Disney and Pesticides


DIS Veteran
Jan 5, 2006
We are looking to utilize our DVC points this year but my wife has a big concern. We will have a newborn in tow and her concern is about pesticide use at the parks and resorts. I though I read somewhere that Disney utilizes all natural control. Does anyone out there know anything about this??????
Any help would be great...
:daisy: This is a great question Brownie! I was curious myself after you asked this on the boards and googled Disney and Pesticides, then WOW!~

I had no idea Disney has taken so many steps to eliminate the use of pesticides in the parks and grounds due to all the :flower: vegetation being in close proximatey to humans. Disney has apparently won many awards by
environmental groups by taking these steps.

I have noticed all the purple marlan bird houses everywhere on Disney property, which prey and live on mosquitoes. But after reading all the other elements and natural actions that Disney has taken and accomplished I feel even better about being at the Happiest place on Earth! There you can enjoy all the cute little critters you want to see:hippie: and not see and feel those ones we don't want to enjoy.

:flower1: Incredible question you raised. Maybe many others knew this about Disney but I had no idea! Thank you so much for asking the question about:snail: pesticides about our beloved environmentally conscience Disney.
I really enjoyed reading the info on this topic.

:butterfly As an added note, Disney has recently been testing Biodiesel in their Transportation Buses. This is another HUGE step in making the place safer and healthier. Biodiesel burns clean and is all natural!

They even get families involved. Each night at the Poly they make a big deal of releasing lady bugs to controls aphids and other pest. They let the kids release a few. Its been a few years since we stayed there but I bet they probably still do this..smjj
If this is a fear that you wife has, I am suprised that you even leave the house. Pesticides are used everywhere in this country.
If this is a fear that you wife has, I am suprised that you even leave the house. Pesticides are used everywhere in this country.

Thanks for the help....oh, maybe not:thumbsup2 . Its a question that was raised about safety of a young baby. Pesticides are used much more in the southern climates, something we don't deal with in the North East.
Thanks, I know you were trying to be funny but it did provide and answer. The state uses safe enviro-friendly materials when they spray.

Truthfully, I was not trying to be funny. I grew up in Florida and remember the big bug spray trucks. My mom always made us come inside.
Thanks, I know you were trying to be funny but it did provide and answer. The state uses safe enviro-friendly materials when they spray.

I'm sure Starbox was intending to provide helpful info. There is no choice, but to use pesticides if you don't want pests. Disney probably does the best that can be done to manage the situation with minimal effect on humans.

Keep in mind, the most widely used insecticide is Pyrethrum. You will find it in almost every consumer market product. It is low on the scale of toxicity and it is NATURAL because it is extracted from the Chrysanthemum flower. Pymethrin is the same material, but man made. The the levels are minimal, but both have equal levels of toxicity and attack the nervous system in the same manner. So just because one is Natural doesn't make it safer.

I doubt the state trucks are spraying pepper and lime extract. I would bet they are spraying Pyrethrum or something even more toxic. At the state level utilizing repellents isn't an effective program.

Most pesticides break down very quicken in the sunlight and once dry don't transfer much in mild wind. The best thing you can do is just be aware of your surroundings. Watch the gardners and ask them what their schedule is. Typically, if you can smell it, then it is not a good area to be in.
Thanks for the help....oh, maybe not:thumbsup2 . Its a question that was raised about safety of a young baby. Pesticides are used much more in the southern climates, something we don't deal with in the North East.

I live in Ohio and with the West Nile Virus found in mesquitos, bug spraying trucks make the rounds in the summer(I remember them as a kid in OH, like Starbox we had to come in).

It was really bad here last summer with all the rain, you couldn't go out in the evening without applying spray to yourself.
Discovered late in the evening last Oct. that our villa @ BC was infested with a large swarm of roaches/palmetto bugs-whatever (not the cute 'lil luv bugs)...covered a good portion of wall about studio sofa bed:eek:

Management finally got the "outside" bug guys (who they evidently have a contract with) to fumigate the next afternoon. We were told we had to let the room sit undisturbed for a few hours after spraying, then mousekeeping would vacuum.

At that point I didn't care if they nuked them, as long as they were gone @ the end of the day.:thumbsup2

FYI, DS does have exercise induced asthma, and allergies but didn't suffer any consequences upon returning and sleeping on the sofa bed for another 4 nights.

Executive Offices later called me apologizing when I returned home & indicated that all rooms are on a preventive spraying program. FL's a buggy place, espec. the rooms that face the swampy wooded area overlooking Epcot. If a guest would leave the balcony slider open, it wouldn't take long for them to get a foothold.


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