Disney Magic Kingdoms

I've also been working on the Queen for days now, still 2 hats and 3 chests left to go and I have everything except for Grumpy and the parade float. I'm annoyed that all tasks overlap character wise. I will buy her if she gets under 100 gems but I'm not happy about it.

If I start her just before the event ends, she's still mine right because my husband keeps making me think that's not how it goes.
Not exactly sure what you're asking there. But if you mean that you hit the "welcome" button and the countdown starts (it's only an hour for her), then yes, she's yours. If you mean you are in the collecting stage to get her, then no, she's gone. Unless you're very close. Then a quick email over to Gameloft, and the interns might just rule in your favor. Let us know how it all turns out for you. Clock is ticking...
That was the most difficult event ever for me as a 'freemium' player. I managed to get all the characters without spending any real money (as I never have, and plan never to), but barely. I welcomed the Queen with 17 hours to go, and just started welcoming Grumpy with 6 hours to go!

Collecting for the Queen was the most frustrating thing. I actually had enough gems to buy both Dopey and Happy which usually makes collecting for the Villain easier, but now it seems you require the attraction too! I didn't buy the mine train which blocks half the activities, and I don't own the Mad Tea Party either so despite having the Queen of Hearts high enough, she was also useless.

To get Grumpy I had Happy and Dopey going almost non-stop (except during the Queen collection!) and placed high in all the events. I had 180 gems left... and need every last one. I got the final owl in my 12th box, putting me at 0 gems!
I have 6 hours to decide if i want to buy gems to get the remaining 8 grumpy hats i'm missing...BUT i think ill wait, pay the potions and send the queen and dopey off on quests[/QUOTE
It is the worst to be so close right at the end. Especially after putting so much time into this exhausting event. Hope it works out for you!!!
In a stunning turn, the gold chest yielded ear hat #8. Snow/Dopey have an hour left on their task. Even if they don't get me the last evil queen item, the cost to buy the last stupid ear hat is a very doable 44 gems. (which would pretty much wipe me out on gems, but beats $15 price tag.) Down to the wire we go!
In a stunning turn, the gold chest yielded ear hat #8. Snow/Dopey have an hour left on their task. Even if they don't get me the last evil queen item, the cost to buy the last stupid ear hat is a very doable 44 gems. (which would pretty much wipe me out on gems, but beats $15 price tag.) Down to the wire we go!

You can do it! We're rooting for you!!
I have 6 hours to decide if i want to buy gems to get the remaining 8 grumpy hats i'm missing...BUT i think ill wait, pay the potions and send the queen and dopey off on quests

Will Grumpy be available to welcome after the event is over? I hope so for everyone who haven’t been able to get him yet, but I wouldn’t count on the interns being that nice!
When the event started I purchased Dopey immediately. I used gems to buy the other premium dwarf (I can’t keep them straight! Lol) and the mine train. I placed high in all of the mini-events and earned at least 10 magic chests that way. I sent the two dwarves in their Grumpy token tasks nearly round the clock (except when they were needed to earn items for the queen). Dopey was a dud on collecting Grumpy ear hats. I honestly think he might have collected 3 total for the whole event. The other one was pretty good and gathered owls more often than not, but still wasn’t able to collect all the required owls. With just 3 hours to go I ended up spending 240 gems to buy 16 magical chests in order to “win” Grumpy. He’s being welcomed now. Given that I was able to play regularly throughout the event and already invested gems and $ in premium items, Grumpy was a big stretch. They shouldn’t have advertised him as a character you don’t/can’t buy, because you absolutely have to BUY him with gems.
You finally broke me Gameloft! I hadn't spent any money on this game and have been playing since day 1. I had around 800 gems going into this event. I bought all premium characters and the attraction. I really wanted Grumpy. This was the first event that I wasn't going to get all the characters due to Grumpy. I hate that I felt like I had to waste my gems on boxes for tokens for Grumpy. I broke down and spent $5 on gems since I was only 6 grumpy ears away after burning through all my stored up gems. I placed in all the mini events and kept Dopey and Happy on token task the whole time! I won't do it again! But they got me on this one. I just couldn't have 6 dwarves when there are 7! U got me Gameloft. Enjoy your $5. That's all u r getting from me. This event wasn't fun. Too much of a chore and too much "chance" as far as chests and Queen drops. If I bought all the premium items, it should have been "do-able" with constant game play without spending huge amounts of gems on chests.

I can totally picture the room full of interns high-fiving each other after reading this post ;)

Fully agree that if you get all the premium items it really shouldn't have been as hard as it was to get the Queen, let alone Grumpy for this event
I keep thinking that Gameloft could make the main storyline so much richer if they spent half the time on it that they spend on these silly events. Creating complicated things like clouds needing to be tapped, clippers and potions to make trees, figuring out who can get what, trying to find ways to compel people to spend $ because of artificial time limits instead of interesting characters, etc. takes up creative time that could be much better spent in my kingdom. Just my 2¢ this evening.

I agree, but the main thing they want is people to spend money as this is a "for profit" game/company. Maybe they could figure out ways to make money off the main quest? Like premium characters that help with that, even a "Grumpy" like one? Or special attractions that are very hard to get without spending real money or something?
When the event started I purchased Dopey immediately. I used gems to buy the other premium dwarf (I can’t keep them straight! Lol) and the mine train. I placed high in all of the mini-events and earned at least 10 magic chests that way. I sent the two dwarves in their Grumpy token tasks nearly round the clock (except when they were needed to earn items for the queen). Dopey was a dud on collecting Grumpy ear hats. I honestly think he might have collected 3 total for the whole event. The other one was pretty good and gathered owls more often than not, but still wasn’t able to collect all the required owls. With just 3 hours to go I ended up spending 240 gems to buy 16 magical chests in order to “win” Grumpy. He’s being welcomed now. Given that I was able to play regularly throughout the event and already invested gems and $ in premium items, Grumpy was a big stretch. They shouldn’t have advertised him as a character you don’t/can’t buy, because you absolutely have to BUY him with gems.
This was exactly my experience but I'm 2.5 hrs away from the event ending with 145 gems. I still need 20 owls and 37 ear hats for grumpy. I'm officially giving up even though it's hard for me to accept that I will have Snow White and the 6 Dwarves. This event was not fun and the fact that I'm on here at 7:30am worrying about it really speaks to that.
Let me be blunt and somewhat derisive: if you bought gems in an attempt to get Grumpy, don't complain about what Gameloft does, because your willingness to spend real money on RNG is why they do it. You told them with your wallet that no matter how much players complain about loot box cash grabs, keep doing them because it works.
Finally welcoming Grumpy!! So close. I had only 6 Grumpy ears left and 0 gems but bought the Rex bundle which gave me some extra gems. Spend 90 gems for 6 chests because 1 chest was dropping only 1 hat. My Snow White and the seven dwarfs collection is complete. So far this is my least favourite event. No fun at all, only stress.
Will Grumpy be available to welcome after the event is over? I hope so for everyone who haven’t been able to get him yet, but I wouldn’t count on the interns being that nice!
Turns out that Grumpy is now a Coming Soon. I thought he was going to be available in red chests, but apparently not.
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Finally welcoming Grumpy!! So close. I had only 6 Grumpy ears left and 0 gems but bought the Rex bundle which gave me some extra gems. Spend 90 gems for 6 chests because 1 chest was dropping only 1 hat. My Snow White and the seven dwarfs collection is complete. So far this is my least favourite event. No fun at all, only stress.

Yup I’m with ya! I waited till the last hour and had 9 owls and 10 Grumpy ear hats to go. I bought enough chests with my existing small gem supply and welcomed him. Congrats!
I don't know what they will do with Grumpy in the future. If he's available in Legendary Chests for 60 gems, it could be a cheaper way to get him than the event. Which doesn't seem like something the interns would do. Maybe only Owls and Ears will be available in chests.
I don't know what they will do with Grumpy in the future. If he's available in Legendary Chests for 60 gems, it could be a cheaper way to get him than the event. Which doesn't seem like something the interns would do. Maybe only Owls and Ears will be available in chests.

I don't see how that would work though, he's not available to welcome any more. The red chests have disappeared as expected, and instead of lit up he's in shadow with the dreaded "coming soon" label. I think the only way he'll be available in the future is through a legendary chest, which they'll likely make available in a few months. Yes that's way cheaper, but that's how all the premium characters have worked so far.
Turns out that Grumpy is now a Coming Soon. I thought he was going to be available in red chests, but apparently not.

That’s to bad. I already had him, but the person I originally replied to may not have gotten him. That person was close so I hope they bought some chests for the pieces they were missing before the event ended.
I finished up with my characters leveled up higher than any event. Would have leveled some a little more, but couldn’t get enough poison apples.

Bashful - Level 8
Happy - Level 8 (ready to level)
Sneezy - Level 8 (ready to level)
Dopey- Level 9 (ready to level)
Happy - Level 8 (ready to level)
Grumpy - Level 7
Snow White - Level 7 (ready to level)
Evil Queen - Level 5
Sleepy - Level 4 (leveling to 5)

Leveling them up that much does come at a cost though. My EC finished just under 100 short of 30K so I got 14 gems. Woulda prefered some more gems, but happier that I leveled more characters up.

Sent all not useful characters home, so I have 80 there right now. Might end up a little higher since I may have a few out on event jobs that expired.

Looks like the next day or two will be collecting Apples and leveling all the Snow White characters that are ready. Glad the event is over though, I can really use the break. Also looking forward to max level my Shere Khan and Queen of Hearts this week! :thumbsup2


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