Disboutiquers Part 30 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

I'm also in a small Iowa town. About an hour south and west of Des Moines.

Thanks for those two days. Would you mind terribly going back and getting some more?:beach:

I'd be honored to. Booking the plane tickets now. ;)

We are a sleeper town 20 minutes west of Iowa City...
One can never be too old for Disney (or Disney customs for that matter)! We will be there at the same time (so will Nini and Sandi). We should plan to meet up!

I would love to do a meet!!!!!! It would be nice to meet some fellow Disers.
Super cute centerpieces!!

I went from my 4x4 to 5x7 within 3 mths and then I still had hoop envy and bought my 6x10 machine this summer.

Everything looks amazing. I hope you post pictures of the table clothes too. I remember when you were trying to get more fabric.:lmao:
I also went from a 4x4 to a bigger machine within just a few months. Probably around 4 or 5 months.

I am hoping that the photographer gets a good picture of the ballroom all set up with the tablecloths and centerpieces, etc so that I can share it here. I only got all the fabric for the tablecloths because of help here on this thread. One of the Disboutiquers, who we don't see on here much anymore, got the manager of her store to give her a list of stores that still had the fabric I needed. I called all over the mid-west and had them ship the fabric to my store. In bits and pieces I found all the yardage I needed. And at a bargain price too. The fabric that I used for the tablecloths was reduced to $1 per yard by the time I was buying it. I think I may have paid more for the shipping than for the fabric.

Great centerpieces!!!

These pictures are inspiring me to explore my sewing machine's higher functions. I love all the themed clothing!
Great! Glad we could inspire you. Make sure you come back and share some pictures of whatever you make.

Beautiful! I think you should explore a career as a party decorator!

I totally agree with what Diane suggests
Thanks!:blush: I do think that I would enjoy aspects of being a party decorator.

I forgot that you have the same se270d that I have. It is a good sewing machine. The only thing that I don't like about it is the thread cartridge. And the only reason that I don't like that is because I can't use the larger spools of thread.
Baby Rapunzel, I wasn't on a Brother but I did shirring for the 1st time tonight. I hand wound the bobbin, made sure I had a nice long tail, & set my stitch length to 3. It came out perfect. I think the most important part is having a long tail out.

I also went from a 4x4 to a bigger machine within just a few months. Probably around 4 or 5 months.

I am hoping that the photographer gets a good picture of the ballroom all set up with the tablecloths and centerpieces, etc so that I can share it here. I only got all the fabric for the tablecloths because of help here on this thread. One of the Disboutiquers, who we don't see on here much anymore, got the manager of her store to give her a list of stores that still had the fabric I needed. I called all over the mid-west and had them ship the fabric to my store. In bits and pieces I found all the yardage I needed. And at a bargain price too. The fabric that I used for the tablecloths was reduced to $1 per yard by the time I was buying it. I think I may have paid more for the shipping than for the fabric.


Great! Glad we could inspire you. Make sure you come back and share some pictures of whatever you make.

Thanks!:blush: I do think that I would enjoy aspects of being a party decorator.

I forgot that you have the same se270d that I have. It is a good sewing machine. The only thing that I don't like about it is the thread cartridge. And the only reason that I don't like that is because I can't use the larger spools of thread.

There is a way to bypass the thread cartridge to use a bigger spool on the se270D. I'll see if I can find the instructions on how to in the morning.
I absolutely love those skirts! How did ou make them?? Im in process of deciding on animal kingdom outfits for my kiddos.

The skirt was super easy - no pattern needed. The embroidery took quite a while, but putting the skirt together probably only took an hour.

Warning: text in orange is my rambling - completely unnecessary to make the skirt. :flower3:

I cut all the fabric into 7 in wide strips. Then I cut each strip into various sized blocks from 4 in to 10 in long.

At this point, most people could just randomly grab blocks (small ones for the top tier, but other than that any size) I, on the other hand, cannot do random. I tell myself that I can, but I always end up planning everything out :confused3 So I numbered my fabrics, placed the embroidery panels where I wanted them (on paper), and then started numbering. Top tier was just 12E345E67. Second tier, I started in the middle (maybe on 4) and skipped every other space. eg 4E_5_6_E7 etc. Then I came back and filled in. It would end up 4E15263E74 and so on. I skipped two spaces on the bottom tier. Random probably would have worked just as well, but...

Back to the process: I started with a 30 in tier (for a 20 in waist). I serged the blocks together until I had 30 inches and then serged it into a circle. Second tier, same as the first, but 60 inches. Third tier, 120 inches. If you're wondering why I sewed the tiers into circles before attaching them, it was so that there is no one line of stitching from top to bottom so there would be no specific front or back to the skirt. Whatever animal she's in love with at the moment can be the front.

I hemmed the bottom tier before starting the gathering. Much less material to deal with that way.

I trimmed a couple inches off of the top tier and did the waistband. Sewed a 30 inch by 2 inch strip into a circle. Put a buttonhole on one side, then folded it in half longways and serged that onto the top tier - making sure the button hole will be on the inside. My original plan had been to just fold it over at the top to make the waistband, but at the last minute I finally found the tiger stripe and wanted to use some of it. This is how I got different sized tiers when all my blocks started out as 7 in.

Then I put gathering stitches into the tops of tiers 2 and 3. Note: I forgot to change back to the right color after putting in the gathering stitches, oops. Finally I just gathered up the threads and stitched the tiers together, making sure that the embroidered panels did not end up stacked on top of each other. I did serge those seams really quick too because they wanted to ravel otherwise.

I threaded the elastic through the waistband using the button hole, stitched it down on one end, and attached a button on to slip the other end of the elastic over. If you don't want to use button hole elastic, just stitch the two ends together and let them slip back into the hole.

At some point there will be a safari vest, too, but the Cinderella fabric has been waiting so patiently. princess:
Super late arriving... I didn't see the new thread announcement.

Now, to go back and read....


Ok, I know it isn't sewing but I thought I'd share a few things that I made for the bat mitzvah. Here is the girls' candle lighting board:

And here are more centerpieces:;

I also made 18 tablecloths and a bunch of other stuff. I made their tallitots too. I think I shared pictures of them already.
:worship: Diane - those centerpieces are amazing. I see you added pictures of your girls to the buckets (I assume they are pictures of them growing up). I love the candle lighting board, so sparkly and fun. Excuse my ignorance, but do you the lighting board at the temple during the ceremony?

I have a feeling you might be a little busy so I wanted to say good luck to the girls. I am sure that this will be a fun but emotional event for you and your DH but I know you will enjoy yourselves. :flower3:

These are quilt clips: http://amzn.com/B004ZKPX8A which are like small plastic clothespins that are flat on one side, so they lay flat when you're sewing. You basically use them to hold the quilt binding in place which is MUCH easier than pinning it. I have used them on a few quilts and I am very happy with how they hold everything in place, I never thought to use them on my shirts, but I will now! I always read to use binder clips or hair clips but they are so bulky they ended up being more of a problem. These are so small, like maybe 1/2 inch long. Such an awesome idea!

I was just actually wondering what to do with mine when my kids are done with it. I have a ton of things I made for my kids' trip last year that is already getting too small for one kid (the other kid might be able to wear it forever at his current growth rate...) but I can't part with it, they are all my FAVORITES! Crazy sentimental attachment, I guess. My boys still LOVE to wear their outfits though, and I intend to let them until they are too small. They wore their Mickey bowling shirts to preschool yesterday for Disney day, they said none of the other kids had Mickey shirts, "only princesses and cars" they said. I do sort of wonder if the preschool thinks I made special outfits for each theme, since they have reused their Disney AK Safari vests for Jungle Safari Day and The Buzz Lightyear Bowling shirts for Space day plus they had shirts I made for Valentines, Easter and St. Patricks Day. With 2 themes a week, I am not making a special shirt each time!

Funny, the collars don't bother me but I mess up the sleeves nearly every time... Together we can make an awesome bowling shirt!
I have had pretty good success with selling stuff on ebay in the past but it is just a lot of time and effort I just don't have/want to expend right now. Too much going on.

In other news, today is my 180 days until our Halloween/Boys' Birthday trip so I got up early and put on a Spiderman cartoon to captivate the kids and got ALL the reservations I wanted! Time to get going on outfits! We're doing Be Our Guest on their actual birthday for dinner, and I did get breakfast at the castle with princesses at the request of my son who thinks we should go there to meet princesses (Such the ladies man.)
I also got them registered at the pirates league and got tickets to the halloween party. Now just 6 more months of waiting.
First off, thanks for the tip about the Quilt clips. I will have to pick some up next time I am at the store.

I love that your boys have perfect/custom shirts for almost all of their theme days. Such fun. I too feel the need to hold onto all of the things I made for my kids. I do have a younger niece and nephew who get lots of hand me downs but I usually hold onto the Disney things I make for some reason. :confused3

:cool1: for getting all your ADRs. I am sure your cuties will get lots of attention from the Princesses at the castle. I finally got to eat at the castle when I went with my brother's family. It was a great experience but now I feel bad that my kids have never been. On our last trip my DS was 7 and wanted nothing to do with princesses so I had to bribe him for a picture with Cinderella. But he enjoyed our princess breakfast in Norway and was chatting up Ariel and showing her "magic" tricks. Just another reason to love Disney.

I just wrestled my first tshirt on the embroidery machine. I think I am being too much a perfectionist about the tension in the hoop. I didn't get it what I consider perfect, but the machine worked just fine until she decided she liked the taste of stabilizer. It was just one letter, so for what I wanted to do (basically test it on knits) it worked okay. And I know what I did to make it better.
My machines prefers the taste of t-shirts but I do hate when that happens. Glad the test worked out ok and glad you have everything figured out for next time.
First off, thanks for the tip about the Quilt clips. I will have to pick some up next time I am at the store.

I love that your boys have perfect/custom shirts for almost all of their theme days. Such fun. I too feel the need to hold onto all of the things I made for my kids. I do have a younger niece and nephew who get lots of hand me downs but I usually hold onto the Disney things I make for some reason. :confused3

:cool1: for getting all your ADRs. I am sure your cuties will get lots of attention from the Princesses at the castle. I finally got to eat at the castle when I went with my brother's family. It was a great experience but now I feel bad that my kids have never been. On our last trip my DS was 7 and wanted nothing to do with princesses so I had to bribe him for a picture with Cinderella. But he enjoyed our princess breakfast in Norway and was chatting up Ariel and showing her "magic" tricks. Just another reason to love Disney.

A friend suggested the Norway princess meal which I considered and thought would be a good backup if we couldn't get into the castle. But since he specifically asked to go to the castle I figured I'd indulge. Because by them next time we go they'll probably be in the "princesses are for girls" age and will want nothing to do with it. They don't know that we are going back yet, I think they just think maybe someday. Can't decide when we should tell them.

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I have a bunch of things to post. Not that I have been very productive, just slacking on posting so it seems like alot. That being said I am not sure if I posted some of these things or not so I apologize if you have seen a few of these before.

I made this laptop bag for me:


OK, as you can tell I am a slacker so my DD did not have a birthday party this past November (nor did she have one the year before) so we planned a half birthday party and had a few girls sleep over last weekend. We did a cupcake theme and I made a bunch of cupcakes so the girls could decorate them. Not sewing, and not in par with Diane's decorations ;) but here is the wreath I made:

since I found this fabric in the remnant bin I made her some PJs:

This design fit our theme

I made this tote bag, which will be going to my sister in law. It has a bunch of pockets inside so hopefully she will find it useful.

My daughter had to make a 3-d animal for SS class and got assigned an Australian Lorikeet. Since we have WAY too much fabric we came up with this:

We basically made two sets of the bird and hand appliqued the colored fabric together onto a piece of flannel. Sewed them together, turned, stuffed and there you go, a bird. I made my daughter do the entire hand applique process and she sewed all the stitches but it took her FOREVER since she used the "turtle" setting on my machine for all the sewing. Of course she did all the hand stitching too since I DO NOT hand stitch. Then hot glue comes in handy for everything else. Hopefully this is the last of the projects for the school year.

I made this skirt for my daughter to wear to see Iron Man 3. She has been waiting forever to see this movie and was so excited for this outfit. I actually was afraid that she wouldn't be into it but she was.

I used glow in the dark thread for the white circle on his chest so it "glows" like in the movie:

I made this with the intention that we could re-use the skirt for our trip to Universal. I will be making a Harry Potter theme shirt to wear with this skirt. I think the colors will apply to both even though the maroon is probably not "red" enough for Iron Man. As a bonus the jeans part of this skirt was a hand me down but the elastic in the waist was broken so my DD never wore it, it was in my sewing room to fix but I never got around to it and legs are too short now so perfect for an "upcycle". I see a few more of these in my future, with different fabrics of course.

After spending most of the morning (and afternoon) playing with my photo software and photobucket I finally got my pictures "straight". I hate when software thinks it is smarting then me and does things automatically. Thanks for checking out my stuff.
I have a bunch of things to post. Not that I have been very productive, just slacking on posting so it seems like alot. That being said I am not sure if I posted some of these things or not so I apologize if you have seen a few of these before.

I made this skirt for my daughter to wear to see Iron Man 3. She has been waiting forever to see this movie and was so excited for this outfit. I actually was afraid that she wouldn't be into it but she was.

I used glow in the dark thread for the white circle on his chest so it "glows" like in the movie:

I made this with the intention that we could re-use the skirt for our trip to Universal. I will be making a Harry Potter theme shirt to wear with this skirt. I think the colors will apply to both even though the maroon is probably not "red" enough for Iron Man. As a bonus the jeans part of this skirt was a hand me down but the elastic in the waist was broken so my DD never wore it, it was in my sewing room to fix but I never got around to it and legs are too short now so perfect for an "upcycle". I see a few more of these in my future, with different fabrics of course.

After spending most of the morning (and afternoon) playing with my photo software and photobucket I finally got my pictures "straight". I hate when software thinks it is smarting then me and does things automatically. Thanks for checking out my stuff.
Love the bags and bird!! I especially love the Iron Man outfit!!! That's great!
Part of my New Thread Resolution is to check on her a few times a week. :rotfl:

I have a bunch of things to post. Not that I have been very productive, just slacking on posting so it seems like alot. That being said I am not sure if I posted some of these things or not so I apologize if you have seen a few of these before.

I made this laptop bag for me:

OK, as you can tell I am a slacker so my DD did not have a birthday party this past November (nor did she have one the year before) so we planned a half birthday party and had a few girls sleep over last weekend. We did a cupcake theme and I made a bunch of cupcakes so the girls could decorate them. Not sewing, and not in par with Diane's decorations ;) but here is the wreath I made:

since I found this fabric in the remnant bin I made her some PJs:

This design fit our theme

I made this tote bag, which will be going to my sister in law. It has a bunch of pockets inside so hopefully she will find it useful.

My daughter had to make a 3-d animal for SS class and got assigned an Australian Lorikeet. Since we have WAY too much fabric we came up with this:

We basically made two sets of the bird and hand appliqued the colored fabric together onto a piece of flannel. Sewed them together, turned, stuffed and there you go, a bird. I made my daughter do the entire hand applique process and she sewed all the stitches but it took her FOREVER since she used the "turtle" setting on my machine for all the sewing. Of course she did all the hand stitching too since I DO NOT hand stitch. Then hot glue comes in handy for everything else. Hopefully this is the last of the projects for the school year.

I made this skirt for my daughter to wear to see Iron Man 3. She has been waiting forever to see this movie and was so excited for this outfit. I actually was afraid that she wouldn't be into it but she was.

I used glow in the dark thread for the white circle on his chest so it "glows" like in the movie:

After spending most of the morning (and afternoon) playing with my photo software and photobucket I finally got my pictures "straight". I hate when software thinks it is smarting then me and does things automatically. Thanks for checking out my stuff.

Everything looks great :thumbsup2




:confused3 It's not like she is busy or anything

I have a bunch of things to post. Not that I have been very productive, just slacking on posting so it seems like alot. That being said I am not sure if I posted some of these things or not so I apologize if you have seen a few of these before.

I made this laptop bag for me:


OK, as you can tell I am a slacker so my DD did not have a birthday party this past November (nor did she have one the year before) so we planned a half birthday party and had a few girls sleep over last weekend. We did a cupcake theme and I made a bunch of cupcakes so the girls could decorate them. Not sewing, and not in par with Diane's decorations ;) but here is the wreath I made:

since I found this fabric in the remnant bin I made her some PJs:

This design fit our theme

I made this tote bag, which will be going to my sister in law. It has a bunch of pockets inside so hopefully she will find it useful.

My daughter had to make a 3-d animal for SS class and got assigned an Australian Lorikeet. Since we have WAY too much fabric we came up with this:

We basically made two sets of the bird and hand appliqued the colored fabric together onto a piece of flannel. Sewed them together, turned, stuffed and there you go, a bird. I made my daughter do the entire hand applique process and she sewed all the stitches but it took her FOREVER since she used the "turtle" setting on my machine for all the sewing. Of course she did all the hand stitching too since I DO NOT hand stitch. Then hot glue comes in handy for everything else. Hopefully this is the last of the projects for the school year.

I made this skirt for my daughter to wear to see Iron Man 3. She has been waiting forever to see this movie and was so excited for this outfit. I actually was afraid that she wouldn't be into it but she was.

I used glow in the dark thread for the white circle on his chest so it "glows" like in the movie:

I made this with the intention that we could re-use the skirt for our trip to Universal. I will be making a Harry Potter theme shirt to wear with this skirt. I think the colors will apply to both even though the maroon is probably not "red" enough for Iron Man. As a bonus the jeans part of this skirt was a hand me down but the elastic in the waist was broken so my DD never wore it, it was in my sewing room to fix but I never got around to it and legs are too short now so perfect for an "upcycle". I see a few more of these in my future, with different fabrics of course.

After spending most of the morning (and afternoon) playing with my photo software and photobucket I finally got my pictures "straight". I hate when software thinks it is smarting then me and does things automatically. Thanks for checking out my stuff.

That is a way cuter shirt for Iron Man than what I wore when DH and I went to see it - I wore my brand new "May the 4th be with you" (or because my machine ate the 'a' in May it's more like Moy the 4th be with you") But then again, I'm sure your DD is way cuter than me. :rotfl:

I like the skirt and the dual pruposes too.

And on a completely different note: are you sure D didn't make it over earlier because her PTR took up soo much of her time. What with the chit-chat and all.
The lorikeet is awesome!
I would love to do a meet!!!!!! It would be nice to meet some fellow Disers.

Cool. We should plan something closer to the time. :)

I am hoping that the photographer gets a good picture of the ballroom all set up with the tablecloths and centerpieces, etc so that I can share it here. I only got all the fabric for the tablecloths because of help here on this thread. One of the Disboutiquers, who we don't see on here much anymore, got the manager of her store to give her a list of stores that still had the fabric I needed. I called all over the mid-west and had them ship the fabric to my store. In bits and pieces I found all the yardage I needed. And at a bargain price too. The fabric that I used for the tablecloths was reduced to $1 per yard by the time I was buying it. I think I may have paid more for the shipping than for the fabric.

I forgot that you have the same se270d that I have. It is a good sewing machine. The only thing that I don't like about it is the thread cartridge. And the only reason that I don't like that is because I can't use the larger spools of thread.

I hope the photographer will have some great pictures. I know you have planned for a long time for this, so I hope everything will go smoothly.

I actually use serger sized spools of thread on my 270D to sew. I put the spool in a spool holder, and use the spool extender thing that goes on top of the cartidge. That set up works like a charm!

The skirt was super easy - no pattern needed. The embroidery took quite a while, but putting the skirt together probably only took an hour.

Warning: text in orange is my rambling - completely unnecessary to make the skirt. :flower3:

I cut all the fabric into 7 in wide strips. Then I cut each strip into various sized blocks from 4 in to 10 in long.

At this point, most people could just randomly grab blocks (small ones for the top tier, but other than that any size) I, on the other hand, cannot do random. I tell myself that I can, but I always end up planning everything out :confused3 So I numbered my fabrics, placed the embroidery panels where I wanted them (on paper), and then started numbering. Top tier was just 12E345E67. Second tier, I started in the middle (maybe on 4) and skipped every other space. eg 4E_5_6_E7 etc. Then I came back and filled in. It would end up 4E15263E74 and so on. I skipped two spaces on the bottom tier. Random probably would have worked just as well, but...

Back to the process: I started with a 30 in tier (for a 20 in waist). I serged the blocks together until I had 30 inches and then serged it into a circle. Second tier, same as the first, but 60 inches. Third tier, 120 inches. If you're wondering why I sewed the tiers into circles before attaching them, it was so that there is no one line of stitching from top to bottom so there would be no specific front or back to the skirt. Whatever animal she's in love with at the moment can be the front.

I hemmed the bottom tier before starting the gathering. Much less material to deal with that way.

I trimmed a couple inches off of the top tier and did the waistband. Sewed a 30 inch by 2 inch strip into a circle. Put a buttonhole on one side, then folded it in half longways and serged that onto the top tier - making sure the button hole will be on the inside. My original plan had been to just fold it over at the top to make the waistband, but at the last minute I finally found the tiger stripe and wanted to use some of it. This is how I got different sized tiers when all my blocks started out as 7 in.

Then I put gathering stitches into the tops of tiers 2 and 3. Note: I forgot to change back to the right color after putting in the gathering stitches, oops. Finally I just gathered up the threads and stitched the tiers together, making sure that the embroidered panels did not end up stacked on top of each other. I did serge those seams really quick too because they wanted to ravel otherwise.

I threaded the elastic through the waistband using the button hole, stitched it down on one end, and attached a button on to slip the other end of the elastic over. If you don't want to use button hole elastic, just stitch the two ends together and let them slip back into the hole.

At some point there will be a safari vest, too, but the Cinderella fabric has been waiting so patiently. princess:

Thanks for sharing the instructions for the skirt!

I have a bunch of things to post. Not that I have been very productive, just slacking on posting so it seems like alot. That being said I am not sure if I posted some of these things or not so I apologize if you have seen a few of these before.

I made this laptop bag for me:

OK, as you can tell I am a slacker so my DD did not have a birthday party this past November (nor did she have one the year before) so we planned a half birthday party and had a few girls sleep over last weekend. We did a cupcake theme and I made a bunch of cupcakes so the girls could decorate them. Not sewing, and not in par with Diane's decorations ;) but here is the wreath I made:

since I found this fabric in the remnant bin I made her some PJs:

This design fit our theme

I made this tote bag, which will be going to my sister in law. It has a bunch of pockets inside so hopefully she will find it useful.

My daughter had to make a 3-d animal for SS class and got assigned an Australian Lorikeet. Since we have WAY too much fabric we came up with this:

We basically made two sets of the bird and hand appliqued the colored fabric together onto a piece of flannel. Sewed them together, turned, stuffed and there you go, a bird. I made my daughter do the entire hand applique process and she sewed all the stitches but it took her FOREVER since she used the "turtle" setting on my machine for all the sewing. Of course she did all the hand stitching too since I DO NOT hand stitch. Then hot glue comes in handy for everything else. Hopefully this is the last of the projects for the school year.

I made this skirt for my daughter to wear to see Iron Man 3. She has been waiting forever to see this movie and was so excited for this outfit. I actually was afraid that she wouldn't be into it but she was.

After spending most of the morning (and afternoon) playing with my photo software and photobucket I finally got my pictures "straight". I hate when software thinks it is smarting then me and does things automatically. Thanks for checking out my stuff.

Great job on everything you made. The wording on the PJ set is too cute! The Iron Man set looks fab. I am glad to hear that she enjoyed the movie!

That is a way cuter shirt for Iron Man than what I wore when DH and I went to see it - I wore my brand new "May the 4th be with you" (or because my machine ate the 'a' in May it's more like Moy the 4th be with you") But then again, I'm sure your DD is way cuter than me. :rotfl:

That's too bad about your shirt. In keeping with the Star Wars theme, here's my shirt for today:

I also made a bag for one of my friends for her birthday. It's an ITH project from Pickle Pie Designs.
I appliqued one of my tshirts for me to wear during our trip. here it is and some close ups of the appliques.


I have a bunch of things to post. Not that I have been very productive, just slacking on posting so it seems like alot. That being said I am not sure if I posted some of these things or not so I apologize if you have seen a few of these before.

I made this laptop bag for me:


OK, as you can tell I am a slacker so my DD did not have a birthday party this past November (nor did she have one the year before) so we planned a half birthday party and had a few girls sleep over last weekend. We did a cupcake theme and I made a bunch of cupcakes so the girls could decorate them. Not sewing, and not in par with Diane's decorations ;) but here is the wreath I made:

since I found this fabric in the remnant bin I made her some PJs:

This design fit our theme

I made this tote bag, which will be going to my sister in law. It has a bunch of pockets inside so hopefully she will find it useful.

My daughter had to make a 3-d animal for SS class and got assigned an Australian Lorikeet. Since we have WAY too much fabric we came up with this:

We basically made two sets of the bird and hand appliqued the colored fabric together onto a piece of flannel. Sewed them together, turned, stuffed and there you go, a bird. I made my daughter do the entire hand applique process and she sewed all the stitches but it took her FOREVER since she used the "turtle" setting on my machine for all the sewing. Of course she did all the hand stitching too since I DO NOT hand stitch. Then hot glue comes in handy for everything else. Hopefully this is the last of the projects for the school year.

I made this skirt for my daughter to wear to see Iron Man 3. She has been waiting forever to see this movie and was so excited for this outfit. I actually was afraid that she wouldn't be into it but she was.

I used glow in the dark thread for the white circle on his chest so it "glows" like in the movie:

I made this with the intention that we could re-use the skirt for our trip to Universal. I will be making a Harry Potter theme shirt to wear with this skirt. I think the colors will apply to both even though the maroon is probably not "red" enough for Iron Man. As a bonus the jeans part of this skirt was a hand me down but the elastic in the waist was broken so my DD never wore it, it was in my sewing room to fix but I never got around to it and legs are too short now so perfect for an "upcycle". I see a few more of these in my future, with different fabrics of course.

After spending most of the morning (and afternoon) playing with my photo software and photobucket I finally got my pictures "straight". I hate when software thinks it is smarting then me and does things automatically. Thanks for checking out my stuff.

I love this Liz!! YOu did a great job on everything - the bags are magnificant! :woohoo:

Part of my New Thread Resolution is to check on her a few times a week.

:confused3 It's not like she is busy or anything


Not at all... :rolleyes1

And on a completely different note: are you sure D didn't make it over earlier because her PTR took up soo much of her time. What with the chit-chat and all.

I have no idea what you are talking about? :confused3 It's not as if it's going to hit 250 pages any time soon... :rolleyes1

Cool. We should plan something closer to the time. :)

I hope the photographer will have some great pictures. I know you have planned for a long time for this, so I hope everything will go smoothly.

I actually use serger sized spools of thread on my 270D to sew. I put the spool in a spool holder, and use the spool extender thing that goes on top of the cartidge. That set up works like a charm!

Thanks for sharing the instructions for the skirt!

Great job on everything you made. The wording on the PJ set is too cute! The Iron Man set looks fab. I am glad to hear that she enjoyed the movie!

That's too bad about your shirt. In keeping with the Star Wars theme, here's my shirt for today:

I also made a bag for one of my friends for her birthday. It's an ITH project from Pickle Pie Designs.

Awesome job! Love the shirt and love the bag!

I appliqued one of my tshirts for me to wear during our trip. here it is and some close ups of the appliques.



This turned out great!

The skirt was super easy - no pattern needed. The embroidery took quite a while, but putting the skirt together probably only took an hour.

Warning: text in orange is my rambling - completely unnecessary to make the skirt. :flower3:

I cut all the fabric into 7 in wide strips. Then I cut each strip into various sized blocks from 4 in to 10 in long.

At this point, most people could just randomly grab blocks (small ones for the top tier, but other than that any size) I, on the other hand, cannot do random. I tell myself that I can, but I always end up planning everything out :confused3 So I numbered my fabrics, placed the embroidery panels where I wanted them (on paper), and then started numbering. Top tier was just 12E345E67. Second tier, I started in the middle (maybe on 4) and skipped every other space. eg 4E_5_6_E7 etc. Then I came back and filled in. It would end up 4E15263E74 and so on. I skipped two spaces on the bottom tier. Random probably would have worked just as well, but...

Back to the process: I started with a 30 in tier (for a 20 in waist). I serged the blocks together until I had 30 inches and then serged it into a circle. Second tier, same as the first, but 60 inches. Third tier, 120 inches. If you're wondering why I sewed the tiers into circles before attaching them, it was so that there is no one line of stitching from top to bottom so there would be no specific front or back to the skirt. Whatever animal she's in love with at the moment can be the front.

I hemmed the bottom tier before starting the gathering. Much less material to deal with that way.

I trimmed a couple inches off of the top tier and did the waistband. Sewed a 30 inch by 2 inch strip into a circle. Put a buttonhole on one side, then folded it in half longways and serged that onto the top tier - making sure the button hole will be on the inside. My original plan had been to just fold it over at the top to make the waistband, but at the last minute I finally found the tiger stripe and wanted to use some of it. This is how I got different sized tiers when all my blocks started out as 7 in.

Then I put gathering stitches into the tops of tiers 2 and 3. Note: I forgot to change back to the right color after putting in the gathering stitches, oops. Finally I just gathered up the threads and stitched the tiers together, making sure that the embroidered panels did not end up stacked on top of each other. I did serge those seams really quick too because they wanted to ravel otherwise.

I threaded the elastic through the waistband using the button hole, stitched it down on one end, and attached a button on to slip the other end of the elastic over. If you don't want to use button hole elastic, just stitch the two ends together and let them slip back into the hole.

At some point there will be a safari vest, too, but the Cinderella fabric has been waiting so patiently. princess:

Thank you for the directions. I will have to share it with my mom. She's my sewer!!!:)

I made this skirt for my daughter to wear to see Iron Man 3. She has been waiting forever to see this movie and was so excited for this outfit. I actually was afraid that she wouldn't be into it but she was.

I used glow in the dark thread for the white circle on his chest so it "glows" like in the movie:

I made this with the intention that we could re-use the skirt for our trip to Universal. I will be making a Harry Potter theme shirt to wear with this skirt. I think the colors will apply to both even though the maroon is probably not "red" enough for Iron Man. As a bonus the jeans part of this skirt was a hand me down but the elastic in the waist was broken so my DD never wore it, it was in my sewing room to fix but I never got around to it and legs are too short now so perfect for an "upcycle". I see a few more of these in my future, with different fabrics of course.

After spending most of the morning (and afternoon) playing with my photo software and photobucket I finally got my pictures "straight". I hate when software thinks it is smarting then me and does things automatically. Thanks for checking out my stuff.

I love this skirt!! I will have to share this with my mom as well. Would love to do some of these for my girls.

Then these are some of the centerpieces:

And here are more centerpieces:;

I also made 18 tablecloths and a bunch of other stuff. I made their tallitots too. I think I shared pictures of them already.

How did you make the balls for the centerpieces? Those would be cute for my twin girls Minnie mouse badly party in 3 wks!

I appliqued one of my tshirts for me to wear during our trip. here it is and some close ups of the appliques.



That is adorable!!!


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