DISappearing Peeps...A fastpass to THIN! Part 4

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I am afaird to get on the scale today, although i did and ma intained...

I did however go to Kohl's last night and the brand of jeans Ive been wearing Stamp 10 i got them in a 16 when we started, went down to the 14s that i have been wearing and for fun I tried on the 12s last night and they fit.. little snug but they fit!!! I was so happy!!:cheer2:

I also went to whole foods for the first time and now Im obbessed a lot with that place!
oh Wow Lynda!! :hug:

didnt you have a surprise loss last week? There is some kind of mischief inside that scale of yours!!

I am concerned that you have zeroed in on your health - so follow your instincts!! Do follow your instincts - see a doctor, get a check up!! (of course our minds may be playing tricks, I wondered last night in a dream if I dont have some kind of tumor riding inside my belly area to make my belly so large!! you've seen those "women has 50# tumor non cancerous removed")

I'll be looking for your update!!

It was the week before last - the day I met you! :) It was a 12.? loss, so I was nervous last week about what it would say, but it said I lost another 3, I think. And prior to the 12 lb loss, I had lost 1 lb. 2 weeks in a row and then stayed the same the week before the big loss. Anyway, I am doing what I know to do to help my tummy today, and I am scheduling an appointment with the doctor anyway because I need a new Prilosec prescription, or we need to explore what is causing the heartburn problem. And I will be talking to him about the weight loss as well. My grandma always had issues with her digestive system, and they never really knew exactly what the problem was. I am afraid I may have inherited this from her. But I will keep you posted! :)
Well that I understand - I have a hyiatel hernia (I may be spelling that wrong!) I was diagnosed a few years ago - a muscle in the throat that acts up... so sometimes it causes me to "choke" on my food... esp when I get hiccoughs...

and that is heridtary - my mom's dad, and one of his sisters had this - they were both extremely skinny tho - I thought perhaps if I stop eating every time I choke, or throw up (from choking) I too would be skinny, (my dad's mom and a few of my cousins are heavy) but I think I just like and enjoy eating and drinking too much!!

so anyway. I had to have an upper GI series, and that's when I was diagnosed... and the treatment was zantac (before it went over the counter) :confused3

so take care of yourself!

Lynda your ticker is at TWEntY DAYS!! woohooty!! Are all your plans set???!!!
Lynda...I am sorry to hear your tummy has been hurting you.:grouphug: I get like that every once and awhile. I add some Benefiber to my food and it seems to help.:blush:
I am afaird to get on the scale today, although i did and ma intained...

I did however go to Kohl's last night and the brand of jeans Ive been wearing Stamp 10 i got them in a 16 when we started, went down to the 14s that i have been wearing and for fun I tried on the 12s last night and they fit.. little snug but they fit!!! I was so happy!!:cheer2:

I also went to whole foods for the first time and now Im obbessed a lot with that place!


I buy the ground oat flour - the 6week Body Makeover Program says that oat flour ( or specifically whole oats that you use your food processor to grind into 'flour') is a "good" carb!

So, today I decided I have to do better (gotta get that 20# challenge!) Well, I made my oat "pancakes" (only egg whites, oat flour, apple butter) instead of buying and eating the SlimFast bars for a protein snack.... and this weekend I'm grilling a weeks (or two) worth of grilled chicken and freezing it - along with the wild rice mix (another "good carb")

"What do you want? What are you doing? Do they match?"
This saying is up all over dd school - its a reminder to me that if I want to lose 20# by Sept, I need to look at my food journal more closely!!
Stayed the sAME!

I did so post... I'll even go quote myself.... <harumph...>

:confused3 :confused3 :confused3 ITS NOT THERE!! :rotfl2:

I know I added a diatribe and everything!!! :rotfl2:

(you see I gained 2# from wedding, bad eating, no exercise - yeah, well, now I"m at 214# today - the weight I said to start the SEPT CHALLENGE!!)

So you're saying you stayed the same? (sorry I missed it!!!!) ;)

Attention WENDY! - I will most likely be giving you my weigh in info later today or tomorrow. According to my scale this morning, I gained something like 12 lbs since last Friday morning! :scared1: I worked my butt off this week, and my scale seems to be doing a lot of jumping around lately, so I am questioning its accuracy. I DO have sore muscles and more importantly (TMI alert!!!), I have a pain in my side which I believe to be because things are not moving through my system like they should. I am going to try to correct my tummy issues today, and I'll be taking the day off from working out. I will re-weigh later tonight and/or in the morning, and I'll let you know what I find out. I am trying not to be frustrated at the moment. I had that huge loss a couple of weeks ago after staying almost the same for 3 weeks, and then I lost again last week so I thought things were just moving along again. :confused3 I received my Old Navy online order last night, and it is definite that I am down a size there. The new pants, shorts, and capris all fit great! :thumbsup2 Well, I do most definitely remember why I didn't own a scale before! This up and down that doesn't make any sense makes me CRAZY! :crazy:

I'll be thinking of him. Prayers headed his way! :goodvibes

I hope this is true for both our sakes! Sounds like you are more sore than I am though. Hope you can walk properly again soon! :)

What???! LOL!
12 pounds up? You have a stupid scale. Except when it goes down 12 pounds...:cool2: Let me know. Hope it's good!
Ladies I just had the best salad it was brown rice apples celery and walnuts its the waldorf rice salad from whole foods, see i told you i was obsessed and later foor a snack i got veggie sushi... its got carrots cumcumber and a little avacado the rice is on the outside instead of the inside and cover with sesame seeds.. Im so excited.!!!:banana: :banana:
Here are a few of my wedding pics.The second one is of me and Harley and the third is with Dragonfly also.



Oh Aries, that reminds me of my favorite salad - (the store went out of business, but they gave me the list of ingrediants!)

Wild Rice
Mandarin Oranges
Dried blueberries
grilled chicken, cut up in small tiny chunks/squares
rice wine vinegar

I'm not sure if there is anything else, its what I remember - all I know is the wild rice has this amazing nutty texture (and a good carb! meaning it doesnt stay inside your system long enough to convert into that bad sugar! I think!!) and it has the fruit (the oranges and blueberries provide sweetness so I have been omitting sugar, sometimes I may sprinkle a tsp over the bowl) Dried blueberries are hard to find, and those and the wild rice are expensive -

which is how I know its VERY VERY Healthy!! :laughing:

I made my pancakes - I hope dh doesnt come home from lunch and attack me - :rotfl: I smell like maple syrup!! :rotfl: (anyone remember that study of men and scents that drive them wild?? It was the vanilla, pumpkin and other food smells!) Oh and I just put maple flavoring into my pancakes, so I when I freeze them, or eat them, its just the perfect snack food - yummm! But the lid wouldnt fit on and I kept trying to get it to fit on straight - and now that's all I can smell from my hands!! :rotfl:
Ladies I just had the best salad it was brown rice apples celery and walnuts its the waldorf rice salad from whole foods, see i told you i was obsessed and later foor a snack i got veggie sushi... its got carrots cumcumber and a little avacado the rice is on the outside instead of the inside and cover with sesame seeds.. Im so excited.!!!:banana: :banana:

Great, I hope you're happy! Now I have to go to whole foods and look for that stuff. :rotfl: It sounds SO good!! There is one here, but it isnt in my usual grocery routine. I may have to add it!
AMY!! I LOVE your dress!! the pictures are wonderful!! Just gorgeous!!

WOW!! WOW!!!

I guess it is funny how all the wedding dresses the last, what decade? Were the no sleeves (what are they calling that? Ball Gown?) and so puffy - I dont think it flatters every style, but I do love it!!! I was glad when fdil (who has a skinny petite body style and would look good in everything!) decided she hated that style!

and look how many of us had similiar gowns?!! amazing - we have good taste!
I am dying today... want to eat everything in sight. Skipped the gym, too much work to be done... I DID eat breakfast this AM and now I am ravenous.

Food today has been 150-cal reduced fat toaster scramble, 300-cal red baron thin&crispy pizza, a salad (35), and a 60-cal SF pudding. Total 545, which is more than I usually eat by this time.

I am dying today... want to eat everything in sight. Skipped the gym, too much work to be done... I DID eat breakfast this AM and now I am ravenous.

Food today has been 150-cal reduced fat toaster scramble, 300-cal red baron thin&crispy pizza, a salad (35), and a 60-cal SF pudding. Total 545, which is more than I usually eat by this time.


Kat...That doesn't sound like enough food to me. How many calories a day are you eating? Try drinking some water, sometimes you are really thirsty, not hungry. Where's your fruits & veggies? What about more protein, you don't seem to have much listed and that's what helps fill me up. Just some ideas.
Hey punkin, I will be in WDW May 11-16... will you still be there?

we're checking out may 10th! that stinks!!!!!! i'm just missing linda (disneyfreak92), too. she's going for her 5th anniversary, as well. oh, well!! hope you guys have an awesome trip!
I am dying today... want to eat everything in sight. Skipped the gym, too much work to be done... I DID eat breakfast this AM and now I am ravenous.

Food today has been 150-cal reduced fat toaster scramble, 300-cal red baron thin&crispy pizza, a salad (35), and a 60-cal SF pudding. Total 545, which is more than I usually eat by this time.


Hunger is usually thirst for me, so the first thing I usually try is massive amounts of water. If I'm actually hungry then some protein is in order. But if I just have the munchies a piece of sf gum usually helps until the urge to chew and crunch passes. Darn oral fixation....:rolleyes1

Good luck and stay strong!
just a quick fly by post. Lost 1 lb this week. I wish I could lose more but it seems to only come off slow and steady.
Hi, Peeps!:flower3:

Christine-that salad sounds soooo good! I wish we had a whole foods here. Boise doesn't have much selection when it comes to groceries. BTW--your daughter is ADORABLE!

eeyore45-I really like that--"What do you want? What are you doing? Do they match?" I wrote it down and taped it my monitor so I can look at it when I am dising and wanting to blow it with some snacks.:rolleyes1
AND...I really like those tee shirts. I need to learn how to make em. Thanks for the link.

Amy-You were such a pretty bride! Thank you for sharing the pics!

Kat-I would just try to keep full by drinking water. How soon until you eat dinner?
I am not really a breakfast eater...so I try to keep it a small as possible like string cheese and a breakfast bar OR a SB breakfast wrap. I also eat 6 small meals a day and space them every three hours so I am never full.

It is another BEAUTIFUL day here! I love it! I hope you all are having a great Friday!
I am eating 1200 calories since I didn't work out today. Probably too little but it has been working pretty well for me.

It might be thirst since I didn't have as much water as usual today. I will go fill up my water bottle. Already have the SF gum in my mouth. :)

I think I mostly am just craving bad food. That wee pizza was so good I wanted more. I had a big salad with lunch and I have a half cucumber here I could eat, but I just don't want it. Maybe it is the protein... I usually have meat with lunch but today was all veggie.

Also, work is super-boring this afternoon and I want out... I think that has something to do with it.

Dinner is going to be golden corral (large salad and small steak), so I don't want to go too overboard.

Thanks for being here!! :love:
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