Disboutiquers Part 30 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

Hello Disboutiquers!!! First time poster here. I found out about Disboutiquers through one of mom2rtk's trip reports and thought I would join in the fun!

So without further ado here are some projects I just made. We are going on our first ever family WDW trip in 2 weeks and I have made two of each of the following dresses for my twin daughters. The dresses, as well as the entire trip, is a complete surprise for them, so it has been a challenge to work on the dresses while they're at school and hide the material before they get home. :)

For our first MK day, when we plan to meet Merida:

For our second MK day when we have breakfast reservations at CRT:

Okay, took me forever to find this. Hopefully you'll can see it!!


Teresajoy gets credit for the Buzz dress!

I hadn't seen all of those. May I just say, I LOVE that Etch has MOM written on him, and that Rex is under the traffic cone. SO original!!!! :love:
Hello Disboutiquers!!! First time poster here. I found out about Disboutiquers through one of mom2rtk's trip reports and thought I would join in the fun!

So without further ado here are some projects I just made. We are going on our first ever family WDW trip in 2 weeks and I have made two of each of the following dresses for my twin daughters. The dresses, as well as the entire trip, is a complete surprise for them, so it has been a challenge to work on the dresses while they're at school and hide the material before they get home. :)

For our first MK day, when we plan to meet Merida:

For our second MK day when we have breakfast reservations at CRT:

Welcome!!! These dresses are great!! What pattern is this?
We will be down about the same time as you. I'll keep my eye out for you.

I hadn't seen all of those. May I just say, I LOVE that Etch has MOM written on him, and that Rex is under the traffic cone. SO original!!!! :love:

Aren't the shirt great!! Jessica made all of those for us. I LOVED LOVED LOVED my Rex shirt!! It just makes me giggle!
Hello Disboutiquers!!! First time poster here. I found out about Disboutiquers through one of mom2rtk's trip reports and thought I would join in the fun!

So without further ado here are some projects I just made. We are going on our first ever family WDW trip in 2 weeks and I have made two of each of the following dresses for my twin daughters. The dresses, as well as the entire trip, is a complete surprise for them, so it has been a challenge to work on the dresses while they're at school and hide the material before they get home. :)

For our first MK day, when we plan to meet Merida:

For our second MK day when we have breakfast reservations at CRT:

Have fun on the first ever family visit. Those dresses look completely practical in a fabulously princess-ie way. Hope you enjoy their surprise!!

I have only been on this thread through two versions, but I'll say that this thread has encouraged me to buy an embroidery machine and get more serious about my sewing. Serious enough to clean my sewing room. :lmao:

Loves seeing all the pictures from trips past. Can't wait to see those for trips that are yet to come!!
Aren't the shirt great!! Jessica made all of those for us. I LOVED LOVED LOVED my Rex shirt!! It just makes me giggle!

Nice, Jessica!!!! :thumbsup2

[And, just have to throw out there once again, that I knew HeatherSue and TeresaJoy BEFORE they were the Disney sewing queens and Disney experts (well, I think they've always been Disney ADDICTS). I'm pretty proud to count them as friends. They've even had dinner at my house. Though one of them was actually CRASHING the party. He he he...]
Hello Disboutiquers!!! First time poster here. I found out about Disboutiquers through one of mom2rtk's trip reports and thought I would join in the fun!

So without further ado here are some projects I just made. We are going on our first ever family WDW trip in 2 weeks and I have made two of each of the following dresses for my twin daughters. The dresses, as well as the entire trip, is a complete surprise for them, so it has been a challenge to work on the dresses while they're at school and hide the material before they get home. :)

For our first MK day, when we plan to meet Merida:

For our second MK day when we have breakfast reservations at CRT:
Great job. I can't imagine keeping it a surprise while sewing two of everything. I have twin boys so making two of each thing seems totally normal to me, when I just sew one I feel off my routine... I am sure you girls will love the surprise and the dresses!

I have only been on this thread through two versions, but I'll say that this thread has encouraged me to buy an embroidery machine and get more serious about my sewing. Serious enough to clean my sewing room. :lmao:
It really is a gateway drug, this thread. I too have added an embroidery machine (2 actually...) in the just-under-a-year I have been hanging around. Not to mention a small fortune in embroidery designs, enough fabric to make a slipcover for a small continent and the unending desire to go back to WDW and so we are planning another trip. ENABLERS, all of you!

I just got my 1st order (speaking of addictions.:rolleyes2) from Girl Charlee for knits to make shirts for my boys for the trip. Branching out from my beloved bowling shirts, gasp! (I have at least 1 set of those in the agenda though, worry you not!) I really want to do Be Our Guest for their birthday, but even if we can't get a dinner reservation I am hoping we can do lunch. Anyway, I also got the "Jackson" raglan pattern from Funktional threads to try out. It seems to have a lot of great upcycling potential too. The knits are in the washer so I doubt I will get going on them tonight and tomorrow we have plans all day... Darn real life getting in the way of my sewing!
Teresa, this is for you.

Sept 2007 - the first thing I ever sewed.

I love this outfit & adore the fabric. Wish they still had some like that around!

Hello Disboutiquers!!! First time poster here. I found out about Disboutiquers through one of mom2rtk's trip reports and thought I would join in the fun!

So without further ado here are some projects I just made. We are going on our first ever family WDW trip in 2 weeks and I have made two of each of the following dresses for my twin daughters. The dresses, as well as the entire trip, is a complete surprise for them, so it has been a challenge to work on the dresses while they're at school and hide the material before they get home. :)

For our first MK day, when we plan to meet Merida:

For our second MK day when we have breakfast reservations at CRT:

welcome! I'm new here as well. I lived in stl for the first 21 years of my life! A lot of my fam still lives there. We visit my sis & her family at least once a year in the summer!! I also have twin girls!! :) they will b 8 the 29th of may, so we have lots in common!!! :)
Viola in her Cinderelly dress last week at Magic Kingdom!

Viola in her Belle-inspired dress!

The most compliments I received from our visit was about the two costumes I made!! It just feeds my addiction for more Disney!!!

Beautiful dresses and what a cute model!

That's the kind of thing I need to know. THANKS! :wizard:

Glad that I can help :)

Long ago someone suggested cutting the side of a onesie before applique then serging. And I always wanted to but was afraid. And unskilled on my serger. Now I am feeling a lot more confident on the serger so I tried it for these thing 1/thing 2 onesies I made for a baby shower (one of my twin mom friends' cousin is also having twins, it's an epidemic!).

And it was great. This design is huge and would have been such a pain the old way working inside-out.

So thank you to whomever suggested that 2-3 threads ago. :)

Also, I got a new desk for my embroidery machine today from freecycle that is the perfect size for the new machine. I had everything shoved on one desk, now I can use the serger, sewing machine and the embroidery machine without moving a bunch of stuff around. Now my dream is to get a larger cutting/work table. And, a bigger house, but both of those seem unlikely. Also I tried to multitask again and just decided it is not for me and I am going to get rid of the PE770. Love it, great machine, just too much margin for error when I am working on mostly shirts and onesies.

Great job on the onesies. Hooray for a new desk! Hopefully you will find someone who will treasure the PE770 very soon!

Ok, gotta rant - :headache:
I took the day off of sewing to take my husband's car to get a tune-up and oil change (We're driving his car to Florida, and he wanted me to get it done so we wouldn't run out of time - What does he think, that I'm a procrastinator, oh, wait, I am) Anyhoo, I posted earlier how I can hear my Cinderella fabric calling my name. Well, now I'm stuck an hour from home in a hotel for the night (a treat in any other circumstance) because they didn't put any oil BACK in the car!!!! Hubby thinks they left the plug off, but the end result is the same. No sewing for me!
Actually, my mother's brand new Ellissimo is in the car; along with some cute red fabric with white polka dots that I couldn't resist today. If the dang thing wasn't so heavy, I'd go get it and spend my night having a ball. popcorn::

Oh no! I hope the car didn't suffer permanent damage from the shop's mistake. Is the shop going to do anything about it?

I have been up all night...waiting for a call from the hospital. My oldest daughter is being induced. She has been in and out of the hospital for the past 3 weeks... they finally decided she was at a critical stage and decided to induce labor. If all goes according to plan, I will be leaving for the hospital in a few hours....and we should have a baby some time tonight.

I am my daughter's back up coach since my wonderful son in law is a bit squeamish and isn't sure he can make it the whole way! (he really is wonderful...we lucked out in the son in law department!) Thought about making something cute for the baby..but I promised myself I would wait to find out if we have an Alexander or an Amelia before I make anything else!


I hope the delivery will go smoothly and your son-in-law manages ok with the process. Please let us know if you will sewing for Alexander or Amelia!

I miss this thread . . . but I haven't gotten to do any Disney sewing lately . . . I need to just come hang out over here so y'all can hold me accountable for the sewing I need to do (not Disney) - like the Bosco BowTie's I need to make!


I am have lurked on the Disboutiquers thread for years but I'm a very novice seamstress, so I don't do a lot of posting. I have been given a challenge and am preparing to meet it, and I just knew you all would have ideas. We are taking my daughter to Disney for her first trip this September and we are booked in to BBB. However the only thing my girl wants is an Aurora dress - but NOT the pink one - the blue one from the movie (which she loves). I have talks to Disney and this is not a possibility anywhere in the parks. So, I'm looking at sewing it. A few years ago I ended up making my eldest daughter a Rapunzel dress because they weren't available in parks yet, and I took an existing flower girl dress and sewed an over skirt and bodice that laced over. I am wondering where to start for Aurora - I have an old Cindy dress I can start with but it isn't quite the right shape. I am worried about sewing it all from scratch, but maybe it wouldn't be too hard? Ideas?

Welcome another fellow Calgarian! Yee Haw! I see that many people have suggested the Simply Sweet with the princess tutorial. If you want to, I am happy to help you out with your sewing questions since it will just be a local call!

Hello everyone, I haven't checked in for a while. We leave in 6 days for a trip to WDW:cool1:. we will be a large group this time as my Sister and her 2 kids are coming with us making us a group of 7. I finally got an embroidery machine and I figured I would make tops for my DDs and my niece. Easier said than done. I am a huge procrastinator and now it is nipping me in the butt.

Again, remember I leave in 6 days. I am making Bettyann tops for all 3 girls for their trip to BBB all I have done on those is the appliques. I managed to finish 2 Nemo Bettyanns for my DD's as my niece doesn't like Nemo. My girls are both on the spectrum and typically only like to wear pillow case type tops because they are loose. I have tried other patterns to no avail. we tried the Bettyann and for the first 20 min all was well and now they bother them. I had to open the back and add longer elastic to make it looser. I still have 9-12 tops to make in these last 6 days well 4-5 really as we leave at 6:50 Am. So those last 9-12 tops will be pillow case tops as they go together so easily and quickly and won't cause meltdowns in my children LOL. Also, if I have time I am wanting to make a Vanessa top for myself (the adult version of the Bettyann). Here is what I have done so far:



Looks like you have been busy and will be busy in the next few days! Hopefully you can complete the projects you planned!

This is one project I got done this weekend, a shirt for my nephew for his 6th birthday next week. I found the fabric at the Sewing Expo and it is perfect cubs colors. I made him a Broncos one for Christmas and so I thought I would do a Cub one too, bought the fabric and 2 days later got a text from my brother that he was requesting a cubs one. Perfect timing!

I wish the logo on the back were higher, and I had some sort of total buttonhole failure so I messed up the top buttonhole, so I made a little felt patch and covered it up. It's for a 6 year old, so I think he won't care. :) I had my son try it on, he deemed it "too big, we should give it to Aydin." so that worked out perfectly!

Cute shirt. I am sure your nephew will love it!

Okay, took me forever to find this. Hopefully you'll can see it!!


Teresajoy gets credit for the Buzz dress!

Wow! I remember when that meet took place. Thanks for sharing the picture!

Please forgive my other post. It took me a while to figure out how to update my signature. My baby will be 12 on Friday. It is hard to believe. We also had another addition for my signature. We booked a trip for Nov/Dec. We are soooooo excited. :yay::yay::yay: It has been 4 years since we have been. We are hoping they will post free dining later in the year for that time. But we are happy with what we have for now.

Just need to plan goodies now. I see bowling shirts, a park bag, water bottle holders and anything else we might "NEED". Tshirts are a given. I hope the boys will still put up with their mom wanting customs. Last trip I made matching test track shirts. We rode late at night near close and they said since we were such big fans we could ride again. It is one of our best magic memories. "Remember when we got to ride test track over and over again." This will be our last family trip before my oldest heads to college. Wow I feel old. But not too old for Disney.

One can never be too old for Disney (or Disney customs for that matter)! We will be there at the same time (so will Nini and Sandi). We should plan to meet up!

Hello Disboutiquers!!! First time poster here. I found out about Disboutiquers through one of mom2rtk's trip reports and thought I would join in the fun!

So without further ado here are some projects I just made. We are going on our first ever family WDW trip in 2 weeks and I have made two of each of the following dresses for my twin daughters. The dresses, as well as the entire trip, is a complete surprise for them, so it has been a challenge to work on the dresses while they're at school and hide the material before they get home. :)

For our first MK day, when we plan to meet Merida:

For our second MK day when we have breakfast reservations at CRT:

Welcome! The dresses look beautiful. I am sure your daugthers will look fab in those dresses!

Diane - I lost your quote, but to answer your question, I appliqued the Minnie as Princess Leia pattern on a shirt (for May 4th - or "May the fourth be with you" day). I need to get a picture of it still.

I am have lurked on the Disboutiquers thread for years but I'm a very novice seamstress, so I don't do a lot of posting. I have been given a challenge and am preparing to meet it, and I just knew you all would have ideas. We are taking my daughter to Disney for her first trip this September and we are booked in to BBB. However the only thing my girl wants is an Aurora dress - but NOT the pink one - the blue one from the movie (which she loves). I have talks to Disney and this is not a possibility anywhere in the parks. So, I'm looking at sewing it. A few years ago I ended up making my eldest daughter a Rapunzel dress because they weren't available in parks yet, and I took an existing flower girl dress and sewed an over skirt and bodice that laced over. I am wondering where to start for Aurora - I have an old Cindy dress I can start with but it isn't quite the right shape. I am worried about sewing it all from scratch, but maybe it wouldn't be too hard? Ideas?

I second the etsy idea. It is a great source for inspiration!!
Anyone made kids capes? If so, done anything Disney theme. My DD has been wearing a bag (cloth shopping bag) around her neck and calling it her cape. I'm thinking I should buy/make them (twins) one for their birthday.

Side note -- 10 days until our FIRST trip to WDW!! Can't wait! :cheer2:
Welcome!!! These dresses are great!! What pattern is this?
We will be down about the same time as you. I'll keep my eye out for you.

It is Simplicity 2377, Style F.

Have fun on the first ever family visit. Those dresses look completely practical in a fabulously princess-ie way. Hope you enjoy their surprise!!

That was exactly my goal - I wanted the girls to be "dressed up" but didn't want them walking around in itchy costumes all day. Having a simple cotton dress, but still a princess fabric, fit the bill perfectly.
Anyone made kids capes? If so, done anything Disney theme. My DD has been wearing a bag (cloth shopping bag) around her neck and calling it her cape. I'm thinking I should buy/make them (twins) one for their birthday.

Side note -- 10 days until our FIRST trip to WDW!! Can't wait! :cheer2:
I haven't done any capes for Disney (although I was looking at pics of Snow White earlier and realized she often has one, so I'm considering it), but we did a kingly birthday party years ago - son was 5 ish, he's about to be 20. I made simple capes for all the party goers. Just a hemmed rectangle with a ribbon run through the top (like a rod pocket on a curtain). Just make sure you attach the ribbon either in the middle or at each end of cape after you gather it up a suitable amount or the ribbon will pull out. Then just tie it on the child.
I used whatever fabric I had a large enough size of, including a few from the skirts of my old prom dresses. If you have embroidery capability, it would be really easy to Disneyize them.
Nice, Jessica!!!! :thumbsup2

[And, just have to throw out there once again, that I knew HeatherSue and TeresaJoy BEFORE they were the Disney sewing queens and Disney experts (well, I think they've always been Disney ADDICTS). I'm pretty proud to count them as friends. They've even had dinner at my house. Though one of them was actually CRASHING the party. He he he...]

Yes, you knew us "when" ;)

Anyone made kids capes? If so, done anything Disney theme. My DD has been wearing a bag (cloth shopping bag) around her neck and calling it her cape. I'm thinking I should buy/make them (twins) one for their birthday.

Side note -- 10 days until our FIRST trip to WDW!! Can't wait! :cheer2:
Jeanne wrote up a tutorial http://disboutique.blogspot.com/2008/10/reversible-super-hero-cape-by-jham.html
I love this outfit & adore the fabric. Wish they still had some like that around!

welcome! I'm new here as well. I lived in stl for the first 21 years of my life! A lot of my fam still lives there. We visit my sis & her family at least once a year in the summer!! I also have twin girls!! :) they will b 8 the 29th of may, so we have lots in common!!! :)
Oh it's still around. It is in my hoard forever pile of fabric!! :rotfl:

And this is my official "check in"!!

Oh, I'm supposed to post a picture? I'll have to come back and do that!!
I love seeing your creations...so I am coming out of lurkdom to join the new thread. :) I had an older Brother that served me well for my little sewing tasks for 20+ years, but last fall I decided I wanted to learn to quilt.

For my birthday I took a quilting class and came home with a barely used Bernina Artista 730 with an embroidery unit that came with it...I never thought I would really use the embroidery unit, but I took the follow up class that came with my machine and o.m.word...I love my embroidery unit and I already have hoop envy!

So I am soaking up your knowledge and dreaming of another trip to Disney so I can make some awesome shirts for the fam!

I am have lurked on the Disboutiquers thread for years but I'm a very novice seamstress, so I don't do a lot of posting. I have been given a challenge and am preparing to meet it, and I just knew you all would have ideas. We are taking my daughter to Disney for her first trip this September and we are booked in to BBB. However the only thing my girl wants is an Aurora dress - but NOT the pink one - the blue one from the movie (which she loves). I have talks to Disney and this is not a possibility anywhere in the parks. So, I'm looking at sewing it. A few years ago I ended up making my eldest daughter a Rapunzel dress because they weren't available in parks yet, and I took an existing flower girl dress and sewed an over skirt and bodice that laced over. I am wondering where to start for Aurora - I have an old Cindy dress I can start with but it isn't quite the right shape. I am worried about sewing it all from scratch, but maybe it wouldn't be too hard? Ideas?

Welcome to the boards. I wish I could help or suggest a pattern but I don't know one but it looks like you've gotten a few idea's. I can't wait until you post pictures.

Okay, took me forever to find this. Hopefully you'll can see it!!


Teresajoy gets credit for the Buzz dress!

I love all the outfits and the jeans are really cute !

Hello Disboutiquers!!! First time poster here. I found out about Disboutiquers through one of mom2rtk's trip reports and thought I would join in the fun!

So without further ado here are some projects I just made. We are going on our first ever family WDW trip in 2 weeks and I have made two of each of the following dresses for my twin daughters. The dresses, as well as the entire trip, is a complete surprise for them, so it has been a challenge to work on the dresses while they're at school and hide the material before they get home. :)
For our first MK day, when we plan to meet Merida:

For our second MK day when we have breakfast reservations at CRT:

Welcome and what cute dresses ! I know you and your girls are going to have much fun.

Well, I haven't gotten any sewing done since I last posted. It was a very long week at my Dad's house, my brother and his wife had moved in already (2 months early and with their 2 cats) and shorted me a bed and made it awkward staying there. He was great but she can be kind of a pain. Her cats are not allowed to socialize with a dog. :confused3:scratchin

We did have a lot of fun though and Plimouth Plantation was fun as was the rest of our week when we got out of the house. There were still sea lions at the beach which was weird since they are usually long gone by April vacation.

Hopefully I can sew tomorrow, groceries today, so I can finish the hat for the outfit finally and ship her stuff to her. I hit up Goodwill yesterday and got some good buys. I got an Emerson CD/record/cassette/radio for my DH that I think he will like and picked up some fabric for a couple bucks a yard. Found some really cute Disney holiday fabric, got about 2 1/2 yards for $4.

I also got some good news, I think, while I was at Joann's yesterday. Our offer was countered for a house in TX and it was reasonable so I guess I have a new house ??? We still have to sign the new offer, which I thought we would have last night, but I am a bit scared and excited about the move. Also about paying two mortgages since our house hasn't sold yet. :worried::scared1::scared1: The house is gorgeous, I think from the pictures, but I haven't seen it in person yet. Only my Dh walked through, I still haven't been to TX yet at all. Will they let me walk through when I get there ? I arrive on the 9th of this month to "house hunt" but hopefully I can see the new house. Maybe I will try to schedule the inspection while I am there, then I know I get to go through it with them. The house is empty, bank owned, no no worries about inconveniencing homeowners.
(First I apologize for not grabbing the quotes...but hey...I'm TIRED!)

Jessica...I, personally do NOT like that picture! I have seen those in person, and that pictures DOES NOT do them justice! I can say those are at least 100 times cuter in person!

Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I would go look for one of mine, but truthfully, I am still exhausted!

Now, for my big news. Miss Amelia Elizabeth made her appearance in the world yesterday morning at 9:51. She weighed in at 8 lbs 2 oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. She was 3 weeks (and a few days) early.

The delivery did not go as planned, my daughter had some serious problems and they decided to do an emergency c-section. It changed, literally, within less than an hour! She will have to remain on anti-seizure meds for a couple more months, but we did have a wonderful outcome.

I felt a little sorry for my son in law. I told you he was a bit squeamish...well, I didn't get there quick enough to go into surgery with her, so he had to go in. He held up like a trooper and did a great job! I got to speak to him a few minutes before he went back and he had started to calm down a bit and he went through it with flying colors!

I'm sure there is more...but I guess I am still a bit more tired than I thought I was....

(First I apologize for not grabbing the quotes...but hey...I'm TIRED!)

Jessica...I, personally do NOT like that picture! I have seen those in person, and that pictures DOES NOT do them justice! I can say those are at least 100 times cuter in person!

Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I would go look for one of mine, but truthfully, I am still exhausted!

Now, for my big news. Miss Amelia Elizabeth made her appearance in the world yesterday morning at 9:51. She weighed in at 8 lbs 2 oz and was 20 1/4 inches long. She was 3 weeks (and a few days) early.

The delivery did not go as planned, my daughter had some serious problems and they decided to do an emergency c-section. It changed, literally, within less than an hour! She will have to remain on anti-seizure meds for a couple more months, but we did have a wonderful outcome.

I felt a little sorry for my son in law. I told you he was a bit squeamish...well, I didn't get there quick enough to go into surgery with her, so he had to go in. He held up like a trooper and did a great job! I got to speak to him a few minutes before he went back and he had started to calm down a bit and he went through it with flying colors!

I'm sure there is more...but I guess I am still a bit more tired than I thought I was....


LOL! about the picture! I do agree though, the picture just doesn't do anything for the outfits! Congrats on DGD! I'm a little happy you weren't there in time so her husband could go back there, although it would have been great if both of you could have gone. I didn't realize she was being prepped before you got there but that makes sense being so early and an emergency.

Hello Disboutiquers!!! First time poster here. I found out about Disboutiquers through one of mom2rtk's trip reports and thought I would join in the fun!

So without further ado here are some projects I just made. We are going on our first ever family WDW trip in 2 weeks and I have made two of each of the following dresses for my twin daughters. The dresses, as well as the entire trip, is a complete surprise for them, so it has been a challenge to work on the dresses while they're at school and hide the material before they get home. :)

Welcome!! You did a great job on the dresses!

I hadn't seen all of those. May I just say, I LOVE that Etch has MOM written on him, and that Rex is under the traffic cone. SO original!!!! :love:

Thank you! My son wrote out the word Mom too so that makes it even more special. I think Sawyer's etch said Toy Story but it wasn't as cute. DS at 9 has the worst hand writing in the world and I copied what he wrote trying to make it Andy looking! The traffic done I have loved for years but it really was a last minute change. TJ was supposed to have the FP phone. Sewing at 2 am before we leave I tend to change my mind. Mine was also going to be different but I don't even remember what now and love how it turned out!!

Aren't the shirt great!! Jessica made all of those for us. I LOVED LOVED LOVED my Rex shirt!! It just makes me giggle!

If Corey went a matching cone would be cute! Sadly, I don't think many of the CM's got it!

Nice, Jessica!!!! :thumbsup2

[And, just have to throw out there once again, that I knew HeatherSue and TeresaJoy BEFORE they were the Disney sewing queens and Disney experts (well, I think they've always been Disney ADDICTS). I'm pretty proud to count them as friends. They've even had dinner at my house. Though one of them was actually CRASHING the party. He he he...]

Isn't it great knowing rock stars!! I love my best friends!

Great job. I can't imagine keeping it a surprise while sewing two of everything. I have twin boys so making two of each thing seems totally normal to me, when I just sew one I feel off my routine... I am sure you girls will love the surprise and the dresses!

It really is a gateway drug, this thread. I too have added an embroidery machine (2 actually...) in the just-under-a-year I have been hanging around. Not to mention a small fortune in embroidery designs, enough fabric to make a slipcover for a small continent and the unending desire to go back to WDW and so we are planning another trip. ENABLERS, all of you!

I just got my 1st order (speaking of addictions.:rolleyes2) from Girl Charlee for knits to make shirts for my boys for the trip. Branching out from my beloved bowling shirts, gasp! (I have at least 1 set of those in the agenda though, worry you not!) I really want to do Be Our Guest for their birthday, but even if we can't get a dinner reservation I am hoping we can do lunch. Anyway, I also got the "Jackson" raglan pattern from Funktional threads to try out. It seems to have a lot of great upcycling potential too. The knits are in the washer so I doubt I will get going on them tonight and tomorrow we have plans all day... Darn real life getting in the way of my sewing!

Our drug of choice is awesome!

I love this outfit & adore the fabric. Wish they still had some like that around!

welcome! I'm new here as well. I lived in stl for the first 21 years of my life! A lot of my fam still lives there. We visit my sis & her family at least once a year in the summer!! I also have twin girls!! :) they will b 8 the 29th of may, so we have lots in common!!! :)

Yep, some of us hoard cute fabric like that! :)

Oh it's still around. It is in my hoard forever pile of fabric!! :rotfl:

And this is my official "check in"!!

Oh, I'm supposed to post a picture? I'll have to come back and do that!!

We'll be waiting for a picture!

I knew you loved me. :lovestruc

Because, making shirts for everyone in my family (because I'm sure you would have made Corey one if he went) didn't prove that but you finding this picture did. ;)

Of course I would have made Corey one. Should have done that for this trip. When do you leave? Although I don't think I can fit in anything else. Never mind, don't post publicly when you leave! :)

TOTALLY bragging here- I know everyone in this picture! :cool1::cool1:

But it has been far too long since I have seen you! (And I know it has been less than a year). On another note, got my 16 new series 10 lego minifigures last night!


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