DINKS--some more

I was a little behind on your TR, I'm all caught up now and can say it was total enjoyment to read the new additions. I love the way your described America in EPCOT, I could not have said it any better myself. And I whole heartedly agree with you about your feelings of patriotism. All of the pics you took were fabulous. Some were in such great detail, it picked up the beauty of World Showcase. The chandelier was gorgeous. And I loved the fact that you "drank around the world." We did not do that this time around even though it was planned. The one night we had planned to do it, our friends wanted to hang out at the AKL for the evening. Needless to say the effects from the night before made for a very late start the following morning to AK, so I definitely got my buzz on. But it just wasn't the same as touring the entire World Showcase. Next time for sure!

I could feel your pain when you started having issues with your foot. And who gives a crap how you hold your cane? For crying out loud you needed to use it in the way that would assist you most, doesn't matter how it's held! Rant over.

And George is just too cute, he's very photogenic!

Thanks so much for sharing your vacation with us, looking forward to your next day.
I was a little behind on your TR, I'm all caught up now and can say it was total enjoyment to read the new additions. I love the way your described America in EPCOT, I could not have said it any better myself. And I whole heartedly agree with you about your feelings of patriotism. All of the pics you took were fabulous. Some were in such great detail, it picked up the beauty of World Showcase. The chandelier was gorgeous. And I loved the fact that you "drank around the world." We did not do that this time around even though it was planned. The one night we had planned to do it, our friends wanted to hang out at the AKL for the evening. Needless to say the effects from the night before made for a very late start the following morning to AK, so I definitely got my buzz on. But it just wasn't the same as touring the entire World Showcase. Next time for sure!

I could feel your pain when you started having issues with your foot. And who gives a crap how you hold your cane? For crying out loud you needed to use it in the way that would assist you most, doesn't matter how it's held! Rant over.

And George is just too cute, he's very photogenic!

Thanks so much for sharing your vacation with us, looking forward to your next day.

Awww, thanks....and I'll be sure to let George know what you said! lol

Just another note on the American Experience. I was thinking about this a couple of days ago, and while everyone recognizes that the show does touch on the things that we're not proud of as Americans...I can't think of any of the other pavillions doing this with their countries. Just interesting I suppose.
Day six...part three


Yay! dinner at the castle!


This is our third time dining at the castle, all during dinner. This is also the first time dining with the fairy godmother and mice. Honestly, it was a worse experience because of it. While the service didn't lack, everything felt ...well, lol, common... the other times we've eaten there we felt like we were being treated royally. Now it was no better than eating at Applebees. When the music started for the show, I felt so rushed to eat, it was nerve wracking. I ended up just putting my fork down and refusing to eat until it was all done...I like to enjoy my food, darnit, don't rush me with your mice running around!

I also hated the fact that we couldn't be seated until after our picture was taken. I don't care about the picture! I want to be seated! gah


I had the field greens, which was v. similar to the one at Artists Point in the flavors. Not over the top, but subtly mixed. Dh had the corn and crab soup, which to most people would be heavenily, and while it was good, we have a local resteraunt that has it's own version that blows it out of the water.

I had the lamb, which was ok. It was just a very fatty cut of lamb, the accompaniments and seasoning were great, it was just difficult to eat. I can't remember what DH got, but he liked it!

For dessert I got the pear...and yes! mmm. nice. Our server was very nice and brought DH a scoop of ice cream, not on the menu, but it's what he wanted.

The only thing missing with dinner was wine. I understand, but it's just not a meal to me without wine.

Oh yes, there were fireworks at our table at the window...





Loved the around-age-9 girl who managed to plant herself between myself and the window in order to watch the fireworks. Mind you when I say that we had a window table, I mean that I table was a table for two pushed up against the wall...and this girl still found it to be ok to stand there. Hello? Eventually her mom retrieved her, but it took way too long imo. Why would you let your kid do that? That's just rude, and a nine year old should know better.

Other than that, it was magical, as it should be.



more to come for day six!
Love your trip report!

I sprained both my ankles once and then re-injured the other one again and have never been the same since, even with PT. I don't understand the pain you are experiencing but I do feel bad for you. I'm glad you still make the effort to work and enjoy time at Disney!

Hope you are feeling better! :goodvibes
Just read through your trippie (great relaxation on a Sunday am)
DH and I are going sans DS and I've picked up some great ideas from you.
Thanks for sharing and looking forward to more:cool1:

Glad I could help! Just remember, take time for yourselves midday *wink wink nudge nudge*

Love your trip report!

I sprained both my ankles once and then re-injured the other one again and have never been the same since, even with PT. I don't understand the pain you are experiencing but I do feel bad for you. I'm glad you still make the effort to work and enjoy time at Disney!

Hope you are feeling better! :goodvibes

I am feeling better, thank you. I got the stitches out today and am able to put 60lbs of pressure on it. So, yay!
Day six...final installment!
...I mean, final day six, there's still seven and eight to come.

Soooooo, we walked ....


...to Adventureland, so that I could ride my all time fave, Jungle Cruise aka StandUp In the Jungle. I cannot remember the skippers name, but he was one of the best ones I've ever had. A skipper who's into it with a flawless delivery makes the ride. He even did the Simba and Nala joke...'can you feel the love tonight?' hehehe...and my favorite... 'up on the right we have a dock, and on the left we have a dock, that folks is what we call a paradox' YAY!

We actually ended up watching the electrical parade. I didn't realize it was a new one...well, new compared to when I was five. I actually enjoyed it.



Can you see the monster?


there it is again!


I have to say, though, half the entertainment of the electriacl parade was watching it at the hub right beside where the let the droves through in waves to the exit...quite entertaining in fact.

So, back to the wilderness lodge for sleepy time


Next up...day seven with MK, Epcot, and Marrakesh!
Day seven....part one

Again, taking our time to wake up and have breakfast in the room from our own stash. mmmm...coffee

Off to the Magic Kingdom!


This is our what-didn't-we-do-what-do-we-want-to-do-again day. We decided that we needed more Tomorrowland time. Did I already say that I preferred the themeing in DLs Tomorrowland? Well, I do...though MK has more rides...and allthough the rides that they have of the same I give the edge to DL.

We got a fastpass for Space Mountain and went on the peoplemover

(I'm rather proud of this shot, no supports were in it!)


Then on to Monsters, Inc. ...which was a hoot, love it. I'm surprised that it doesn't get as much talk as Turtle Talk does.

...and back to Space mountain. Going on Space just made me want to go on the one at DL. It's so much smoother...and of course the awesome blast off sequence and musical track that makes me feel like Buck Rodgers. I have a very-special internal rhythm with the MK one, and I love it...but DL really kicks its butt.


At that point we needed a snack...so, we decided to try the taco place in Adventureland.




only thing wrong with this pic is the yellow building in the background ...just another part of adventureland that confuses me with the hodge podge themeing.


so, at El Pirata Y el Perico we had, uh, tacos. yeah. Glad to be able to go to the place down the street after that experience.

BUT... the seating area there is some of the most beautiful and quiet that I've seen in the MK. I just loved that little fountain courtyard area. It reminded me of the nook in the back of New Orleans square. V. v. nice.

We walked through El Pirata, Pecos Bills (who knew they were connected?) and went to the Christmas Shop in Liberty Square. A few iterms purchased later, and we were off!

So...good by to Magic Kingdom!


and on to Epcot!
Glad to hear you are doing better and great update-now on to my fav park!

Epcot is tied for second for me.
1) Disneyland
2) Epcot and Animal Kingdom
4) California Adventure
5) Disney Studios
6) Magic Kingdom

That's all sort of nuts for me because I grew up with WDW, but I am definetly a Disneyland gal now! Of course, the love for Disneyland might be in part because I can load up on Chai Martinis at Catel before going on the Jugle Cruise!

w/ Uncle Fester and me! (sorry, DH and I)


First up, Fastpass for TestTrack....for much, much later in the day. Then we walked by that little place between Futureworld and World Showcase...and saw a whole group of turtles playing around in the water. It was interesting just how many people stopped to watch. Who needs fast rides when you have turtles!

Then we went shopping in China! We bought a lamp, a couple of teeshirts, some odds and ends. Sent them to the front of the park.



I was sad to miss the movie, I would have liked to see it, and I would have liked to hear Si Xian. I am not sad that I missed the acrobats. Once you've seen the adult version, the kids just seem too young to watch.

...I loved this pathway.



Then we wandered to Italy for some World Showcase Players ation...Romeo and Ethyl? or is that Shakespeare in Love...oh yes, and two shots of Lemonciello. That order got a laugh and nod from the cast member.

Love the donkey.


We backtracked for shopping in Germany (didn't buy a thing).



Back to Italy for shopping (again, bought nothing)
...and this guy...


After observing Sergio, I decided that the World Showcase performers probably have a better gig than most of the typical Disney performers. THe WS guys can actually change some things up during their acts and not do the same thing everytime out. Yes, they all have to be approved, but a repretoire of four or five numbers is much more satisfying than just one.

...so, I'm going to take a break now. I'll be back with food in Morroco!
Day seven...part three

**I'm watching Fame. Currently they're Singing The Body Electric.**

Time for food!


Hungry, need something now...mmm, Moroccan. Tangierine Cafe. Dh had the chicken wrap (apparently tasty). I made my own conconction by mixing the tabouleh, olives, and lentils together. V. tasty, and way too much food at $6. Also had a glass of wine...because how could I not? Of course we ate outside, pretty much had a private dining area in the space between the cafe and the bathrooms.

Back to Japan for shopping!



Again, hit the pocket book quite heavy here. I got a fabulous pocket book, along with some presents for various people, and wasabi peas. DH would have gotten teeshirts, but he's built like a viking and not a Japanese anime character.

I was also able to get a cd of Matsuriza...


...who I love. I did have their cd and used it all the time in my modern classes, but I lost it about a year ago. I can't wait to use it again after I'm back teaching.

Also, those Matsuriza chicks are fierce. Dang.

Back to Morocco



where we saw a bit of Mo Rockin


before catching the boat to Futureworld to use our Fastpass for Test Track.

Much more to come...I promise!

**add thank goodness for DVRs, rewinding to watch the graduation scene again as I type. Why couldn't my graduation from performing arts college be like that? No, instead we had a gamelan ensamble play.**
You bought a lamp in China?:lmao: :lmao: Considering the pics I'm not surprised:thumbsup2

Lunch sounded great!
KirklandTutu, love your TR! I've sat here this AM and read thru the whole thing! (Can't believe I did that!) Nice to find someone who also spends a lot of time looking at celings and light fixtures!

We are former DINKS (now have 2 boys) and are planning a MOM and DAD ONLY trip in October! We too love sampling the tastees at each country so your TR has been loads of fun to read seeing what you ordered and thought of each one (I love the Strongbow and Fish and Chips too!)

Hope your ankle is doing much better!


P.S. Amen sister on your posting for the American Pavillion....my family has to drag me away from the exibits and we have to ensure we have tissues for the movie. Moves me greatly, every time.
You bought a lamp in China?:lmao: :lmao: Considering the pics I'm not surprised:thumbsup2

I know! lol
I think that part of my obsession with the lighting in WDW is that as a choreographer and dance producer, I'm always having to think about how light plays on a stage and how moods and movement can be affected by it. Hmmm, wonder if I could write off our trip based on that statement....

KirklandTutu, love your TR! I've sat here this AM and read thru the whole thing! (Can't believe I did that!) Nice to find someone who also spends a lot of time looking at celings and light fixtures!

We are former DINKS (now have 2 boys) and are planning a MOM and DAD ONLY trip in October! We too love sampling the tastees at each country so your TR has been loads of fun to read seeing what you ordered and thought of each one (I love the Strongbow and Fish and Chips too!)

Hope your ankle is doing much better!


P.S. Amen sister on your posting for the American Pavillion....my family has to drag me away from the exibits and we have to ensure we have tissues for the movie. Moves me greatly, every time.

Thank you so much. My ankle is doing much better (thank you to my wonderful PT who's been doing the gentle massage on it for two days).

As a DINK, and remembering what it was like going to WDW with my family, I think the best thing about not going with kids is that you can take your time. You can sit and enjoy, you don't have to worry about pleasing multiple parties with food, you don't have to worry about discipline...the list goes on and on doesn't it? Hope you enjoy your trip!
Day Seven...part four.


Let's go to TestTrack!


Honestly, not my favorite ride. I love the 64mph banking, but that's about it. I am looking forward to them using the same technology in California Adventure with the Cars theme...but I can't get into the story line at TestTrack. I also get v. v. annoyed at the exibits afterward. It really just makes me want to spit in anger at how the sports cars and huge SUVs are still getting so much attention, and I know I don't have to tell anyone why. It should be obvious. Sure, they have that very cool prototype vehicle that will have interchangable bodies...oh yeah and the one biodiesiel (which doesn't count imo)...but thats it. It reallly just irks me. ...and the fact that DH signed up for info and a drawing re. the new mustang...or corvette...or whatever that muscle car was...we didn't talk for about ten minutes.

Anyway...pretty pictures!



DH went ahead to get me a cider in the UK while I walked around Canada to cool off.


After the peace offering (he had a strongbow--good...I had a Woodpecker--too weak), all was good and we walked around shopping in the UK. I was dissapointed in the shopping. Last time I got a LuLu Guiness purse and a unique teacup. This time I found nothing. *sigh*



So, onward bypassing France! (don't worry, we'll come back later)


on to the Marrakesh next!
Day seven...part five


We're on the road to Morocco...


Ok, the Marrakesh. We will always love this place because it was the first time we ever had this sort of cuisine, and we fell in love with it. Since then we have become regulars at the local authentic Moroccan dining establishment. It's one of those places where you sit on the floor, eat with your hands, and love every minute of it. It's a feast. The food at our local place is always beyond fabulous.

I think we remembered the Marrakesh being better than it was, either that or we're just spoiled now.

Of everything we had (chickin bastilla, jasmina salad, entrees) we liked the home version better. I also hate the fact that theres no floor seating or an encouragment of eating with ones hands. That's half the fun! *sigh* The wine was good. The entertainment was wonderful too.


After dinner we walked around the shops (I was planning to buy buy buy, but then I didn't, I think I'll just go to Costco and not pay for the shipping from WDW). At this time we happened into one of those perfect moments that is what the World Showcase is all about.

I wish I could remember his name. We started talking to a cast member from Morocco. We talked about his home, his experiences in Florida, what else he wanted to do in the USA before going home, what we should do if we ever go to Morocco, the food, the good, the bad, everything we could think of. He was such a wonderful ambassador for his country. It was one of those moments that you can't put a price on. I would have loved to ask the guy and a couple of his friends out for dinner afterward to continue the conversation. Now I wish we did, I just didn't think about it at the time.



From there we walked toward Japan


and the American Pavillion



Then doubled back to France so that I could get a Grey Goose Slushie (was there actually ANY alcohol at all in that?) we attempted shopping, found nothing.




Then we were back where we started


Will be back with more!
Day seven...part six

...and let's walk around the world a bit more...

Hello, America


Hi there, Italy


....sorry Germany, none of your evening pics turned out...



Oh, it's China

DH likes this pic


I like this one


At this point I wasn't allowed to take any more pics. We did ride the Maelstrom, but that was our only EMH ride. We took our time strolling back...and I got a great pic as I waited outside while DH went into Guest Services to ask a question.


Oh! and I wish I was in there with him. Apparently it would have been a great thing to witness, some burly man yelling at the CMs because they wouldn't hold their bag of oranges while they were in the park. Sounded entertaining.

So, goodbye EPCOT...we'll miss you.


Onto the bus, go to the WL, finish my bottle of wine that was in the gift basket from the first day. Sleep tight, no more parks. A good day at the lodge tomorrow...but the visit is almost done.

Next up, departure day, Whispering Canyon, and the second most romantic place in WDW.
Day Eight...part one

Departure day. We slept in, somewhat...had our normal in the room breakfast and sweet, sweet coffee. We packed, said goodbye to our room, and dragged our luggage down to Magical Express and bellhop.

I will complain in a bit, but before that, some beautiful Wilderness Lodge photos...




For some reason, the magical express check in people weren't able to to check us onto our flight. They couldn't explain why...although I'm sure there was a good reason... but it's a service we paid for and while it didn't destroy our day, it did put a bit of a sour taste in my mouth at the very end. The ME staff seemed confused, but at the airport the Alaska Air people said that there was no reason on their end that we shouldn't have been able to check in at the hotel. I don't know what the problem was, but when you have your mind set on the idea that you won't be shlumping your luggage around the airport UNTIL you actually get home, well, it's just annoying. And I am done with the complaining portion of my post.


We made a reservation for whispering canyon around 11:30am for a 1:00 lunch. Then we proceded to wander around the grounds.


...except that it started to do one of those classic Florida downpours. We wanted to be outside, when DH remembered the covered porch at the Artists Point. Now, we didn't see anyone while we were out there, so we never got the ok that we could be there...but no one ever came out and said we couldn't either...so we enjoyed a good hour just sitting on the porch while it was raining. With a glass of wine, it would have been perfect.




We headed back to Whispering Canyon for lunch...and wandered while we waited to be seated.





...more to come!


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