Disboutiquers Part 18 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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Ok, I'll try this again. I tried to post an hour ago & it was taking forever to go through & I had to leave my desk. I get back & it's telling me I have to wait to post??? I haven't posted at all today.

Oh well, I still made it before page 30 this time.

ggrrrrrr....it did it again. Stupid quick post thing-y.

And now it double posts. Not my day.
lost my mutiquotes I guess...and Im on like, what? page 4...sigh...

I found the Anita Goodesigns at the dealer where I bought my machine and I love them. I own the princess-y one, the ballet bears and the jungle animals.
When I went for my lesson she asked what I wanted to learn and I said Id like to learn how to do applique- Machine Embroidery, and I was planning to buy the ballet bear cd- so she said I could pick one and we did it on some scrap batiste. We also learned the tension was a little off on the machine- and she fixed that...think Ill use my "test" bear for a pillow or something.

Now I want to make a pair of easy fit pants in corduroy and do the applique on the leg. Any tricks to getting it lined up properly on the leg?

I saw the monthly club. very interesting!

TOADSTOOL......Did you get your Sew Beautiful magazine? SO much better than the last one!!

Has anyone done the larger sized Kimberbelle doll? Is that done "in the hoop" too as the little one is?
Thought I would jump in on the castle pictures, I don't have hardly any pictures on this computer of our trip in 06 so this is the best I have :)

lost my mutiquotes I guess...and Im on like, what? page 4...sigh...

I found the Anita Goodesigns at the dealer where I bought my machine and I love them. I own the princess-y one, the ballet bears and the jungle animals.
When I went for my lesson she asked what I wanted to learn and I said Id like to learn how to do applique- Machine Embroidery, and I was planning to buy the ballet bear cd- so she said I could pick one and we did it on some scrap batiste. We also learned the tension was a little off on the machine- and she fixed that...think Ill use my "test" bear for a pillow or something.

Now I want to make a pair of easy fit pants in corduroy and do the applique on the leg. Any tricks to getting it lined up properly on the leg?

I saw the monthly club. very interesting!

TOADSTOOL......Did you get your Sew Beautiful magazine? SO much better than the last one!!

Has anyone done the larger sized Kimberbelle doll? Is that done "in the hoop" too as the little one is?

I picked up the newest Sew Beautiful yesterday. There are some GREAT things in there!

The larger kimberbell doll (the 24" one? is that the one you're talking about?) - anyway, it's not in the hoop. It's all on a sewing machine.
Wow - already on page 5! Love all the castle pics!!
I commented on the last thread ( and then it got moved and I almost missed page one!) But anyway.....I love this picture of the three of you! Fabulous and you all look so happy together!!
We were having such a GREAT time! That picture makes me happy!

My goodness you all are an active bunch. haha I'm going to have to work hard to keep up. My goal for this weekend is to learn how to use the software on my machine to create embroidery designs from a regular picture. I'm scared!..... But I'm also cheap and buying designs is expensive!

:welcome: to the thread!!

They look so cute! Don't fall in guys!

I really think they were considering getting in there. It was one of the days that the heat index was about 110!

I'll play the castle game and I'm on the second page! WOO HOO!!!

Here is Jenna. The castle IS behind her I promise.
Jenna looks SO pretty!

Hello! My name is Laura and I've been following along since the very first thread, with a handful of posts, but I hope to make a concerted effort to join in this time!

I don't sew, and I don't have any little kids, but I do make bows (and tiaras, clips, pendants and rings) with Polymer Clay! I often find inspiration from your creations!

In keeping with the castle theme, here is my son and I last December!
What a wonderful picture! I love it!

OMG!!! Page 3 again?!?!? LOSER! :(
Bite your tongue, lady! :hug: I've been missing you!

Just wanted say hi, I'm lurking and looking for inspiration for the kids for our next trip. I don't have any customs, I barely mastered iron-ons, but
we have a plain clothes castle pic....
I hate to admit it, but Disney can be very fun in "plain" clothes, too! :rotfl: This picture is great!

WOW!! You did a fantastic job on that applique!! I had to go back and look because I thought it was a machine applique!

You are adorable!! I love the skirt- it's perfect!

I knew I'd miss the move today! We're having a great time already. I drove over this morning and checked in at about ten and our room was ready yea! This is the first time for me using online checkin and I like having everything ready and waiting. I think the guard at the gate announced our arrival because after we self parked and walked to the front door the cm there asked if we were the Willits family as soon as we walked up, and the girls were greeted by name. We spent the morning swimming and now the teenagers (Marissa brought a friend) went for a walk while Im staying quiet so Rebecca can get a nap. We'll head over to MK after 4:00

I'm on facebook too. Is there a disgroup there? If so, can I play too?
We have a group on facebook, but we don't post there much. But, it's a good place to start "friending" people!
Make sure you "friend" me, if you haven't yet!

SO last night I finally got around to trying out my mother-in-law's embroidery machine she lent me. It's a Janome MC 10000. ALL I did was sew a few straight seams when it started having issues. :sad2: It keeps pulling the fabric down into the machine and knotting up the bobbin thread on the underneath side. Then the needle will bounce up and down very quickly and stop.

Any ideas?? I know she hadn't used it in several years. I'm wondering if this is something I can figure out or if it will have to go to a shop.
My only suggestion would be to completely unthread it, change your needle, clean out the bobbin case, and then rethread it. I hope you get it figure out!

Here are a few pics from our trip in 2008 :)

I love all the pictures! I am quoting this one because Sawyer saw it and he loves it!

Wow! Great job on both of these!! I haven't had the guts to do a commercial pattern in about a year! I am hooked on CarlaC. But, your Felicity it fantastic!!

I liked the pink cake! :snooty:
Me too, I thought it was cool! If they would have left it that way, I would NOT have been happy! I loved the gold figures on it a few years back. Those were so neat!

SO I thought.....HMMMMM maybe someone on these boards could tell me if an applique on fleece is possible of if perhaps I have truely lost my mind. I was thinking I could find a clip art of the Colonel guy, blow him us and just use plain red Fleece. :rolleyes1

What do you think?? Any suggestions??
I think you could applique on fleece just fine!

Thought I would jump in on the castle pictures, I don't have hardly any pictures on this computer of our trip in 06 so this is the best I have :)


That's really cool!
Next up is a skirt that I did over a month ago. It is the double layer stripwork that Leslie has the tutorial on her blog for. I had not posted it before because it was not for a little girl, it was for me.

I am on a committee for a Dessert Gala that we put on to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society. Basically, one lady hosts table for 10, invites 9 of her friend and prepares dessert and decorates her table. There were 300 women this year. We have speakers, and entertainment and a Silent Auction table. (I contributed one of my Halloween Table runners, and a purse I made) Anyway, my table was a Halloween theme this year and I wanted to dress to match.

Thank you very much to Leslie for the Tutorial!!

And since we were chatting about NCIS in the last thread, my kids thought this was very Abby like, and wanted me to wear ponytails too. (like I could with my short hair :rolleyes:)

I LOVE this!! You did an awesome job on the skirt, and you look so cute!!
I'm glad I had time to check in today. We are on our way out the door for a Halloween camping trip. I would have been lost when I looked for everyone on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone!
Don't know if this is going to be page 5 or 6, but it's better than where I usually end up.

Got a couple of new things to post. Got a Curious George Pyjama set done for the Grandson of my cleaning lady. I am really glad people keep asking me to make small sizes with this fabric. It is lasting longer that way.

Of course, being my own biggest critic I wasn't too happy with it, but DH said it was great. I did not quite believe him, so I called in DS8 and said "OK, now tell me what is wrong with this." He cut me off saying "oh mom, that is AWESOME." Gotta love it when the kids are that encouraging. :goodvibes

I think it turned out great! We are big Curious George fans here.

Next up is a skirt that I did over a month ago. It is the double layer stripwork that Leslie has the tutorial on her blog for. I had not posted it before because it was not for a little girl, it was for me.

I am on a committee for a Dessert Gala that we put on to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society. Basically, one lady hosts table for 10, invites 9 of her friend and prepares dessert and decorates her table. There were 300 women this year. We have speakers, and entertainment and a Silent Auction table. (I contributed one of my Halloween Table runners, and a purse I made) Anyway, my table was a Halloween theme this year and I wanted to dress to match.

Thank you very much to Leslie for the Tutorial!!

And since we were chatting about NCIS in the last thread, my kids thought this was very Abby like, and wanted me to wear ponytails too. (like I could with my short hair :rolleyes:)

You look cute!

Love all the castle pictures. I've been taking care of sick kids for nearly 3 weeks now, but it looks like FINALLY all will be healthy for our trip Tuesday...thank goodness. :yay:

SO last night I finally got around to trying out my mother-in-law's embroidery machine she lent me. It's a Janome MC 10000. ALL I did was sew a few straight seams when it started having issues. :sad2: It keeps pulling the fabric down into the machine and knotting up the bobbin thread on the underneath side. Then the needle will bounce up and down very quickly and stop.

Any ideas?? I know she hadn't used it in several years. I'm wondering if this is something I can figure out or if it will have to go to a shop.

I was going to say the same thing that Heather said about rethreading and such. Sometimes a tiny piece of thread gets stuck somewhere, esp. in the bobbin area. Also change the needle; there could be a burr on it.

Here are a few pics from our trip in 2008 :)



Look at Cam looking at Hook in this one ;) This was a neat moment for us. Captain hook stopped on his way to his character meeting spot to bring a flower to Gabi and the CM called our family over for a picture and let us be first in line. It was really cool :)




Never give me a chance to post photos of my kids :confused3 I always go overboard :rotfl2:

Great pictures and cute kids & cute customs.

Here are the Halloween costumes I made. Cara's was A LOT easier than Jenna's. Carla C vs. Simplicity.

Cara wanted to be a nurse:

Jenna wanted to be Felicity in her blue Holiday gown: (don't mind the frown, I interupted her computer palying to have her try on the dress)

Thanks for looking.

They turned out great! Am I the only one who does have/hasn't started Halloween costumes yet. I usually LOVE Halloween, and I just think I'm so stressed/tired/whatever that I don't even want to think about it. I need to get on it this weekend.

I made one, she is not in the hoop. She does come with a machine embroidery face file though :)


That's really cute and a great picture.
Man, I go to one four hour job interview, and y'all leave me behind. I don't know what to think:confused3; ok, guess I'll go and actually read the thread now:rotfl2:
Okay, trying to get in before page 10!

I love the stripwork Halloween skirt and the Felicity dress.

I should have been able to post a picture of my apron with HeatherSue's birthday appliques on it since I went and got the thread I needed yesterday, but then the Queen tracks came out for Rock Band 2 and I found myself otherwise engaged away from my sewing machine last night! (I must get more sewing discipline.)
Hi Everyone....I am kind of new here, mostly lurking, but I have joined the Big Give and I will be participating AFTER christmas...sorry. I am far too commited to some sewing for my brother's FMG group for his Army unit.

ANYWAY....my daughter is an ROTC cadet at Ole Miss and I wanted to make snuggies for her and her friend. I have the pattern, but I sent my mom to buy the fabric and she bought the wrong stuff....so now I have 6 yards of the fleese without Colonel Rebal and this is bad :guilty:

SO I thought.....HMMMMM maybe someone on these boards could tell me if an applique on fleece is possible of if perhaps I have truely lost my mind. I was thinking I could find a clip art of the Colonel guy, blow him us and just use plain red Fleece. :rolleyes1

What do you think?? Any suggestions??

Yes you can applique on fleece. I have done it for my boys and others several times. I would say put the mascot on the snuggie, or you can do Ole Miss in embroidery or applique letters. You could put ROTC in Ole Miss colors also. (Yes, I have made my share of snuggies. We live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama though so ours usually include houndstooth, an elephant, or UA. I will say my sons' preschool afternoon helpers at school love the snuggies.) Another suggestion would be to use a blue zipper for your snuggie to incorporate the colors in there too. Either way your daughter will love it!

Has anyone done the larger sized Kimberbelle doll? Is that done "in the hoop" too as the little one is?
Nope, the big one is not in the hoop but the face embroidery is available for the machine or by hand. I am making 3 24 inch Kimberbell dolls right now - I just have to finish the hair on the last one this weekend.
I made one, she is not in the hoop. She does come with a machine embroidery face file though :)


Very cute.
I LOVE THIS. I would snatch it up for "Phineas" and "Ferb" right away! It looks great and the fabric is to die for.

Thank you . I love the fabric, my aunt gave me like 3 yards of it, I tried to find some more, but the only success I had was 1 yd for $20 on ebay, and I wasn't going to pay that. :scared1:

Very cute!! I love it!!

Thank you.

Here are the Halloween costumes I made. Cara's was A LOT easier than Jenna's. Carla C vs. Simplicity.

Cara wanted to be a nurse:

Jenna wanted to be Felicity in her blue Holiday gown: (don't mind the frown, I interupted her computer palying to have her try on the dress)

Thanks for looking.

Love the nurses costume. It looks great with the tunic.

Your family is right, it's great!


Thank you.

WOW!! You did a fantastic job on that applique!! I had to go back and look because I thought it was a machine applique!

You are adorable!! I love the skirt- it's perfect!


Awww, you're gonna make me blush. Thank you very much.

I LOVE this!! You did an awesome job on the skirt, and you look so cute!!

Glad you stopped by. I tried to post a comment on your blog, but then I couldnt remember my google username, and then it kicked me out...
Thank you, your instructions were great, it was quite easy.

I think it turned out great! We are big Curious George fans here.

You look cute!


Thank you.

It looks GREAT!!!!

So cute!!!

I knew I'd miss the move today! We're having a great time already. I drove over this morning and checked in at about ten and our room was ready yea! This is the first time for me using online checkin and I like having everything ready and waiting. I think the guard at the gate announced our arrival because after we self parked and walked to the front door the cm there asked if we were the Willits family as soon as we walked up, and the girls were greeted by name. We spent the morning swimming and now the teenagers (Marissa brought a friend) went for a walk while Im staying quiet so Rebecca can get a nap. We'll head over to MK after 4:00
Loved seeing the castle pics... When I get home I'll look for the one from Marissas first trip. It was in 1996 when it was in the process of being turned into that hideous pink cake for the 25 birthday.

I'm on facebook too. Is there a disgroup there? If so, can I play too?

Have a great Friday!

Have fun!!!!! Enjoy your trip.

Love all the castle pictures. I've been taking care of sick kids for nearly 3 weeks now, but it looks like FINALLY all will be healthy for our trip Tuesday...thank goodness. :yay:

SO last night I finally got around to trying out my mother-in-law's embroidery machine she lent me. It's a Janome MC 10000. ALL I did was sew a few straight seams when it started having issues. :sad2: It keeps pulling the fabric down into the machine and knotting up the bobbin thread on the underneath side. Then the needle will bounce up and down very quickly and stop.

Any ideas?? I know she hadn't used it in several years. I'm wondering if this is something I can figure out or if it will have to go to a shop.

No ideas on the machine...maybe change the needle, and rethread...but I am glad that everyone is well for your trip!



Thanks for looking.

Love the costumes!

I just purchased our tickets for MVMCP for the 18th of Dec. :santa: That is the last night for the party so it will probably be crowded but oh well we'll be there.:thumbsup2

Now to figure out customs. Any help or ideas will be appreciated.:confused3 I need them for DGD5, DGD3 and DGS1. We will be doing the Christmas Party, and all 4 parks.

How exciting!! We have never done the MVMCP and would love to some day!

Hi Everyone....I am kind of new here, mostly lurking, but I have joined the Big Give and I will be participating AFTER christmas...sorry. I am far too commited to some sewing for my brother's FMG group for his Army unit.

ANYWAY....my daughter is an ROTC cadet at Ole Miss and I wanted to make snuggies for her and her friend. I have the pattern, but I sent my mom to buy the fabric and she bought the wrong stuff....so now I have 6 yards of the fleese without Colonel Rebal and this is bad :guilty:

SO I thought.....HMMMMM maybe someone on these boards could tell me if an applique on fleece is possible of if perhaps I have truely lost my mind. I was thinking I could find a clip art of the Colonel guy, blow him us and just use plain red Fleece. :rolleyes1

What do you think?? Any suggestions??

Welcome!! I have never done applique on fleece, but I don't see why it is not possible. I am thinking you will need to put something like the Sulky Solvvy on the top so the stitches won't sink into the fleece.

Thought I would jump in on the castle pictures, I don't have hardly any pictures on this computer of our trip in 06 so this is the best I have :)


I love the picture!! Very creative..

Man, I go to one four hour job interview, and y'all leave me behind. I don't know what to think:confused3; ok, guess I'll go and actually read the thread now:rotfl2:

How did the interview go? Hope you get the job. That's a really long interview.
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