DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 3

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It has been very quiet today....:rolleyes1 I am stalling - I do not want to do my classwork today. This stats class is kicking my butt!!!!!

When does Wendy return?
Hey everyone! Happy Monday!

Happy Belated Birthday Danielle!

Happy Anniversary Pigget!

Very busy weekend. Wish I could respond more but no time. I've been reading though! 8000 posts?!?! Yay Jo!

I am jonesing so bad for a disney fix but I just don't think it's possible anytime soon. We do have APs that expire in April but with the cruise and my school schedule I don't know if there is really any time. Maybe after I get some stuff done this week, I will really look at my school schedule and see if there are any not-too-bad weekends to go.

I have 2 exams this week. The most important one is Tuesday night. Usual procrastinator me has hardly studied so you know what i'm doing tonight and tomorrow. But please send some pixie dust that I do well (need an A or B). I have another Wednesday night that I'm not as concerned about but still need to pass so send a little extra pixie dust for that one too if you can spare it! Thanks :flower3: !

And exciting news! I can eat again! I actually remembered how to chew and I'm eating! Still eating slowly and not too huge of bites because I'm paranoid that way but I'm eating. And still counting points and staying on track with WW. But I'm having a hard time getting my water in lately. Not sure why because usually I just chug away. Maybe I'm out of practice.

Yesterday I walked FOREVER! Went with my DB's family to a museum/festival/garden thingy and we walked so much I actually started to break a little sweat. So yay - got some exercise in!

Off to finish getting ready for class. Have a skinny minnie day Peeps!
Due to Pokemon Masters tribute a thread started over on the UK board (Matt is English) about if anything happened to a disser and if their relations would think to let their Dis friends know. It is horrible to think about but also what would happen? Any answers?

Shannon - Yay for your mouth getting better and :pixiedust:for your exams
Due to Pokemon Masters tribute a thread started over on the UK board (Matt is English) about if anything happened to a disser and if their relations would think to let their Dis friends know. It is horrible to think about but also what would happen? Any answers?

Shannon - Yay for your mouth getting better and :pixiedust:for your exams

My daughters and my sister all are DISers so I know they'd let ya know...Creepy to think about tho!
I assume that if something happened to me Heather or Melissa would let you know. Because it would be big news here in our town!:rotfl:
Due to Pokemon Masters tribute a thread started over on the UK board (Matt is English) about if anything happened to a disser and if their relations would think to let their Dis friends know. It is horrible to think about but also what would happen? Any answers?

It is sad to say that this tragedy has made me appreciate my family so much more! I should appreciate them everyday, but you get busy, but this has made me look inside myself for some good ole self reflection. Matt did such a good job on the tribute, especially since he is so young. I have decided to tell my DH that if anything happened to me, he would have to come on here to the Peeps thread and let you know. I don't want to think about such things, but y'all are my friends, and I would want you to know. :grouphug: I truly love you all! :love:

pixiedust: For your exams Shannon!!! You'll do fine! pixiedust:

Here's some pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: from me! :) Glad your mouth is back in order. Add a little Propel (flavored water made by Gatorade) to your water bottle. It adds some nice flavor that makes drinking easier.
How's your kid?
Dont think meningitis do ya?
Fever and severe headache- give the doc a call.

would have sent this pm but you have it turned off.
Okay, finally have time to tell you the weird thing that happened to me last night...

About 8 pm, I decide I'd better fix myself some dinner. I'm cooking my fish (Mahi Mahi from Costco, eat it once a week or so) and I eat my salad. Fish gets done, I look for seasoning for it... Mrs. Dash Extra Spicey (used it before). I'm eating the Mahi Mahi with the Mrs. Dash Extra Spicey when I realize my lips feel numb... like novacaine numb. And my tongue feels "funny". I look in the mirror and there are places on my tongue where my taste buds are so swollen and the tongue underneath (in a spot the size of a pencil eraser) are so swollen it looks like it exploded. And there are 2 or three of these places on my tongue (the worst being right in front). My parents live nearby, so I rushed over there, showed them, and then took some Benadryl when they agreed that it was an allergic reaction (if it had been worse, I would have taken the Benadryl first). Took 30 minutes for my tongue to unswell (was still red) and hours (til after I was asleep) for my lip to lose that feeling. My daughter woke me up several times throughout the night until I was "normal".

I've eaten both of those things (fish and seasoning) before and within a week or so... now I don't know which I reacted to. Silly science teacher in me wants to to a controlled experiment and figure it out... person who doesn't like the numb lips and swollen tongue says "forget it... stop using both!"

Anyway, that's my weird story of the day.
How's your kid?
Dont think meningitis do ya?
Fever and severe headache- give the doc a call.

would have sent this pm but you have it turned off.

I don't know why my pm's are turned off.:confused3 I guess I'll have to fix it. Hunter is doing better his fever is down to 99 and his headache is mostly gone. He did throw up the apple juice and toast he had this morning. Yuck! I hope I don't get it because I'm a real whimp when it comes to throwing up. This nasty bug has been going around my town and his friend came down with it about a week ago, so I'm not suprised we have it. He's been laying in my bed all day so I'll have to change the sheets before I go to bed. :laundy:
Anyway, thanks for asking! I just hope the other 3 kids don't get it too.
Okay, finally have time to tell you the weird thing that happened to me last night...

About 8 pm, I decide I'd better fix myself some dinner. I'm cooking my fish (Mahi Mahi from Costco, eat it once a week or so) and I eat my salad. Fish gets done, I look for seasoning for it... Mrs. Dash Extra Spicey (used it before). I'm eating the Mahi Mahi with the Mrs. Dash Extra Spicey when I realize my lips feel numb... like novacaine numb. And my tongue feels "funny". I look in the mirror and there are places on my tongue where my taste buds are so swollen and the tongue underneath (in a spot the size of a pencil eraser) are so swollen it looks like it exploded. And there are 2 or three of these places on my tongue (the worst being right in front). My parents live nearby, so I rushed over there, showed them, and then took some Benadryl when they agreed that it was an allergic reaction (if it had been worse, I would have taken the Benadryl first). Took 30 minutes for my tongue to unswell (was still red) and hours (til after I was asleep) for my lip to lose that feeling. My daughter woke me up several times throughout the night until I was "normal".

I've eaten both of those things (fish and seasoning) before and within a week or so... now I don't know which I reacted to. Silly science teacher in me wants to to a controlled experiment and figure it out... person who doesn't like the numb lips and swollen tongue says "forget it... stop using both!"

Anyway, that's my weird story of the day.

That's no fun! I would guess it's the seasoning, I think the most common reaction to seafood is for your throat to swell and not be able to breathe, but then I could be wrong!
well hello everyone just dropping by to say hi i will have to catch up later because now that my house is clean i haveta go make dinner who know's maybe i can get on tonight after the kids are in bed ,,, BTW i absoulutely loved The Prestige... Such a good movie... and i love both the actors ohhh hugh and christian bale (i know i have issues) . ttyall L:goodvibes
Sandy, I think your ticker is looking great - doing exactly what it is supposed to!

Happy Anniversary to the Piggets!!!

Wonders, so glad things are going better. pixiedust: for your upcoming exams.

Dene'!!! I see your new bling. CONGRATS!
Dene - spend the money go to a doctor - dont let that happen again... EVER!! How scary!

Wonders - Hope things are better!!

Lurkers - :wave:

aldisney, and anyone else - re about boredsoxfan's posted poem... I didnt mean I hated her or her post.... but those lyrics... tough to read!! DH has heart disease in his family, his dad died way too early of heart disease... and also I talked about Reba McIntyre's "If I had only Known" she recorded it, and said she'd never sing it again, or record it again... lyrics:

If I had only known
It was the last walk in the rain
I'd keep you out for hours in the storm
I would hold your hand
Like a lifeline to my heart
Underneath the thunder we'd be warm
If I had only known
It was our last walk in the rain

If I had only known
I'd never hear your voice again
I'd memorize each thing you ever said
And on those lonely nights
I could think of them once more
Keep your words alive inside my head
If I had only know
I'd never hear your voice again

You were the treasure in my hand
You were the one who always stood beside me
So unaware I foolishly believed
That you would always be there
But then there came a day
And I turned my head and you slipped away

If I had only known
It was my last night by your side
I'd pray a miracle would stop the dawn
And when you'd smile at me
I would look into your eyes
And make sure you knew my love
For you goes on and on
If I had only known
If I had only known
The love I would've shown
If I had only known

I get weird sometimes, and dont mean to offend anyone. I also dont like the book "Love you Forever" that one creeps me out - how a grown woman would climb into an adult son's window and hold him and rock him and sing him... and the last chapter was weird too... I think I heard an author talk where the author's version of the book was much better, but then the editors got ahold of it, and then it got weird (only to me I'm sure!!)
I get weird sometimes, and dont mean to offend anyone. I also dont like the book "Love you Forever" that one creeps me out - how a grown woman would climb into an adult son's window and hold him and rock him and sing him... and the last chapter was weird too... I think I heard an author talk where the author's version of the book was much better, but then the editors got ahold of it, and then it got weird (only to me I'm sure!!)

I feel the same way about that book! Yea, I'm not alone any more!! :rotfl: I was a teen the first time I heard it read and I bawled like a baby, and I thought it was a little weird rocking her grown son. Please tell me my mother in law isn't going to crawl thru my window in the midle of the night! :lmao:
It's a new week...........who's up for the 30 minute exercise challenge?? Please raise your hands!


:cool1: I'm in!!

Okay, finally have time to tell you the weird thing that happened to me last night...

About 8 pm, I decide I'd better fix myself some dinner. I'm cooking my fish (Mahi Mahi from Costco, eat it once a week or so) and I eat my salad. Fish gets done, I look for seasoning for it... Mrs. Dash Extra Spicey (used it before). I'm eating the Mahi Mahi with the Mrs. Dash Extra Spicey when I realize my lips feel numb... like novacaine numb. And my tongue feels "funny". I look in the mirror and there are places on my tongue where my taste buds are so swollen and the tongue underneath (in a spot the size of a pencil eraser) are so swollen it looks like it exploded. And there are 2 or three of these places on my tongue (the worst being right in front). My parents live nearby, so I rushed over there, showed them, and then took some Benadryl when they agreed that it was an allergic reaction (if it had been worse, I would have taken the Benadryl first). Took 30 minutes for my tongue to unswell (was still red) and hours (til after I was asleep) for my lip to lose that feeling. My daughter woke me up several times throughout the night until I was "normal".

I've eaten both of those things (fish and seasoning) before and within a week or so... now I don't know which I reacted to. Silly science teacher in me wants to to a controlled experiment and figure it out... person who doesn't like the numb lips and swollen tongue says "forget it... stop using both!"

Anyway, that's my weird story of the day.

Are you gonna make sure Jay the hunky trainer is available to do mouth to mouth? or should we send the Fireman...Fidge has him i think...
Hello all
Happy anniversary to you and dh PIGGET
well i am done with my mom duties so far (ya will see what happen's just as i sit down to dis.....
Happy Birthday, Danielle! - sorry I'm late - as usual... :dance3: but good wishes just the same!
and also
Happy Anniversary to the Piggetts!!
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