Disboutiquers Part 14 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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New and glad I got in at the bigging of this thread. Don't really sew yet but want to. Need a machine first. Working on my mom for that. Well I have one that belonged to me grandma many years ago and it's missing stuff and will not run, so it it's a nice little table stand for now.lol
I have to say you are all very talented and I love to see the pictures of the kids. Mine are pretty much grown but my grandson isn't.:thumbsup2
Welcome!!!!! Hope you can get a new machine soon so you can start making things for your grandson!!! :goodvibes

Oh! glad you found the patches. I need to patch a big hole in one of my hubby's work shirts. I was thinking of trying one of the patches on it.
I think it looks just as good. Only reason for the stitches around are to make sure it doesnt fray. I guess that stuff won't fray though!

Okay you are officially super woman. :worship:

Posting this again because I caught the tail end of the thread, and I am so proud of my mom's work. I only did cindy and the shoe and lots of instructions on how to smock. This was her first smocking project. I also want to show off this awesome smocking plate. It is by the company Cross Eyed Cricket. She is from Baton Rouge, and I love her plates. http://www.crosseyedcricketsmocking.com Plates are the patterns you use for the smocking.

This is the smocking plate we started with.
That became this:




I just realized Cindy is losing her eyes and smile. I guess my french knots need help! Cindy is supposed to be lifting up her dress because she realized she lost her shoe. Not sure if it comes off that way?? I wanted to show why her shoe was hanging out on the other side.
Once she stared smocking it I realized that Cindy would be under Hannah's arm. NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! I told my mom to skip the horse and skoot Cindy over. I though a horse would look strange on the other side, so I did that teeny tiny shoe. I realize she doesn't have pink shoes, but wanted it to show up. Not sure if it looks like a show. I just came up with it on the fly.
Now I am thinking about ripping out the shoe and using a fairy godmother I have in another smocking plate. Wouldn't that look cute??? :)
I did change Cindy quite a bit too. That is why I did her myself. After she had already completed the carriage I found this OOP smocking plate that is just gorgeous with a better carriage and a better Cindy. Next time I am using that one!! Only problem is that I don't have the plate. I just have a picture of the smocking. It is hard to smock from a picture. Most plates have graphs on them that you follow which makes it pretty easy. I smocked the snow white dress from a picture and it took me FOREVER!! I really think I smocked it for 6 months... lots of ripping out and.. err. :/
Good thing the snow white dress is Hannah's favorite. I spent way too much time on it!

Here is another plate from Cross Eyed Cricket that I have that I plan on using when we go to DW(if ever.. DH is pretty against going there. he has never been. Hannah went by herself with my parents*gasp*).

I'm going to either use this with the Smiles around the world or Friends around the world. It is just perfect!!!
Right now I am smocking a hula dress for Hawaiian day at church. Our children's ministry has theme days. I'm not really a fan of it, but this gives me an excuse to make this dress at least. ;)
Sorry for taking up another post. I just really love smocking.. can you tell? :laughing:
Awww this is really beautiful, just like your little one!!! Amazing!!!
I made it to the new thread!:thumbsup2

Stacey, those appliqued shirts are going to be AMAZING! :love: Cutting and laying them out has always been the hardest part for me.

Steph, Megan looks so cute in her birthday outfit! I better not let Leighanna see that one! She'll expect me to make her one too! Congrats to Jacob!
I made it!

Let me say, I LOVE :lovestruc the Mickey balloon set. I have always thought of doing something but never should think of something good, I love that set!

And all the boys shirts, oh my goodness. Great job! I adore how the chef Mickey's one looks! They are all great, what great dressed boys you will have!
Oh! glad you found the patches. I need to patch a big hole in one of my hubby's work shirts. I was thinking of trying one of the patches on it.
I think it looks just as good. Only reason for the stitches around are to make sure it doesnt fray. I guess that stuff won't fray though!

Okay you are officially super woman. :worship:

Posting this again because I caught the tail end of the thread, and I am so proud of my mom's work. I only did cindy and the shoe and lots of instructions on how to smock. This was her first smocking project. I also want to show off this awesome smocking plate. It is by the company Cross Eyed Cricket. She is from Baton Rouge, and I love her plates. http://www.crosseyedcricketsmocking.com Plates are the patterns you use for the smocking.

This is the smocking plate we started with.
That became this:




I just realized Cindy is losing her eyes and smile. I guess my french knots need help! Cindy is supposed to be lifting up her dress because she realized she lost her shoe. Not sure if it comes off that way?? I wanted to show why her shoe was hanging out on the other side.
Once she stared smocking it I realized that Cindy would be under Hannah's arm. NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! I told my mom to skip the horse and skoot Cindy over. I though a horse would look strange on the other side, so I did that teeny tiny shoe. I realize she doesn't have pink shoes, but wanted it to show up. Not sure if it looks like a show. I just came up with it on the fly.
Now I am thinking about ripping out the shoe and using a fairy godmother I have in another smocking plate. Wouldn't that look cute??? :)
I did change Cindy quite a bit too. That is why I did her myself. After she had already completed the carriage I found this OOP smocking plate that is just gorgeous with a better carriage and a better Cindy. Next time I am using that one!! Only problem is that I don't have the plate. I just have a picture of the smocking. It is hard to smock from a picture. Most plates have graphs on them that you follow which makes it pretty easy. I smocked the snow white dress from a picture and it took me FOREVER!! I really think I smocked it for 6 months... lots of ripping out and.. err. :/
Good thing the snow white dress is Hannah's favorite. I spent way too much time on it!

Here is another plate from Cross Eyed Cricket that I have that I plan on using when we go to DW(if ever.. DH is pretty against going there. he has never been. Hannah went by herself with my parents*gasp*).

I'm going to either use this with the Smiles around the world or Friends around the world. It is just perfect!!!
Right now I am smocking a hula dress for Hawaiian day at church. Our children's ministry has theme days. I'm not really a fan of it, but this gives me an excuse to make this dress at least. ;)
Sorry for taking up another post. I just really love smocking.. can you tell? :laughing:

I totally knew what you were trying to portray with that design. Good job to you and your mom!

I LOVE smocking too. My boys are too old for it now, so I don't do much. I am debating making the just turned 4 year old wear a smocked long john outfit to his brother's program this week. . . he has worn shortalls to the last 2 programs, not sure I am ready to give it up!

Is crosseyedcricket relatively new? When I was smocking a lot, they only had a few plates- super cute ones, but not a lot of selection.
Get ready for too many appliques (that still need the sewing part). Once I get the pieces on the shirt, I can knock them out pretty quickly. This is almost all of the ones for the trip. I tried to encourage the boys to coordinate, but not match exactly. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.

I still have some short to lay out-star wars mickey symbols (like the pins Shannon took pics of), friends around the world flags and kid faces and pumpkin mickey and goofy- all on the shorts. The rest of the time, they will wear khaki or black (or matching) shorts. I will make some easy fits, but some will be GASP store bought!

I will post again when I get some stitching on these.

Holy crap Stacey! When have you slept! That is the most impressive layout I have ever seen! You have me beat by a TON of shirts! I think the most new I ever made was 18!!

I am so impressed! And that you have them ready so early! I mean no one sews the night before though right! :rolleyes1

I love how Indy came out! I can't wait to make Dallas'. Have the kids seen them? What do they think?
Um...I didn't receive a phone call about the move!!! ;) :rotfl:

Made it safe and sound...carry on!!!

You were the 1st thing I thought of when I got up this morning and saw that the new thread had started. I checked to see if your name was here before I even read anything! If you weren't here, a call to you was next on the list! ...... I HAD YOUR BACK SISTER!! :flower3:
WOW! You guys tried to loose me again!

I had a ton of quoted things on the other thread. There was some amazing stuff posted at the end of it!!
That smocked Cindy was FAB!
Jacob looking as handsome as EVER! WTG!
Megan's balloon outfit! Nik is in LOVE with it! If you don't mind me casing it for her bday at WDW? She actually asked if she could wear that instead of the Aurora dress she has been begging me to make on her bday as long as that is ok with you????

April, The bog give out fit is adorable and poor little Hunter what a good sport modeling he was!
I found it at the quilt shop in the clearance section. Even on clearance I think it was $6-7 a yard so I only bought enough for the pants. I have some scraps left. Does Dallas have a ds or a need for a little pouch like what I made Jacob?

These are Jacob's pjs:


Ack! Look how little he was!

What, more pictures? Sure!




I used two different size balloons, 4 inch and 5 inch then got my scraps until I liked the combinations. I tried to match the ribbon as best I could from what I had and ironed it the balloons and stitched. I was originally going to do a vida with big balloons appliqued in the middle panel but when I found that extra shirt I just went with what I had. I think a vida or jumper with balloons would be super cute too.
Jacob looks so cute in that picture!
Well I already gushed over the balloon design!

Get ready for too many appliques (that still need the sewing part). Once I get the pieces on the shirt, I can knock them out pretty quickly. This is almost all of the ones for the trip. I tried to encourage the boys to coordinate, but not match exactly. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.







Cooper's Star Wars shirt. I haven't finished Jackson's yet. he wants Donald Duck as Darth Maul- not hard at all!!! Cooper wanted Mace Windu (not sure on spelling, don't kill me).

And the panels cut out for bowling shirts




I still have some short to lay out-star wars mickey symbols (like the pins Shannon took pics of), friends around the world flags and kid faces and pumpkin mickey and goofy- all on the shorts. The rest of the time, they will wear khaki or black (or matching) shorts. I will make some easy fits, but some will be GASP store bought!

I will post again when I get some stitching on these.
:worship::worship:I am seriously in AWE! Did I spell that right??? Amazing!

Hi Everyone! Back from Disney and we had a wonderful, magical, hot, hot, hot, time!! Of course by hot I mean the heat. Didn't go below 95 one day we were there but we enjoyed ourselves anyway!

Here is one of the family:

and the kids at Chef Mickey's:

We were also one of the lucky ones to run into Teresajoy!!! She actually approached me in the Crystal Palace after recognizing my daughter Julia and thw outfits I made. I couldn't believe it!! What a small world! She was so sweet and so was her family! What are the odds that we would have been eating in the same place at at the same time???!!! I was so happy to meet her and introduce her to my family!

If she doesn't mind I will post the pic of all of us. Just let me know Teresa;)
Welcome back! Look how cute they look! Love the Minnie! Then again Minnie ROCKS!
I guess this is what I get for not being here as much...you move...thank goodness I got the forwarding address! I LOVE the move Heather!

There has been so many cute things posted and you guys have been busy! Love it ALL! I hope to have some finished stuff to post in the next few days...who knows at this rate!

Keep up the good work guys!!!!!:goodvibes
First of all - I am WAY behind already. It may not get any better, either. I have a pretty full plate for the next several weeks. Unfortunately, sewing isn't on it right now!


Steph - LOVE the birthday outfit. It's PERFECT. I love the idea of the balloons.

All of the applique shirts - :worship: - WOW! That's all I can say! WOW! Just amazing!

Oh! glad you found the patches. I need to patch a big hole in one of my hubby's work shirts. I was thinking of trying one of the patches on it.
I think it looks just as good. Only reason for the stitches around are to make sure it doesnt fray. I guess that stuff won't fray though!

Okay you are officially super woman. :worship:

Posting this again because I caught the tail end of the thread, and I am so proud of my mom's work. I only did cindy and the shoe and lots of instructions on how to smock. This was her first smocking project. I also want to show off this awesome smocking plate. It is by the company Cross Eyed Cricket. She is from Baton Rouge, and I love her plates. http://www.crosseyedcricketsmocking.com Plates are the patterns you use for the smocking.

This is the smocking plate we started with.
That became this:




I just realized Cindy is losing her eyes and smile. I guess my french knots need help! Cindy is supposed to be lifting up her dress because she realized she lost her shoe. Not sure if it comes off that way?? I wanted to show why her shoe was hanging out on the other side.
Once she stared smocking it I realized that Cindy would be under Hannah's arm. NOT ACCEPTABLE!!! I told my mom to skip the horse and skoot Cindy over. I though a horse would look strange on the other side, so I did that teeny tiny shoe. I realize she doesn't have pink shoes, but wanted it to show up. Not sure if it looks like a show. I just came up with it on the fly.
Now I am thinking about ripping out the shoe and using a fairy godmother I have in another smocking plate. Wouldn't that look cute??? :)
I did change Cindy quite a bit too. That is why I did her myself. After she had already completed the carriage I found this OOP smocking plate that is just gorgeous with a better carriage and a better Cindy. Next time I am using that one!! Only problem is that I don't have the plate. I just have a picture of the smocking. It is hard to smock from a picture. Most plates have graphs on them that you follow which makes it pretty easy. I smocked the snow white dress from a picture and it took me FOREVER!! I really think I smocked it for 6 months... lots of ripping out and.. err. :/
Good thing the snow white dress is Hannah's favorite. I spent way too much time on it!

Here is another plate from Cross Eyed Cricket that I have that I plan on using when we go to DW(if ever.. DH is pretty against going there. he has never been. Hannah went by herself with my parents*gasp*).

I'm going to either use this with the Smiles around the world or Friends around the world. It is just perfect!!!
Right now I am smocking a hula dress for Hawaiian day at church. Our children's ministry has theme days. I'm not really a fan of it, but this gives me an excuse to make this dress at least. ;)
Sorry for taking up another post. I just really love smocking.. can you tell? :laughing:

I'm scared if I use it that I won't have enough when I go to disney. I am being crazy right?? I think I have 6 yards thanks to an :angel: on this board.
6 yards is probably way enough to make 2 outfits right? :confused3
I like the idea of the missions outfit. We usually have a missions week at church, but its already passed. I might just do an all the time outfit. :lovestruc
I seem to have fear of cutting fabric..

GORGEOUS! Absolutely! I may have asked this before and didn't have time to follow up. Do you pleat your own fabric to smock? Or do you purchase a panel somewhere? Is there a way to learn to smock? How difficult is it? Is it sorta like cross stitch? I LOVE the look, and I think I would like to try, but I'm scared! :scared1: Maybe I should put it on my list of things to do.

Sorry, one more thing! I think the children smocking would be so cute on a dress with "Jesus loves the little children" or "they are precious in His sight" embroidered across the hem. Then it could be worn any day!

What a great idea to make mickey balloons birthday outfit! I love it. When is her birthday?

You should be proud of yourself. That turned out really great! My first mickey mouse head was a no-sew ...I just use heat and bond ultra and it did find going through the wash.

Wow, I go do dishes (shoulda known better) and ya'll go off and leave me!; anyway, I made it! Hi Everybodyparty:

Yeah..you have to give up housework, laundry, cooking, sleep, and possibly even sewing if you want ot keep up with this thread! LOL

Wow..Stacy..your boys are going to be the best dressed kids in WDW!!! YOu work 70 hours a week, and you made all those way, way in advance of your trip! You are my hero!!!! I really have no excuse to not even be half way done on my kiddos outfits for our trip.

Love the minnie dots outfits!!

Grumpy pants subscribing!

I know I owe a TON of thank yous for all the nice things people have said about the cupcake purse and outfit for my niece.

They were both a big hit. I will absolutely be making the purse again now that I know how to do it, it will come together quickly.
and to whomever asked- yes- I bought the pattern at a quilt shop. i also have a cupcake placemat and runner pattern too.

These contractions (BH? I assume) are sometimes really,mmmmm...intense, but no progression. Its been 3 days of this. Ah well.
I got a glimpse of myself in one of our full length windows tonight- OH MY I look like a Sumo wrestler.:lmao:

You are getting so close....can't wait to meet the little one! With my ds, I never did progress but when I did, it was fast.....it was like a drive-through delivery..LOL.

That is adorable. I need some.. lol
Hopefully I can wait until it goes on sale!

They are on sale this week - 50% off!

New and glad I got in at the bigging of this thread. Don't really sew yet but want to. Need a machine first. Working on my mom for that. Well I have one that belonged to me grandma many years ago and it's missing stuff and will not run, so it it's a nice little table stand for now.lol
I have to say you are all very talented and I love to see the pictures of the kids. Mine are pretty much grown but my grandson isn't.:thumbsup2

Welcome! Hope you get a machine soon.

That is so cute, so is your dd!
I LOVE it, Steph!! It's so creative and cute! Megan looks adorable!

I am so proud of Jacob getting the MVP award, too!!

Those shorts are so cute! Great job!
I think that pattern would make a really cute belle themed outfit for older girls. You're right!

Heather - LOVED the Tink!!! Great job on that - must have taken forever!!! I need to get some of that tomorrow! Lol!QUOTE]
It only took a couple of minutes to make the picture. It took me a while to decide on a departing "theme". :rotfl:

Um...I didn't receive a phone call about the move!!!

Made it safe and sound...carry on!!!
Didn't you get my text message? :rolleyes1

Heather, I LOVE the Tink! AWESOME!
Thank you! I was giggling the whole time I made it. I don't know if anyone remembers the "pixiedust in a can" comment that Tom made about Magic Sizing a while back. But, I think about it every time I use mine!

Get ready for too many appliques (that still need the sewing part). Once I get the pieces on the shirt, I can knock them out pretty quickly. This is almost all of the ones for the trip. I tried to encourage the boys to coordinate, but not match exactly. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.

:faint: :worship:
Those are absolutely amazing! I can't wait to see them all done and modeled on your adorable boys!

Hi Everyone! Back from Disney and we had a wonderful, magical, hot, hot, hot, time!! Of course by hot I mean the heat. Didn't go below 95 one day we were there but we enjoyed ourselves anyway!

Here is one of the family:

We were also one of the lucky ones to run into Teresajoy!!! She actually approached me in the Crystal Palace after recognizing my daughter Julia and thw outfits I made. I couldn't believe it!! What a small world! She was so sweet and so was her family! What are the odds that we would have been eating in the same place at at the same time???!!! I was so happy to meet her and introduce her to my family!

If she doesn't mind I will post the pic of all of us. Just let me know Teresa;)
Teresa won't care if you post the pictures! Post away!! I wanna see 'em!

You have such a cute family! It's nice to see a picture of you, too!

The hot weather you had makes me think my 40's in February weren't so bad. :rotfl:

Aw Heather! That is too funny. I needed a pick up! I love the magic sizing tink! LOL! We need to use that more often. DId you make that?? We need it as an emoticon.
Yep, I put it together. I'll have to put it in the photobucket account!

New and glad I got in at the bigging of this thread. Don't really sew yet but want to. Need a machine first. Working on my mom for that. Well I have one that belonged to me grandma many years ago and it's missing stuff and will not run, so it it's a nice little table stand for now.lol
I have to say you are all very talented and I love to see the pictures of the kids. Mine are pretty much grown but my grandson isn't.
:welcome: HEY!! I know you!! I'm glad you made it over here!

Oh yeah and April, when Teresa gets back she is going to be ticked that we had boys in dresses on the thread again.
Teresa and I share the same sentiments about boys in dresses!! Those poor boys will be emotionally scarred! :lmao:

I am not worthy to applique' I'm so completely out of my element... but at least now I know what to aspire to; I mean, WOW!
You can do it!!! Have you read through my tutorial?

And our BIG news is Hubby is going to WDW.... without us
I am quite certain those are words I will NEVER type! :lmao:

Wow! Beautiful smocking!!! I am very partial to Cinderella and I really love this dress!

You were the 1st thing I thought of when I got up this morning and saw that the new thread had started. I checked to see if your name was here before I even read anything! If you weren't here, a call to you was next on the list! ...... I HAD YOUR BACK SISTER!! :flower3:

I think you may have something on your nose....
I love the shorts!! My first project I posted on here was a no sew outfit. (I had never touched a sewing machine!!) I used Aleenes OK to Wask it and it held up pretty well.

That is great for a no sew. Very very cute, is it wonder under?

Get ready for too many appliques (that still need the sewing part). Once I get the pieces on the shirt, I can knock them out pretty quickly. This is almost all of the ones for the trip. I tried to encourage the boys to coordinate, but not match exactly. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.







Cooper's Star Wars shirt. I haven't finished Jackson's yet. he wants Donald Duck as Darth Maul- not hard at all!!! Cooper wanted Mace Windu (not sure on spelling, don't kill me).

And the panels cut out for bowling shirts




I still have some short to lay out-star wars mickey symbols (like the pins Shannon took pics of), friends around the world flags and kid faces and pumpkin mickey and goofy- all on the shorts. The rest of the time, they will wear khaki or black (or matching) shorts. I will make some easy fits, but some will be GASP store bought!

I will post again when I get some stitching on these.
Stacy, that is truly amazing. You must come teach me how to applique. You are one of the many masters here on the board. Wow, you really have been busy!
These are Jacob's pjs:

I cannot do an iron on to save my life but I could send you a t-shirt. Or you could send me the iron on and I can try to iron it on a t-shirt. PM if you need help at all, I'll be glad to do it.



I used two different size balloons, 4 inch and 5 inch then got my scraps until I liked the combinations. I tried to match the ribbon as best I could from what I had and ironed it the balloons and stitched. I was originally going to do a vida with big balloons appliqued in the middle panel but when I found that extra shirt I just went with what I had. I think a vida or jumper with balloons would be super cute too.
Those Jammies are too cute and he is so handsome. Is it harder when they get older to make things they will wear? One day Hunter won't put on skirts anylonger.:rotfl:

I will try to get a shirt but if I can't I will write. I might go to the city for work supplies...again and if I do I can get the paper and shirt. If I don't have it by next Monday I will write for sure.

LOL Okay, trying again!

So I did my own "mini project" today and made shorts for Phineas to wear to the Hoop De Doo Review. My MIL says she has "cowboy shirts" for the boys to wear. So I took some of the $3.50 shorts from Walmart and the iron-on patches for jeans/pants, cut out some designs and letters, and made these (sorry I can't show you his face yet)




I know it's not much compared to what you ladies do, but I did feel kinda proud of myself they turned out okay!
You should be proud of yourself for a no sew project that is great. Next thing you will be doing appliques like the pros. Just a super job. When are you going to start to sew? I can't wait with all the cute things you already make you are a natural.
Hi Everyone! Back from Disney and we had a wonderful, magical, hot, hot, hot, time!! Of course by hot I mean the heat. Didn't go below 95 one day we were there but we enjoyed ourselves anyway!
Here is one of the family:

and the kids at Chef Mickey's:
You look great at Disney. I want a trip report so we call pretend we were there. The girls and boy look super at chef mickeys. Only 4 more months.

:worship::worship: I am not worthy to applique' I'm so completely out of my element... but at least now I know what to aspire to; I mean, WOW!
You and me both girl. I am not worthy.
Uggghhh!!!! I had another post disappear. I wrote a long multi-quote yesterday after Stacy posted all her appliques and it's gone :scared1: Now i forget all my comments so in general...great job everyone :thumbsup2

Thanks to Karen and Heather for worrying about me during the move. Guess I'm going to have to give you a texting lesson Heather when next we meet ;) :rotfl:
Yep, I read the tutorial, and bought all the stuff, and then saw your shirts and got totally intimidated:lmao::lmao:seriously though, I grasp the concept of piecing, but have no idea how to get from a simple ice cream cone to the faces (that's where the detail gets way beyond me.)
Get ready for too many appliques (that still need the sewing part). Once I get the pieces on the shirt, I can knock them out pretty quickly. This is almost all of the ones for the trip. I tried to encourage the boys to coordinate, but not match exactly. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't.

I still have some short to lay out-star wars mickey symbols (like the pins Shannon took pics of), friends around the world flags and kid faces and pumpkin mickey and goofy- all on the shorts. The rest of the time, they will wear khaki or black (or matching) shorts. I will make some easy fits, but some will be GASP store bought!

I will post again when I get some stitching on these.

LOVE :love: them!! I don't know how you find the time much less the energy to do all those. They look great though.

Steph, I love the Mickey balloons. I'm pretty sure I know a couple of little girls who would too.
SHEESH!!! Y'all move without me while I'm out of town and no one even called, texted or facebooked me about it! :sad2:

STACY Those shirts for the boys are AMAZING!!! :worship::worship::worship: You are the coolest. I can't wait to see the outfits all completed. I love your idea of cutting and piecing everything first! I may have to get on that for my October trip! Lily doesn't need any new stuff, but the boys and Jayden probably do. They are growing like crazy.
ok ladies and Tom, need your help please; I'm having a sis boom crisis. No one in Austin has Jennifer's fabric, and I NEED to make a tunic in it- really, I have to, they're entirely too cute; so, can anyone who's seen/used the fabric irl tell me a pink/ turquoise combo for the tunic w/ constrasting facing/cuff? I'm thinking a pink print probably larger scale for the tunic; and a smaller scale turquoise for the cuff/facing; or if there is a larger scale print that has both colors and... well, ykwim?
Thanks! If I can get recommendations, I'll buy online.
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