Diet? What Diet? We're going to Food & Wine Fest!! OCT 2010 PTR


DIS Veteran
Sep 3, 2003
Hi everyone!! I've been debating doing a PTR but I'm just getting too excited and need to share about our trip.

A bit about our trip:
When: Oct 14 - 18, 2010
Where: POP Century - I requested a King Bed room
Who: Me, Dee & Hubby, Steve
Why: 1 YR Wedding Anniversary and b/c we REALLY want to do Disney as adults WITHOUT our kids :)
Okay, I'll clear this up now - We aren't dieting! We are changing how we eat to be healthier! Okay, more like I am changing how I eat to be healthier. Less sugars, more wheat, more meals per day, smaller portions. DH, well he still eats A LOT but has cut back alot on the snackies.

I'm 5'0'' and very Pooh-like. The last 25lbs came in the past year - our 1st year of marriage. DH is 6'1" and honestly, its all in his tummy. He's a typical guy - looks 9 mos pregnant. But all he has to do is look at the gym and he loses weight, so he JUST has to cut out the snackies and he'll be okay. While I have to go 4 days a week and work with a trainer to keep me going and losing weight.

Our week in WDW will be tough. Granted we get to walk everyday, so we will get in our Cardio, but with F&W Fest I know we'll be eating. We'll also be kid-less so eating at some nice restaurants... GOOD FOOD! :thumbsup2
So I just realized 1 month from NOW I will be AT DISNEY!!!

Times have been really hard for us. Luckily DH and I paid for tihs vacation a long time ago. When we were on our honeymoon last Sept we decided that we wanted to go to Disney for our 1 YR wedding anniv.

The glitch, we never have money in September and its so busy with school, sports starting etc.. so we decided we'd celebrate and spend a long weekend JUST US every year in October. We loved doing WDW with our kids so much June 09 we wanted to try it alone and thought Food & Wine woudl be perfect.

Ideally, we'd like to stay at POFQ, but DH was out of work for 5 months and when discounts came up, I just could not justify changing the reservation and spending any extra money that I could be saving instead. Our dates fall right in one of those FREE DINING black outs, but its ok.

The 2nd week of August, DH got a phone call... A JOB! He's an industrial welder so work here in SW Florida is slim right now. He got a call for a 10 month project.... in Mississippi, 10 1/2 hrs from home. Of course he took it, and he's doing really well up there. There are some opportunities that might make this a long term thing. Until we know, the kids and I stay here. I have my job. They are in school, they have their activities AND my step kids see their mom every other weekend, so here we stay (for now).

DH came home for Labor Day (our 1 YR Anniv) and it was great to have the weekend with him. But with school, activities, 3 busy kids.. I really miss him. Never did I need a vacation with my husband more then I do right now. And when the days get long and insanely busy, I just daydream about DISNEY and 4 magical days with my sweetie!

A bit about our trip:
DH will come home on Tuesday and spend time with the kids before we leave. he'll get to do the Wednesday activities (my busiest night of the week).

Arrive Thur Oct 14 - Check into POP, head over to Magic Kingdom. We'll be there for MNSSHP later in the weekend but I want DH to see the Main Street Elec Parade and real Wishes. Dinner at Plaza, must have the great burgers :)

Friday Oct 15 - Epcot F&W all day. We'll probably take a break mid-day but otherwise we'll be at Epcot. We have Le Cellier that night and Illuminations :)

Saturday Oct 16 - Animal Kingdom. When we were there with the kids DH was just in awe of it all. He wanted to just stop and look at it all and with 3 kids, it wasn't going to happen. So we'll tour AK the slow way. Safari, Lion King, and Kali are our only MUST DOs otherwise we'll wander trails and just enjoy the creativity of it all. Saturday night is OUR NIGHT! We have dinner at Narcosses :) our anniversary is marked on our reservation as this day is truly our "all about us" day.

Sunday Oct 17 - Back to Epcot for F&W and of course Epcot. We love this park, can just wander around forever and MUST RIDE SOARIN! LOL
Sunday night - MNSSHP at MK!! DD9 and I have been once and fell in LOVE with the party and the parade is amazing. DH will have so much fun :)

Right now, my back hurts, I'm exhausted and am SO glad the Rays won and NOT in extra innings. Geesh boys! all I can think about is how excited I am to be in Disney in 4 wks!!!


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