DIS Ladies Only Meet 2006 Weight Loss Challenge - Starts March 28


<font color=FF99FF>Cries in her Jello shots<br><fo
Nov 7, 2001
If someone happens to stumble upon this thread wondering what the heck I am talking about, this is a challenge/support thread for the women participating in the DIS Ladies Only Meet in September. :thumbsup2

Alright Ladies. Let's do this!

Welcome to the DIS Ladies Only Meet Weight Loss Challenge. My name is Kat and I will be your weight-keeper on this journey.

First, I will tell you a little about me and how I ended up needing to be involved in this challenge in the first place. If you feel like sharing your story, please do so. If you don't, that's fine too. I am basing this challenge on what we used to do at my old office and the first thing was telling our story as kind of a "release". Also feel free to skip over it to the "good stuff" if you are feeling like you don't want or need or care to know why I am overweight today. I will do this part in teeny writing so that its quicker to skip over for those of you that are bored.

I was a skinny girl, 5'7" - 120/125, up until about the time I turned 24. It was about this time I stopped my party girl ways and started staying in with my later to be husband. Funny, when I drank alot of beer and partied all the time, I was thin. The minute I stopped consuming multiple alcoholic beverages on a weekly basis, I gained weight. (I would say alot of it had to do that I was a dancing fool when I was doing all that drinking, but I digress.) Its funny (not funny ha ha, but funny peculiar) when I think back to a prophetic night, a night my now DH and I decided to go out after a several month absence from the party scene. A friend, a male friend, came over to me and said "you know, you look like you have gained a bit of weight. you might want to get that under control, and fast, before it gets out of hand." Now, naturally I wanted to punch his lights out. I had (only) gained about 15 pounds at that point but obviously it was starting to show. In hindsight, he was showing concern, and obviously was psychic.

So slowly but surely, and with too many trips to the best Mexican restaurant in Seattle, I was gaining weight. I gained about 45 pounds in about two years just from lack of doing anything but watching TV with the boyfriend while eating junk. We were homebodies and basically lazy. I admit it. When I first realized how I was looking I was pretty much OMG. It was at that point I started using that new weight loss miracle drug combination phen-phen. I was on it for about two months and lost twenty-five pounds. Oh was I a happy girl!! But it was also about that time that they realized the massive damage it was doing to people, and killing people. No more phen-phen. Which was a good thing not just because it was endangering my life, but because I was pretty much a raving word that rhymes with witch while I was using it. So after I could no longer take it, the weight started coming back on because lo and behold, I got hungry now. Imagine that. But then I got engaged, so I got my behind to a gym and started working out. I started losing weight again. I was a happy girl and got married at what was a fairly reasonable weight for me, but certainly nowhere near my 120.

Then enter my first pregnancy. Boy did I gain back the weight and then some. I ate, and ate, and ate some more. I think alot of people might have expected I was carrying twins. I was not. Enter my first son, born in 99. After I had him, well, life was all about him. I was fat but I didn't care. For a while. Somewhere around 2001 I came out of that fog and started to think "Hey, get off your butt and do something" and I did. I joined a gym and started working out. Fairly quickly, I lost about 20 pounds and I was feeling good. Then enter my second pregancy. Yes, I know how you get pregnant but let me assure you he was a surprise. And guess what...here comes the weight gain, part deux.

In 2003 my second child was born. I have lost some of the weight here and there, I even lost 20 pounds when we first moved to Florida last year, but I gained most of it back. Why? Well, there's an always stocked candy dish at my work I have a hard time saying no to. I have been drinking regular soda instead of diet (or just plain water). I don't drink enough water (see previous response). I don't work out. And I still eat junk. I take full responsibility for why I weigh what I weigh. But I am going to walk past the candy, put away the soda (regular...I still need my diet pepsi cherry!), get off my butt, and do something about it.

My goal in all this is to get back to me. I will never be back to a 125 pound me, and frankly, I don't want to, I know I would be there for about a day. But a reasonable weight for me where I can wear the clothes I want and feel ok about my size. My son's friend made a comment to him the other day that his "mommy is fat" and that hurt his feelings. I tried to explain to him that people are all different and its o.k. to be fat. And I do feel it is o.k. to be fat. Its just not what I want to be anymore.

Alright, enough about me.

So here is what I am thinking. I am going to keep a chart of everyone's weight. Yes, you will need to divulge your starting weight to me if you wish to participate in the challenge. (If you just want support in your weight loss journey from the other Ladies Only ladies, that's o.k. too - and for the one of you that offered to share your story and help motivate, please DO IT!) Anyway, I am happy to PM you mine if you are curious. I will not divulge your weight to any of the other ladies. I know alot of us are secretive about that sort of thing. Normally I am too but frankly, if you are going to tell me yours, I think its only fair if you're wondering. And I just got a new scale so rest assured that it's accurate. :) And just a note, when you see it, you may think I can't possibly be that weight from looking at my pic. Someone said I didn't even look like I needed to lose weight. (thank you by the way!) Trust me, I do. Its mostly in the bottom half of me you didn't see in the picture. I also tend to look like I weigh a bit less than I actually do. At least that's something, lol.

Each week on Thursday (Starting March 28) you will PM me your weight and I will track it. If you'd like to know how I am doing feel free to ask that too. There will be no judgment from me. I am simply tracking. If you have a bad week and go on a cookie bender, I won't give you h-e-double hockey sticks for it. But if you are having a bad week and you want some encouragement, please come and talk to all us other ladies and I know we will be here for one another.

Now for the challenge part. I know some of us have a bit more to love than the others. So what I am proposing is that the challenge winner be the person who loses the largest PERCENTAGE of body weight, as opposed to actual pounds. Some of you may only want or need to lose 10 or 15 pounds (that's not me), and some of you may be hoping to lose 30 or more (its only 6 months so lets be reasonable and safe). I just think this is the fairest way. If you can think of a way that seems even more fair, let me hear it.

At the end of the six months, on our trip of course, the top three ladies who lost the highest percentage of body weight are going to win a prize. I don't know what that prize will be at this point, and even if I did, I probably wouldn't tell you. :) I don't want you just doing it for that, do it for you because frankly, if you don't, its not going to work (been there, done that, bought the t-shirt). Just so you know, we're not talking all expense paid trip to the Grand Floridian prize here, so don't get too excited. But I promise it will be something you will want and look at it as a bonus for sticking with it.

Me? Well, I am not competing of course. I am just keeping you all honest. My former boss did this for our office and we had a great time doing it and we all lost weight, even if it was just a little. Healthy competition is good. A healthier body is even better.

I know some of you have asked specifically if you are supposed to do a particular diet plan, etc. I am not advocating any particular method. Different things work for different people. I have had success with WW in the past and am thinking of signing up again, but I may just work something out myself. Anyway, I think this thread will allow all of us to share ideas and what works for each of us so that others can learn from it.

And here is something for fun, if you haven't done it. Go to www.mvm.com and build an avatar of yourself at your current weight and one at what you would like to be at the time of the trip and even your ultimate goal if its one that is not attainable by the time of the trip. Especially for those who have more than a few pounds to lose, you can get some inspiration. :) And you can try on clothes with them. Its like virtual paper dolls! :)

We've made the decision to go on this trip with a bunch of our DIS girlfriends. Those of us who are here want to enjoy that trip a bit thinner. So let's support each other and let's lose some weight. :woohoo:

(And forgive me if I didn't pay enough attention to my Tony Robbins tapes)

O.K. I am adding something to the "novel" here. Five weight loss related hints (Besides putting down the cookie) Please PM me your tips and I will add them to the list.

1. Drink at least 8 - 8 oz glasses of water a day. Or even more. (And I am sure some of you saw that ER episode where the guy o.d.-ed on the water - don't drink that much!)

2. Park further away from the store, school, mall, etc. so you have to walk a bit more. It may seem silly but all those extra steps eventually add up.

3. For a consistent scale reading, always make sure your scale is in the same spot and wear the same clothes (or lack thereof) when weighing yourself.

4. Pick a time of day and weigh yourself each week at that same time.

5. DO NOT weigh yourself every day...or worse yet several times a day. Your weight can bounce all over within a week, even when losing. You don't want to get discouraged because today you were 2 pounds under and tomorrow 1 pound over. (when we were doing this at my office, I had to take the scale out of the bathroom because the ladies kept doing this. I do not have access to your scale. just do yourself a favor and stay off of it)
Just subscribing!! We haven't started yet right? I am hoping my tiramisu doesn't count tonight :sad2:
I'm really excited to get started. Thanks for doing this. :thumbsup2
I just wanted to say thanks for doing this-my story is almost identical to yours, minus 1 kid. I'm very excited about this because just this week I decided to do something about my weight-I've NEVER been on a diet and NEVER excercised. I joined Curves on Wed and started drinking water only-I've lost 2 pounds in 3 days-I believe because I've completely stopped the cokes.

Just wanted to say I'm looking forward to this and best of luck to everyone!!
I was always the tiny one. I got married in the fall of 91 and I weighed around 112. I had 3 children and was very proud of the fact that I could leave the hospital with my regular jeans on. After I turned 30, I found that I was putting on a few pounds, I figured it was from being a SAHM and not doing as much as I had when I was younger. Then I started to lose some weight without trying and was tired all the time. After repeated visits to my gyne and repeatedly being told that I was fine I switched my doctor. I just knew in my gut something was wrong. Its a good thing that I did.

I was diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer back in May of 2002. Yes, I had yearly PAP smears every year since I turned 18, so please, no that could have been prevented. Anyway, the tumor was too big to be operated on so we decided that I would do a very aggressive treatment. I would have 8 rounds of chemo and 35 radiation treatments, internal and external beam concurrently. It was a nasty 8 weeks but well worth it. I'm still here, right. So, the chemo and radiation were really making me sick I lost about 30 pounds but it got so bad that I was put onto steroids to keep me from vomiting. That put some weight on me but the biggest thing was after I started feeling better, I ate for comfort. It sounds crazy but I would just eat and eat. This went on for almost 3 years. I'd gained so much weight that I was not recognizable to people. I stopped wanting to go places where there would be anyone who had not seen me for awhile. I hated the look on their faces; you know the one...wow, she has gotten huge! :eek: My DS8 also (just like Kat) came home from school and said that one of the boys who had been at his birthday party told some kids in his class that Nicholas' Mom was fat and they all laughed. That broke my heart, he was so upset. So, last Feb. I had had enough and joined a gym. I loved going and working out and lost 16 pounds and had gained a lot of muscle. I have not been back since August. I've kept the weight off but have so much more to go. I would ultimately like to lose at least 50 pounds but will shoot for 30 in 6 months.

I'm happy to report that its almost been 4 years and I'm still cancer free. I will have another check up in July. I go every 4 months and am hoping that I will graduate to every 6 months next visit. I know I won't technically be cancer free for another year but I feel like I have beaten this. Its been a long road and its time for me to get healthy and with all of your help, I'm sure I will. :wizard:

That's my story. :wave:
Trish5768 said:

I'm happy to report that its almost been 4 years and I'm still cancer free. I will have another check up in July. I go every 4 months and am hoping that I will graduate to every 6 months next visit. I know I won't technically be cancer free for another year but I feel like I have beaten this. Its been a long road and its time for me to get healthy and with all of your help, I'm sure I will. :wizard:

That's my story. :wave:

Wow Trish. :grouphug:
First I want to thank Kat for doing this. And for sharing her story. And to all the others who have or will share their story, thank you as well. It helps to know your not alone and have some support.

Well, here goes nothing.....

I was thin all through high-school. I am 5'9" and weighed about 120-125. I was tall, blonde, green eyes, used to tan all the time, wore short skirts, etc. People used to tell me I should model. I guess they thought they were paying me a compliment but all that did was make me self-conscious.

I hated the attention I got from guys. It made me nervous. I was so shy in HS and I didn't know how to react. Most of the time I didn't say anything so I had a rep as a snob, which I wasn't.

I met my husband in the 8th grade. I was 13. So was he. We were friends off and on till our junior year then we started dating and the rest is history. I have never been with anyone else and couldn't be happier about that.

When we would go out guys would try to hit on me even with him there. Once I was working at Nutri System (ironic now huh?!) and my desk was by the front door and the entrance was all glass. The phone rings and our secretary answers it and turns to me and says "I think it's for you. He asked for the pretty blonde at the desk."
I thought it was my DH (boyfriend at the time of course) playing a joke. So I answer it and it's just some strange guy who had passed by and had seen me and said he finally got up the nerve to call and talk to me. WHAT?? OMG!! I was shaking and not in a good way. I told him I was dating someone and that was the end of that, but it scared the crap out of me.

You are probably thinking why is she bragging like this? What a *itch!! I'm not bragging. That's just the way it was and some girls would be in seventh heaven to have that kind of attention. Not me. I always felt pressure. I always felt like everywhere I went people noticed me and were watching me.

So that made me super self-conscious of the way I walked, talked, ate, etc. I felt even more pressure to look good and stay thin. I was so unhealthy. Skipping meals all the time. Nothing but skin and bones. Not anorexic, but super thin.

So about 5 and a half years after we started dating my sweetie and I got married. I had gained some weight at that point but nothing major. Then with my first pregnancy it was like a free for all!! I was eating for two and I could let myself go for the first time in.... forever! I gained about 50 lbs with that pregnancy. And never lost much of it.

But I didn't care. I was busy being a wife and mom. Then with the second pregnancy it was the same deal. Another 60 lbs. I was huge!! But funny thing was people didn't notice me anymore. The pressure was off. I was invisable for the first time and was so happy about that. So even after the 2nd baby I made no attempt to lose weight.

Then finally with my twins I got to my heaviest ever. I said after they were born I would have to do something about my weight. Well guess what? They are 5 and a half and I am now almost back to what I weighed when I was about to deliver them.

I know I need to lose weight. I have a confidence now that I never had in high school so it's not about looks. It's about health. I have 4 kids who I may not be around for if I don't do something.

I haven't worn shorts in public in about 8 years. I don't play, run, swim, etc, with my family. I'm tired of that.

My husband is amazing. Not too many men would stick around with a woman who used to be a hottie and then proceeded to gain 160 lbs. I mean once when we were out at the Santa Monica pier I had a lady approach me and give me her card. It was for a modeling agency. He went from being with that person to this mess I am now. And not only has he stuck around, he says I'm still a hottie and keeps pinching my rear. :teeth: Poor dear. Better make him an eye appointment.

Seriously he loves me and supports me just the way I am. Sometimes I wish he would say get off your fat butt and lose some weight, but he never would.

I am a stress eater. And lately food had become my drug of choice. I use it to make me happy when I'm sad, to cheer me up when I'm down, to celebrate good news, you name it. It's my crutch. But I am tired of being this way and am ready to try to lose some of this weight.

To do that I need to be totally honest with everyone reading this soooo here goes.... I currently weigh 285 lbs. LOL There I said it! Pick your skinny butts up off the floor cause I know you just fainted when you read that number. And yes I said skinny because I know that's how you all feel now compared to me. :lmao: Glad I could be of service.

My final goal is to get down to 150 lbs. For my height and build I think that will be fine and easy to maintain. Of course that's a weight loss of 135 lbs!!! :guilty: Which sounds just about impossible right now. (where's my damn cookies when I need them?? :rolleyes: ) But I am going to try and hope that with all your support and encouragement it will happen. Slowly but surely.

Well, now that I've rambled on for an hour I am done. I don't care if anyone even reads this. It just felt good to get it out there.
Later people!! :wave:
Beth, thank you for sharing your story and your honesty. I really do think it feels good and helps to just say it (or write it as the case is here.)

Our husbands sound pretty similar (funny...my DH was eating that mexican food too but I think he only gained about ten pounds and frankly, that's not fair). Mine has been supportive through the ups and downs and has hardly ever made a peep about my weight. Maybe he's thinking I would punch him like I was going to do to our friend at the bar.
Okay, I am going to bore you with my story, but I like the idea of "release" that AdventureKat talked about. You don't have to read it, but I always feel better once I write something down and share it.

I have two older sisters, they are both overweight, as is my mother. I was a snot nosed teenager, who frequently told my sisters that I would never be fat like them (I know I have apoligized numerous times through the years). I got married young at 18, I was turning 19 in 20 days. DH was in the Navy and stationed at Whidbey Island, between Seattle and Vancouver. So we moved there, and I probably gained 30 pounds the first year of marriage. I think it was a little of everything: newly married, moved to a place where I did not know anyone, I was still young enough to be excited about eating junk food whenever I wanted, etc. After we had been there for a year, we came home to TX to visit, that is when I realized how much weight I had gained. I was about 120 when we married so I had gotten up to about 150. I gained about another 15 pounds in the next year.

Then DH was discharged and we moved back home. This is when the embarassment of my weight started. I was about 165 lbs. and I was only 21. None of our friends were married, everyone was still going to dance clubs and having a good time. No one was overweight except for me. One of my friends told me a couple of years later that when she first met me, she thought I was pregnant! So I was still young and managed to loose about 20 pounds. I stayed that way pretty much until about 7 years ago when I got pregnant. I also did the phen-pen for about 6 months, but I did it with Jazzercise also, and I got down to about 140, the lowest I had ever been since I gained the weight.

Since I had my daughter, I have lost and gained the same 20 lbs. every couple of years. I joined WW this January, and was doing really good. Then we moved, and it seems like the last 6 weeks have just been crazy, I have probably gained back everything that I lost.

I am sure like many of you, I would love to take my kids to the pool without being embarassed, not get winded to go bike riding, etc.

I know what I need to do and it is not that difficult. I need to exercise. That's it. When I exercise on a regular basis (at least 4 times a week), the weight comes off so easy. Because if I am exercising, I naturally watch what I eat. We have a membership at our local YMCA, it is a new really great facility, the kids love to go there, and it is only 10 minutes from the house. So I have NO excuse!

So I guess what I need, is to be held accountable. Maybe someone would not mind asking me on a daily basis (except the weekends) if I exercised? And if I say no, I need you to be mean! I need an exercise police officer!

So there is my story. I need to loose 50 pounds, would be happy with 40, and thrilled with 60. I know that it won't happen before this trip, but if I can stay true to myself about exercise in the 6 months until this trip, then I know that I can reach my goal!

Thanks for listening!
Great stories, Beth and Jenna. I think we are going to have a lot of support here. and this will be the time it works. :wizard:
Trish5768 said:
Great stories, Beth and Jenna. I think we are going to have a lot of support here. and this will be the time it works. :wizard:

I hope you are right, that this will be the time that it works!

Also Trish, I just wanted to say Bravo! to you for changing your doctor and listening to that little voice inside your head, and for all that you have been through and survived!
JennaTX said:
Also Trish, I just wanted to say Bravo! to you for changing your doctor and listening to that little voice inside your head, and for all that you have been through and survived!

What she said!!!

My story-

For most of my life I have been a little "chubby" but not fat like I am now. I was always allowed to eat what I wanted and drink as many sodas, I realize now that was a bad thing. I was a big tomboy, I was always playing sports with the boys- basketball, football, riding bikes so I wasn't fat, just wasn't skinny. In high school I weighed about 135-150 but I was still athletic, I walked alot, played softball for the HS team and jogged some. I loved being outdoors and doing outdoor things. I could still shop in the "junior" department.

After graduating I started working full-time and I worked odd hours and ate a lot of fast food. March of the next year I am sitting on my bed getting ready for work and I saw my naked self in the mirror. I started a diet right then! I weighed 170lbs when I started and I thought I was huge!!!

I lost 40 lbs really quickly. 130lbs on my frame is thin. Some even told me I was too thin! I was really proud of myself. For the first time in my life I felt thin. I even got below 130 for awhile. I looked pretty good. A boy I'd had a crush on forever was going to ask me out but my friend started harrassing him because she liked him so he stopped coming to the places we hung out (his best friend told me he wanted to ask me out and it made me feel good, he really was the cutest boy in school :goodvibes ) Wow, I sound like I'm back in HS :teeth:

About a year and a half later I started working 2 jobs where I was strapped to the desk, working about 60-70 hours a week. Ordering food alot and eating fast food, drinking lots of cokes. Not getting ANY exercise. I saw the weight adding up, first I would get close to 140 and think I need to get this under control now. Then it would be 150, 160 and so on.

This was 12 years ago and I still haven't done anything to get it off and keep it off. I have a hard time sticking with diets and exercise. I will join the gym and diet and lose 35lbs then for some reason stop going and the weight comes back. I joined WW in 2004 and lost 20lbs then stopped going and gained the weight back. It's a cycle I want to break.

When Lane Bryant first opened at our mall my husband and I were shopping. He asked if I wanted to go in that store. I was so mad, I said "that store is for fat people, I can't wear their clothes!!" Guess where I get most of my clothes now?

I am at my largest now that I have ever been. I feel terrible and look terrible and really want to improve my health and my looks. I too have a wonderful husband who tells me I am beautful all the time. I don't believe him but it's nice to know he feels that way.

I am starting to exercise and diet on Monday. I have relatives visiting this weekend from out of state and we are going to get Cheesecake Factory and Cold Stone Creamery while they are here because they have never been to either one.

Okay Ladies- we can do this! I think this will really help us all.

Thanks Kat for organizing this. But I think you should be able to compete too!
2BigKIdz said:
What she said!!!

Thanks Kat for organizing this. But I think you should be able to compete too!

Thank you for sharing your story. Its seems like alot of us are lucky to have husbands that love us no matter what size we are and hopefully they will provide just as much encouragement while we work on ourselves.

I am competing in the sense that I am trying to lose weight too but I don't plan on giving myself a prize. If I lose the largest amount of weight, believe me, I will be happy with just that and I am going to say that I bet most, if not all, the ladies would feel the same way. The prizes were just for fun and a little extra incentive. I came in second at my old office and it was fun to win a little something. :)
Boy, I want to thank ALL of you for posting your stories. So much of the time, and even with this trip, I feel like the token "fat girl" because I'm usually the biggest one there. Well, I still am this time, but hearing your stories makes me feel so not alone.

Anyway, I was adopted (this becomes important later). My amom had a really bad weight problem -- she weighed close to 300 pounds my entire life, mostly in her stomach. She always had junk food and sweets in the house, and when she cooked, she fried everything in Crisco. I was sort of a chubby kid -- not chubby the way kids are today, but just a little pudgy. I outgrew it with puberty and all through school I was heavy, but fit. I was always 5'4" tall and between 140-150 pounds and looked good -- big chest, nice muscular legs, decent sized hips. Right before I went to college in the fall of 1985, I was at my lowest weight at 125 and looked really bad because I'm so big-boned... I was on speed and that's why my weight dropped so much.

I developed a drinking problem in college and did some other things as well. Major party girl. Instead of gaining the Freshman 10, I gained the Freshman 30, but I was very happy with my weight. I partied my way right out of school and continued that lifestyle until I got pregnant in 1990 at the age of 23. The pregnancy sobered me up, literally and figuratively! Because I was adopted, I wasn't about to give up a child for adoption myself, and I'm against abortion (although pro-choice), so I decided to become a single mom. The father wasn't in the picture and I didn't want him to be there, so that was that.

During my pregnancy, instead of booze and other things, I turned to food. I probably ate a whole apple pie twice a week, and just ate everything in sight. My ob/gyn, and older man very close to retirement, used to get me on the scales and admonish me, "You're getting too damn fat! Quit eating so damn much!" Hey, he was charming in his own gruff way. :teeth:

After DS was born in 1991, I continued eating like that for a little while (until I weighed 220) but the slow realization that I was now obese really hit hard. I went on a diet, supervised by a diet doctor and started losing weight FAST (this was a very low calorie exchange diet supported by high doses of energy shots). Even though the diet was going successfully, I ended up in a really weird relationship where my BF tried to keep me fat. He totally sabotaged all my diet efforts and kept telling me that he liked me the way I was, and why do I need to lose weight, blah blah blah. I fell for it. :rolleyes: That relationship didn't last long, but it was long enough to ruin my attempts and add another 10 pounds to what I was before.

In the years after that, I pretty much consciously chose to stay fat. It was actually nice that I was working and spending time with my DS. It also kept the guys away, which was very important! I sure didn't need that drama in my life, if you know what I mean. The fat seemed to lower people's expectations of me, and for the first time in my life I could just be who I wanted instead of the free-for-all party girl who slept with anyone and everyone. Don't get me wrong, alcohol was still a factor in my life, but not to the extent it had been.

In 1994, I met my DH online and my weight was holding steady at 230. He loved me the way I was, and he was heavy too. We got married four months after we met. I gained another 20 pounds in the next year before becoming pregnant with DD. Oddly enough, I didn't gain a pound while I was pregnant with her. Because I was so overweight, the doctors weren't overly concerned, but they did keep an eye on it.

After DD was born in 1996, I decided to try to get the weight off, but for some reason I couldn't! More and more, I was getting profoundly tired and my appetite was out of control. When she was 3 months old in 1996, I went back to college to finish my bachelors. My DS started having problems and so much of my energy went into him, and school. I just didn't have time to take care of myself. By 1999, I was up to 260 and DH and I ended up separating. I lost 60 pounds in just a few months by starving myself (I was devastated and couldn't eat). We ended up getting back together and the weight came right back on, but I continued with the horrible fatigue and some other symptoms.

I graduated in December of 2000 with a bachelors in English, but at that point I could barely function. In January, I was literally sleeping up to 20 hours a day, just waking up enough to take care of the kids in the morning and being there when they got home from school. I was actually too tired to go to the doctor! I finally went to a pap smear and talked to my nurse practitioner about what was going on, she did a blood test and found out I was pretty badly hypothyroid. After going over my history, she figured out that I'd been suffering from it undiagnosed for a long time.

By 2004, I'd finally gotten my thyroid under control, went to grad school, and started losing weight last January, but not after gaining a good bit more weight that I'm not comfortable admitting here. Then unfortunately, my thyroid failed again and losing weight became a lot more difficult again. In the midst of all this, problems with my DS have become unbearable and again, I've just neglected myself.

Oh, and I almost forgot to slip this in! One thing I'd always thought was that my weight problems must have been hereditary, but in 1994 my biological siblings found me. Turned out I had 8 brothers and sisters, all skinny beyond belief, and my bio mom was skinny too, as is my grandmother. There went that theory! :rotfl:

So anyway, I recently joined a gym to get into shape for our upcoming June WDW trip -- last year's trip kicked my butt , but I still can't manage to get into the diet. I belong to WW online, but I'm not really following the plan. I'm using a very high fiber drink, and so far I've lost 2 pounds since starting it!

I'm looking forward to getting motivated with you all. Thanks again for doing this, Kat!
First, Trish, I so happy to hear about your recovery-amazing! :thumbsup2
All of you ladies have wonderful stories, Id like to congradulate you all for joining the challenge. :cheer2:

As you all know one has to ready to step up and lose weight.
Unfortunely for me, it hasn't hit me to do it.

So when I meet you all you'll see a person who is about 40 pounds oerweight.

Who knows? Maybe when I hear about the success you all will have,
that might push me!


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