Desiree's There and Back Again Journal - Comments welcome!

Since Dax decided to bump this thing up from the depths I guess I should post in it one of these days!!

Ooh but let's not talk about baseball! hehe

We have a new coach and even though we like him, it was a TERRIBLE year. I tell ya, after winning 5 National Championships in a 9 year stretch, it's been a loooooooooooooooooooooooong time since things were hopping at the Box.

Woohoo I'm game for the Dax Challenge! I've been doing pretty good lately and am down 8 pounds. I'm hoping for an even 10 by Monday's weigh in.
Hi everyone! I guess I'll give an update. I'm finally back on target. I've been exercising consistantly (most days twice a day) for the last 28 days. That is the longest stretch I've ever gone! So I'm pretty pumped about that. I'm afraid if I miss just one day, I'll falll back into bad habits again, so this is really working for me now I may as well stick with it!

June 1st, my weight was an all time high of 222. As of today I'm 213.4. I've been taking my measurements and hopefully will see a little of a loss there soon. Actually I am down an inch in the waist and 2 in the hips/bust area but that is from April's measurements.

I'm just trying to do the usual of eat less and exercise more. I'm trying to be consious with what I'm putting into my body too and have been counting calories and just trying to eat better overall. I haven't had a drop of a beer or a martini since June 1st either. That was hard to give up but I'm glad I did. The real test will be come football season! :eek:

Well guess that's about it for now. I will try to update this more often!
So you've accepted the DAX challenge:thumbsup2 I started at 290 so, Nov.1 we will compare, awesome!

I may have already covered this with you, but we were supposed to have went to B. Rouge to see Kentucky play LSU in football, but my alma mater Murray State honored the 1991 Ohio Valley Conference Champion team that I played on the same weekend and I just couldn't miss that, seeing my old buds.

Did you notice my Wildcats not only got to their first bowl game in about 10 years, but we beat Clemson in the game!?:woohoo:

Anyway, your post is out of the cellar so lets keep it that way! We can do this! The DAX challenge is started!


Very cool Dax! I'm looking forward to it!

I hopped on the scale this morning and I'm down 3 from last Monday's weigh in! Of course, I won't log it until tomorrow! But I'm stoked!

Ah visiting with your old teammates is definately more important that coming down here for a football game! Maybe one of these days we'll meet up! Speaking of football, I'm ready for it to start! This is going to be a long next few months!

Well off to walk the Lakes!

I hope everyone has a good day today! Thanks for checking in on me!
The Lakes, by LSU's campus? If so, I remember those, they were really pretty.

Well, your Tigers should be good this year (What's new:rolleyes1 ). My cats have the best team they have had in years and we are picked 5th in the EAST. What a tough conference!

We have a good quarterback, Woodson and good WR Burton. I really look forward to fb season for the first time in a long time. Next time we get down there, I'll have to make a side trip. I am sure I told you, but dw's childhood friend lives in BR and her husband is a trainer for LSU. They are really nice folks and we enjoy are visits there.

Gotta go!

Good morning everyone!

Today's weigh in put me at a new clippie this morning! I started this morning off in the right track also by signing up for a few challenges here on WISH. I also got in 40 minutes on the elliptical and a few strength training things in this morning too. I'm hoping to try to do 30 more on the ellpitcal when I get home from work tonight.

Dax, sounds like y'all have things going in the right direction at least for football! I'm really excited for this year but we will surely miss Jamarcus Russell this season. 1st round draft pick though! It will be interesting to watch him in the pros.

Well I just wanted to check in here and post an update. If anyone swings by, have a great day!
Awesome Des! Congrats on the Clippie! I feel that is must be the DAX challenge getting the job done for you!:rolleyes:

Keep up the work and I'll keep your posts at the top of the page!

Welcome back, Des! Sounds like things are going really well for you!

Have a GREAT weekend!
Thanks for the comment Julie! It's good to be back!

Well seems this week my favorite number has been 210. I'm anxious to get back down to 207 since that's back to where I was at the beginning of the year. Yes, I said that correctly.. I gained almost 15 pounds in 6 months. Amazing how much stress eating can take place and how much nightly ice cream contributes to the ole weight gain. Chris is still in school and working so I've been really stressed handling Devyn, her homework, all the chores, bills, etc. And her homework this past year has really been a struggle. Hopefully she'll have her head on straight come August when she starts 8th grade. 7th grade was a whopper for her. And if I recall when I was in school it was one of the hardest grades I had also.

Yesterday I didn't make the best of eating choices but I still managed to stay within my calorie range (1200 - 1500) but I only got 15 minutes of exercise in. Mom and I are about to go walk the Lakes though so that should put me back on target today. I'm trying to get at least 30 minutes of exercise in a day if not more. Hopefully that will help me to my goal of 1700 minutes this month.

Well I guess that's about it for now. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Just wanted to pop in here and show off my new clippie!

And to post a pic of our newest family member. Well after taking him to the vet today and getting a clean bill of health.

Hey Des,

Is that a Kentucky Wildcat in your picture? lol

Sorry gone for so long, things have been crazy here.

Talk to you later,

Hmm not quite a Kentucy Wildcat but a cat nonetheless!

Weekend went pretty well here even with the July birthday party for the family. I didn't overindulge but it did feel good to have a bit of birthday cake. And the scale gods must have been smiling down on me because I still had a loss come Monday!

Total loss so far.... 17.6. Weight is down to 204.4 which is lower than it was when I started this thread! :banana:

Well just wanted to pop in and give a quick report. I've got a killer migraine this morning and I want it to go away! Heading back to bed now. Have a good day everyone!
Well after exactly 20 days of hitting a brick wall, I've finally busted through! As of this morning, I'm down to 201.6. Down 20.4 total. I have to say I'm really excited. The scale has not moved and has been teetering on the edge of the 20 mark for so long. I'm just thrilled that I can finally change my wish marker now. Now I'm only at this point for just a short time hopefully! Maybe in two weeks I'll hopefully be changing it again to 25! :yay:
Hey Des,

I have had a long absence. I hope everything is going well. I am currently on a 2 week no cheat run. Wife and I are trying to lose as much as possible before the trip starting November 25.

Are you ready for football season?


Hiya Daxx and everyone!

I've been doing ok but seem to be stuck hovering around 20 pounds loss. But I'm encouraged again to get back on the ball. I've managed to start slowly falling back into some bad habits but I do recognize where I am and where I need to be to get things going in the right direction again.
Well your Tigers started out well against MSU. My Cats beat a patsy in Eastern Kentucky. But the srories of the weekend were Michigan and Notre Dame losing. What a great weekend! If only Louisville had gotten beat, but my alma mater, poor Murray State was not up to the challenge like Appalachian State was against Michigan!

I am so proud you have lost 20! Keep it up. I have lost about 12 in two weeks. I am really working hard on it. I walked for 45 minutes last night. I've been off of work on vacation for a week and have hit the ground running on diet.


Well for the last three days I've been really pumped. I got on the scale this morning and I'm FINALLY below that dreaded number 200. Mind you I'm only down to 199.2 but it's better than nothing, right?! Onward and downward and let me just tell you that it's good to be in Onederland!!! As of today that puts me at a 23 pound loss since I started back on June 1st.
Great job Desiree! Below 200! Awesome!:banana:

Well, have I got news for you, Rebecca and I will be attending the LSU-Kentucky football game in Lexington, KY. I am really stoked. We are meeting Rebecca's friends from Baton Rouge. Rebecca's friend is married to a member of the Athletic Department with LSU.

How bout my Cat's beating #9 Louisville?!?!?! First time we've beaten a top 10 team since 1977. Things are looking up!



I attended the LSU-Kentucky game in Lexington. What a great game if you were a Wildcat fan! I could type for days, we got to meet several of the Tigers the night before the game at the hotel. I was about 4 feet from Les Miles as he was talking to our friend in the LSU Athletic dept. Really a weird deal because I sat in the LSU A. Dept. seats, so I could not cheer out of respect for the families of the coaches and players, but it was an unbelievable evening.


Hey Dax, I've been trying to think of what to say to you after last weeks heartbreaker! LOL Glad you enjoyed the game. Glad someone did! We made up for it this week though. I really wish you guys would have stuck it to Tebow and Florida today though. I love to see them lose.


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