Disboards & iPhone!

:rotfl: Somebody's getting checked up on :rotfl:

:headache: yea he came home and told me no iphone! :sad2:

Of course he didn't read the post I replied to about the birthday dinners.......:rotfl2: he could of come home and said "no Narcoises for you!"

I have a Treo 700wx assigned to me by my employer and I can get on the internet all of that good stuff (plus it is free) and it works ok but I am thinking of getting an Iphone.

Regarding the speed of the webpages via data (not wifi) on the Ipone how would you rate the speed based on 1 - 10, 1 being slow as dirt and 10 being as fast as broadband.

their is a great website that iPhone users can go to in order to test their current Internet speed. It can be found by going to www.iphonenetworktest.com it just did it before posting this reply from my iPhone and with just three bars showing I was able to get a speed rating of 193.1kbps! Very impressive I'd say. The network test is done by seeing how long it takes to download a file of a known size and calculating the speed based on that.

Give it a shot, it might even work from your Treo.
Shame that Apple have signed an exclusive deal with O2 in the UK, otherwise the iPhone would have definitely been on my Santa list :)
I'm working towards getting an ipod touch so I can be connected not only here, but also for business purposes. I have a little bit of an online business going but I can't post any info about it here. If you're interested, send me a PM.

I can't wait to get one though. The only reason I want the Ipod touch and not another smart device is because I have an ipod hookup for my car and it only works with the ipod. I'd get an Iphone since ATT literally JUST came into my region, but I'm on my mom's cell plan right now and I don't pay a dime, so that wouldn't work well hehe
I've been surfing and posting on the DIS with my Blackberry for 2-3 years at least. I know people love the iPhone, but I just don't get it. The price of that thing compared to getting the same service, functionality and usablity is nuts. There are phones for 1/4 the price that can do the same thing and just as fast. Maybe if/when they have high speed cell service it might be worth it. I'm not a mac hater, I have a Mac book pro that I use ALOT! I runs windows, Leopard and vista, better than my PC. I just the thing that Mac makes something and people flock to it no questions asked, but I think Sony does that too....another story ;-)

Anyway....what were we talking about...ohh yea. I post with my phone all the time and its awesome!

PS. If you have an iphone get firefox and dump safari. Safari might be the worst web browser ever....:scared1:
Mine has been a love-hate relationship with the IPhone. First, I had convinced myself that I would not be one of the 'early adopters'. I've done that for 20 years...as soon as a new gadget would come out, I had to be first in line to buy it. I always get burned, but like a brain damaged rat in some cosmic lab experiment I just keep making the same mistake over and over again - what can I say - gadgets are like crack.

So, after sitting on my hands, gritting my teeth and rocking back and forth for three weeks, I finally couldn't take anymore and I bought one. It was a mess - the thing gradually started becoming possessed. It began with the phone getting hot - REALLY hot - and I keep my cell phone in my front pocket usually - not the kind of flaming crotch I need thank you - this was followed by an occasional screen flicker, then it would shut off for no reason. At this point I'm going into denial - I just spent $600 - they lowered the price to $400 about 10 minutes later (I got the $100 coupon at least) and I just didn't want to accept that I got stuck with the Fredo of IPhones. After a month the thing started really getting creepy - it would shut off in the middle of phone calls - it would launch the camera while unattended - and then it decided to start calling Corey - A LOT - and at all hours. I actually watched it make a call while it was just sitting on my desk - and it only called Corey - not Walter, not John - it wanted to talk to Corey. After 6 weeks, I accept the inevitable - this phone is a piece of crap and I want it dead.

Now, a normal person simply would have moved on to another phone - but I couldn't resist it. I had to have an IPhone, and so did everyone else. I took Will, Corey and Walter to the AT&T store - Will, Corey and I all had new IPhones - Walter didn't want one. Walter carries a cell phone that looks like the remote control to a 1970's Magnavox television. I was going to buy him one of those old 'bag' cell phones from the 80's as a joke - but I'm afraid he'd like it. You should know that Walter is the technical equivalent of a caveman throwing rocks at the moon. Don't get me wrong -he's a very smart guy - but technology and gadgets are not his thing (neither is Disney for that matter) and he can not comprehend why I need to spend so much money on them.

With a fully functional IPhone, I'm finally in love. And for ONCE a 'must have' gadget is a perfect fit for my business needs - I get YouTube (where we're putting all of our video now), an IPod, my cell phone, the best web browser I've ever had on a phone, and it fits comfortably in my pocket (not to mention, I'm getting very decent battery life on it). And I know some people complain about AT&T, but I get service all the time - even out in the sticks of Georgia I had a full signal when Walter's phone wouldn't work (he has Verizon).

So that's my IPhone story :)

I don't know why I'm still up at 3am but I thought I would reply.

Pete I'm sorry your first iPhone experience was a disaster but at least you were persistant and now have an unpossed model (and they cost less too!)

I didn't get mine until late November and it has never glitched on me, and I use it a lot for many different things, and I do love Safari, it's like putting a laptop in your pocket.

Not to disagree with anyone, but in my opinion their has never been a smart phone/PDA like this. The software that runs this phone is absolutely incredible. If it wasn't for the software, it would just be another hard to learn, hassle to use business device. Long live OS X!

I was making a ADR for Whispering Canyon yesterday and as the nice lady was confirming the date, time and confirmation code, I was putting it right into the calendar on the phone, I just love to flick that date wheel around, I feel like Bob Barker is telling me to get a close to a dollars as I can with out going over:lmao:

I'm a (PC) computer technician and have resisted learning anything about the MAC side of things and never liked iTunes for the longest time. After owning this phone and getting familiar with iTunes and seeing the new OS 10.5(Leopard) It's just a matter of time before I say so long and close the 'Window' forever:lmao:
The one reason I haven't gone to the Iphone is because it is a everything phone. I would totally freak out if I lost it as it would mean I lost my phone, my Ipod and my calendar in one full swoop. I think that would just send me into a total meltdown. Aren't you afraid of losing everything at one time?
I don't know why I'm still up at 3am but I thought I would reply.

Pete I'm sorry your first iPhone experience was a disaster but at least you were persistant and now have an unpossed model (and they cost less too!)

I didn't get mine until late November and it has never glitched on me, and I use it a lot for many different things, and I do love Safari, it's like putting a laptop in your pocket.

Not to disagree with anyone, but in my opinion their has never been a smart phone/PDA like this. The software that runs this phone is absolutely incredible. If it wasn't for the software, it would just be another hard to learn, hassle to use business device. Long live OS X!

I was making a ADR for Whispering Canyon yesterday and as the nice lady was confirming the date, time and confirmation code, I was putting it right into the calendar on the phone, I just love to flick that date wheel around, I feel like Bob Barker is telling me to get a close to a dollars as I can with out going over:lmao:

I'm a (PC) computer technician and have resisted learning anything about the MAC side of things and never liked iTunes for the longest time. After owning this phone and getting familiar with iTunes and seeing the new OS 10.5(Leopard) It's just a matter of time before I say so long and close the 'Window' forever:lmao:

Not to nit pick, but everything you mentioned I'm able to do on my non-iphone. I keep all my confirmation numbers, I just pulled it out last week at Liberty Tree because they couldn't find my ressie and had spelled my name wrong. I don't hate the iphone, I just don't understand the big deal. When apple makes something it like they invented it. Its been available in similar forms for years. They just put together a different screen layout and buttons. Don't get me started on the apple commercials that tell blatent lies either ;-)

I do still love my MacBook Pro....but its not head and tails above any other laptop I've owned.

JMHO :thumbsup2
LOL, no problem on the rant....I'm an Apple addict. House full of Macs, iPods and a lot of other gear. The one thing eluding me is the iPhone, for the reasons I stated. I might wait it out another year and see what happens regarding AT&T. It's very tempting to move regardless of my past experience. The other issue is I have like 9 months left on my current contract with Sprint, and even that aside, they have been a GREAT provider over the past years.

Another Mac addict here. We may switch from Sprint to ATT this summer when our contract is up - hoping for a 3g and bigger capacity iPhone at MacWorld coming up!
The difference between an Iphone and Itouch is that you surf the web from anywhere with an Iphone. Granted, it's much slower than being in a WiFi spot, but it can be done.

With an Itouch, you have to be in a WiFi spot from what I understand.

I'm not here to slam anybody's choices....to each his/her own...but I have had Treo with Windows and now have an Iphone.

I much prefer the Iphone over the Treo. Maybe it's just a personal thing but I seem to understand the Iphone more that I ever did the Treo. The Iphone seems to be laid out the way I think. I dont know if this makes sense but the Ipone seems to be more logical to me. Things are where I think they should be and it does things the way I think it should.

I also have an 80 gig Ipod (which I love) and it has approx 1600 songs, 800 photos and 4 full length feature films and that uses about 2 gigs. The Iphone's 8 gigs is bigger than I thought. It wasnt until I got the Iphone that I realized exactly how little space I was using on my Ipod..

The other thing I like is that I know have to carry one thing. I have a camera, a phone and my Ipod in one device.

Again....I am not saying this is better than that. I'm just telling you why I like it better.


My work phone is a Treo 650, and if it were not for the Palm OS for my calendar and contacts, I would drop it like a shot. I have been trying to get it to work with SYNC in my new Taurus, and every time I get in the car, the phone now reboots! It is the buggiest cell phone I have ever used! I don't have a data plan for it though.
I don't know what the big deal is about the iphone, I have been able to all internet browsing for years with my Palm Treo. Plus, I can install all kinds of 3rd party programs too.

The iphone is nice but way over priced and locks out all the great tings you can do with a PDA.

Yep...no need for expensive iphone....I am replying right now from my HTC 6800. AND...I have TONS of things stored on it in anticipation of our month long visit to WDW....and we leave in 4 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have all the restaurant mensu from allears, trivia and treasure hunt lists, hidden mickeys, "to do/must see/hints" from this board, pressed penny locations, the parade/firework times (and I'll put in the show times once they come out). And probably other stuff I can't remember, lol.

The drag is typing on a phone keyboard, but I have the sliding keyboard so that helps.
DH told me I can get the internet on my MotoQ I just have to add it to our plan....since I am penny pinching so we can go back to Disney this year and the cruise....not sure if I want to add more to our phone bill? ;)

Plus if I could get the Dis anywhere that would be bad! :rolleyes1 I am working right now and I have gotten more posts on Dis than I have work done! (I am working from home)

We are debating giving up our home line? Any thoughts on that or am I one of the only ones? We pay so much in phone services and I hate talking on the phone.....maybe that is why I talk about people on the Dis like they are my best friends, I talk to them more than my own friends! :confused3
We are debating giving up our home line? Any thoughts on that or am I one of the only ones?

I've thought of doing this as well. Haven't so far because our land line is only $26/mo (but that's because it's strictly no frills -- no long distance, call waiting, etc). Bottomline is that I still prefer using the land line for most of my calls...it's more comfortable to hold (especially when trying the "look mom, no hands" routine) and the sound quality is better. Plus, I'm still a little concerned about the long term effects of having a cell phone frying your brain everytime you use it!
I've thought of doing this as well. Haven't so far because our land line is only $26/mo (but that's because it's strictly no frills -- no long distance, call waiting, etc). Bottomline is that I still prefer using the land line for most of my calls...it's more comfortable to hold (especially when trying the "look mom, no hands" routine) and the sound quality is better. Plus, I'm still a little concerned about the long term effects of having a cell phone frying your brain everytime you use it!

:idea: Can it fry my brain any more than sitting infornt of the Disboards all day.

I also agree I like to talk on our home phone better. Cel phones are so compact they are not comfy to hold for long times.

Our home line is $70. I should call and see how no frills I can go. Thanks!
Wwll one thing is for sure, the iPhone isn't for everyone and these boards are living proof of that. People will use what works for them and what they are comfortable with. Even after months of resistance I had to finally realize that the iPhone IS the device for me and it also helped to transition to the iPhone because I wasn't already in love with anything else out there, I was really wanting something more suited for me. Apple is just another fruit in the barrel
but it's the one that tastes sweetest to me.:thumbsup2

For home serivce I use Vonage. It's a VOIP service and for about $25.00 a month I get free long distance, unlimited local, call waiting, VM, caller ID and if and when we ever move out of the area, we can keep our number.

They can be found at www.vonage.com
For home serivce I use Vonage. It's a VOIP service and for about $25.00 a month I get free long distance, unlimited local, call waiting, VM, caller ID and if and when we ever move out of the area, we can keep our number.

They can be found at www.vonage.com

Thanks! I had looked into it once before and it was not in our area....however it is in the town that we live right next the line....so I am going to look into it.
Alright!! Steve just announced at MACWORLD today that among some of the exciting iPhone updates coming on version 1.1.3 (releasing today, so make sure you sync with iTunes tonight) is the ability to customize your home screen and add webclips (links) of your favorite sites right on your home screen:cool1: Now I have 'one touch' access to the Disboards from my iPhone:banana: It just keeps getting better and better:goodvibes
So no 3G iphone, same slow service and you have to pay $20 to get the software upgrade.

Sounds like Apple is starting to nickel and dime the faithful. :mad:


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