Disney with Geeks!


Aug 28, 2012
Intro and Pre-trip Report

Hello all! I am so excited to write a trip report! I have never done this before, mostly because I have never gone on a trip that I found a boards for. With this post I wanted to accomplish a two things. 1. Let you know who we are. 2. Explain our plans.
As of writing this, there are 43 days, 12 hours, 30 minutes left till we leave! (I know this because I have a countdown app on my phone lol). We just paid off the whole trip (with the exception of MNSSHP and our Photo Pass +, which we will buy in a few weeks)!!! I was worried about it for a little while, but it all worked out ok.

Who We Are:
Me: I'm Francine. I just turned 30 (eek!). I have never been to WDW, or any Disney related vacation. I have been a life-long Disney fan, and have always wanted to go. My mom always said it was a waste of time though, so we never went. Not "educational" enough. I am sure some of you are in the same boat. I grew up in CT, USA. I love taking longer trips (2 weeks +). I feel like you really can't get much done in like, 4 days. I always want to do as much as possible on vacation. Why spend all that money to just sleep until noon? I am a huge geek, and like Star Trek, Doctor Who, LOTR, Sherlock, Star Wars, etc. You will be able to see this in some of my t-shirt choices for the trip. I am a receptionist in a Pediatric office, and Tony and I run a geek podcast and blog; queue the shameless plugging: blog: http://tribblesandtargsgeek.blogspot.com/ and Podbean: http://tribblesntargs.podbean.com/, you can also download the podcast on iTunes. As for Disney, my favorite movie is Sleeping Beauty. Philip is my favorite prince. Of the "classic" princes he def has the most personality. Tangled comes in as a close second. My least favorites are Dumbo and Bambi. they are just not interesting to me. The thing I am most excited for at WDW is the Food and Wine Festival. The ADR I am most excited for is probably Kouzzina. I am not really into Greek food in general, but the pictures look so yummy that I am excited.

Tony: Tony is my younger brother (by a whole 18 months). He also has never been to WDW. He is a shift manager at a local coffee shop. He is also a geek like me, and he loves anything space related. His favorite Disney movies are Tangled and Aristocats. His least favorites are Dumbo and Bambi. He is most looking forward to Mission Space and Kali River Rapids. He loves raft rides best. He is looking forward to Sanna most as an ADR.

Me and Tony at the Saint Louis Botanical Gardens

Danny: Danny is 24, and we have been friends for over 10 years. He is also a Shift manager at a coffee shop (a different one than Tony). Like Tony and I, he has never been to WDW. He is a huge fan of coasters, so he loves going to 6 Flags. I am not sure about his favorite Disney movie. He is most excited for Harry Potter World in Universal Studios.

Scott: Scott just turned 24, and is a copy expert at a local stationary store. Unlike the rest of us, he has been to WDW a few times. He hasn’t been in a long time though, and is excited to see it again. He is pretty picky about food, so I hope he can find stuff he likes to eat. I am not sure about his favorites, but he is really excited about Universal, and all the rides.

Scott (Left) and Danny (right) at The Big E.

Here is our plan:

We booked through AAA. It was a great choice. The woman who helped me book (Tracy) has been many times and was able to answer all my questions. We went through a LOOOONG process in pre-viz. First it was supposed to be a road trip reunion with tony, danny, our friend Alex and I, then Scott wanted to come so we invited Diane (our good friend) too. Had this been the case, we would have gotten a Lion King room at AOA. However Alex decided to go to Turkey and Diane is saving up to get her own place. So, that's how it ended up being just us. We wanted to stay at a mod resort. We decided on POR. the reason for this was that we really loved New Orleans when Tony and I went on our first road trip. We thought about POFQ, but POR was a bit cheaper, and we can access both resorts if we stay at one, so yeah.

We are going from Oct. 1st - Oct. 12th. I don't know how weather will be, but according to weather.com it is in the 70s-80s so I am ok with that. I will probably bring a light hoodie or something for the evenings. We are planning on going to MNSSHP, but we haven't settled on a day yet. We will probably change one of our ADRs to a lunch on whatever day we go.

So. our day-by-day plan is kind of up in the air mostly. Whatever we feel like doing most days we will do. We have two "free" days where Danny and Scott will go off on thekir own and Tony and I will go off on our own. We also have a Universal Studios day, mostly because we want to see Harry Potter stuff. That is sort of in the middle of the trip. I have learned while planning trips over the years, that if somone is very much looking forward to one particular thing, to place that activity acordingly. If I said we will go to US on one of the first days, the rest of the trip would not be able to live up to that day, and the person would be mad because they might want to go back, or even not want to do anything else because their thing is done. this happened when we went to the zoo in Saint Louis. if I put it last, they will be way to excited for the thing, and may feel jipped because we were trying to get everything done very quickly. This happened when we went to Busch Gardens in VA. We made that our last day, and we needed to get up relitively early so we couldn’t stay late. So, the moral of the story is to put things like that in the middle of the trip.

The only plan I really have is our ADRs, and our U.S day.

Day 1: Fly in- DTD- ADR at Raglan Road
Day 2: Probably MK, you gotta do that first right? ADR at The Garden Grill with Chip and Dale. This one is exciting because no one else knows about this one! Chip and Dale are Tony's favorite, so I can't wait to see his face when he finds out!
Day 3: Maybe AK… ADR is the Maya Grill
Day 4: Free Day where Tony and I will probably go to Epcot where our ADR is at Marakesh. Danny and Scott will probably relax at the resort, their ADR is at Mama Melrose.
Day 5: Maybe Epcot… ADR is Kouzzina
Day 6: Universal Studios! no ADR
Day 7: Whatever park we haven't gone to yet. ADR is Sanaa
Day 8: Free Day again. Tony and I will probably hit F&W again. Our ADR is Beirgarten, and Danny and Scott's is Grand Floridian Cafe
Day 9: Redo Day where we will redo all our favorite things. ADR is Liberty Tree
Day 10: Redo Day 2. Possibly MNSSHP ADR is 50s Prime Time
Day 11: Redo Day. Sci-fi Dine In is the ADR
Day 12: Fly out, DTD day. Lunch ADR at T-Rex

So that is our plan. What do you think? I will be updating periodically as it gets closer, and then fill you all in with lots of food porn and details. I hope you will all join us for the ride!!!
Welcome fellow geek :). These boards have been sooo helpful for planning our trip. We will be going Oct 26 - Nov 3, I haven't been to Disney since HS, so it's been awhile!

I'll be going with my husband, twins and in-laws! Sooo excited! All our ADRs done, booked a photography session, now just need to order our PP+.

As for me, I'm a huge Star Wars fan. Also big into video games and love sci fi/ fantasy books. My twins are actually named after characters from my favorite books (although my mom refuses to tell people, I don't think she wants to admit what a huge geek I am:)).
As for me, I'm a huge Star Wars fan. Also big into video games and love sci fi/ fantasy books. My twins are actually named after characters from my favorite books (although my mom refuses to tell people, I don't think she wants to admit what a huge geek I am:)).

Yay! I am glad you are following me! Scott is the real fan of SW in our group. He was sooo mad we weren't going durring Star Wars weekends.

What books are your kids named after? I want to do that, but I thought it wouldn't be great to name them like Garion or something lol
Yay! I am glad you are following me! Scott is the real fan of SW in our group. He was sooo mad we weren't going durring Star Wars weekends.

What books are your kids named after? I want to do that, but I thought it wouldn't be great to name them like Garion or something lol

My daughter's name is Mara (from the Star Wars EU) and my son's name is Chase (from The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. LOVE his books! Our cat's name is Cara, also from his books).

Garion sounds sooo familiar. Is that from the books with Belgareth and Polgara? I can't for the life of me think of the series name.
Garion sounds sooo familiar. Is that from the books with Belgareth and Polgara? I can't for the life of me think of the series name.

You are correct! Garion is from the Belgariad and the Malorean. He is the main character. I would just picture my kid when I read it instead of the character lol.
So, I got a call this week from my travel agent. She left a message, as I was at work, and said that there was a change in time for the flight. She didn't say what it was though. Our flight was leaving CT at about 8:00 am, which means that tony and I would probably have to stay at a hotel by the airport. We live about an hour from Bradley, so we would have to leave home at 5 am, which would be hard to do. Just because it is hard to get tony up that early... Lol

Hopefully the flight didn't change that much. We have an ADR that evening at Raglan Rd so... Though, I doubt the flight will be changed that many hours. I will keep you all posted!

Tony and I have also decided on our costumes for MNSSHP! I am going to be a girly 10th Doctor. I found a design for an apron style dress I will make in brown fabric to mimic the Doctor's suit. I also am going to have a blue button down, and borrow Tony's sonic screwdriver, and I'm going to try to get red chucks, and I got some classic 3D glasses. All you whovians will get it. Tony is going to be the 11th Doctor. He already has most of the components, all he really needs is a fez, which he will probably buy there.

Danny and Scott haven't decided what they will wear yet. I bet they will be lame and not dress up lol.

Thanks to you all for joining!
I am panicking a little about money. I mean everything is paid (except MNSSHP and the photo pass). But I have so many bills this month and I get paid on the 13th and then not agian until right before we leave... I don't know if I will have any spending money... Plus I want to buy new shirts, but I gues that's out of the question. I am going to be overdrawn just to afford the Halloween party and photo pass... Sigh... I hate money... Scratch that. I hate NOT HAVING money lol
So, the moral of the story is to put things like that in the middle of the trip.

:scratchin My first thought is, that was a brilliant line of reasoning! My second thought is, not sure it'd work with one of my kids. :p But definitely something to consider. :thumbsup2

I don't know if I will have any spending money... Plus I want to buy new shirts,

We always have a "down day" when we hit one of the Disney discount stores, where we've found some great deals on Disney shirts, and of course they're surrounded by other discounted shirts because they're both in outlet malls. But first off that's a time sink, and your schedule has no breathing room. :crowded: And secondly, I'm not sure if you've got a car, and getting out of the Disney bubble without a car can be a pain.

Compared to our other vacations, Disney vacations are pricey -- but they're also a higher energy kind of fun. :) Hope you have a great time. :goodvibes
Hello fellow Geek! I am a Star Wars, Superheroes, Fantasy and Comic Geek :thumbsup2 I can't wait to hear about your first time to Disney, how exciting!!
Hello fellow Geek! I am a Star Wars, Superheroes, Fantasy and Comic Geek :thumbsup2 I can't wait to hear about your first time to Disney, how exciting!!

We are more Trekkies/whovians/Tolkien people, but we love classic Star Wars too! We are DEFINATELY more Avengers than Justice League with regards to comics. We can't wait until the new Thor movie!
So we have decided to buy the MNSSHP tickets when we get there. It is just less stress. But we will get the photo pass + next week. I am getting my hair done for Disney too. I think im going to get bangs and lots of layers. I figure that will be more 10th Doctor for my costume :)

Hopefully Danny and Scott are still planning on going to MNSSHP but the last time I talked to Danny he asked if I thought It was worth it... I think that's his subtle way of saying he doesn't want to go lol.

I am getting more excited. My mom said she would drop and pick us up at the airport. Which is good, as I have no money to get a hotel with a shuttle or park the car.
Less than two weeks away!!!! I bought our photo pass + yesterday, and the fabric for my costume. Luckily it is just an apron basicly, so I can make it quickly. I have also started packing. Just little things like my bathing suit and some shorts. Stuff I won't wear before we go... I am soooo excited!!!
We are DEFINATELY more Avengers than Justice League with regards to comics. We can't wait until the new Thor movie!

I always liked DC better when it comes to comics, but even I think Marvel has the edge when it comes to movies! The kids are more balanced; they love the older Teen Titans show, but also love the Marvel movies. Hubby's the only strong Marvel guy here.

When it comes to Trek, Star Wars, Dr. Who, LOTR, or fantasy versus science fiction, none of us take sides. We like it all, although we're sometimes more in the mood for one or another. We only get in trouble when people's moods clash while we're trying to pick what to watch!

So we have decided to buy the MNSSHP tickets when we get there. It is just less stress.


That's our plan, as well. Should we ever get out that time of year. :upsidedow

Less than two weeks away!!!!

Have a fun trip! Our vists just overlap as we arrive on Oct 11th. As you can tell by my user name I am a bit of a geek too.

We are very excited for F&WF - especially the imbibing part - and super serially for the tequila pairing lunch we are doing


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