Denise's New Focus on Fitness-Friends and Support Welcome!

Hi Denise, did you ever get your bracelet? I know all about setting the stage for some clues for gift ideas for yourself!

I hear you on the homeowner thing. Right now with the market the way it is and house values so down, it really stinks to put money in you may not see back for who knows how long!

Hope you have a great long weekend.:goodvibes
Hey Denise, how is your dil feeling with her pregnancy?

Hope things are going well with you!:goodvibes
I've been a bad Disser-its over a month since I posted! You guys have been here more than me.

Things have been good except for work which has been very stressful for me and when I come home I don't want to do anything but sit and read or veg in front of the TV. I don't know if I'll last at this job much longer. I'm terrible at remembering numbers and that's what its all about. When a customer calls in to place an order, we're supposed to enter the items from memory. I'm very good at customer service and problem solving, but I suck at the number thing. Our calls are timed and monitored, so who knows what's going to happen with me. All I know is that I'm prepared that I might not be there forever. I doubt they'll get rid of me over the summer, its just too busy and it would take the whole summer to train a new person.

Gotta run and get ready for the day. I have to go for routine blood work before work and after I have to go get my port flushed. What fun!

I'll post more tonight.
Hi Denise, :wave:

I'm sorry to hear about the work stress. :( I hope things get better for you soon!:hug:

Did you buy the Pandora bracelet? I can't remember if you said you did or not.

I hope you have a wonderful day today!:hug:
Tracy, I did buy myself the bracelet so that I would get the right fit since they come in several sizes. I received 5 charms for Mother's Day along with some other great gifts. It really was a very nice day! There's another charm bracelet company called Chamilla which carries a line of Disney charms and they fit the Pandora bracelets so I guess you know what's going to be on my birthday wish list. LOL!

Enjoy your weekend everyone! We're going to DS on Saturday to spend time with the kids and baby Scott. Steve opened his pool before he and Sue went to WDW over Memorial Day so we'll be able to enjoy that if the weather is good. I also want to hear all about their trip since I couldn't be there.
Denise, I am sorry you are having these issues and concerns with your job! I would stink at that big time too! Its good you know you'll be okay through the summer, maybe you can find something in the fall that is a better fit?

I might have to check out those charm bracelts, I love bracelets and that would be something Dan and the kids could give me!

Enjoy your weekend!:)
Woohoo Denise!!!:cool1: I am so glad that you bought that bracelet for yourself!:hug: I hope you'll post a picture of it some day. I'd love to see it!:goodvibes

I hope you have a nice weekend!:hug:
Good morning everyone!

I'm one day late in posting cause yesterday was my 4 year anniversary of my Wish Journal. I really need to go back and assess where I was and where I am now.

Life is good and busy. I didn't have a great week with food and exercise but each day and week is a new beginning so I just need to get re-dedicated. I have lost the 10 pounds that I gained while at home and going thru my treatments so that's a good thing!!!!

June is my month for lots of medical stuff and last week was the worst. Monday was the dentist, Tues, ortho, and Thurs., gyn onc. Talk about stress-yikes. Dentist was ok, I need to see an endodontist for a gum/bone issue probably caused by the chemo. Ortho was good, confirmed my knees are still awful and scheduled surgery for Oct. 14, gyn was good, said my innards looked beautiful from his exam. MRI will be done in Sept.

Enough of the medical stuff!

Thanks for reading...hubby will be home from work any minute and I want to make breakfast. Have a happy Daddy's Day!
Congrats on losing 10 pounds, Denise!:cheer2:

I hope you have a nice Monday and a wonderful week ahead!:hug:
Denise, great job losing that ten pounds! I am proud of you because with all the stress you have had going on, you clearly have been doing what you need to do on the food front!

So sorry you have to have that knee surgery but I know you'll come through with flying colors.

My oh my, that is a LOT of doctor's appt's you had! That must have been very stressful. I am glad your insides look so good according to your gyn, that is good news!

How is work going? Been thinking about you and sending good thoughts out your way my friend. :flower3::hug:
Congrats on 10 pounds GONE, Denise! That is awesome!!

Glad the Dr. visits are over & praying the knee surgery will be an easy one for you. Hope the work stress eases up soon.

Have a wonderful week!
Thanks friends! The 10 lbs. was a recent gain which had to come off. You may have noticed that I added the 20 pound clippie to my siggie. That was from my highest weight ever. I'm actually at 22, but need to get to that next level.

Amy, thanks for asking about work. Its pretty much status quo. This is an extremely busy time for an ice cream distributor! I do my best and try to use my cheat sheets and other techniques for remembering the item numbers. Some days are better than others but no one can say that I am not giving it my best shot. I discussed my memory problem with my doc and she says its a combination of aging and the stress I've been under for the past 2 1/2 years. All things considered, I think I'm doing a pretty good job of balancing my life.

My gyn/onc offfice called and they want me to participate in a genetic study for cancer patients. I may give the study office a call today to see what its all about. The type of cancer that I have is not supposed to be genetic however I have passed my genetic body type along to my daughter so that is considered hereditary. All these years we've heard that cancer is more prominent in overweight and obese people and I'm living (thank goodness) proof of that.

My plans today include handbag shopping (I'm a bag lady), pool and maybe a movie tonight with Gary. He's having the second half of a root canal procedure done today so he may not be in the mood to go out.

Our cruise is 74 days away. I plan to be in the 170's by the time we sail. I have a bunch of new clothes that almost fit and it would be great to be able to wear them. I did pick up a new dress at Catherine's the other day. Its not at all like what I usually wear but it just caught my eye in their ad. Its a knee length tropical print with browns, gold and black and has a beaded neckline and is also sleeveless. I really felt good when I put it on and it fit very nicely. Best was originally $60. plus, on sale for $44 and I had a $20 coupon so it cost me $24. I have a black wrap that I can wear with it so I should be good to go!

Enjoy the rest of your week!

74 days till cruise-weight 192.6
Woohoo!!!:banana: Only 74 more days to your cruise!:banana: I bet you are getting so excited!! The dress you bought sounds really cute! princess:

What kind of bag did you get today?

I hope you have a nice evening!:hug:
Denise, that dress sounds really nice and I am so glad you felt good in it, that's always so nice! 74 days will be here before you know it, but that gives you some time to get to that goal and I know you can and I know you will!

You are doing the best you can at work and your attitude is great.

That cancer study sounds interesting, keep us posted as to whether you particiapte in it.
69 days till Freedom of the Seas...Weight 191.2

Tracy-I did get a handbag the other day. Nothing fancy, a canvas reversible style, denim-like on 1 side and stripes on the other so its 2 bags in one. I like to be able to change off every so often and I'm not into brand names although I do like Vera Bradley. I like buying handbags cause they fit better than clothes. LOL!

DH asked me today what I want to do for my b-day at the end of July. I'm not sure yet, but I need to plan my big adventure. Maybe an overnight somewhere near the shore or just a day trip. I need to get thinking!

Well, I did it! I went out today without a wig or a hat. My hair is about an inch or inch and a half long and came in mostly gray and a little bit curly. I colored it a couple of weeks back and I pull my wig off as soon as I get in the house cause its really beginning to bother me with the heat. I'm going to get my stylist to even out the back and around the ears and also cut the long ones that popped out first. I've been trimming them as I see them, but there are others in the back that need to come off. Once I do that-no more wig at work anymore. I can't wait!

Julie and Amy-I'm looking forward to the knee surgery as weird as that sounds. I was mentally ready for it last fall then got side-tracked with the other health issues. There is nothing that can be done for me except the surgery. I've seen 3 different orthos and they all concur. My quality of life will improve so much when I regain that mobility. My last couple of trips to WDW didn't include the parks. Its been over 2 years since we went to Epcot, so I can't wait till Sept.

This week's plans include...
3 times at the pool
Arm exercises with weights (think sleeveless dress)
Committing to counting points again

Have a great week my friends!
Sounds like things are going well. Somewhere I have a pic of my Dsis just after her hair started coming back. She had a real hard time dealing with it, but hated the wig. I kind of understand what you are going thru.

Looks like you have a plan for before your cruise & are making it.

Hope this week is a good one!
Denise, your goals this week sound very good and very doable, I know you'll nail them!

I can well imagine how excited you are to have that knee surgery. You know that surgery will take you to a goal and a better quality of life and even though it won't be an easy road, it will be worth it. Your attitude always amazes me and it will serve you well with this next chapter!

That is awesome you are able to shed the wig!:banana: I remember the day I walked into my mom's and it was her "regular head" as dd exclaimed! Wigs and summer do not mx. That's a milestone for you and I am happy for you (and your head which will be far more comfy from here on out).


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