:

Josh is wondering why we're still taking pictures since one should be enough :rotfl:

Bula Bar & Grille Review
And finally we give up :lmao:

These are too funny. I love Josh's face in these. They are kind of like, oh, we are taking a picture. Okay. LOL!!
These are too funny. I love Josh's face in these. They are kind of like, oh, we are taking a picture. Okay. LOL!!

:rotfl: He did not understand at all what I was trying to do. Then again judging by the pictures I don't think I knew either :scratchin Lol I think he was done after the first couple pictures.
There were so many people on the bridge and no one was just walking. They were pushing, trying to cut across the bridge, people trying to find "shortcuts" by running along the outside edges of the bridge then jumping back into the crowd. and yelling things like "my family is all the way over (direction against traffic) and I need to get over there RIGHT NOW" before jumping into the crowd.

Uggghh. This happened to us after HEA, too! I didn't envy the CMs who were trying to do crowd control.

I made him drive, but it was every bit as horrible as we thought :laughing: Of course he did drive very fast and furious (I assume he was inspired by our Fast and Furious journey a few days before). :car:


I had the same problem bouncing back and forth on the track. It's really a terrible ride. haha

We thought the cannonball splash might've undergone some kind of refurb because the water splashed really high and hit everyone in the boat! We were actually quite surprised because the splashes usually aren't big enough to hit anyone.

Oh man! I've never gotten particularly wet on this ride, but every once in a while I hear about someone getting totally drenched! Yuck.

We got back to the hotel around 1:45 am. But that wasn't the end of the night :rotfl:



Then I opened the door where the fridge was and it got 100% louder. When Josh unplugged it and all the noises stopped. He said when I opened the door it sounded like a car idling, and we didn't get to bed until around 3 am.

Oh man, that's SO frustrating. :headache:

I'm finally back!! It only took like five months or something, LOL!! Eventually I'll finish up my NYE TR, but first I'm going to read this!! (and I haven't texted you yet b/c I got up really early this morning and didn't want to send you something at six am, but we booked a trip!)

Welcome home!!
Wow, you all really got a lot done during EMH. We never do a good job of taking advantage of them, because of course no chance we are getting to the morning ones and the evening ones tend to be too late for Casey. But we are gonna try and do a few on our next trip to see how it goes.

Sorry you had such trouble sleeping. I'm totally sensitive to noises too and have to sleep with our bathroom fan running at night. When we travel I take ear plugs too, but Jason got me a portable sound machine a few years ago that REALLY helps. I travel no where without it now. You can find it on Amazon (
Wow, you all really got a lot done during EMH. We never do a good job of taking advantage of them, because of course no chance we are getting to the morning ones and the evening ones tend to be too late for Casey. But we are gonna try and do a few on our next trip to see how it goes.

I love EMH! Well at night, we just don't do morning ones :rotfl:

Sorry you had such trouble sleeping. I'm totally sensitive to noises too and have to sleep with our bathroom fan running at night. When we travel I take ear plugs too, but Jason got me a portable sound machine a few years ago that REALLY helps. I travel no where without it now. You can find it on Amazon (

Yes, I keep the bathroom fan and usually the air conditioner too and/or earplugs at home. On vacation I can usually make it work with only earplugs. We have incredibly loud neighbors we share a wall with. They keep a radio on all night loudly, and wake up before me and have young kids so there's always a lot of noise coming from there at night/in the early morning. So I'm going to look into that!


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