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I have been a part of the Disboard community for over 21 years. Began listening to the Podcast in February of 2007 as a needed distraction from my beloved Mother's terminal illness (she passed that December). I remember feeling heartache and grief when Bob Varley unexpectedly passed and joy when Julie and Corey announced soon after they were expecting their first child. I've attended multiple Dis Unplugged Events and GKTW Fundraisers; met the majority of the Team and had good times with many Dis'ers (remember Mousefest - so.much.fun!)

Right now, my heart is unbelievably heavy and burdened. I have true sorrow for everyone involved and the emotional and mental pain they are going through. I know I am not adding anything of value to the conversation . . . just feel the need to reach out "virtually" and hug everyone in this wonderful community.
suggest downloading the Firefox browser to your phone and using it instead of what you are probably using on your phone, Chrome.
I have used Firefox exclusively for nearly 20 years on all devices. It's a great help. My only bug a boo has been reserving ADRs on Disney Dining. Easily solved by switching to Chrome for a limited time and purpose. Firefox is an incredible browser. Highly recommend and thank you Dan for reminding others of its strength. ps sorry to be so off topic on this thread. But sometimes tangents turn out to be great little helpers.
Here's hoping that the silver lining out of all of this is a better environment and better support for the team. It has felt like Craig, Ryno and Erica have been holding all of this together for months... without many others producing anything since Panda and Deni left.

Sending all the love out to Craig and Ryno in particular since I've been watching them for years now... some serious gaslighting has undoubtedly happened and it's so much to absorb.
John needs to follow the legal advice he is receiving, whatever that may be.
That’s the frustrating part. We know they have been dealing with this for a while. Hence the attorneys already involved, DVC Fan already being liquidated. The tone is that everyone JUST found out. We know that’s not authentic. We want to support the remaining employees. We do. Some direction would be helpful on how to do that before more pull their business away from the company.
Setting any cringiness aside, and not validating any of the allegations (I wasn't there), I just find it hard to believe that anyone in Werner's circle would simply look past the sharing of a hotel room or cruise cabin as being purely a platonic or cost-cutting measure, particularly with a subordinate.

You completely missed my point. I was not saying that rooms aren’t shared. If the people are comfortable with it, and they are there to work not play (and particularly if the travel IS the work). That is their choice to accept the accommodations.

I will say my company would absolutely never make any individual employees share a room, as many employees would be uncomfortable with the intimacy of sharing a room (undressing, bathing, sleeping) in the same space as a co-worker. It might work if the co-workers are friends and are comfortable with that lack of privacy, but I’m not going to be the one determining that and hoping I’m not putting one or the other in a difficult situation. There are also too many variables: married individuals, opposite sex or differing gender identities, etc. You’d end up getting single rooms for some and not others and set up a hierarchy of need that’s entirely too difficult to justify. As a business owner, that’s a situation I would never put my employees in anyway. Now, we aren’t shelling out for suites for everyone, but conferences and work travel (even for multiple employees) are always budgeted for single occupancy. If it's for work, the travel is billed to the client. If it's for a conference or other unbillable activity, then a cost-benefit analysis is performed and we determine what we feel is an appropriate travel budget based on the anticipated benefit of attendance, and staff and budget the travel accordingly. But that still isn't the point.

My point, rather, was that Werner strikes me as the kind of individual that absolutely would expect his employees to share a room, while absolutely refusing to do so himself, and the fact that he WAS sharing a room with an employee might be a red flag. He strikes me as the kind of person who would not only reserve the largest suite/cabin possible, but also go out of his way to let everyone know that he had all that space, all to himself, because he can.

I still don't see what point you're trying to make?

That the boss sharing a room with someone means there is SA happening? Or that it was non-consensual? Because again, @Dustin has mentioned numerous times that no one knew it wasn't consensual and no one knew of the SA. So what is it that the rest of the team should have known or done?

Regardless of old mate's desire to show off the money he did (or didn't have, as it were) had, he seemingly was sharing a room with people he was openly dating (ok, Dustin wasn't in the open initially, but it did come out eventually), whether they were employees or not. It was an accepted thing within the DIS that he was dating these people and also that room sharing wasn't just occurring but was mandatory.

So again, I ask, what point is it that you're trying to make?
Be specific about what it is you're asking or what it is you expected anyone to have done.
Because all of the above was accepted culture at the DIS/DUT, and whilst I'm so happy for you and your employees that they don't have to room share on work trips, it is absolutely not unheard of that employees are expected to room share in many other businesses, globally.

I work for a large multinational company in Australia, who turns over about 40 times as much as it has been mentioned that DUT does, which is also privately owned, and for large conferences, it is expected that team members share a room.
So as I said, this isn't an out there concept, its not only happening at the DIS/DUT, so why on earth would the team have questioned it, even if the money bags owner is sharing a room with someone he is dating who happens to also be on the payroll?
That’s the frustrating part. We know they have been dealing with this for a while. Hence the attorneys already involved, DVC Fan already being liquidated. The tone is that everyone JUST found out. We know that’s not authentic. We want to support the remaining employees. We do. Some direction would be helpful on how to do that before more pull their business away from the company.
I think what they've known about for awhile is the AmEx charges and lawsuit (which was filed earlier this year). That was probably a catalyst for the initial work to move studios and start selling off parts.

The team would have only recently found out about Dustin's story and that is what they are reacting to now.
Hi Everyone! Long time no see. I miss all of you! I wasn't even sure if I'd have access to these boards anymore. but lo and behold, I do. First an foremost, thank you all for your unwavering support during all of this. If it wasn't clear before, it should be now... it's really me!" Everything I'm writing, I hope, is fair and balanced (and most assuredly true.)

You all know that I'm a pretty reasonable guy. I wouldn't just randomly make up things for the drama and spectacle. This has been an interesting 10 years or so to say the least. It's taken some therapy, courage, and willingness to break through to get me to this point. I feel my story is worth sharing and will help others come forward (no matter what the degree of their situation.)

There are so many others that have left the company before and after me that I'm sure went through something harsh regarding Pete. I don't know to what degree. But I hope they find strength in solidarity whether they come forward or not.

Regarding the two main issues going on right now... The Amex charges and lawsuit most certainly need to be addressed. But based on my knowledge of how things work. This was most certainly done without any other person in the company's knowledge. That's why it's becoming a lawsuit and an issue. But to be fair, that truly is out of my wheel house. And I'm sure it will be addressed and resolved.

Regarding the sexual assault and any other harassment, intimidation, or another form of control and abuse of power...
When it was happening to me, I knew something was off. I knew a company should not be run like this. But I also knew that this was my dream. This was my future. This was everything to me. In many ways, Pete used his power over me to isolate me and remove all options I had (or thought I had of leaving.) It took absolute scorched earth and bravery on my part to finally get out. To fight and push my way out. from what I'm reading from others, like Sean, the same had to be done.

I would imagine that the folks who are currently working at the DIS, knew something was off. They knew that Pete was hard to work for. But when I relate this man to a cult leader, I'm not joking. He will give you all your dreams and tear you down to keep them. This, undeniably in my eyes, to any varying degree has happened to every single person who has worked directly for him or with him.

Everyone I know working there currently (from LOTS of personal experience) is a kind, gentle, and loving human being. Many I have longed to reconnect with even after years of separation cause they always stood up for me or at least let me talk to them in veiled misguided therapy sessions. No one ever wanted this for me or anyone else. They didn't know the full extent.

They knew what I knew. This man controlled every second of their life. They did what they could to make a life without him in certain key times. They are fighting just as hard to get out of his shadow as I was. I don't say this lightly at all... I'm not the only victim. I'm not the only person who had a dream to work and play in the parks. I found the courage to get out. 10 years later I'm sharing my truth and exercising more courage because someone did it before me.

Maybe this is their time. They may actually have the chance to build something even better if you give them the chance. Like I said, they are all amazing and loving people. If for one second any of them truly knew what I was going through, we would've teamed up against all of this. I only wish I knew that back then.

I'll be around. Please ask questions. I'm only human, and I have my perspective, but please know that they are doing the best they can with a crappy situation.

Happy to be back on the Boards.
Thank you for your courage in sharing here, Dustin. I met you at a 2015 meet, and you were very kind and encouraging. To read now what you were going through at the time is heartbreaking. I am glad you were able to get out and now have a great life with your family.
I understand where you are coming from and want to put myself out there a little more. So I’ll try to do that without crossing anyone else’s boundaries the best I can. I am still processing all of this and reflecting on my own experiences and yes, I have my own experiences and no, they are not to the level of the ones you already saw. I’m still working through all of that. Things did not go well for me after I had my medical issue. I appreciate everyone checking in on me and such and for the most part I haven’t really replied to most of your nice comments because in part I’m really not sure what to say. I’m traumatized and I feel like my life was falling apart and I have nobody to talk to and honestly not doing very great. Social media shows how awesome other people’s life is and stuff but that’s people showing their best days, or just forcing yourself to be okay because who am I to have a bad day? When I got this job I had just got out of active duty military - spent one year in a corporate office and hated my life - then landed a job doing theme park content I felt like I actually manifested. My dream at the time actually came true. I’m still working through stuff, as I’m sure many people are.
Thank you @Cafiasco - and Sean too (I don't know if you have an account here).

None of you should have these stories, but I hope that perhaps the end of the secrecy lightens the burden. I wish you all the best as you work through this in your own time.
Let’s get a hand count. Who has cancelled there Patreon? 🙋🏻‍♀️
I have for the time being- I have used Dreams Unlimited for two cruises and a big WDW trip and have been a Patreon for three years mainly because I use these boards and watch the show. Both have helped me go from a WDW newbie in 2014 to 6 trips and 3 cruises later fairly competent at planning successful and fun trips. That’s why I began supporting them. I met Deni on a cruise and she and her husband were so nice. I hope new leadership steps up
quickly, and good work can continue in a healthy environment.
I think what they've known about for awhile is the AmEx charges and lawsuit (which was filed earlier this year). That was probably a catalyst for the initial work to move studios and start selling off parts.

The team would have only recently found out about Dustin's story and that is what they are reacting to now.
I agree that the issues are lumped together right now. But came out at different times. The 7/18 show chat talked about Sean/Dustin’s comments. Protection of the employees seems to be secondary. To let them to linger with out a formal statement seems unfair since DVC fan was able distance themselves immediately and had way less invested into the Dis cinematic universe.
So, let’s take the SA out of the equation, not discounting or downplaying that, it’s abhorrent and vile, no one is disputing that, neither here nor on any other website, but it isn't dealing with the issue \that i keep seeing about "Red flags" and how others "should have known".

Now, let’s break this down:

- Owner of a small business (it’s small in employee numbers) hires people he may or may not be sleeping with, in a consenting (to the outside viewer) and/or paid relationship (however dysfunctional it is or seems) with employees/subordinates.

Same owner shows strong narcissistic (true narcissism, not the weird definition of it that seems to have permeated the world where everyone thinks all it means is selfishness or being self involved) traits (at best. Probably full blown narcissism or BPD) treats everyone in the company like trash, gaslights, abuses, berates, condescends. So when he does it to his lovers within the company, nothing seems out of sorts to how you yourself get treated.

Let’s be real, we, the audience, have witnessed team members have their physical traits mocked on air (“the giant head of Lady Clavin"), their food preferences (Steve), their ability to pronounce words, generally those of another language (Fiasco), their opinions on things (“you can have your opinion but it’s WRONG!” Or “you think X but you’re wrong because I think Y and my opinion is the right one” - sound familiar? These are practically direct quotes from shows that I’ve heard over the last 9 years of watching/listening) and just general mockery.

If someone is willing to do this ON AIR, can you even imagine what is said away from the adoring public?!

- I touched on it above but let’s dig a little deeper… said owner hires men he is or wants to sleep with. Is this a red flag if it happens at a mid-sized company? Sure. But small businesses often hire friends/family/loved ones to work for them.

Is it also a red flag that Teresa, owner’s SIL, was hired?
Kevin, other owner’s boyfriend at the time?
No one seems to think John was wrong to hire Kevin… and not one person here or on the other website (from the 4th thread, I didn’t read back through 1-3) has mentioned that it was “red flags” to have hired Teresa, or Kevin for that matter.

So tell me again, why is it up to Craig, Ryno, or anyone else within the company to have raised issues when the owner of the company decides to hire his boyfriends? It’s not unheard of in small businesses, and it’s absolutely not the place of other employees to raise concern.

So, back to it… if we take out the SA, which Dustin and Sean have both admitted they never disclosed to anyone, much less their peers and colleagues within the DIS, and the treatment of ALL employees was practically uniform, with flavours of the month either being doted on, or absolutely reamed on a daily basis, AND the fact that it isn’t out of the ordinary for small business owners to hire loved ones, what on earth is it that you’re asking of Craig and Ryno and the rest to have
A. Seen and spoken up about
B. Stopped?


Think about this logically and take the emotion out of it.
Red flags may have been obvious to us, the viewer, but when that is the known and accepted culture within the team, what is it exactly you’ve expected the guys to have done? I don’t even know what people wanted others to do?
Dustin has said this multiple times, but for the cheap seats in the back, let me spell it out:


So, again, can we please just stop now with the red flags arguments, it gains nothing, it helps no one and even IF something could have been said/done, it is in the past, it cannot be changed.
I watched Rynos private chat from the other night. I always thought it was weird on the other site that one person kept saying he’s not genuine, he’s not who he appears to be, and Ryno comes off as the most genuine person in this business. The explanation of why that person has such a negative take was a relief, even though I don’t think anyone would second guess whether or not Ryno is a good person. He added a lot of color that made sense.
Do you know who he is referring to in his video? He doesn’t name him, but I assume he was a former dis employee (or a board member?)
Clearly he wasn’t talking about Sean or Dustin….the description fits Charles personality, but he said he had moved from up north.
So, let’s take the SA out of the equation, not discounting or downplaying that, it’s abhorrent and vile, no one is disputing that, neither here nor on any other website, but it isn't dealing with the issue \that i keep seeing about "Red flags" and how others "should have known".

Now, let’s break this down:

- Owner of a small business (it’s small in employee numbers) hires people he may or may not be sleeping with, in a consenting (to the outside viewer) and/or paid relationship (however dysfunctional it is or seems) with employees/subordinates.

Same owner shows strong narcissistic (true narcissism, not the weird definition of it that seems to have permeated the world where everyone thinks all it means is selfishness or being self involved) traits (at best. Probably full blown narcissism or BPD) treats everyone in the company like trash, gaslights, abuses, berates, condescends. So when he does it to his lovers within the company, nothing seems out of sorts to how you yourself get treated.

Let’s be real, we, the audience, have witnessed team members have their physical traits mocked on air (“the giant head of Lady Clavin"), their food preferences (Steve), their ability to pronounce words, generally those of another language (Fiasco), their opinions on things (“you can have your opinion but it’s WRONG!” Or “you think X but you’re wrong because I think Y and my opinion is the right one” - sound familiar? These are practically direct quotes from shows that I’ve heard over the last 9 years of watching/listening) and just general mockery.

If someone is willing to do this ON AIR, can you even imagine what is said away from the adoring public?!

- I touched on it above but let’s dig a little deeper… said owner hires men he is or wants to sleep with. Is this a red flag if it happens at a mid-sized company? Sure. But small businesses often hire friends/family/loved ones to work for them.

Is it also a red flag that Teresa, owner’s SIL, was hired?
Kevin, other owner’s boyfriend at the time?
No one seems to think John was wrong to hire Kevin… and not one person here or on the other website (from the 4th thread, I didn’t read back through 1-3) has mentioned that it was “red flags” to have hired Teresa, or Kevin for that matter.

So tell me again, why is it up to Craig, Ryno, or anyone else within the company to have raised issues when the owner of the company decides to hire his boyfriends? It’s not unheard of in small businesses, and it’s absolutely not the place of other employees to raise concern.

So, back to it… if we take out the SA, which Dustin and Sean have both admitted they never disclosed to anyone, much less their peers and colleagues within the DIS, and the treatment of ALL employees was practically uniform, with flavours of the month either being doted on, or absolutely reamed on a daily basis, AND the fact that it isn’t out of the ordinary for small business owners to hire loved ones, what on earth is it that you’re asking of Craig and Ryno and the rest to have
A. Seen and spoken up about
B. Stopped?


Think about this logically and take the emotion out of it.
Red flags may have been obvious to us, the viewer, but when that is the known and accepted culture within the team, what is it exactly you’ve expected the guys to have done? I don’t even know what people wanted others to do?
Dustin has said this multiple times, but for the cheap seats in the back, let me spell it out:


So, again, can we please just stop now with the red flags arguments, it gains nothing, it helps no one and even IF something could have been said/done, it is in the past, it cannot be changed.
Sean and Dustin’s situations sound awful and I’m sorry they went through that. It wasn’t a secret that Pete wasn’t the easiest person to work for. The way he would berate Craig and Steve on air…I can only imagine when the cameras were off. And I’m not talking light hearted jabs, there were episodes where Pete made it awkward).
People trying to shame other staff as if they must have known is seems weird. At best, they may have thought it was awkward to be dating people half his age that also worked for the company, but if Sean and Dustin have no indication things were wrong, why would they press on it? (Plus, they both have nothing bad to say about them).
Here is Ryno’s Ko-Fi link. I’m going to redirect my patreon support there for the time being!

Do you know who he is referring to in his video? He doesn’t name him, but I assume he was a former dis employee (or a board member?)
Clearly he wasn’t talking about Sean or Dustin….the description fits Charles personality, but he said he had moved from up north.
It is apparently known to some people on the other site. He was on camera a few times. I do not know who it is though. Only his alias there. He’s been after ryno for awhile but hasn’t posted since ryno called him out.
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