Disney Resorts to start charging parking fees....

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Thank you. It seems the call backs are for people who have emailed the executives. I don't know if anyone has gotten a call back if they only emailed guest services. I emailed GS days ago and only have gotten the canned answer that they received my email. I have now emailed all three of the executives that have been listed in this thread. Thank you to everyone who posted the emails. I will report back if I now get a phone call. Can anyone who has received a phone call and only emailed GS let me know? I think emailing the executives has a greater impact than GS because they don't get very many complaint emails.

I sent an email to Guest Services the day the parking fees were announced and got the canned response. I emailed Bob and George Friday night and got a phone call this morning. Bob and George are definitely the way to go.
Count me as one more person that voiced my displeasure by sending an email to the Bobs and George. I, too, received a call from a CM (ironically while I was in Hollywood Studios) who pretty much fed me the same lines that everybody else was fed.
I also asked if Disney would be willing to refund me for the annual pass renewals I purchased last month (our current APs expire in April, so we hadn't used the renewals yet). The woman I spoke with checked on that and got back to me the same day, letting me know that I could "return" all 4 APs. After taking a few days to really think about my decision, I called back today to confirm that I would like to cancel my AP renewals. It was HARD to break the Disney addiction cycle, but I'm actually glad I made that decsion. Every time Disney pulls something like this, I get frustrated and complain (mostly to my family), but I never do anything about it. I feel like I've been one of their many enablers in their endless quest to provide less for more. Quite honestly, after going 2-3 times/year for 8-10 days each time, my kids were becoming pretty jaded. I'm looking forward to trying something new! I have no doubt we'll head back to Disney for another trip in a few years, and I'm thankful to many of you that my eyes have now been opened to some great offsite options.
I am so happy that you asked about the unused AP refund, and you were told you could get it. Thanks for providing the update.
For so many years, Disney has been able to charge whatever they wanted because they had the "Disney Difference". They thought they were the only game in town and that they were offering a unique experience with a level of service that was in a level above everyone else. For a while, they might have been right, but they set the standard and other companies took notice and followed their lead. Now, Disney has created competition and it's not only nipping at their heels, but poised to quickly overtake them. Disney no longer has a monopoly on the Orlando theme park and resort business and they cannot get away with thinking that people will blindly pay whatever they charge simply because its Disney.

I think Disney burst their own bubble. This latest move was a money grab, pure and simple. There is simply no justification for it...at all. The only possible way to defend this fee would be if they had extended it to day guests as well, and the logical reason for NOT doing so is because there is no practical method already in place to collect it. Since that is not the case, this is pure greed on Disney's part and because of that, Disney has made themselves look very bad in the eyes of many die-hard Disney fans, myself included.

With the way Disney has reduced the quality of their "product" while simultaneously raising their prices, they have already priced out many families who can no longer afford to take annual vacations. Now, they are adding insult to injury by tacking on fees for no apparent reason other than to pad their profits. That's just sleazy and those who can afford to go might not want to spend their vacation dollars at a destination that is just looking to squeeze every dollar out of them that they can without providing any real benefit in return. I don't think it's the fee itself that has set people off. It's the principle of the whole thing. Disney already charges 25-50% more than other hotels in the area, yet they don't offer amenities like free breakfasts, king size beds, and frequent visitor programs. Now, they are trying to justify adding on additional fees by saying that it's the industry standard. Well, if you aren't going to follow the industry standard in terms of cost or amenities, then there is no sense in trying to follow the standard when it comes to tacking on extra fees either.

This move is going to hurt them on two fronts. First are those who have never considered staying off-site and now see that there are other, cheaper options without the parking fees. In this thread alone, there are dozens of people who have realized that there are off-site options that will fit their needs as well, or better, than Disney's options. Resort occupancy is going to decline, no doubt. Second, they might even lose some theme park attendance too if people decide that they just don't want to visit Disney AT ALL. Some people here on this thread have had enough and cancelled their vacations altogether. They see Disney getting just a little too greedy and this was the final straw. Sometimes business is not all about the numbers. I think Disney looked a little too hard at the numbers and forgot about the human beings behind the numbers on this decision. The "human factor" is what they underestimated in their equation and it's going to come back and hit them in their bottom line. I sincerely hope that they take this backlash under consideration and take some serious steps to correct it going forward. They have really tarnished their reputation on this one...maybe they need to give Olivia Pope a call:rotfl2:.
Count me as one more person that voiced my displeasure by sending an email to the Bobs and George. I, too, received a call from a CM (ironically while I was in Hollywood Studios) who pretty much fed me the same lines that everybody else was fed.
I also asked if Disney would be willing to refund me for the annual pass renewals I purchased last month (our current APs expire in April, so we hadn't used the renewals yet). The woman I spoke with checked on that and got back to me the same day, letting me know that I could "return" all 4 APs. After taking a few days to really think about my decision, I called back today to confirm that I would like to cancel my AP renewals. It was HARD to break the Disney addiction cycle, but I'm actually glad I made that decsion. Every time Disney pulls something like this, I get frustrated and complain (mostly to my family), but I never do anything about it. I feel like I've been one of their many enablers in their endless quest to provide less for more. Quite honestly, after going 2-3 times/year for 8-10 days each time, my kids were becoming pretty jaded. I'm looking forward to trying something new! I have no doubt we'll head back to Disney for another trip in a few years, and I'm thankful to many of you that my eyes have now been opened to some great offsite options.

This is what will get Disney’s attention! Talk will be just talk until it is followed up with an action to get their attention. If Disney goes back to free resort parking would you buy AP’s again? And did I read wrong that AP holders got free parking?
For so many years, Disney has been able to charge whatever they wanted because they had the "Disney Difference". They thought they were the only game in town and that they were offering a unique experience with a level of service that was in a level above everyone else. For a while, they might have been right, but they set the standard and other companies took notice and followed their lead. Now, Disney has created competition and it's not only nipping at their heels, but poised to quickly overtake them. Disney no longer has a monopoly on the Orlando theme park and resort business and they cannot get away with thinking that people will blindly pay whatever they charge simply because its Disney.

I think Disney burst their own bubble. This latest move was a money grab, pure and simple. There is simply no justification for it...at all. The only possible way to defend this fee would be if they had extended it to day guests as well, and the logical reason for NOT doing so is because there is no practical method already in place to collect it. Since that is not the case, this is pure greed on Disney's part and because of that, Disney has made themselves look very bad in the eyes of many die-hard Disney fans, myself included.

With the way Disney has reduced the quality of their "product" while simultaneously raising their prices, they have already priced out many families who can no longer afford to take annual vacations. Now, they are adding insult to injury by tacking on fees for no apparent reason other than to pad their profits. That's just sleazy and those who can afford to go might not want to spend their vacation dollars at a destination that is just looking to squeeze every dollar out of them that they can without providing any real benefit in return. I don't think it's the fee itself that has set people off. It's the principle of the whole thing. Disney already charges 25-50% more than other hotels in the area, yet they don't offer amenities like free breakfasts, king size beds, and frequent visitor programs. Now, they are trying to justify adding on additional fees by saying that it's the industry standard. Well, if you aren't going to follow the industry standard in terms of cost or amenities, then there is no sense in trying to follow the standard when it comes to tacking on extra fees either.

This move is going to hurt them on two fronts. First are those who have never considered staying off-site and now see that there are other, cheaper options without the parking fees. In this thread alone, there are dozens of people who have realized that there are off-site options that will fit their needs as well, or better, than Disney's options. Resort occupancy is going to decline, no doubt. Second, they might even lose some theme park attendance too if people decide that they just don't want to visit Disney AT ALL. Some people here on this thread have had enough and cancelled their vacations altogether. They see Disney getting just a little too greedy and this was the final straw. Sometimes business is not all about the numbers. I think Disney looked a little too hard at the numbers and forgot about the human beings behind the numbers on this decision. The "human factor" is what they underestimated in their equation and it's going to come back and hit them in their bottom line. I sincerely hope that they take this backlash under consideration and take some serious steps to correct it going forward. They have really tarnished their reputation on this one...maybe they need to give Olivia Pope a call:rotfl2:.
Well said. Thank you. I hope you sent this to the executives at the emails provided in this thread. They need to hear this over and over. It is hitting them in their bottom line. This is just one forum and a small group of Disney fans. If this group is angry I can't imagine how the general public will feel about this.
This is precisely how I feel! I don’t understand the people who can easily find Disney replacements. I mean, I’m happy for you that you’re excited for other vacations-genuinely; no sarcasm there, I’m happy you’re excited- but to me, nothing replaces that Disney feeling. We’re DVC but even if we weren’t we’d still go and pay to park. Because for my family, personally-and obviously your mileage may vary as seen in these comments- it’s worth the money for the magic and how carefree I feel while there! (No small thing-I have TERRIBLE anxiety).

Well, for me, I don't understand the people who can only imagine vacationing at Disney. Different strokes.
Just wanted to clarify, I did send an email to guest.services@disneyworld.com. The message I got back was thank you for my email and if I wanted to talk to them I needed to call. I think this proves my theory that they keep track of guests who spend more money or go more often. We hadn't been in years so Dec was our first trip in a while. It sounds like you are a regular and they know that so you get a phone call and I don't.

Hmmm... this is intriguing. I was thinking you might be on to something so I went back to check my email correspondence with guest services. Each time I’ve emailed them, I’ve received this generic response:

I literally received this 1 minute after sending my email, so I assumed everyone got it. :confused3

Regarding your theory, when I went back and checked my first ever emails from guest services, they were dated just a few months after my first trip in 20 years. So I was definitely not a regular at that time. In case you’re wondering, I’m also not a big spender. We were booked in a Standard room at POR with a nice discount for that first trip, and the next 3 were at Pop and Sports. I did just return from a CL stay at AKL but I didn’t spend more than any of the other trips because I cut way back on my ticket and dining budget to compensate for the extra resort cost.

I am really fascinated with this topic. I would love to know the rhyme and reason for which guests receive what. I can’t seem to find any logic in it. I’m looking forward to hearing about who gets a call from GS. My guess is that it’ll be over a week before we hear those reports.

Also, regarding the call back from GS. You’re not missing anything. It’s just someone with a sweet as pie voice regurgitating whatever corporate tells them to. I actually don’t enjoy those calls because I don’t feel like I’m talking to a real person.
Thank you. It seems the call backs are for people who have emailed the executives. I don't know if anyone has gotten a call back if they only emailed guest services. I emailed GS days ago and only have gotten the canned answer that they received my email. I have now emailed all three of the executives that have been listed in this thread. Thank you to everyone who posted the emails. I will report back if I now get a phone call. Can anyone who has received a phone call and only emailed GS let me know? I think emailing the executives has a greater impact than GS because they don't get very many complaint emails.
I'm speculating that they matched my e-mail address to my Disney profile.
Speaking of parking and charging at the resorts.....
Can you imagine the LINES of cars at the "proposed gates" (if they implement them at each resort?)!!???? WOW!!
There would be a LINE of cars paying/exiting/entering, etc....
That would "add time" to getting to a resort/restaurant/etc...
Just food for thought...
1. HOW would they do the gate system?
2. HOW do you pay for it? Automated? Security booth?
3. HOW do you work in "day passes"? I can hear it now, a 4 min explanation as to "Oh, I am here only to eat at the Flying Fish
at BW, and I will not be paying, just staying for my dinner".... Meanwhile, the line backs up longer and longer...

LOTS of questions about this "new parking plan"...

My .02 cents worth....

Friends ask us for recommendations and we always ask what their price point is as it can be different for everyone . We genreally layout our pros and cons for onsite vs off-site and then let them choose. For us, we like being in the bubble, having EMH and being able to go back to the resorts to rest midday. All of these factors led us to by DVC BLT a few years ago. We will now let friends know there will be a parking fee and then they have to decide for themselves. As a friend of of mine likes to say “not my monkey not my circus “.

Agree! I posted many pages ago that it could be many months before they see if everyone who has said they are staying offsite actually do put their money where their mouth is as they saying goes.

Right, I’m definitely not going to persuade family and friends from booking a Disney resort. That decision is their own, not mine.

I am however, no longer recommending it. For me, it’s not about the cost, it’s the principle.

Disney has lost this cheerleader. No more free advertising from me.
I think it boils down to the elite don't get the masses. They live in the bubble their success has created and can't relate to and do not understand Joe Q Public. It's that way in a lot of things in the country and it's sad.
And many "powerful" people are in pain because they can't accept the fact that WE don't live in their ivory tower, bubble, or universe.
We have our own set of priorities and those priorities seldom are the same as the Gentry.

Ummmm...that or they wanted to verify its you before they take you off the Disney Destination Unique Pincode Email list :rotfl:

(sorry...couldnt resist!!)
That may have already happened.
I haven't received a PIN for this year...................:worried:
You are both taking my response out of context. I was talking to someone who said they always got a call from guest services when they emailed them for any complaint not just parking fees. I responded in my original post that I did not have that experience with a general complaint. She asked if I had emailed the guest services address. I was answering that post. My answer has nothing to do with whether or not you received a phone call if you complained about parking fees. BTW, who did you email? Guest services or one of the executives. I want to see who is getting call backs. It seems people who have complained directly to the executives are getting quick responses.

@dachsie I don't know what you were referring to but it must have been something serious if you complained to guest services and received a call back from Kalogridis's office.

Just to clarify, you are right, I always receive a call. But I was also told by 2 GS reps over the years that they have to call everyone who emails them. So based on my experience, and what I was told, I erroneously thought they actually called everyone back.

I said in my original post on the matter that I could be wrong. It looks like I am.
Hmmm... this is intriguing. I was thinking you might be on to something so I went back to check my email correspondence with guest services. Each time I’ve emailed them, I’ve received this generic response:
View attachment 309728

I literally received this 1 minute after sending my email, so I assumed everyone got it. :confused3

Regarding your theory, when I went back and checked my first ever emails from guest services, they were dated just a few months after my first trip in 20 years. So I was definitely not a regular at that time. In case you’re wondering, I’m also not a big spender. We were booked in a Standard room at POR with a nice discount for that first trip, and the next 3 were at Pop and Sports. I did just return from a CL stay at AKL but I didn’t spend more than any of the other trips because I cut way back on my ticket and dining budget to compensate for the extra resort cost.

I am really fascinated with this topic. I would love to know the rhyme and reason for which guests receive what. I can’t seem to find any logic in it. I’m looking forward to hearing about who gets a call from GS. My guess is that it’ll be over a week before we hear those reports.

Also, regarding the call back from GS. You’re not missing anything. It’s just someone with a sweet as pie voice regurgitating whatever corporate tells them to. I actually don’t enjoy those calls because I don’t feel like I’m talking to a real person.
I received the same email but then got another email that said this:
Dear Linda,

Thank you for contacting us regarding the Walt Disney World Resort.

We appreciate the time you took to tell us about your disappointing experience at Disney's Hollywood Studios. Much like Walt Disney once stated, "Disneyland will never be completed," the Walt Disney World Resort will never be completed as we are always coming up with improvements based on feedback from dedicated fans - just like you - who have a passion for the Disney brand. Please know that we have shared your feedback with appropriate Leadership.

I am available Thursday through Monday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET at 407-934-7389 should you have any questions.

We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

Best Regards,

Brianna Turner

Guest Experience Services

Walt Disney World Resort


I did not receive a call from anyone and I gave them my phone number in my email. This trip was my first in 16 years. It sounds like you have been there at least 5 times. Or it could be you have more serious complaints. I know at other companies they know all about you when you contact them. They treat customers based on perceived levels. It may not be money. It may be loyalty and how many times you go. I just remember another thread where people got different things from guest services for the same issue. Many people think it is random. I don't. That has not been my experience with other corporations that treat customers differently. As most have now realized Disney is just another large corporation that doesn't care about all of its customers the same way.
This is what will get Disney’s attention! Talk will be just talk until it is followed up with an action to get their attention. If Disney goes back to free resort parking would you buy AP’s again? And did I read wrong that AP holders got free parking?
AP holders get free parking at the parks. That never really came into play for us as we always drove down, left our car in the parking lot, and relied solely on Disney transportation. In that sense, we were Disney's perfect captive guests.
That's a good question about whether we'd buy APs again if Disney reverted back to free parking. I kind of feel like the damage has been done, and now that I've thought long and hard about it, I'm ready to move on from spending most of our extra vacation time at Disney...not to mention that I won't have the renewal price anymore
Disney has been a really special place for us, and we've had a lot of great interactions and experiences there, which is why we kept going back, but we've also had some really great experiences elsewhere. Despite what they seem to think, Disney doesn't have a monopoly on magic.
I'm from the uk also..
We often fly into Sanford, however even when we fly into mco-We always hire a car.
99% of the time we utilise the car-we may have one trip to MK on the bus; it's often an ordeal though.

our stays are generally split or overlap with an offsite villa..
In this case-we would be classed as guests with a car-but the car may not necessarily be at the resort overnight;
Not an issue many will probably share-but I'm guessing we would still have to pay the fees.

I've commented earlier in this thread-my favorite perk by far for staying onsite is emh.
I even started a thread previously asking other dissers their fave perks.
I had no idea before this thread my beloved emh was offered for offsite stays.
I cannot understand how/why emh & 60 day fp+ are now available offsite;
but cheaper will take us there-the bubble will burst.
I was truly under the illusion emh was part of being a magical guest..

I absolutely adore being on vacation in Disney-it is a wonderful retreat from the real world.
I'm aware the real world is a big place-however wdw suits our needs and is truly medicinal.

As with many others; I'm outraged by the additional fees-my main issues being:
A pricing structures according to resort levels is simply deplorable.
Charging us guests and not uk bookings at the same time is a very strange concept.
Day guests not being charged is bewildering..
Speaking of parking and charging at the resorts.....
Can you imagine the LINES of cars at the "proposed gates" (if they implement them at each resort?)!!???? WOW!!
There would be a LINE of cars paying/exiting/entering, etc....
That would "add time" to getting to a resort/restaurant/etc...
Just food for thought...
1. HOW would they do the gate system?
2. HOW do you pay for it? Automated? Security booth?
3. HOW do you work in "day passes"? I can hear it now, a 4 min explanation as to "Oh, I am here only to eat at the Flying Fish
at BW, and I will not be paying, just staying for my dinner".... Meanwhile, the line backs up longer and longer...

LOTS of questions about this "new parking plan"...

My .02 cents worth....

I would think they would do it just like every other parking area. Either a manned booth to collect fees with a gate with a ticket when you enter. If you are shopping or eating at the resort they would validate your ticket for free parking and if you exceed the time limit you would be charged. Or just a gate system with use of your magic band to get in or out or still using a ticket that you insert and pay with a credit card when you leave if you don't have a magic band and are just a day visitor. I have been in many paid lots that do both of these things. In the resorts that have a lot of traffic they may have to have more gates or booths like they do in city parking lots.
Thanks for sharing this.

Do you believe what she passed on about "guests as important cogs"??

It's hard to imagine they sincerely considered all this at the table, even if at least some of it was aired. If they had, I would think they'd have gone about implementing it and communicating with guests on the matter differently.

When you think about the confusion and inconsistencies in how they imposed and shared changes like the construction at CBR and CSR; the whole new pet policy; the 'new room security measures' and, now, this - they give the impression of not having thought it through very thoroughly and, in their platitudes, but then inconsistent implementation and enforcement, they give the impression of not caring so much about guests these days.

I agree. As a matter of fact, I've been thinking Disney should just give up the pretense of calling us "guests". They are no longer acting like we are valued as the "guests" we once were. Just call us customers* & be done with it.

*Or chumps, suckers, cash cows. Whatever word Iger prefers.
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