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Nothing definitive should be said, but speculation is fair... particularly when we have no official comments and those who no longer work there are sharing their stories.
Is it, though? I guess we just have different mindsets here, but I don't see the point in coming up with/discussing all these possible scenarios of things that might or might not have actually occurred. Especially because in the age of social media will take things and run with them, and all of a sudden something that was purely speculative has turned into a rumor that then swirled into people believing it. There's enough harm in the truth of what's been going on, I see adding speculation as just the potential for unnecessary further damage.

I do agree that something official from the company should go out. But until that point I will focus on the things that have actually occurred instead of trying to fill in the blanks.
Same, but that was back when John, Kevin, Corey and Julie were going to the parks regularly. I don't think that same combination would work today, given that their lives have moved in different directions than hanging out in theme parks all the time. And that's not a criticism of them - interests change over time, people get older and less mobile, and raising a family is time consuming.
Good point. I hope I never lose my enthusiasm for Disney and the parks but who knows. Maybe we all will one day?
I understand why John can't say anything about the AmEx stuff. I can understand why they can't make a statement saying Pete has been removed or isn't getting any money -- Pete is a co-owner of DU and owns The Dis, they CAN'T just remove him or isolate funds.

But I don't understand why nothing has been addressed about the SA or abuse allegations. Those aren't the subject of litigation unless they think any employment law based claims could still be made. I don't think it even needs to be a huge statement, something like "we are aware allegations have been made, and are concerned by the seriousness of them. We will be investigating" would be appropriate.

It is just a really bad look for John to not say anything and then start posting pictures of pretzels like "Yay, fun!"
This is how predators continue to thrive.

This happens in religious communities as well, where the charismatic leader, who’s been impressing and gaining the trust of the community, gets exposed for taking advantage of people and abusing them (financially, sexually, etc) and in a few short years returns to leadership once again. If not there, then elsewhere.
That's how the religious grifters of the early twentieth century operated. Set up their tent on the edge of town, swindle people out of their hard-earned money in the name of Jesus, then hightailed it on to the next town when the townsfolk and local sheriff caught on to them. Relying on the lack of communication between small towns to maintain the charade.

Can you say "Elmer Gantry"?
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I understand why John can't say anything about the AmEx stuff. I can understand why they can't make a statement saying Pete has been removed or isn't getting any money -- Pete is a co-owner of DU and owns The Dis, they CAN'T just remove him or isolate funds.

But I don't understand why nothing has been addressed about the SA or abuse allegations. Those aren't the subject of litigation unless they think any employment law based claims could still be made. I don't think it even needs to be a huge statement, something like "we are aware allegations have been made, and are concerned by the seriousness of them. We will be investigating" would be appropriate.

It is just a really bad look for John to not say anything and then start posting pictures of pretzels like "Yay, fun!"

Indeed. I understand that the trip to CA was planned forever. I might not agree with them going at all, but I know that is probably unreasonable for me to think. But come on. They are just inviting backlash by posting on Instagram like nothing is happening.
I don't understand why nothing has been addressed about the SA or abuse allegations.
I know I keep saying this but most people don't yet know that any of this is going on. Look at the Facebook groups and other forums on this very site. Most people are following along as if nothing has happened. The minute John comes out with a statement, that all changes and the information becomes truly public. They probably aren't ready for that to happen yet, and their lawyers have probably advised against it.
I know I keep saying this but most people don't yet know that any of this is going on. Look at the Facebook groups and other forums on this very site. Most people are following along as if nothing has happened. The minute John comes out with a statement, that all changes and the information becomes truly public. They probably aren't ready for that to happen yet, and their lawyers have probably advised against it.

But it just goes to show how out of touch John and Kevin really are. The comments on Instagram are going to blow up in their faces.
Some people are looking at people leaving DUT/The Dis as if it’s s conspiracy of some kind. Deni left to work at GKTW. Jackie moved back to Seattle. Yes, some left because of the bad things that happened but people move on to other jobs. They get better offers, better situations, better perks, better positions, better money.
This is what troubled me most over the years. Yeah. I notice things too. And not much added up. People left, some without so much as a thank you and others, we were told, left to pursue "other opportunities". But did they, really? Dustin was one of those people who we were told had an opportunity that he just couldn't pass up. And now we learn that after his departure, his local pawn shop dealer in Virginia became his new best friend as he sold off all of his A/V equipment, foundering his way through life trying to find another opportunity. We now know that Fiasco was a total wreck after he left. No new opportunity for him, by his own admission. How about JL? Yesterday we learned that she literally begged to keep her job. Knowing what a strong, talented, empowered woman she is, reading those IMs was gutwrenching. Yes, she landed just fine, eventually. She is way too talented no to. But make no mistake. She did not "leave to pursue another opportunity." We now know Sean's story. And Charles too. Which one of them "got a better offer" with better perks and more money? Deni and Panda? Don't know. But if I had to bet...

And this is what causes me the most consternation about the "behind the scenes" stuff and who knew what when. Dustin had friends--People to this day he still calls friends. Did they all think that he left to pursue another opportunity that he could not pass up? Did none of them know that he was pawning his life's work for walking around money? And JL? Did none of them know that she didn't want to leave, begged to stay, but got the boot anyway? Were they all so blind as to think that she and Fiasco and Sean and Charles all had unicorn and rainbow opportunities awaiting them? At what point does someone say: "STOP. Wait a second here. We are losing amazing talent at a shocking rate, and NONE of them is leaving to take a better job. I just talked to [fill in the blank] and s/he just told me that they are looking for work and barely paying their bills. Yet they left us. What gives?" Those questions had to have been asked and the future of the DIS enterprise including who stays around to pick up the pieces and who has no future with it depends on the answers. And we all know who has to answer first.
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Charles' revelation is simply incredible, for him to come forward and publicly tell his story and personal history of SA is absolutely courageous. I've said before on here most people who have experienced SA do not come forward and perhaps Dustin, Charles' and Seans' bravery here in public will encourage others to feel comfortable to tell their truths. That being said Charles' story is both heartbreaking and inspiring, he could have lived his life and stayed away from his past but he decided to confront it and corroborate Dustin's story, as well as help expose some truly horrible details of one man's behavior.
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and if that were to happen(I'm speaking for myself only) there is one way to stop that type of behavior in its tracks. Whether DW did that or not isn't really clear from what I've seen. Without question, both situations are awful but I've heard one side ...with the addition of dozens of others theorizing this and that. Personally, I'm not ready to destroy the livelihood of a few because of the actions of one -not yet anyway.
I assume you mean that the way to stop that behavior in its tracks is for the perpetrator to immediately stop. Because it was not DW or anyone else's responsibility to stop that behavior. I think I'm particularly geared up about this because it is very similar to an experience I had (not at all related here - just that it's triggering) as a kid by a family member AND because I just watched the episode where PW disparaged someone who had been SA because she was drunk and "who knows if she consented" - but if you're drunk, you cannot consent (this video had been recently reposted on the other site). The whole spiel PW had was incredibly difficult generally - and then in light of all of this, it's physically revolting (and I don't want people to take away the concept, this poster included, that the responsibility to end abuse resides with the person affected).
Without knowing the degree of knowledge of the Dis members that are in Disneyland, I say let them have fun.

Depending on how the Amex case, litigation, buy outs, and the almost certain personnel changes, not to mention the at best, significant loss in both brand power and travel agency business (the people most likely to know this story are super hardcore Disney fans who are probably the few still using a travel agent these days, for all the pros of an agent, it really isn't that hard to put in your dates and buy a package then smash around on your app to get reservations) and at worst dissolution of the company.

Let them enjoy each other's company at the original (and imho the best!) Disney park and relive the glory days, let the fans give them one last thumbs up and hug, let the Williams family enjoy their first DL trip with Rory, let Ryno savor that drink with all of his coworkers, and let Erica enjoy the park with her mom. This might be the last DIS trip in a long long time. Let them enjoy the culmination of their hard work and the pinnacle of their company.

Yes what is happening is terrible and we are mad. Yes this change even our own lives (how many of us watch the show weekly and now can never again?). But like the wedding canceled right at the altar and the guest enjoying the reception, its all bought and paid for, may the innocent and those with a clear conscience enjoy it, and may the "enablers" be haunted by the truth on every ride they take and every churro they eat.
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He managed to get the scooter in there for all the other shows…. Stop making excuses, there are none.
No, he wasn't on his scooter. He was riding it in to the house and walking. He's reached a point where he can't walk far, if at all. I know, I was in the same place after 3 lower body joint replacements in three years.

I once saw a photo of the studio, it is a mess on the floor. cables, tripods holding up cameras, monitors. There is literally about a foot, maybe 18 inches from the back of chairs to the wall. Even if he can get his scooter in, it would be difficult to get it out or vice versa. They are convenient, but not easy to maneuver. More so if you have a 4 wheel scooter and I think Kevin's is a 4 wheel one.
No, he wasn't on his scooter. He was riding it in to the house and walking. He's reached a point where he can't walk far, if at all. I know, I was in the same place after 3 lower body joint replacements in three years.

I once saw a photo of the studio, it is a mess on the floor. cables, tripods holding up cameras, monitors. There is literally about a foot, maybe 18 inches from the back of chairs to the wall. Even if he can get his scooter in, it would be difficult to get it out or vice versa. They are convenient, but not easy to maneuver. More so if you have a 4 wheel scooter and I think Kevin's is a 4 wheel one.
I’ve seen shows where he is clearly sitting in his scooter. He’s been seen maneuvering it. Watch some of the more recent videos. Again, stop making excuses.
And this is what causes me the most consternation about the "behind the scenes" stuff and who knew what when. Dustin had friends--People to this day he still calls friends. Did they all think that he left to pursue another opportunity that he could not pass up? Did none of them know that he was pawning his life's work for walking around money? And JL? Did none of them know that she didn't want to leave, begged to stay, but got the boot anyway? Were they all so blind as to think that she and Fiasco and Sean and Charles all had unicorn and rainbow opportunities awaiting them? At what point does someone say: "STOP. Wait a second here. We are losing amazing talent at a shocking rate, and NONE of them is leaving to take a better job. I just talked to [fill in the blank] and s/he just told me that they are looking for work and barely paying their bills. Yet they left us. What gives?" Those questions had to have been asked and the future of the DIS enterprise including who stays around to pick up the pieces and who has no future with it depends on the answers. And we all know who has to answer first.
I think you make a really good point; and the thing that strikes me is that often in these cases, the boss plays people off of each other so you never really know what's true (and you constantly hear about how XYZ are disappointing). I've seen people just be like, "Well, the employee left and the boss said it was for something better but then I saw something different but who was I to question it?"

I am very reticent to use psychological terms; and, as people have suggested things like narcissism - there's a fair amount out there about how people with that personality disorder triangulate, utilize subordinates to do their dirty work, etc (I knew one boss who would convince people it was their idea that a coworker should be dismissed and then encourage them to have that discussion "as a peer" so that the boss never actually fired anyone but always got the people they wanted gone). And then they came in at the end to be the "good guy" who "hates to see this happen but maybe it's for the best."
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