DINKS--some more


I followed your link over from the childless thread. What a great trip report you have here!

Your vacation style sounds similar to ours. I get crazy about wanting to get everything unpacked. Definitely can't wait to check out the bar at our resort. And we are shooting for Drinking Around the World, hopefully we can make it from Canada to Mexico, wish us luck! I can't stand cigarette smoke and am totally envious of your local laws. We still have smoking here, even in the restaurant bars which we tend to frequent more than clubs.

Have you considered checking out the Adventurer's Club at Pleasure Island? It's no smoking and one heck of a good time!

Looks like you have some great planning so far!

I followed your link over from the childless thread. What a great trip report you have here!

Your vacation style sounds similar to ours. I get crazy about wanting to get everything unpacked. Definitely can't wait to check out the bar at our resort. And we are shooting for Drinking Around the World, hopefully we can make it from Canada to Mexico, wish us luck! I can't stand cigarette smoke and am totally envious of your local laws. We still have smoking here, even in the restaurant bars which we tend to frequent more than clubs.

Have you considered checking out the Adventurer's Club at Pleasure Island? It's no smoking and one heck of a good time!

Looks like you have some great planning so far!

I was actually going to ask soon about Adventurer's Club and wether or not there was smoking. If there isn't, then hallalujah! we're going.

I'll have more soon, I'm sure...sort of.

THis time of year gets crazy around here. It's not just Christmas and Thanksgiving (at our house this year...yay?), but I also produce a local Nutcracker, so my brain is going crazy with all of the little details.
Ok, I couldn't resist, and added an ADR for Sunday at Tusker House.

I really, really, hate buffets. I just always have images of free-for-alls and people being grabby, and on and on and on. Then again, my childhood memories of buffets were negative ones, and I have yet to go to one that I've enjoyed as an adult. So, I stay away.

Then I see what's on the menu of Tusker House for lunch and I just can't resist. I love me some hummas and baba ganouge. Bring on the lentils! DH will probably enjoy the buffet atmosphere, and I know he'll like the food.
I gave in, I made a ticker. Is it really just over two months? really? wow. Time flies...in a good way!

I feel like I'm in a holding pattern until Yak and Yeti takes reservations on Dec. 4th, until then I'm not sure how to approach our next day in the park.

I'm also trying to decide if I should forgo my traditional bringing of the hot pot and french press, and instead just use the coffee pot at the WL and pray that I bring the correct filters. I would die if I brought the wrong ones, I couldn't live with their coffee for a week. What to do, what to do?!?!

I also decided NO on Jellyrolls. I just don't want everything to smell like smoke for the rest of the trip.
woo hoo! Yak and Yeti taking reservations...and game on.

Day 5, Wednesday, Feb 20

Allright, sense the day before is drinking around the world, I'm thinking we'l sleep in this day. Good plan? yes, I think so. Just giving a guess on this one, but me thinks we'll awaken around 8ish, perhaps get to Epcot around 10ish? Yes?


The general plan will be to attempt a Fastpass at Test Track, although by 10:30, you never know, there might not be any good times left for us. Other than that, we'll be focussing on the right hand side of future world. In order, we'll do The Seas, Imagination (I love the play area!), and The Land (we'll skip Soarin, as we see it at DL a couple of times a year).

I'm not sure what to expect at The Seas now that it's been Nemoized. Last l time we spent about three hours here, not sure what to expect now. I mean, can you still do a walking tour of the aquarium? How about the manatee with the lucky fin? I'll be so sad if we can't see him. However, I still think that I need to put The Seas first on the day so that we won't find ourselves not able to spend as much time there as we'd like.

Anyhoo, we had an ADR at Coral Reef at 1:20 (a little backtracking if The Seas goes quickly, or flowing perfectly from a leisurely stroll through? we'll see). I'm a bit concerned about this since it's a bit far off from our breakfast time, and unles we're in The Land, not alot of opportunities for snacks. So, we'll just plan on the beef jerky and cashew nut snacks in the backpack. Unless there's a way to go in the back entrance to the aquarium without doing the Nemo ride, anybody know? back to coral Reef, looking at the menu, I'm thinking I'll be ordering appetizers and salad and soup and dessert...just looks yummers. Wonder if they'll have bloody marys after my previous day? lol.

I figure that we'll leave Epcot around 4:30 or so, in order to get to Animal Kingdom on time for our 6:00 Yak and Yeti ADR! woohoo! I'm saying it now, I'll be getting the Pho. I don't care that it's $17, I'm still getting it. I don't care if it's shrimp instead of eye round steak cooked in the broth, I'm still getting it. I just love, love rice noodles in warm broth. Thats all that matters. That and the dessert fried wontons....looks yUMMMMy.

That night is EMH at the Animal Kingdom. So, if we haven't seen the Lion King yet, we'll see it then. And, of course, Dinosaur, Everest, and Primevel Whirl!

Since there won't be a nap time opportunity that day, I'm thinking we'll head on back to the hotel and collapse...after all, the next day is a 6am wake up call!

To Do!
call Magical Express
take pics of luggage
Your plans for EPCOT look great! I love the Coral Reef, unfortunately we did not go this time around.:sad1: DH wanted to try some new places so we ended up doing the Norway Akershus Princess lunch. UGH, can you say kid invasion, what was my DH thinking? I must admit he learned his lesson, keep an eye on my TR for the pics.;)

And definitely catch the late showing of FOLK, it was excellent and we did not have to wait in line as long, they were bringing people in right up to the last minute and seating them. We waited about 20 minutes and it was totally worth it. I will be showing pics of this also.

Happy planning!
You know, I'd be all over for trying some Norwegian food...but from what it sounds like, there's not awhole lot there after the Princess invasion.

btw, when I asked DH why random European, Asian, and Persian princesses (note, no Scandanavian) would be in Norway, he responded with a 'duh, they were kidnapped by the Vikings'. Ahhh, Disney, you're still telling a story with the Princess meal in Norway! good job! So, next time you go, just imagine that they're all captive princesses waiting to be ransomed...should add to the entertainment value of the meal.

That said GOOD GOD I'M GLAD DECEMBER IS ALMOST OVER!!!!!!!!!! And WDW is just six weeks away? :cool1: :banana: :woohoo: :yay: :dance3: :cheer2:

I survived another Nutcracker year!!!! hazzah! time to get down to disney planning once again! muhahahahaha

OH! and I found a better solution to the coffee situation. Instead of bringing the French Press and Hot Pot...I'll bring the hot pot and manual drip coffeemaker! brillant! Why didn't I think of this before?
Oh yes, and we're all paid up. Sweet!

So am I nuts for starting the packing already? Not heavy duty packing, but as I come across things that we'll be taking and we won't need them before then, I put it into a suitcase. Things like our robes to lounge in, toilet paper (not my choice, but DH seems to have issues with this), non-perishable snacks and the like.

I also need to go to the dollar store to start making little daily gift surprises for DH. I mean, I don't NEED to, but I want to. I've got a coloring book and crayons (when he has a hypogyclemic episode, it helps him calm down for some reason), and a couple of little hand held games. I need more things for the fun!
Oh yes, and we're all paid up. Sweet!

So am I nuts for starting the packing already? I've got a coloring book and crayons (when he has a hypogyclemic episode, it helps him calm down for some reason), and a couple of little hand held games. I need more things for the fun!

Isn't it nice to know the bills are paid before you go!! Way to go! And it's never too early to start packing, I wish I would have started sooner so I was not scrambling at the last minute, oh well, next time I will. The hand held games are a great idea, we have a scrabble game that DH & I love to have for our waits in the airport and while on the plane. Plus, I'm a wordfind geek and get the little travel size books. I picked up glow bracelets and necklaces at the dollar store for night time events, their especially fun while watching Spectro. Good luck in your search for fun stuff!
So I'm thinking I should buy one of those collapsable canes for the trip.

My ankle has detiorated to the point that it's in constant pain now, instead of just when I do certain things. Wearing heels helps, but even with that, I have a feeling that walking around the parks so much will probably inflame things quite a bit. Ok, not a feeling, a knowing.

I'll be having a third surgery on my ankle in March. Yet again, three weeks completely off, no weight baring at all.

But hey! I'm sure I'll be uber active on the DisBoards then! *sigh*

I thought our year (16 months) of hell were going to be over at New Years and that this trip would be our reward for getting through it all...but no, just another bit of crap to add on to the mess that was last year.


Things to add to my packing/shopping list:
A collapsable cane
Ziploc bags for ice
Tall socks to stuff said ice bags into
Heating pad
So I'm thinking I should buy one of those collapsable canes for the trip.

My ankle has detiorated to the point that it's in constant pain now, instead of just when I do certain things. Wearing heels helps, but even with that, I have a feeling that walking around the parks so much will probably inflame things quite a bit. Ok, not a feeling, a knowing.

I'll be having a third surgery on my ankle in March. Yet again, three weeks completely off, no weight baring at all.

I can totally relate with you on this one, well sort of. Not to the extent of your obvious pain, which I'm still amazed you can wear heels, but hey, whatever works!

Anyway, I've had 2 foot surgeries and was having problems with my ankles before we left (I am overweight and some of my problem stems from that), but I was able to get my podiatrist to give me a steroid injection in my left ankle, which was the worse of the two, which helped tremendously! I also had just gotten a brand new pair of orthotics. These orthotics are the new computerized ones they make by scanning your foot. They have been a total blessing and helped me survive our week in the World. I am still benefitting from them right now and am able to di 30 minutes on my treadmill everyday without ankle pain. Now we did also have some down time in the middle of our trip, rest always helps.

But please don't be offended by what I am about to suggest, but have you considered renting and EVC/Scooter? I was amazed at how many people at WDW use them of all ages, shapes, sizes. And I'm sure you know this already, but then you can go right to the front of the line on rides. Just a suggestion.:flower3:
Oh I'm not offended at all.

My daily life is being on my feet and moving all day, while in pain. So, in a way I'm used to it. It's just getting worse now. Sometimes walking helps, sometimes it doesnt. Unless I'm wearing a completely flat shoe, then it's like death. The thing is, not walking hurts my entire body. If I sit down alot, then EVERYTHING hurts. Even my desk is one of those standing desks. I have orthodics, but my foot can't move as well with them and that leads to other sorts of pain in my knee, hip, and back.

As far as the steriods go, well, I have a couple of different reasons for not wanting to use them. I have such ligament and tendon issues anyway, and the shots can make things worse over the long run. You can also only get so many in the same place, and I'd rather use them for professional reasons than recreational if I have to go that route.

I'll play it by ear. If, after a couple of days, if I just can't walk, then I'll rent something. I'll try to avoid it though.


the tags make me happy, being all bright yellow with red mickeys. Yay!
Oh I'm not offended at all.

My daily life is being on my feet and moving all day, while in pain. So, in a way I'm used to it. It's just getting worse now. Sometimes walking helps, sometimes it doesnt. Unless I'm wearing a completely flat shoe, then it's like death. The thing is, not walking hurts my entire body. If I sit down alot, then EVERYTHING hurts. Even my desk is one of those standing desks. I have orthodics, but my foot can't move as well with them and that leads to other sorts of pain in my knee, hip, and back.

As far as the steriods go, well, I have a couple of different reasons for not wanting to use them. I have such ligament and tendon issues anyway, and the shots can make things worse over the long run. You can also only get so many in the same place, and I'd rather use them for professional reasons than recreational if I have to go that route.

I'll play it by ear. If, after a couple of days, if I just can't walk, then I'll rent something. I'll try to avoid it though.


the tags make me happy, being all bright yellow with red mickeys. Yay!

It's amazing how a package from Disney can brighten any mood. :)
It's amazing how a package from Disney can brighten any mood. :)

I Know!

I forgot to mention, after going to the doctor on Tuesday, I promptly went to the Disney Store (well, after I had a melt-down in the car and recovered with a glass of wine and a caprese salad).
They had a couple of fun things in the clearence areas for my little surprises, along with, of course, some Disney Dollars. I don't know why I love those things so much. I mean, it's sort of stupid, I know. But they're fun!
I Know!

I forgot to mention, after going to the doctor on Tuesday, I promptly went to the Disney Store (well, after I had a melt-down in the car and recovered with a glass of wine and a caprese salad).
They had a couple of fun things in the clearence areas for my little surprises, along with, of course, some Disney Dollars. I don't know why I love those things so much. I mean, it's sort of stupid, I know. But they're fun!

That's not stupid at all. I do the same thing for my DH for our Disney trips. About a month before our last trip I went to the Disney store and bought each of us a character coffee mug. Every morning when we had coffee it was a nice reminder of the trip to come. I also bought some Mickey head cut outs at the scrapboook store. I numbered them one through ten and each day for ten days I stuck a Mickey cut out in a spot he would never expect like in his car and on his desk at work. The morning of the trip I surprised him with a telephone call from the Mouse himself. My DH is a 45 year old manly man and he loved every bit of it! You should have seen the grin on his face when he got that call from Mickey. :)
Oh! I like that countdown idea.

Lol, his company was going to send him to Florida for the Thursday and Friday before we left Friday night for Orlando. Btw, we're in Washington State. He said no because, well, just NO.

And, oh yes, got THE PACKET today. I'm loving the plastic embossed manilla like folder. Yay!

Though, Planet Hollywood vouchers? Really? oh please.
So, we got a bit of a preview of Festival of the Lion King last night. How you might ask? Oh, by going to see Exorcist: The Musical!

Yes, you read that correctly.

It's a parody, of course. In the second act, which was Exorcist 2, Regan sang 'Just can't wait to be Queen'...the Locust Queen! At the end was the Circle of Life send up, complete with improvised puppet costumes. It was really too good to describe, I wish I had photos. Particualry of the woven wicker Elephant hat and the dust mop bird.
So, I hit the dollar store yesterday! Such a dangerous, dangerous place. They have great things like Disney folders, stationary sets, coloring books, crayons, and stickers. Of course, lets not forget stuffed animal loofas, ziploc bags, and toothbrushes...all v. v. important for the best trip ever!

For little gifts for my man, I've got
day one: Cars activity book w/ stickers and markers
day two: stuffed animal loofah!
day three: Cars utensil set,because plastic forks and spoons in the room suck.
day four: Disney Villians coloring book with crayons
day five: Pooh folder (got to put all those activity pages somewhere)
Pirates sticker collections
day six: Cars mini racer
day seven: Pooh stationary set with stamps and stamp pad
day eight: *still to come*
day nine: *still to come*

Now I need to dig through the gift wrap boxes to figure out the best way to do this! I refuse to buy new wrapping things, ever, and I don't have to since we save bags, boxes and such...it's just a bit more difficult to go through everything to find just the right thing. That's okay though, I like the challenge!

And I'm thinking that I had too much caffeine today....

Oh! and I got a little red foil valetines tree at the dollar store, the perfect thing to put an envelope of Donald Disney Dollars uner!
Oh! it's less than a month away!

I couldn't help myself, today I ordered a gift basket. I have to say, talking to Laurie (who I promptly wrote a glowing email back to the florist about) really made my magic start early. She was truly sharing the pixie dust. I suppose she's just doing her job, but there's just something extra when you work with someone who cares and who is happy and you can tell by their voice and enthusiasim that they love what they do. So thank you! for helping me put together the perfect basket (ok, tote) for DH and myself. No sugar baskets for us! nope, cheese, crackers, nuts, and fruit...and wine...and beer...yes!

I'm also almost done with packing the food/toilitries/bathrobe/secret gifts suitcase...and yes, i understand that we've got a month to go. I suppose I just know that we have to plan early to make sure we have enough protein snacks and the like...and last time we went on vacation I had a hard time finding travel sizes of toilitries...not this time! I planned early!

I think we just need to buy instant oatmeal, peanut butter (in the check on luggage, no getting my peanut butter confiscated this time!), mints...and once they're washed, pack the travel mugs and manual drip coffee maker.


Oh! and I wrapped all my tokens of love and fun and have them safely hidden within the folds of our terrycloth bathrobes (something we still have from our honeymoon...sure it takes up alot of room in the suitcase, but they're wonderful to lounge in). I ended up having to buy some tissue paper as I was actually out...but other than that, I reused everything! I think for our last day there, I'll get a card and write a long note about our trip, I think that'll be the perfect way to end.

Hmmm, and I still need to work on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!


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