Disney Magic Kingdoms

Not so much a glitch as an odd quirk, but has anyone had any issues with their lion king parade float not saving from the previous parade?
When they rolled out the update that would save the floats that you previously used, I had been using zootopia, sleeping beauty, and lion king. I swapped lion king for Aladdin once the event went live, and ever since, it has saved all 3 floats, but when I went to swap sleeping beauty for lion king, it won't save lion king. It only saves the 2 floats, and I have to add lion king back in each time I run my parade.
It does that to me also. I think it purposely doesn't save limited event floats in slots. Idk why but it doesn't which is aggravating
So I got this scramble message notification saying something like unscramble the message to find out what we are adding next. I also saw it on the facebook page yesterday. I looked in the facebook comments and no one even unscrambled the message they judged it by the background saying it was more jungle book characters. But part of me feels like that's not the case. So did anyone unscramble the message to actually see what it says?
On a 100% unrelated to anything front, am I the only person bothered by the fact that all the characters appear alphabetically when waiting to be assigned quests except for Mrs. Incredible? After contemplating for some time I realized she is alphabetized as "Elastigirl", but it still annoys me that only she is not alphabetized by her name as it appears on-screen. I realize this is not the world's biggest problem, but still!

Thank you for solving that mystery for me. It bugged me.
So I got this scramble message notification saying something like unscramble the message to find out what we are adding next. I also saw it on the facebook page yesterday. I looked in the facebook comments and no one even unscrambled the message they judged it by the background saying it was more jungle book characters. But part of me feels like that's not the case. So did anyone unscramble the message to actually see what it says?

Yeah, it was from King Louis..... I have ears and my ears have ears?
Hey everyone! Hubby and I are really new to this game... I think we have been playing maybe 2-3 weeks... luckily enough I work from home so could just leave my phone open during the day and do what was needed.... focused on the Aladdin stuff and go to where I could welcome Jafar but that is NOT happening before it ends LOL I am not too worried about it :)

Just wanted to say Hi and say thanks for all the tips & tricks! I read all the pages over the last couple of weeks... yeah I am that person :) I will be happy this event is over and I can finally concentrate on the normal stuff for a bit lol
I think an even SIMPLER fix would be to not have to scroll through completed sets if characters are at level 10. At no point do we ever need to access their section, so why are they even there any longer?
Or we could still have the character list but they could also have a section at the top with just the ones we still need to level up. This way we still get the character book look and have the efficiency at the top of the list. And once they get to 10, they get taken out of the top of the list.
At about 64k in EC, let's see how far I can stretch it in the last 4 hours! How is everyone else doing? Have Jafar? Happy with their leftover EC? Overjoyed that the event is ending?...lol
So did this aggravate anyone else when you welcome jafar he has two tasks after those tasks if you keep him a level one he has absolutely no tasks?!!

Yes. No repeat task to send him on until you upgrade him. Well he can just stay idol for now. I am in no hurry!!

At about 64k in EC, let's see how far I can stretch it in the last 4 hours! How is everyone else doing? Have Jafar? Happy with their leftover EC? Overjoyed that the event is ending?...lol

I managed the 80,000 and I got useless Jafar. Overjoyed its about to be over... yes. Least favourite event by far.

Now that I have completed the event can I have three wishes Genie?
They are give us a break from events longer than the last, give the additions of jungle book better character drops and make sure no one other than the alien need elixir to be welcomed...
Yes. No repeat task to send him on until you upgrade him. Well he can just stay idol for now. I am in no hurry!!

I managed the 80,000 and I got useless Jafar. Overjoyed its about to be over... yes. Least favourite event by far.

Now that I have completed the event can I have three wishes Genie?
They are give us a break from events longer than the last, give the additions of jungle book better character drops and make sure no one other than the alien need elixir to be welcomed...
That is awesome you got the 80k! and my wishes are pretty much the same. Once they did the alien thing (still trying to welcome him btw...4 more items for each left to go), I was afraid that they were going to continue to do things like that and that wouldn't surprise me if they did. Honestly, I bet that they are doing terrible drop rates and the elixir thing to buy them time so we don't blow through the game as fast as we have been.
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Longtime player/reader, first-time poster. Much like all the previous ones, I really enjoyed this event! I simply do not understand all the complaining about the event timing or duration when players can easily ignore the event and continue to play the original storyline, if they so desire. Events are purely optional. In my view, as long as the events continue to bring additional characters and board space, I'm all for them! Keep up the great work Gameloft!!
At about 64k in EC, let's see how far I can stretch it in the last 4 hours! How is everyone else doing? Have Jafar? Happy with their leftover EC? Overjoyed that the event is ending?...lol

hahah I have about 47,000 EC and just farming EC the next 2 hours of the event... no Jafar (so NOT worried about that lol) and will be very happy the event is ending so I can move on to the normal stuff before the next one hits lol
Considering it's so ridiculously difficult to see what a character is doing after you've sent them on a mission, AND the character book is seemingly useless after you upgrade your characters to Level 10..... The developers should make the character book into a link to the missions that our characters are on! Do you know how many times I've wanted to find a character to spend gems to finish their quest early? Gameloft should definitely consider this as a marketing strategy to implement ease of gameplay and they'll reap the rewards.

Another thing I wish those interns would get on is adding a countdown clock to the tasks for each token. For instance, if I need a Jafar staff, I click on the item and it currently shows which characters/tasks are currently being used. At that point, the "4 hour" piece should disappear, and it should be replaced with a countdown clock so that we can tell how much longer the character is engaged in that quest. That'll solve us from having to click multiple times to see it on the actual game screen. Should be a no-brainer. I mean honestly, who is running the internship program over there at Gameloft?

I agree! I like you ideas and anything that makes it easier and quicker to play is a good idea.

Now that the game has 89 characters, and growing, here are a few more ideas that would make the game easier and quicker to manage.
  1. Add a gather characters option to Merlin. The same as Gather spells, but for characters.
  2. Give us the ability to cancel any job! Again make it a Merlin option, where every x hours you can cancel one job. If you need/want more add a small gem fee.
  3. Allow the option, maybe a checkbox, that allows you to repeat the same job for any character. The ability to choose a job and have that character repeat it until you say otherwise would be great. For many characters I tend to repeat the same job over and over again and honestly, because it is such a pain going thru 89 characters, I usually leave all my non-item collectors unemployed.
  4. Make a character list mode that would have multiple columns showing different info. Character name, level, current job they are doing, time remaining, check box to tell them to repeat that job, speed up job, cancel job, etc.
I would think the first one would be relatively easy to create. 2-4 I'm not sure on? They would require the game to create some type of list that shows all the characters in it.
with less than a half hour to go I'm sitting around the 79k EC mark. Just shy of that last gem but I'm close to 3.5k gems so one isn't a big deal. looking forward to lvling up everyone now and taking a breather

many times I wished to cancel something after hitting the wrong job....

yeah, there really should be a way to just cancel a task, you get nothing from it but if you hit the wrong one you can get to the right one faster without wasting gems
Longtime player/reader, first-time poster. Much like all the previous ones, I really enjoyed this event! I simply do not understand all the complaining about the event timing or duration when players can easily ignore the event and continue to play the original storyline, if they so desire. Events are purely optional. In my view, as long as the events continue to bring additional characters and board space, I'm all for them! Keep up the great work Gameloft!!
I agree. However, I get bored when there's a long break between updates. So my complaint about back to back is that if they have another long stretch between updates, I'll be a little annoyed as they could have spaced this one better after Lion King and not have a long pause. If there are moderate waits for updates, then that's fine.
So did this aggravate anyone else when you welcome jafar he has two tasks after those tasks if you keep him a level one he has absolutely no tasks?!!
Seems like some other villians have had no tasks after welcoming him.

In this case, I just think of it as 'the interns,' as supernova likes to call them, designed some tasks that aren't necessarily to be done during the event. They're all 'yellow' tasks so they aren't crucial to the event and are just more of the regular tasks each character has. It'd be boring if they were completely done when the event was over.


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