Dieting for Disney


Disney is not only a place but a state of mind. Th
Feb 21, 2005
I remember last year when I was getting ready for my WDW trip, I saw a thread that seemed more like a support group. It was for all the people that was trying to lose weight before their trip. I thought that was a really cool idea so I would like to start that back up this year. I have 16 weeks before my trip and I am trying to lose 15 pounds before we go.

Are there any others trying to get in shape before your trip? :thumbsup2 :confused3
bubba73 said:
I remember last year when I was getting ready for my WDW trip, I saw a thread that seemed more like a support group. It was for all the people that was trying to lose weight before their trip. I thought that was a really cool idea so I would like to start that back up this year. I have 16 weeks before my trip and I am trying to lose 15 pounds before we go.

Are there any others trying to get in shape before your trip? :thumbsup2 :confused3
In that time you can actually lose up to 32 to 40 lbs safely
There is also the WISH board here that helps people
32 - 40lbs in 16 weeks is excessive! If you want to keep the weight off on a long term basis, the majority of physicians and nutritionists recommend no more than a 1-2lb loss per week. 15lbs is much more reasonable. Good luck!
I would love to lose about 70-75 pounds before my trip in Dec. Unfortunately, I have this obsession with food! I love to eat, so I don't know if my goal is reasonable! LOL!
I can understand about loving to eat. I have been eating and working out for so long to try to put on muscle, that it is going to be very hard for me as well to cut back on the calories and the food. You are right, losing that much weight is a lot to do and would take an extreme amount of focus and dedication. I am not saying that you can't do it. On the contrary, I am going to say that you need to do it in segments. Set yourself a goal. Tell your self you are going to stay away from the sweets for a week or from fried foods or even just bread. Dieting is more of a state of mind! 6 years ago, I lost 52 pounds in less than 6 months but I did it in a very unhealthy way and I ended up having no strength and no energy. I had a 32.5" waist and I felt like I was still fat. It was unhealthy for me and my family. Now, I have a 34.5" waist and I am around 200 pounds but I have put on a lot of muscle in the last few years. I am almost back to my heaviest weight ever but I am much heathier than I have ever been. So from experience, I can tell you to make small changes at first and it will give you big rewards. Good luck and let me know if I can help in any way.
I started Weight Watchers 6 weeks ago and I have lost over 18 pounds already. I am not dieting specifically for my upcoming trip to WDW, but I am excited to be going after/while losing my excess weight. I hope to lose a lot more! (before and after my trip in two weeks)
32 - 40lbs in 16 weeks is excessive! If you want to keep the weight off on a long term basis, the majority of physicians and nutritionists recommend no more than a 1-2lb loss per week. 15lbs is much more reasonable.
Just wanted to point out that "32" is certainly attainable in a healthy way by losing 2 pounds a week for 16 weeks. Your advice to lose "15" is also just as attainable and safe while only losing 1 pound a week. I think there is a good range of what is a healthy way or amount to lose. For the last 6 weeks I have lost more than 2 pounds a week, and have done it in a very healthy and sustainable way. I think it just depends on your body, how much fat you have to lose, etc. I mean, if you only have 15 to lose, it's actually much harder to lose those 15 pounds, than losing 15 if you are actually say, 60 pounds overweight. JMHO.

Good luck everyone!
Woo-hoo! I lost a bunch to go last May and I've gained 20 back!! Here we go again. I could definitely use some support!
bubba73 said:
I remember last year when I was getting ready for my WDW trip, I saw a thread that seemed more like a support group. It was for all the people that was trying to lose weight before their trip. I thought that was a really cool idea so I would like to start that back up this year. I have 16 weeks before my trip and I am trying to lose 15 pounds before we go.

Are there any others trying to get in shape before your trip? :thumbsup2 :confused3
I've been trying. I've also added walked and other stuff. I'm afraid the boys are going to out last me! Count me in! pixiedust:
Count me in too! I'm in the home stretch and want to avoid freightening anyone while in my swim suit. I lost 2+ pounds a week when I started WW, but then it slowed down a lot and I eventually put it back on. I was starving myself! Be careful! Now I'm walking and eating smaller portions and it works - about 1 pound a week and I've kept it off. I'm tempted to try the 2 pound a week plan just to get down before the trip, but I know it'll just hit me as soon as I even see a Dole Whip!
I'm in. I'm planning a trip for next January, but now I've also scheduled a trip for September. So, my deadline has been moved up. Overall, I need to lose 80 pounds or so. I am doing WW-Core and really like it. I could use all the support I can get. What I really need is an exercise partner. Anyone in the Indy (southside) area interested? LOL
Yes, I am also trying to lose the weight before our trip on May 29th. I have lost 22 lbs in 1 months and am trying to lose another 40 lbs. Wish me luck!

PS. I am doing it the healthy way, eating healthy and exercising! STicking to 1190 calories per day.
I'm in for 20 by Dec. 8th!

I love to snack! I constantly find food in my mouth and don't even remember how it got there. :confused3 I am going to go to the store today and get a little bottle of mouthwash to keep in my kitchen. When I want a snack I am going to put some in my mouth and drink water till the taste is gone. My theory is that I won't want to snack if I can taste the mouthwash because it would taste bad, and by the time I drink the water my tummy will be full of water and I will be happier eating less!

Hope it works because I have very little self control! :Pinkbounc
WW lifer but can't get back on program!!! 22 pounds in 26 weeks should be easy but not if I can't get started!! Lost 7 pounds to start and now keep losing & gaining the same 2 pounds over & over again. Too cold to walk, wish I had a treadmill. Advice & encouragement greatly appreciated!!

Hey!! I am also in! I am currently on Weight Watchers, and going strong so far. I have been on it for 7 weeks so far and lost 16lbs!!! Woo hoo!! :cool1: :cool1:

I have my upcoming trip in May, and I am determined!! I want to loose another 30 lbs before my trip....but don't know if that is feasible or possible. But I just keep on track.

I have also been exercising (cardio) on a daily basis. I think that is very important too. I started by walking the first two weeks. Then went on to alternating between a bike and elliptical machine, and I am on running about two miles every other day and doing bike/elliptical the odd days.

Wish me luck!! I want to look good for Mickey!! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo

Good luck to all you 'life style' change folks!! :)
count me in too! i have been doing WW for the last 10 weeks and doing gunnar peterson's core secrets workout ( awesome!!) and have lost 20 pounds--YEA!!! i have 20 more to go to reach my goal and i leave for DW in 26 more days. probably won't reach my goal before i leave, but i'll be happy!! question is......does anyone know how to keep it off while they're at disney amongst all those lucious buffets? any tips ladies?
I just got back from Disney a few days ago, and I also wanted to lose a modest amount of weight (10 pounds) before my trip. I set a goal to lose 10 pounds from Jan. 1 to Feb. 10, and I actually lost 11 pounds!

I joined the online weight loss support program SparkPeople ( This is a food (calorie) and nutrient tracking program, combined with a sensible amount of exercise, but it also has a lot of motivation articles and helpful recipes for healthy food. Each person's program is geared toward your own personal goals and current weight. My calorie range was 1200 to 1550 calories per day, and I also did just 10 to 15 minutes of going on the treadmill or exercise bike 4 or 5 times a week. The exercise really built up my stamina for walking around the theme parks! I also go to a yoga class once a week.

During our Disney vacation, I didn't indulge in absolutely everything and go hog-wild, but I did not deny myself too much either. I absolutely had the Dole Whip and Zebra Dome (and lots of other yummy food), but found ways to cut calories in other places (ordering ice water at counter service restaurants, letting my 9 year old son order the hot fudge sundae at Ghirardelli then sharing from his, and opting for grilled chicken at a lot of places instead of burgers and fries). Anyway, the scale showed a 3 pound gain right after the trip, but today, after being home for 4 days and getting right back on the program, those 3 pounds have come off!

Good luck to you. Sending you wishes for a healthy and fun Disney vacation.


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