Disney Tsum Tsum

I have been playing as a guest. Love this game. I can start all over and login on line. My question is how safe is the line app? I downloaded the app and the first thing it says is you can make purchases on this app using real money and then proceeded to ask for my phone #. I have a six year old and don't want her purchasing things. Lol. So how do you all handle this?

It's worth it to start over-I've been able to "buy" about $30K worth of characters every day (I play a lot at night). Every time you receive a heart from someone and you claim it within the hour, you get an extra 200 coins so it adds up when you receive 10 or 12 at once.

I didn't put a credit card on my account, nor do I have one on ITunes so the only way that anyone can purchase anything in my game is if there is an ITunes card and even then it asks for your ITunes password.
I am in complete agreement with chabs!
I, too, had a guest account and although I was hesitant at first, I decided to use the LINE login.
It's great- added a lot of friends from this board and like chabs said- the 200 coins (for each heart claimed within an hour) really adds up!
I try to send out hearts to everyone of my friends as often as possible.
I have no credit card information stored on the LINE app nor on iTunes.
I would say go for it- :) just make sure your child's first / last name is not used.
Feel free to add me! line id is: magic0275
So I just found out that if you received a heart from someone and claim just that heart, it automatically sends one back. I was claiming all of my mail at once and if you do that it doesn't automatically send one back. So it may save people some time sending new hearts in the long run if you open each piece of mail individually.

Also-about getting the alien. I am just typing in some random names-like Bob1 and seeing if they come up on my line account. Then I am adding them to my friends list and waiting for them to show up in the game app. Figured it can't hurt. Finding a lot of people from Japan so I thought that was interesting.
This might be a stupid question, but how does one send a heart on Tsum Tsum?

Nevermind, it just updated my friends list. Haha
Fellow Tsum Tsum addict here! I am adding everyone on here as we speak..and I play everyday! :) my ID is mommy2kori1216
Also-about getting the alien. I am just typing in some random names-like Bob1 and seeing if they come up on my line account. Then I am adding them to my friends list and waiting for them to show up in the game app. Figured it can't hurt. Finding a lot of people from Japan so I thought that was interesting.[/QUOTE]

Just reporting back in that this actually worked and a lot of the people that I added are also playing the game. Gained some new friends for hearts this way plus got the alien.:love:
Please feel free to add me! My id is tyandlindsma - I send hearts 2-3 x day! :)
I'm going to add the names from the new posts today.
Also I just realized that I thought my line name was the same
as the name I use on this forum.... sorry for the wrong name
posted earlier. My line I'd is: magic0275
Please add me! Thank you!
Also-about getting the alien. I am just typing in some random names-like Bob1 and seeing if they come up on my line account. Then I am adding them to my friends list and waiting for them to show up in the game app. Figured it can't hurt. Finding a lot of people from Japan so I thought that was interesting.

Just reporting back in that this actually worked and a lot of the people that I added are also playing the game. Gained some new friends for hearts this way plus got the alien.:love:[/QUOTE]

I did the SAME thing...and finally hit the alien!
[ removed id ] Thanks - I have enough people now on Line!! Thanks everyone for adding me!!
I've gone thorough and added many of you :) Feel free to add me - this game has me obsessed!

I'm iwynlea there, same as here.


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