Disboutiquers Part 17 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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The move was posted at 2:56pm CST and not even an hour later I make it only on the second page!! You guys are chatty! Can't wait to see all the new outfits. I am working away at getting my little one's ready for our December trip! I'll try and post pics!

I haven't been able to follow along the last two weeks but took a quick peek and saw the new thread. :cheer2: I made page two! :cheer2:

I made my first dress from a pattern that I hope to post photos of tonight. Thanks to everyone on the advice on which one to try.

I need some color help, I am making DD a dress with this OSU fabric and tell me which dots you think look best


I vote for black and white
Did I make page 2???? Wow a record for me!

But that means I lost my quotes!

Great first day of school pictures!

Love all the step sisters stories!

For machine embroidery I use the Coats & clarks poly thread from Joann's. I always buy when its 50% off. I personally haven't had any issues with it breaking. I do have a box of mederia thread (if that is the correct name) and I do have problems with that breaking? I think the best way to figure out what works for you is to just try a few and see how your machine acts. Mine is good with lesser expensive threads (is that a word?) and breaks whenever I use the more expensive threads, so I stick with my coats & clarks.
Wow, a person goes away from the computer for an hour and you all move.:rotfl2: What a surprise to me when I went to catch up. Well at least I made it.
Im here.

btw- Teresajoy you might consider removing the fabric swap link since it's been closed.

A moment to comment on the question about YMCT-
the patterns are loved by so many, especially those just starting apparel sewing because she has pages and pages of directions, in addition to a photo with every little direction- the photos show an up-close shot of her actually sewing the garment piece by piece.

They also come in a much larger size range than typcial patterns. Most patterns will only offer 3 or 4 sizes. Hers can run from a 3mon-size 8
i think she also really helps people understand the way things are constructed, you may find other patterns easier after using hers.

Another great pattern maker of children's apparel is The Children's Corner

If you already have a lot of experience making clothes you may or may not find her patterns wonderful. I love her patterns, but i also like other patterns too.
I had this Book when I was little it had been passed down from my cousins! Who now all work for WDW My Cousin Dani is a Dessert chef at the Poly, and years ago she worked at Beaches and Cream

I am pretty sure we had that book too. It looks SO familiar to me! And, that is really neat abuot your cousin being a chef at Disney!

I haven't been able to get on for awhile. We decided at last moment to move, because of my husband's family health issues. We looked at a house, put in an offer and were accepted, all in less than a week!! So now, not only do I have a lot of customs to finish for our trip, but I need to pack...sewing seems to win
I was able to salvage the castle tee. I fused white fabric under the pearlized fabric. It isn't as opaque as I wanted it but it still looks nice.

I made my daughters' the Molly peasant. I love that pattern, I can't wait to make the variations!! My youngest are so funny, they do all the model poses on their own!!

The castle looks great! I'm glad you were able to save it!
Your girls are just so cute!!! I love the dresses and the headband! Those fabrics are so pretty.

You all seem to love the YCMT site. What is it you all love about it? Are the patterns just really easy? I am new to sewing, so maybe clueless here, but I thought some of the pattern prices were high considering it is in E format - having to print everything and trace everything to a thinner paper.

I know it's been answered, but I wanted to put my plug in there for YCMT too!!

At first when I heard about YCMT and saw how much the patterns were, I literally thought everyone was NUTS for buying them! :sad2: But, after I tried them, and specifically after I tried Carla's, I was in love! Carla tells you the easy and quick way to do things! She uses tons of pictures and great directions. She has real sewers actually test out the patterns before she puts them out to make sure everything makes sense and goes togther right (I imagine the other designers do the same thing)

Once you buy a YCMT pattern, you will never have to buy the pattern again, because you can reprint it over and over in the same or different sizes. And, it is a lot easier to print out just the pieces you need and print them together than trying to sort through all that tissue paper that comes with a comercial pattern to find the pieces you need! I just print the pattern onto regular paper, I don't put it on tissue paper.

Try them and you will be in love too!

Hey Ladies
has anyone ever made the carla simply sweet reversable? I was thinking of making one side tinkerbell and the other ariel for when we go to Pixie Hollow and ariel's grotto. figured I could just switch around her dress. wondering if this would be difficult? I want to cut down on the amt of outfits I have to bring! LOL! thanks ladies.

I am pretty sure Piper did that. I think it was a Snow White dress for a Big Give. She is really clever with things like that!

We were lucky enough to get the same Anastasia (not yours) last June and December. When we went in June, Anastasia and I had a chat about costumes. My daughter was wearing one of the Cindy gowns I've posted pics of here. She wanted to know when I was going to do HER dress. At that time, I had already plotted our return trip, with my daughter and her best friend as the steps.

Imagine my surprise when we showed up 6 months and it was the EXACT same Anastasia! I was even more surprised when she came over to the table and reminded me SHE was the one who requested the costumes. Either she has a great memory, or we were just so "out there' she couldn't forget!

Is it too much to hope that she'll be there on 9/28? Anyone know where I should put my order in????

I keep hoping we will get the same Drizella as we had back in 08! She was so much fun!

Get ready for too many Alexs. She was in the mood for a fashion show today so I took full advantage of it. These are the outfits I'm working on for our October trip. I've got a few little tweaks hear and there and I have to finish up the infamous pink bandana dress, but them I'm done. I also have a pink tink outfit, nemo top, friends around the world dress and the balloon celebration set from last time so she should be all set. Thats the only bad thing about getting ready early-I want to make more.

Wow!!! Those are all just beautiful!!!! Your daughter is such a little cutie!!! You sure have been busy!

I'll let you know if I find the right order form....

Here's our Anastasia we loved (although I thought she was a little too pretty for the "Ugly" part of her role....


These pictures make me happy! I love the dresses!
Thanks for the info.

I have never used a pattern. I made my dd an Evil Queen shirt, but just put it together myself. I did buy a few patterns for $1 to try. After I do a few things, I will look at YCMT - I really love the peasant shirt, but think it looks too advance for me right now.

The peasant (the ones by CarlaC) are super duper fantastically EASY! Why do you think we make so many of those around here! ;)

Love everything that has been posted! I just can't keep up! It doesn't help that I have stopped getting emails when there are posts. I can't figure out why.

I wanted to share a shirt I made for me with one of Heather's designs!

The partners statue is my al time favorite so I had to have this design. as with all of heathers stuff it stitched out perfectly.

That looks fabulous Marlo!

I use polyester because I've read that it is supposed to wash better - especially for children's clothing. It's not supposed to bleed or fade. I've not tested that theory, but it was enough to encourage me to buy polyester.

That's what I've heard too.
I just glimpsed my ticker and realize I only have three months to go until little one #2 is here (and Lauren came 2 weeks early so my time may be even less). I am not ready in the least. Nothing is ready - no crib, no clothes, nothing. Everything is still in boxes n the basement from when we moved last year. EEK. I guess I need to get on Brock to paint the nursery.

How exciting though! :yay:

First day of school here today.
It seems so quiet in the house. Oh the joys of peace and silence!:goodvibes

More photos on FaceBook. But I thought I would share at least one!

Oh Karen, Almighty Cricut Queen, notice the sign? Yes! I did use my CDS and welded all those letters together by myself last night. Whew! I think I finally figured out how to do that!

Aww, that picture got me all teary!!! She looks so pretty.

I am not ready for my kids to go back in two weeks!

It's nothing big or impressive, but I'm happy with them because it was a major modification of a simple shorts pattern and they came out exactly as I wanted them to and they fit my daughter really well. I made a pair of white eyelet bloomers to go under my DD's Minnie Mouse Halloween costume. No pics of them on her, because that felt oddly like taking pics of my daughter in her underwear! :rotfl:


She tried them on, said they were great and looked like Minnie's, and then said (in true three year old fashion), "Can I take them off now?" I hope they stay on her in October. It'll be cold-ish here and she'll need as many layers as I can get on her!

Those are so cute!!! I know what you mean about taking pictures of the bloomers.

Hey LOOK, I actually sewed something. WOW. And I did it at 1:00 in the morning and if you could see it in person you could totally tell:rotfl2: But she had it for the first day of pre-school and she was very excited. She picked out the pencil fabric all by herself.:cutie:

She woke up at about 2:30 to go to the potty and came in to the kitchen, rubbed her eyes and asked if her new dress was done. So I was glad I stayed up to make it.


don't ask me what's up w/ the weird face.

Lily and the dress look great!!! She is such a beautiful little girl T!
Okay Mommies and Dad...cry with me! My last baby went to school today!!!! UGH! I balled all the way down the hall! I miss them all so much! I have been at least a Part time SAHM for almost 8 years...I almost feel lost...but wow is my house clean. Tim did take me to the driving range today and out to lunch at K&W...YUM! So all was not bad...10 minutes I leave to go pick them up! YIPEEE!!!!
:sad1: :hug: I fee for you! I am already getting all teary thinking about Corey starting his senior year, Arminda starting middle school, and Lydia starting 1st grade in two weeks! My babies!

Don't you tempt me like that! I just told Tim this morning it was time for another baby! I'll be in the car before you know it driving to FL!!!!:lmao: I am sure I will figure out how to deal with my free time...somehow!

I was just thinking today that if I were guaranteed a tragedy free pregnancy, I would have another baby!

I hate to drive-by but I have been looking, love all the back to school stuff! If you've read my facebook we lost the leggings that went with Megan's top. I am still trying to find them!

Now I am making 20 chair pockets for a favorite teacher. So I wrote instructions for how to do them in case any of you all are as crazy as I am!

Click on the picture for the quick instructions. Back to sewing!

Those look great Steph!

So here is Claire wearing the same dress as Grace (different name though!) for her first day at preschool. You can tell Claire is my ham! She's always striking a pose!



I love these pictures and the dress!

I haven't been able to follow along the last two weeks but took a quick peek and saw the new thread. :cheer2: I made page two! :cheer2:

I made my first dress from a pattern that I hope to post photos of tonight. Thanks to everyone on the advice on which one to try.

I can't wait!!

Sadly, I am somewhat computer illiterate and can't figure out how.......I know...pathetic.:sad2:

There are directions either in the first post or in the bookmarks how to do that. You can post a picture, you can get an avatar, I know you can!
Wow you ladies are chatty! I'm still reading through the last thread looking for inspiration. School is starting back in less than 2 weeks, and once the big kids are gone all day once again, it will be time for me to start working on outfits for our next Disney trip! It is going to be DD1's first trip and DD8 is begging for matching outfits, so this WILL be the trip that I stop procrastinating and get at least a few outfits done. I don't have a tenth of the talent I've seen in the pics on the old thread, and I'm still new to sewing (and paint more than I sew), but I'm going to give it my best.

Here's my challenge - we're going in January so I'm kind of iffy on skirts in case we have cool days, but we'll have a couple days where we will be going from the park to a signature dinner so the outfits do have to be fairly nice/slightly dressy. Since much of my sewing thus far has been limited to embellishing jeans and trimming tees to coordinate with iron-ons or painted designs, I'm not entirely sure how to handle denim-less outfits! :confused3
Oh good I found you guys.

For the person who asked the name of the fabric I posted ~ I don't know what it's called but I'm going back to the fabric store in the next couple days and I'll see if I can find out.

I found a few pics of past halloween costumes I thought I would share.:)

We call this "The Jinglebell Fairy" The skirt had tiny bells held on with ribbons and it tinkled when she walked

This is a festival we go to every year (in the summer) and Abigail was positive this was a real mermaid. This was the second year she saw her.

checking out her tail:lmao:

My son Morgan was a mustateer.

And last halloween he was a Dead Pirate:rolleyes:

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