Disboutiquers Part 7 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

Hello all! I have been a lurker here for awhile. While sewing is not my thing and I am not so talented like some of you :worship: , you all have insipred me to try a few simple projects.
So I went and bought some fabric. I have a question about pillowcase dresses, What is the best way to finish the arm holes on a pillowcase dress?

TIA Wendi

I use bias tape. If I can't find a co-ordinating color to match, I make my own.
Okay, I was going to use that, but when I was looking online at samples, it did not look like they had used bias tape......Thank you!
I'm going to second the bias tape, but I run elastic along the front and back to gather it then leave the bias tape long for the ties...does that make sense...another diser showed me this. I made a "traditional" one yesterday and MUCH prefer the elastic method. Plus I hate hemming- especially those tiny rolled hems.;)

GOOD LUCK...now that you're out in the open you should stay a while!:thumbsup2
Hi Everyone! I finally made it. I finished my crayon rollups, thankfully and treated myself to a day of shopping. I bought a GORGEOUS handbag! LOVE IT! I will take pictures tomorrow and miss Ireland got two new sheets sets, a pair of sketcher crocs, Tinkerbell shoes, a new Webkinz, and mommy got fabric to make her a Jessie costume for the Toy Story show for our cruise. I did find something totally cute...the sheets that we got, one set was Spongebob, of course, but the other was Bindi the Jungle girl...there were two sets in the store, one pink and the other had tree houses on it, I will post a photo tomorrow...got to go..Dog barking...LOL
HELP! Someone PMed me and asked me to let them know when a certain Big Give family came up because they live in a community very close to home. I did't write it down, and I can't find it in my PMs. I'm terribly sorry, but if that was you, please send me another PM. Thanks!
Hi Everyone! I finally made it. I finished my crayon rollups, thankfully and treated myself to a day of shopping. I bought a GORGEOUS handbag! LOVE IT! I will take pictures tomorrow and miss Ireland got two new sheets sets, a pair of sketcher crocs, Tinkerbell shoes, a new Webkinz, and mommy got fabric to make her a Jessie costume for the Toy Story show for our cruise. I did find something totally cute...the sheets that we got, one set was Spongebob, of course, but the other was Bindi the Jungle girl...there were two sets in the store, one pink and the other had tree houses on it, I will post a photo tomorrow...got to go..Dog barking...LOL

'Bout time!! Wher have you been hidin' girl...workin' too much probably, it's good to see you!!!

I'mthinkg do the storybook one first! And let this be a lesson to you!!! Order the pettis ahead of time!

A little extra poof is always fun, but I wouldn't do that until you get the other outfits done. If you have a little extra time, I'd make the tutu. But, don't obsess over it (NOT that I think you would do that! ;) :hug: ) She will look adorable without it!!!

Now, you know that I obsess over, well everything...you're clearly just being a smart @$$!!!
I'm going to second the bias tape, but I run elastic along the front and back to gather it then leave the bias tape long for the ties...does that make sense...another diser showed me this. I made a "traditional" one yesterday and MUCH prefer the elastic method. Plus I hate hemming- especially those tiny rolled hems.;)

GOOD LUCK...now that you're out in the open you should stay a while!:thumbsup2

Scary, but it does make sense to me...LOL. I will give it a try!!
Luvinyou-cute rollups for the MAW Big Give!

Kjbrown-your bags are awesome!

minnie2-Hope Rocky is back home. Your shirts look great. I’ve been to WDW twice in Jan for my DS’s birthday on 1/10. In 2004 it was COLD-some nights in the 30’s. In 2008 it was wonderful-in the 80’s during the day and never needed more than a T at night. Congrats on your new machine! Hope the Brother dealer fixes it fast.

Tnkrbelle565-if you do the Feb Dis meet you could fly down with DD & I out of Logan. Your scrapbook pages for the Big Give look incredible!!!

Astro Orbiter-Congrats on your Sept trip!

LisaZoe-LOVE your Cindy dress and Capt Jack T. I think the shorts look great-no too girly. Love your tie die T too!

Twins+2more-great photos! Your girls are beautiful and they looked so happy!

t-beri-Love your Minnie outfit you posted. I think you guys will have a blast at 1900 park fare! Great job on Hanna’s outfit!

princessmom29-Your Cindy outfit came out great!!!

jessica52877-Love your JoJo, Spongebob & HSM shirts-they came out great!

MegaWoman- I'd say you are due for a trip for you!! Love your pirate outfits!

ms_mckenna-your Tink looks great!

Disneylovinfamily-Congrats on your sale! Your picnic outfits were great!

Sohappy-your scrapbook pages look awesome!

eeyore3847-cute Minnie skirt!

The Moonk's Mom-Yay for a trip next year!

Tinka_Belle-good luck talking your DH into a trip for you & Jenna-sounds like you could really use it!

Mrsmiller-your futon covers look awesome! Hope you were able to clean them.

Stephres-what a great sister you have-Happy Birthday!

Snubie-Happy Birthday to you too-what great sister, DH & Mom you have!

AQW-hope your got your machine fixed or a new one.

Sohappy-what wonderful photos of your darling boys!

Tadamom-congrats on your sale!

twob4him-have fun at Hershey Park!

Wendy-welcome home! Great photos-Camp Promise looks like a very special place! What great fabric finds-I really love those Mickey dots!

Jham-LOVE your pears outfits and the outfit for your nephew!

disneymommieof2-great casual fairy outfit and I’m sure Logan will love his pirate outfit!

Clairemolly-how exciting to be getting your sewing machine! Easy fit pants are a great thing to start with!!!

100AcrePrincess-that skirt is so cute-I have to go check out your instructions!
Luvinyou-cute rollups for the MAW Big Give!

Kjbrown-your bags are awesome!

minnie2-Hope Rocky is back home. Your shirts look great. I’ve been to WDW twice in Jan for my DS’s birthday on 1/10. In 2004 it was COLD-some nights in the 30’s. In 2008 it was wonderful-in the 80’s during the day and never needed more than a T at night. Congrats on your new machine! Hope the Brother dealer fixes it fast.

Tnkrbelle565-if you do the Feb Dis meet you could fly down with DD & I out of Logan. Your scrapbook pages for the Big Give look incredible!!!

Astro Orbiter-Congrats on your Sept trip!

LisaZoe-LOVE your Cindy dress and Capt Jack T. I think the shorts look great-no too girly. Love your tie die T too!

Twins+2more-great photos! Your girls are beautiful and they looked so happy!

t-beri-Love your Minnie outfit you posted. I think you guys will have a blast at 1900 park fare! Great job on Hanna’s outfit!

princessmom29-Your Cindy outfit came out great!!!

jessica52877-Love your JoJo, Spongebob & HSM shirts-they came out great!

MegaWoman- I'd say you are due for a trip for you!! Love your pirate outfits!

ms_mckenna-your Tink looks great!

Disneylovinfamily-Congrats on your sale! Your picnic outfits were great!

Sohappy-your scrapbook pages look awesome!

eeyore3847-cute Minnie skirt!

The Moonk's Mom-Yay for a trip next year!

Tinka_Belle-good luck talking your DH into a trip for you & Jenna-sounds like you could really use it!

Mrsmiller-your futon covers look awesome! Hope you were able to clean them.

Stephres-what a great sister you have-Happy Birthday!

Snubie-Happy Birthday to you too-what great sister, DH & Mom you have!

AQW-hope your got your machine fixed or a new one.

Sohappy-what wonderful photos of your darling boys!

Tadamom-congrats on your sale!

twob4him-have fun at Hershey Park!

Wendy-welcome home! Great photos-Camp Promise looks like a very special place! What great fabric finds-I really love those Mickey dots!

Jham-LOVE your pears outfits and the outfit for your nephew!

disneymommieof2-great casual fairy outfit and I’m sure Logan will love his pirate outfit!

Clairemolly-how exciting to be getting your sewing machine! Easy fit pants are a great thing to start with!!!

100AcrePrincess-that skirt is so cute-I have to go check out your instructions!

HEY!!! You forgot me!! :lmao: ;) :lmao:
Wow!! Adara is one month old and I am so many pages behind!
Never will get caught up!
Loving the new big give projects!

Ok well he is officially at my house now Unfortunately I can't even to get him to eat a meatball or a piece of cheese which is so unlike him! I have his medicine stuffed in the meatball so that could be why but I need to get it down him and the vet said he HAS to have food with it or it will burn. Not sure what else to do to make him eat.

I am excited but vry cautiously excited we are still not out of the woods...

I'd suggest using Cheez Whiz. We had a poodle years ago who was epileptic and wouldn't take medication at all. We would hide it in a teaspoon of Cheez Whiz and he'd take it no problem! Even the vet started using it when we took the dog in to be boarded. So much easier than shoving it down the throat. Good luck!
Just wanted to share a few designs! I just finished the pictures up and wanted to share with everyone!
Too stinking cute-the outfits and your girls!

HEY!!! You forgot me!! :lmao: ;) :lmao:
Sorry!:hug: Have you found any more info for the Dis meet? I am in the "very, very, very likely going" category-not a sure thing to me until I purchase airfare. I would probably go 2/1 to 2/8 and would have my DD(9) with me at all times.
Ok well he is officially at my house now Unfortunately I can't even to get him to eat a meatball or a piece of cheese which is so unlike him! I have his medicine stuffed in the meatball so that could be why but I need to get it down him and the vet said he HAS to have food with it or it will burn. Not sure what else to do to make him eat.

I am excited but vry cautiously excited we are still not out of the woods...

We always wrap a pill in peanut butter. Put it in the roof of their mouth as far back as possible. They are so busy trying to lick the peanut butter that they swallow the pill. It works every time for me. Also our old vet would always stew chicken for a dog that needed to eat. You might try it.
STEPHRES Happy Birthday!!! I know you said your birthday is Monday, but I wasn't sure if it is this Monday or last Monday, so I pick this Monday :rotfl: :laughing: :lmao: SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :cheer2: :hug: party: :bday:
I am getting really grumpy!:headache: First, I spent the morning at the hospital with Riley and now my computer won't read the pictures off of my memory card!!!!:headache: :headache: :headache:


I finished my big give outfit for Shay Lynne (BG#2) last night and I am mailing it tomorrow. I can't wait to see pictures of her in it. I really hope it fits! I'd love to show it to you, but my stupid computer isn't agreeing with me tonight.
Hey guys, I'm trying to add everyone's trip reports to the bookmarks, so if anyone is writing or has written one, could you go see if it's there? I love reading everyone's so, I thought this would be a good way for me to keep track of them all! :woohoo:

Just send me an email or a PM if I missed any!


Thanks for pulling these all together. I love reading these, but always lose the thread or forget about it before the end of the TR.

This is TOTALLY OT BUT>>>>>>>>>>>

I couldn't go on without you all knowing about this thread. You will thank me for sure! Be sure to go through the WHOLE thread!


I love that thread!! I plan on doing one of these for DD's birthday one of these years.

i was just wondering , the girl in my walmart fabric dept told me it would be closing within a couple of months, she told me that was true of all walmarts has anyone else heard this? it is my only source of disney fabric:sad2:

My WalMart got rid of the fabric department, but then the last time I was there they had a map of the new store layout (after the 30-day remodel) and there was a fabric section listed :banana: :banana: :banana:

I'm pretty lucky though... even without that WalMart, within about 10 miles I have 3 other WalMarts with fabric departments, 1 JoAnns, and 2 Hobby Lobbys, and a couple of quilt shops. :cloud9:
Whew I made it, but only after burning my fingers with the hot glue! I'm gonna be OK, but the housework's going to suffer.

I'm trying to finish up some simple appliques for the kids t-shirts, but they're not that simple. The kids are at daycamp tomorrow afternoon, so I think I'll pop out and try to buy a see-through foot.

Going to visit my parents this weekend, they live in the country now (after having lived their ENTIRE lives in Montreal - the greatest city in the world ;) ) but the great thing about the little tourist town they moved to - is the fabric store!! You never know what you're going to find :goodvibes I can't wait! We have to bring our tent-trailer 'cause the reno isn't finished yet:rotfl2: so the kids think it's "camping" without all the work - it's win-win I say.

(might not even be able to make supper with these burned fingers, I hope I can still dial the phone for take-out!)
ouch!!! Be careful Stephanie!

'Bout time!! Wher have you been hidin' girl...workin' too much probably, it's good to see you!!!

Now, you know that I obsess over, well everything...you're clearly just being a smart @$$!!!
I prefer the term "smarty pants". And, I really don't want you to obsess, cause I love you! :hug: And, I know how I get with these things too!! :hug:
Anyone live in WV? I'll be heading that way on wednesday for almost a week.
I don't, but I was just wondering where you are going?
I am getting really grumpy!:headache: First, I spent the morning at the hospital with Riley and now my computer won't read the pictures off of my memory card!!!!:headache: :headache: :headache:


I finished my big give outfit for Shay Lynne (BG#2) last night and I am mailing it tomorrow. I can't wait to see pictures of her in it. I really hope it fits! I'd love to show it to you, but my stupid computer isn't agreeing with me tonight.

How is Riley???? Is she alright?
I am getting really grumpy!:headache: First, I spent the morning at the hospital with Riley and now my computer won't read the pictures off of my memory card!!!!:headache: :headache: :headache:


I finished my big give outfit for Shay Lynne (BG#2) last night and I am mailing it tomorrow. I can't wait to see pictures of her in it. I really hope it fits! I'd love to show it to you, but my stupid computer isn't agreeing with me tonight.

Is everything ok with your little cutie patootie Riley?

You, my friend, just plain ol' need a break! :hug:


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