Dis Kids Teleporter Network!

i forgot to mention, how often do the other pple go on? I would be willing to join only if there is an active community. (plus i can run help you guys if you want)
Frozen said:
I am a teen and I would like to join. I am short on change and need to sell my rooms. Is there a specific number of rooms i can have linked, or is it infinite. I have a monsters inc teleporter, but if you need, i could try to buy a coffin teleporter (im short on credits :P) Anyways,tell me if I can join. My vmk'er is "Ice-Kool". I'm blue with a skull sweatshirt and red hair (look at my sig) ANYWAYS, i would be willing to join! Just message me on here or on VMK! :sunny:

EDIT: I talk to much, sorry. Anyways, im also sorry for double posting. Won't happen again. And I have my room all set up, so if you want i could join any time. P.S. Should i join adults or kids (im 15)

Hi Frozen, and welcome to the DIS! :wave:

Probably the most important issue here is your question about should you join the adults or kids. That decision is up to you. I can give you the info that the kids that are currently in the DIS Kids Teleporter Network range in age from 5 to 16. That does not mean others cannot join, it is just what we happen to have. As you are a registered DIS member, and posting, you could choose either adults or kids.

Whichever you choose, you may use a Monster Inc teleporter, it has become the preferred teleporter for both the adult (this info from CL_Bezoar) and kids networks, so that should solve any 'credit' problems since you can get one for free. Also, whichever you choose, you need only one teleporter set, because only one teleporter will go into either the kids or adult network. You choose for yourself, which of your rooms you will keep the other half of the teleporter in.

If you do choose the kids network, you will need to provide us with your DIS parent's name, or, lacking a parent on DIS, provide a DIS person (adult) who would sponsor you. This is for safety reasons.

As far as your question regarding how active the kids network is, we have never tracked how often or when the kids are there. But there is no restriction that you remain in those rooms. You are certainly able to play VMK the way that you want to. This network was set up so kids of DIS could meet and friend with other DIS kids. There are currently about 50 kids in the network.

So, the choice is yours. If you like, I would be happy to provide you with a tour, actually of BOTH the kids and adult teleporter networks if you think it might help you to decide.

You can PM me, if you decide you would like either a tour, or decide to choose the kids network, and we can arrange to meet in VMK to set up your teleporter. Again, welcome to the DIS!
PurpleDuck said:
Hi Frozen, and welcome to the DIS! :wave:

Probably the most important issue here is your question about should you join the adults or kids. That decision is up to you. I can give you the info that the kids that are currently in the DIS Kids Teleporter Network range in age from 5 to 16. That does not mean others cannot join, it is just what we happen to have. As you are a registered DIS member, and posting, you could choose either adults or kids.

Whichever you choose, you may use a Monster Inc teleporter, it has become the preferred teleporter for both the adult (this info from CL_Bezoar) and kids networks, so that should solve any 'credit' problems since you can get one for free. Also, whichever you choose, you need only one teleporter set, because only one teleporter will go into either the kids or adult network. You choose for yourself, which of your rooms you will keep the other half of the teleporter in.

If you do choose the kids network, you will need to provide us with your DIS parent's name, or, lacking a parent on DIS, provide a DIS person (adult) who would sponsor you. This is for safety reasons.

As far as your question regarding how active the kids network is, we have never tracked how often or when the kids are there. But there is no restriction that you remain in those rooms. You are certainly able to play VMK the way that you want to. This network was set up so kids of DIS could meet and friend with other DIS kids. There are currently about 50 kids in the network.

So, the choice is yours. If you like, I would be happy to provide you with a tour, actually of BOTH the kids and adult teleporter networks if you think it might help you to decide.

You can PM me, if you decide you would like either a tour, or decide to choose the kids network, and we can arrange to meet in VMK to set up your teleporter. Again, welcome to the DIS!
hm, well i guess i'll join the adults network. My parent don't play vmk or go on dis. As for adult sponsers, I have none. And i'd be glad to have a tour of the adults network :) My last question before I PM you is: Am I allowed to let other vmk'ers in. Like, for example, in the kids network there is a block for anyone wanting to come in. Is it the same in the adults rooms?

P.s. I made my room connect to my maze game room and it's getting quite popular :) I'm going to make sub divisions of my room (main room, maze room, etc.). Hopefully thats okay.

And thanks for the welcome :)
Wow cool!!

I am a kid so i will probably go there

one question: when is it oopen I have never seen it there ( you know in VMK.)
I am in my favourite person's network Purpleduck's. Purple did u notice someone copied my idea for my room and won the best guest room?
cuteswimchick said:
can i join please it sounds like fun! where is it though? i think it will be fun! :smooth:
Hi! We are in the process of doing some "housecleaning" in the network rooms and sorting out abandoned teleporters etc. We're probably going to be moving some around and maybe even opening a new room, so we'll let you know soon about joining in!
Please keep checking here for information on joining. We hope to be ready this week for new members! :cool1:
I'm a teenager, not saying that I want I want to join, but just wanted to give a big shout-out to everyone who built those rooms. Most VMK Guest rooms just have a bunch of crap stuffed into them, but you guys were creative. :teeth: You really deserve something.

Way to go, guys!
I'll be so happy to join the VMKids Community Network!

P.S. I'll have to remember which door goes to whose room. He He :cool1:
Hey all!! The network is still going and its grown!! We now have another lobby for the vmkids that post on the vmkids community board. There is a link to the new baseball field, a pizza and game room and a very cool :cool: dance club! Right now DementedRiku (CL_BassChickBritt) has a room ready to take teleporters. CaptainBrain has also agreed to help and I'm sure will soon be ready as well, once school is done. Fix up a room and get connected! Don't waste any time, we hope to have a big blow out celebration when school gets out! :banana: :Pinkbounc :woohoo: :cool1:
I want to help!! I dont think I'm going to be able to help during summer vacation because I'm going to Venezuela for a month. But, I can try during these few days I have left!! :)
Thanks so much for the offer to help. Right now things are pretty well set up, but if you want to link a room up find CL_BassChickBritt in vmk and trade a teleporter to her, you are welcome to join. :)
Just like Tigressjewel said, post or PM me if you want to connect and we'll meet up and trade some teleporters. I'll probably be using some of the good ole monster's inc doors. I won't trade unless you post in this thread requesting or PM...otherwise I'll be adding random VMKer's and that's not really the point. :)
heya im a kid that does vmk and dis i was just wondering where do i get connected?! im inthused because i will be able too meet kids my age on dis boards im 13 right now so im looking too hook up too the network! :-)


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