diane feinstein-r.i.p.

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Many employers have mandatory retirement ages so I don't see that as an issue. I'm 66 and I would support a mandatory retirement age of 70 for all elected officials. As for loss of corporate knowledge. There is a point to be made for having corporate knowledge, and there is a point to be made that many long term lawmakers without regard to party affiliation ignore the corporate knowledge they have.
Why is politics the only field where we insist on hiring new people with no experience and no skills? I'll never understand that.
I don't think people insist on voting for people with no experience or skills, but they should be skilled in life and business, not in politics. Many polticians made careers of this and became wealthy on a government salary 🙄. That wasn't really the intent of any office by the founders. The reason they stick around so long is because most politicians are bought and paid for by lobbiests. They can't just drop out on their own because they don't know how the person coming after them will vote and they have made promises and become rich from their career in politics. There is also the element of power. Power is a very hard thing to give up.
Rather than a blanket age limit, the senate and house should no longer be elected positions.

Using the last census as the basis, a random list of people should be selected that match as many of the ratios by age bracket and race as closely as possible.

Those people then get a letter in the mail like jury duty letting them know that starting in January for the next 2 or 6 years they are our leaders.

A true representative government.
I like this! Our Government is a mess. We need a new approach.
RIP Senator Feinstein. She has my respect as a pioneer for women in politics.

However, I agree that she should have stepped down when she was no longer capable of performing her duties. IMO, there should be some procedure in place, perhaps on a case by case basis, and not necessarily tied to age, that allows an evaluation of any public servant if it becomes evident that their competency is in question. I’m also in favor of term limits for both the House and Senate, as well as for Supreme Court justices.
IMO, there should be some procedure in place, perhaps on a case by case basis, and not necessarily tied to age, that allows an evaluation of any public servant if it becomes evident that their competency is in question.
For the executive branch, this is formalized in the 25th Amendment.

Both the House and the Senate can vote to remove a member. But, this takes a 2/3 majority which would be extraordinarily difficult to reach.
Yeah, sure. Then we can have a government where nobody knows how anything works and institutional knowledge doesn't exist. Great idea.

Why is politics the only field where we insist on hiring new people with no experience and no skills? I'll never understand that.
CA would have homeless and drug addicts showing up to congress LOL
So now the Governor has a tough choice of who to pick....
He already promised he will appoint a Black female. Didn't mention anything about experience or credentials. Just that it will not be a white person. Or a man. Or an Asian. Or a Native American or Hispanic. So his choice is already narrowed down for him. Barbara Lee?
I don't think people insist on voting for people with no experience or skills, but they should be skilled in life and business, not in politics. Many polticians made careers of this and became wealthy on a government salary 🙄. That wasn't really the intent of any office by the founders. The reason they stick around so long is because most politicians are bought and paid for by lobbiests. They can't just drop out on their own because they don't know how the person coming after them will vote and they have made promises and become rich from their career in politics. There is also the element of power. Power is a very hard thing to give up.
Nobody, except maybe the president, is becoming wealthy on a government salary. Members of Congress make $174,000 per year and have to maintain two residences. If they're wealthy, then it's because they already had money or because they're making money from other endeavors, such as speaking tours, books, and investing.

Politics isn't something that just anyone can do. A good business manager doesn't necessarily make a good member of Congress. There's really not much overlap in the skillset. Consider what makes one good at business: making money, managing organizations, projects, and employees, and setting out long-term plans. How does any of that translate to government? The government isn't there to make money. Members of Congress only manage a small staff and they usually hire someone else to do that for them. I guess there's some long-term planning involved.

No, I don't want a bunch of wealthy businessmen and businesswomen running the government. We've had enough of that. I want people who know how government works to run the government. People who served as mayors, governors, and senators. People who can build consensus, explain policies to their constituents, deal with emergencies and natural disasters, and who can think about people other than themselves and their own companies.

The government is not a business and cannot be run like one. That would be a disaster.

Dianne Feinstein wasn't perfect, but she was a politician with experience being a politician. She was a city councilor and a mayor before she was elected to the Senate. She'd been through a lot and she knew how things worked. As a result, she got a lot done. I agree that she should have stepped down before the last election, but the people of California didn't seem to have a problem with voting for her again.
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He already promised he will appoint a Black female. Didn't mention anything about experience or credentials. Just that it will not be a white person. Or a man. Or an Asian. Or a Native American or Hispanic. So his choice is already narrowed down for him. Barbara Lee?
He also said that he wouldn't choose anyone running in the 2024 election, so he can't choose Barbara Lee unless she drops out of that race. Perhaps Maxine Waters, though. She's 85 and serving as Senator would be a nice way to end her career.
Because that’s funny … so do you kick them when you pass them by on the streets as well?
Really, that's what you took from that? No but I live here and sick of it all over the place. And no, it's not families you see so no bleeding hearts from me. It's mostly adult males/females drugged out. Instead of handing them free needles, spend our money on getting them off the streets and into rehab and a vocational program. The media only shows families but if you drive around, you will see 99% are not families but what I said above. There have been numerous statistics here that most do not want help. It's well known in other states to come to CA has they have the highest "free" benefits. I worked 25 years for an agency that dealt with this. (before you say anything, I did statistics and did not deal directly, so no, I wasn't kicking them as I passed by). CA is a give them a fish and they eat for a day instead of teaching them to fish so they can eat for a lifetime.
Dianne Feinstein wasn't perfect, but she was a politician with experience being a politician. She was a city councilor and a mayor before she was elected to the Senate. She'd been through a lot and she knew how things worked. As a result, she got a lot done. I agree that she should have stepped down before the last election, but the people of California didn't seem to have a problem with voting for her again.
Honestly, if her name was on the ballot again, she'd get re-elected. That goes for many other long time members of Congress. Dead or alive, half the time people are voting for a name they recognize.
I agree with most of what you said although there could possibly be debate on the 10 yrs for the House. I don't agree with leaving the Senate as is. Why do you feel that way? Two 6-year terms is 12 years, that's a long time. I think some of these politicians become out of touch with their constituents the more time they spend in DC.
The House is the chamber of the "People" where the Senate is the "Federal" chamber -so, the House is expected to answer more to their constituents while the Senate more or less answers to the issues of the Government. Things like approving treaties, and certain presidential appointments, like ambassadors and Supreme Court Justices. In my own opinion, it's more important to have as much experience in that role as possible -term limits could prevent that. Two totally different jobs.
The House is the chamber of the "People" where the Senate is the "Federal" chamber -so, the House is expected to answer more to their constituents while the Senate more or less answers to the issues of the Government. Things like approving treaties, and certain presidential appointments, like ambassadors and Supreme Court Justices. In my own opinion, it's more important to have as much experience in that role as possible -term limits could prevent that. Two totally different jobs.

Thanks for explaining your position.
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He also said that he wouldn't choose anyone running in the 2024 election, so he can't choose Barbara Lee unless she drops out of that race. Perhaps Maxine Waters, though. She's 85 and serving as Senator would be a nice way to end her career.
We thought of Pelosi but she's not black...

Chuck Grassley is also 90 now, he can go.

I recently saw an interview with Senator Grassley. He seems to have a good grasp on things and doesn't appear to in cognitive decline. The people of his state voted him in, and he certainly has the experience to do the job in his sleep. Many here say having experience is very important to being a Senator, I would say he fills that bill. So, if all of that is true you still think he should be kicked out of office strictly due to his age? Isn't that ageism aka age discrimination?
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