Disney with Newborn


Aug 6, 2002
Just found out I'm pregnant :Pinkbounc and due in late March, early April. I get a three month leave from work and would like to move our July trip up so we can go right before I return to work. I don't think I'll be ready to leave the baby at home. So...
-Disney with a 2 1/2 month old? Is it doable? I worry about the heat, but it's no cooler here in Texas.
-We have a full time nanny who would love to join us for a week at Disney. Would it be incredibly helpful to bring someone along to help with the baby, or is more people just more trouble?
-What moderate resort would be easiest with an infant, considering the likely need to return to the room during the day with the baby?
-Can we get a refrigerator in any moderate?
-What about a microwave? Available? If not, will they let us bring one in if needed to warm bottles?
-Can we get a guarantee on adjoining rooms given the situation (we'll have 2 other children, ages 5 and 7 with us as well).
Thanks for your help!!!
Personally, I wouldn't take a baby that young at that time of year. I probably would do it November, but July is just too hot. I grew up in Dallas and know what you mean about Texas being hot, but you don't usually have any reason to go outside that much when you're at home. Even if you're prepared to take lots of breaks, it's just too much heat. Babies that age can't regulate their body temps well, and even a fever that would be pretty low for a child can be dangerous. They also shouldn't be drinking bottles of plain water, so it's a dehydration risk. Sorry, but I'd see if you could go when the kids have a vacation after school starts.

If you do decide to go, I'd stay at either a monorail resort or Epcot resort, depending on where you spend the most time. You need to be able to get back to your room at a moment's notice.
It's definitely doable! We went with our 7 week old DD in October, 96 (cooler than July, but still hot) and had a blast. It was so much fun that we did it again about the same age with our next two DDs. I'd defintely bring the nanny along especially to help with the older kids. I'm not sure about accomodations because we've never stayed on-site but I'm sure others on the board can help with that. I do agree that you'll want to return to the room for a break so a monorail resort sounds great! Have fun planning!
It's doable but different. The heat is a major concern we did it with a 4mth old in September, it was mid nineties most of the time. We took breaks whenever we could or had to.
More important though was that we spent 2 nights in a hotel and 12 nights in a condo, the 2 nights in Dixie landings were hell and the 12 nights fab! Basically it is like being at home and on vacation, you can put the kids to bed and relax for the evening, lets face it with a 2 mth old you will not exactly be galavanting around in the evenings.
Good Luck and congratulations,
We're leaving next week with our DS 3 and DD 11 weeks. We only plan to do the parks in the morning and evening when it will be a little cooler. We are DVC members so the kitchen at the BCV will be great to handle bottles etc. , especially the dishwasher to clean and sanitize. I never feel things get very clean trying to wash them in the bathroom sink. Maybe you should look into renting points and staying in a DVC resort. A 2 bedroom would be perfect for you, DH, 3 kids and the nanny. I'll post when we get back and let you know how the trip went.
I think taking the nanny will make a big difference in how much you all enjoy the trip. There was a thread a few weeks ago on taking the nanny to WDW.(Sorry I don't know how to do a link). It was great at discussing how to make it clear what your expected from her on a vacation. I would think your would want to make this a working trip for her, with lots of time to enjoy herself too. If she understands that her job is to care for the baby for certain times everyday, she and the baby could spend time out of the park during the hoter parts of the day. She could even help give you baby a break from the heat with in the park by catching a air conditioned show while you enjoy some rides with your older two.I think the BCV would be an excelent choice, or you might want to think about a monorail resort (but would need two rooms).That would give you the freedom to come and go much easier.

Jordan's mom
I agree with Jordans mom,

The nanny will make a big difference. Epecially if it will be a working vacation for her.

I took from your post that you don't want to go in July anymore, but in May or early June? That will make a difference in the weather you will have to deal with. I would say the earlier in the spring the better for weather.

I also agree with Jordans mom that a monorail resort would be a great way to go. We had our 9mon old at the WL and that was ok. But one of our comments was...."this would be much easier if we had better access to the monorail.

You should do it and have a wounderful time!!!!
Thanks for all of your comments!

Kermit - I hear what you're saying and will talk to my pediatrician and see what he thinks. I was hoping having a nanny along would help - so the baby would only be in the parks in the a.m. But I will definitely talk to the doctor and get his input.

It sounds like a condo setup or 2 rooms in a monorail resort is definitely the way to go if we do take the trip. I'm not sure that renting DVC points will work since we won't know our travel dates until the baby is born. I was hoping to book a 3 week or so reservation and then just cancel two of the weeks once we have a better idea on timing. Is 1 1/2 or 2 months notice enough for rental of DVC points? I assume we'd have trouble booking on such short notice.

I will do a search for the nanny thread when the search capability is up. Thanks for mentioning it.
We went in April with dd 2 1/2 and dd 3 weeks old. We had my parents and my aunt and uncle there which was a huge help. Staying at Dolphin made it a piece of cake as we spend most of our time at EPCOT. We took breadks to the hotel, ans mini breaks just finding a cool shady space to sit and had a gtrat time.
Personally u should take the baby.....i'm a teen but i know...i went for the very first time when i was 6 weeks old. Of corse i don't remember it at all but we have a video of it and pictures(my favorite is pluto holding me) they are good memories to have when u get older. I don't know if it has anything to do with it but i always look forward going to disney world and this november it will be close to my 16th time. Disney is a magicle place for everyone of all ages. I hope this hepls:D
I work in a pediatric office and I can tell you that it's not the best idea in the world to expose an infant that age to all the germs of an airport or WDW. The heat is a BIG concern also, especially if you are breast feeding. You will have to work very hard to stay well hydrated not only for your own health, but to also be able to produce good quality breast milk for the baby. The sun and the insects are an issue too. A sunburned newborn is not cool and with West Nile virus taking on the entire US, it's also a concern since it can be a problem for infants as well as the elderly. The last concern is your own potential for post-partum depression. I really hope that it doesn't happen to you, but a trip with that issue involved would really stink.

If you can postpone your travel until the baby is at least 6 months old and it's a little cooler, it would be a much better trip. JHMO Mickey
Thanks, mickeysaver. We did, by the way, decide to cancel our July trip. As much as we wanted to go, we just decided it wasn't the right decision for us. We're hoping to make a trip next Christmas, when the baby will be about 8 months.
Thanks for everyone's input!
Why don't you try Halloween? You'll have a six month old then and that's a good age. You can also dress him/her up in a costume and go the Not So Scary Halloween Party. It's nice and cool and not as crowded. It would also make for good pictures of your little one in a costume at the parks. I can hear the "awwwwwww"s already :)


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