Disney Funniest Moments (DFM)


Oct 3, 2006
What is your Disney Funniest Moment?

My is A while back I was walking to The car after eating so much at Chef Mickey's. It's night and out of no where I step on a snake (I'm deathly afraid of snakes) I scream like crazy and jump in the car and scream some more! My family is laughing historically and they still laugh about it today.( I still don't think it's funny)
My funny experience would be from our very first trip in 2004.

We are walking right down the middle of Main Street USA for the very first time and I am really taking everything in, just loving the place.

All of a sudden the trolley car with the horse is coming down the street. I decided to stop and watch. I happen to look over just in time to see the horse poop. I am not good with that kind of stuff at all and a proceed to gag the minute I see this happen!!!. I am gagging so hard that I am starting to see stars and I can't get away fast enough.

My family just starts laughing at me so hard that they start seeing stars too!!

I am sure it was a funny scene for others too. :rotfl2:
Back in 1998, I went to MGM with three friends, one who was a CM. Well, he knew exactly when the pic was taken on ToT and someone had the brilliant idea that we should spell out YMCA for the photo.

Did you know there is only one letter in the four that you can screw up? The "C" is the only one that you can accidently make make backwards if you're not paying attention. The other three are symmetrical.

Guess who got the "C"? Yep, me. When we got down to view the photos my friends started laughing hysterically. Genius I am, I didn't catch on right away. I managed to screw up the "C" by reversing it.

They all swore that they were going to buy the pic, but I threaten them within an inch of their life. Needless to say, I didn't live it down for a very long time. ~ And I'm supposed to be the "smart one" :sad2:
What is your Disney Funniest Moment?

My is A while back I was walking to The car after eating so much at Chef Mickey's. It's night and out of no where I step on a snake (I'm deathly afraid of snakes) I scream like crazy and jump in the car and scream some more! My family is laughing historically and they still laugh about it today.( I still don't think it's funny)
Where were you in May of 2005? My funniest moment happened then, at BCV, also involving a snake. We were getting off a bus along with bunches of other people. Suddenly, we saw a snake slithering on the walkway in front of us. The lady in front of me screamed, "Holy Sh----!" Now, remember, this is a family place and she was pushing a stroller and had a preschooler with her besides. Pause about one second. When the reality of what she'd done sunk it, the poor woman looked so embarrassed (the dirty look from her DH helped remind her how loud she'd been). Fortunately, a CM was there who wasn't afraid of snakes, so he just picked it up and tossed it down toward the little waterway.
One of the funniest things I saw this last trip was a young man, about 17 or so leaving Epcot. There were these posts about 3 1/2 feeet or 4 feet tall to control the crowd, and this kid decides to put his hands on the top of the post and leap over it. Except he didn't completely clear it.:rotfl: Quite a few of us were truly lol as he limped away. I bet that hurt:lmao:
A cast member had scared my daughter with a Stitch hand in Cosmic Ray's and I was laughing at her. We walked across the side toward the bathrooms and little did I know the same cast member has whispered to my daughter that he was going to scare me. Just before we got to that hallway for the bathrooms a nig Stitch hand appears in front of my face and scares the bejeezus out of me. I jump, I scream,:scared1: the entire area of tables right there busts into laughter. And my 8 year old daughter looks at me and says "I knew he was gonna do that"
We were at Crystal Palace DD is terrified of anything in a costume. She was so focused on the characters in front of her. Tigger came from behind us and put his hand on DDs shoulder. When she looked through the corner of her eye and saw it was a costume she let out the loudest shrieeeeeek I ever heard. She truely scared Tigger and Piglet to the point that Piglet knocked over my coffee cup right into my lap. Tigger did a real human bounce:lmao: (he was not expecting that to come out of her mouth):rotfl2:
We were in the Muppetvision preshow. Something happened and my 4 year old nephew says loudly That scared the sh*t outta me! The people around us were hysterical laughing. We were mortified. Figures the first time he tries to swear we are in Disney World!
We were in the Muppetvision preshow. Something happened and my 4 year old nephew says loudly That scared the sh*t outta me! The people around us were hysterical laughing. We were mortified. Figures the first time he tries to swear we are in Disney World!

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Back in 2004, me and the fam were heading into maharaja jungle trek. As we entered, there was a cast member at the gate cradling what appeared to be a baby komodo dragon. There were a bunch of other guests hovering around her so I tiptoed over. “Is that real?” I asked her as I approached. “Yes,” she nodded. As I looked down at it she made a growling/roaring noise and shoved the dragon in my face. The CM and the guests around were in stitches as I grabbed my chest hoping my heart didn’t stop. OK it was just a stuffed toy. Boy, did I feel like an idiot or what?? When my heart rate returned to near normal, I acknowledged the great gag and moved on…a little wiser.
A few trips back, my sister had just had unexpected knee surgery right before we left so she was in a wheelchair all of the trip. We were at Epcot, and I was pushing her. We stopped to take pictures with Spaceship Earth in the background and as I was taking the picture of mom and dad, we hear her screaming. We turn and look and she is rolling down the hill and didn't know how to stop! :laughing: We start running after her, but it was hard to do while laughing!
My family was getting ready to get on the Great Movie ride, and we were the last people to get through the door to be let onto the ride. My mom and brother were a little bit ahead of my dad, who was carrying me (I was a baby), so they found a seat quickly, but there was no more room for my dad on that bench, so he rushed to find someplace to sit (the row behind them). Unfortunately he couldn't see where he was going very we as I was blocking his view. He went to sit down, only there wasn't any seat there as it was the space for wheelchairs. My dad fell backwards onto his bum with me in his arms. The CMs rushed over right away shouting, "Sir, sir, are you ok?!" haha my poor dad was so embarassed. Now we always ask him if he's ok when we go on that ride lol! :rotfl:
We were in the Muppetvision preshow. Something happened and my 4 year old nephew says loudly That scared the sh*t outta me! The people around us were hysterical laughing. We were mortified. Figures the first time he tries to swear we are in Disney World!

That is so funny! I laughed out loud. :laughing:
My mom and I took DD to WDW for the first time when she was 3. We had a great time, and we must have told DD that Disney had lots of "magic"- the fireworks, characters, castle, etc, all were magical.

On our last morning before departing, we ate at 'Ohana. DD loved meeting Mickey, Goofy, and Chip & Dale. During the meal, she had to go to the bathroom. I escorted her to the ladies' restroom and helped her "do her thing". When she was finished, the automatic flushing mechanism engaged. DD looked at the potty and her eyes got really big. She looked at me, and in a really loud voice, said, "Mommy- even the potties are MAGIC at Disney!!" I heard giggling from all the other ladies in the restroom- it was the cutest thing!
We were watching the Boo to You parade at MNSSHP in September. My DS4 was so excited about the Headless Horseman. He is very vocal and loud, and asked us "So Mama, now where is that Headless Horse?". Now that would be cool :scared1:
He also replied to Crush at Turtle Talk when Crush asked "Where are you from little dude?". My son said "From the hotel of course!" We never know what he is gonna say.
I love to people watch at the Aladdins Magic Carpet ride, where the camel spits water at people walking by. It's freaking hilarious! When we were there in Dec, an older guy was walking by and it hit him straight on the side of the head! He started looking all around, kinda mad looking :rotfl: and wiping his head off.

I know he thought someone threw water at him lol but he never even looked up! I saw several people get hit and other's around them just laughed and never told them where the water came from! :rotfl:
ON our 1st family trip to WDW we stayed at CBR. We were enjoying the main pool, my DH and DS were in the kiddie pool so I decided to go get into the hot tub well I misjudged how far the step down was and fell right into a stange mans lap. :headache:I was so embarrassed I sat there for about 20 sec then got out.


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