"Disney Year of a Million Dreams" - or Disney with a Million People and Nightmares

Herasmus B. Dragon

Jan 17, 2008
Introduction: The Gift of a Lifetime!

Well, today marks 55 days until my family's first. Disney. Trip. Evvvvverrrr. I feel like the last adult on earth who's never been, but alas, my husband hasn't either. So this is a MAJOR trip for us. I think I am personally more excited than my children. And I fear my husband is dreading it like the flu, (sniff sniff).

Let me start with the following disclaimer: Our trip is only possible due to the very enormous hearts and consequently, bank accounts, owned by two of the most generous and loving Aunts anyone could ever wish for. It also helps that one of those Aunts is a genuine Disney-aholic.

We received the gift on January 9, 2008, right after Christmas and had the sucker booked and paid for January 11. Believe me when I say I wasted no time, I JUMPED all over it. The gift is in celebration of each of Christmas and our birthdays for 2008, none of which however, are until the last quater of the year! We opted not to waste time, and scheduled it for the 1st block of vacation time available: 3/18-3/24.

Our first obstacle came when we realized the majority of the WDW Resorts have a maximum 4 person occupancy. WHAT? Would my DD have to stay home? Maybe the husband? One quick call to the WDW travel center clued me into the resorts that would house what I guess they considered our ridiculously HUGE family. I mean, really, where would the Brady Bunch stay?

After some careful internet research (thus the finding of this very useful and entertaining site) I made the decision to stay at the POR. We then booked our tickets - 5 days MYW tickets w/o PH. We also opted for the Dining Plan. We checked the flight schedules with Continetal - found some great deals - purchased the 5 airline tickets and paid for the WDW in full all in one night! Whew, I was exhausted....as was Visa, I imagine. All of this done, by the way, with me on one computer talking to my Aunt over the phone, while my other Aunt was on her computer in the other room! Teamwork got everything booked and paid for in just under an hour!

So, I'm sitting there basking in the sunshine of what was going to be the most AMAZING TRIP EVVVVVVERRRRR when all of a sudden Obstacle 2 rears it's UGLY head.

March 23rd......is......EASTER! Holy Frekkin Moly! How in the heck did I miss that? Since when did the school district get all cheap and combine Spring Break with a Holiday? So, I broke the news to my not-so-happy-for-me-anymore-cause-I'm-taking-the-grandkids-away-for-Easter Mother and then told my husband. He seemed unaffected by it all and with his eyes rolling into his head made note to request the week off from work. JERK!

Then, as I am swimming my way through the ocean of Disney guidebooks (yes, I went straight to Barnes & Noble and purchased 3), websites, and personal advice, I get Obstacle 3.....this is the most crowded time of the year! Every where I look people are saying, "Are you insane? This is when you are going to WDW?" Then they throw their heads back and laugh in a very evil step-mother kinda way.

So, that leaves me here. Bittersweet plans for a Disney "Year of Million Dreams" vacation that I'm afraid will turn out to be Disney with a Million People and the only dreams will have are nightmares!

I was going to include some pictues of the family, but for some reason I can not? Perhaps my posts are too low?

On the next installment I'll talk more about making ADR and learning more about what I thought would be just a simple "walk in the park".
Great start! You had me with your title!:lmao:
I have one suggestion for you........Tour guide Mike. Consiering the thousands you spend on the vacation it's so worth the 20 bucks! It can make the difference between standing in lines for hours and only riding a few things to being able to do almost everything with minimal wait. Ok, I really should get some sorta kickback for that endorsement!;)
Food for Thought

Well, by this time I'm about two weeks into planning our trip of a lifetime. My bedside table is filled with the UOG, WDW Pass Porter and a couple of the Birnbaum guides. I've read them all - cover to cover. My web browser pretty much opens to this board (and disneyworld.com) whenever anyone sits on the computer. Even my DS has asked that I "stop talking Disney" because it's really annoying and just making him want to go sooner!

My husband has literally said, "If I hear anything more about Disney World, I swear to God I will......" I clicked on my selective hearing at that point so I'm not sure which empty threat he used this time. I shut it down for a while, but shortly thereafter, I realized we had some serious decisions we needed to make.

While reading the books listed above, I saw the sections regarding ADR's, and I thought to myself, you've GOT to be kidding. Surely they are being ridiculous?! I mean, I can go to downtown Houston on a Saturday night and within twenty minutes find a decent table somewhere in a crunch, surely a theme park would provide less of a challenge!:scared1:

But then something crazy started happening - whenever I would talk to people they say, "So, did you make your ADR's?" and "Where are your ADR's for?". Evidently, this was pretty necessary for any kind of successful trip. :confused: So, I plopped out the books, my tentative schedules and game plans and spread them all out in front of my husband. The conversation went something like this….

Me: “We’ve got to be prepared, Honey”.

Him: “Is this a vacation or an emergency evacuation plan?”

Me: “You’re going to need an evacuation plan if you don’t do this with me.”

Him: “Fine. What are we deciding?”

Me. “Where to Eat. And when…as in what day and what time. We need reservations.”

Him: “Reservations? Are we eating without the kids?”:cutie:

We're on the Dining Plan and made the decision that we'd only worry about the Dinner's. Lunches we'd do in the theme parks, and we'd be spontaneous and flexible with that. Well, we did do one lunch, so we'll be flexible with dinner that night.

We read up on all the options, checked out the menus on allears.net and picked our top two for each day.

We started with Day 1. We're arriving too late to tackle a park - our plane lands at 3:00 pm. So, we decided a late dinner would be best and something at a resort. That would give us plenty of time to spare if ME took as long as some people say, and in the best case scenario time to relax and get the feel of our resort.

I didn't want to be locked into our resort that first night. I really wanted it to be as magical as possible for the kids and more Disney themed than POR seems to offer. So, after we settle in, we're going to take the ferry to Downtown Disney. Let the kids shop around, see the sights and take in whatever we can. Then, at 8:30 pm, we have reservations at Chef Mickey's for a Character Dinner. I am so happy we actually got reservations!!! It's going to be such a fantastic way to start off our trip.

Day 2. We plan on tackling MK first thing Wed. I know a lot of people think you should save this for last with kids, but I can't stand to wait. We're here at the edge of the pool, might as well jump in head first in the deep end!

Wed. dinner reservations are at Boatright's at the POR resort for 7:45. I figure we'll be tired after our first very long day, and will want to go straight to bed after dinner! If we aren't tired, perhaps we'll head back to the park for the fireworks, but I'm thinking we'll be ready for bed. Who knows, my kids may surprise me!

Day 3. Thurs is Animal Kingdom Day! Once again, another long day at the park. We're doing an out-of-pocket expense - Donald's Safari Breakfast at 8:30 am! We fully expect to take breaks during the day back at the resort. We're going to judge that by the attitude and endurance of our kids. If they can hang and seem happy, then we'll stay. We'll just have to see how it goes. Thursday night, however, we have an ADR for Boma! I can't wait! This was DH's choice.

Day 4. Friday is Epcot Day and a sleep in day. My kids are pretty young, and Epcot may not be ideal for them. To compensate, we're doing the ADR at 11:30 at the Princess Storybook Table in Norway. We'll spend the later afternoon back at the resort (maybe by the pool) and return to the park for a counter service dinner and watch the fireworks!

Day 5. Saturday is Magical Kingdom Day 2. This is the day to re-live our favorites and see things we missed out on Day 1. We have dinner reservations for 8:30 at Ohana and are planning to eat slow and maybe (keepin our fingers crossed) see the fireworks at the MK from the Poly. Not sure if that will work out....just hoping.

Day 6. EASTER. We decided to spend Easter at DHS. We did this for a couple of reasons. Everyone says Epcot is the best on Easter, and we're thinking if WE know this, so does everyone else with kids on Easter. Also, Sunday is the night before we leave, and I really really wanted to close the trip on a special (not soon to forget) note. So, we're doing the Hollywood & Vine Fantasmic Dinner that evening. For lunch we're doing an early out-of-pocket expense at SciFi Diner just because the husband thought it "looked cool". Keeping our fingers crossed for great Fantasmic weather!

Day 7. Monday our return flight is at 4:00 pm. We plan on doing some last minute shopping in DTD, grabbing some quick counter service lunch at the resort, and relaxing until time to go the airport.

When I called to make all of these ADR's, the agent was so helpful. She's the one who suggested making ADR for the Poly so late, to hopefully catch the fireworks. We got our 1st choice every single time, and even the agent seemed surprised. She said to be so close to our date, we were fortunate to get some of our selections. I guess some of the magic is starting for us already!

I’m also including a picture of my kids! These three little guys are the light of my life, and I can not wait to capture their faces on our many adventures in WDW!
Your kids are adorable!!!!:lovestruc

I think the dis has saved my marriage, because I can talk disney non stop without driving my dh nuts!
Your kids are beautiful.
You will be very glad you did your homework when you get there and so will your family even though they may be complaining now.
Use us DISer's to talk Disney when your family gives you The Look. We'll never give you The Look. We are as crazy as you are when it comes to Disney.
Fantasmic is a GREAT way to end your trip. One of my favorite shows. You won't be disappointed.:thumbsup2

Hi Winkers:hippie:
subbing we'll be at POR 3/13 - 3/20 and running away right before easter! LOL So I'll love to read a long with you... we too have the 'brady bunch' ... or so disney things my goodness we only have 3 kids what gives, oh well. I too booked and THEN realized we are running into easter crowds ON TOP OF spring break crowds... what were we thinking!!!

ps feel free to check my pre TR too i just started it!
Thanks all for the kind words about my kiddos!

I am 100% not a mushy person - I'm actually pretty cold when it comes to sappy movies, etc. But, every time I think of my kids faces at WDW, my eyes start stinging and I become engulfed in emotion!

Today I got a little welcome packet from WDW- just a simple personalized brochure confirming our reservations...nothing fancy. But it talked about 1st trips and magical experiences and before I got to the "Great Decision on the Dining Plan" secton I realized I had tears streaming down my face! I have LOST MY MIND!
A Bit about the Cast

So, we are down to 49 days until our trip. Every day I think to myself, "Okay, it'll be old news tomorrow", but it isn't. I find something new to be excited about every single day. I dread the post-Disney lows I'm gonna be feeling. I guess that's why so many people immeadiately start planning the return trip. Hopefully I too will be one of those people!

Here we go. Our cast and characters for this 2008 Birthday Bash Celebration.

Me: I am a 28 year old married, mother to 3 adorable little devils. My children are lucky they are cute, because other wise I would have probably tried to sell them on Ebay! Just kidding ... Seriously, my children are my pride and joy. I'm a full time working professional who loves her job more than I can ever describe. Being a working mother was a hard decision, but one made by choice and not quite necessity. It's not for everyone, and I commend those mothers who stay home with the children, especially those who home school! I however, was cut from a different cloth but love my life and the choices I have made. I love taking pictures and am rarely found without my camera. My next biggest delima is if I should take the camera into the parks or just rely on Photopass. I'm TORN.

I have never been to Disney World and look forward to our adventure.

Husband: He's a 29 year old Fire Safety Technician/Outdoorsman/4th Child. He's an amazing father and provider who does his fair share of chores around the house and still remembers to kiss me hello. He supports me in whatever I do, but is not one of the "spoils me rotten" husbands I have heard so much about. He's super tall - 6'6 1/2 and weighs in at 275 lbs! He's my giant! Disney is not his ideal vacation, and he seems reluctant to go. Hopefully, since this too will be his first visit, his attitude will change once we actually get on the plane.

Keaton (9): My first born son, the child who is most of an equal combination between his father and I. He loves a good book and is an All-Star at baseball and football. He's pretty mature for his age, but still loves to be tickled. He's completely infatuated with his little sister, and annoyed by his little brother. His Hero's inlcude his father, his uncle, and anyone in the military. He's anything but shy, loves to make people laugh, and has an obsession with skateboards. When he grows up he wants to be in the service.

Andy (4): So typical the "middle child" this little red head holds the key to my heart. He's the spitting image of his father, but opposite in personality. He's quiet, shy, calm and is the sweetest natured person I've ever encountered. Numerous hugs, kisses and "I love you's" are a constant part of his everyday world. He can't seem to kiss his Daddy or me enough! He idles his big brother and babies his little sister. We call him our Andy-Roo because when he was little he also wanted to snuggle right around our bellys.

Lilly(3): The Baby. The girl. The TROUBLE MAKER. This little darling creates drama at every opperturnity. She's LOUD, Silly, and is full of back talk. She looks so similar to me and NOTHING like her father...but acts JUST LIKE HIM. Stubborn, wild and crazy. She's refuses to wear anything but dresses and lots and lots of pink. She LOVES ballet. We call he our "Farting Ballerina" because, well, she wears tutu's every where she goes and she very unlady like passes gas at every chance she gets. She LOVES hairbows but hates getting her hair brushed. She gets more dirt and filth on her than any other child I've ever met. You can always spot her - dressed to the nines but with a ripped hem, dirty face and wild hair....usually chasing her big brother's with a stick or something.

This will be a 1st WDW trip for all of us. WOW - It's going to be so Magical.
Loving your PTR :)

And I agree with everyone. Your kids are gorgeous ;)

BTW, my husband and I didn't get to Disney until we were 33. So, you have us beat.
Take your camera!! It can be a hassle to lug it around, but you'll be so glad you did once you return home...trust me! We just never seem to have a lot of luck with Photopass. Two of my kids don't like getting their picture taken, two of them never wanted to pose with the characters, and most of our pictures are only ok.

Your middle son sounds a lot like MY middle son ;)

And my husband wasn't too excited about going to Disney World until we got close to departure day. But, he LOVES it! Maybe not as much as me, but he still has a really good time there. Your hubby will come around.
So, last night I had my first dream, probably due to all of the planning, excitement and talking of my upcoming WDW trip. In this dream, we overslept on our 1st day in the park: our MK day! When we got there it was so crowded and we didn't know where to go. Then all of a sudden (you know how dreams are) we were walking back to our hotel.

It seems we were sad because we spent all day in the park and didn't get to do ANYTHING. Not one ride, show, etc because all the lines were too long. We ran from attracation to attraction and just kept giving up. Before we knew it, it was time to leave.

I was crying telling my husband how horrible this trip was and he was trying to comfort me by saying, "It's okay, we still get to go back to MK one more time before we go home. We can do everything then."

I knew he was wrong.

What a CRAZY dream! I guess I'm a little stressed about all this planning and nervous because it's our 1st trip. Anyone else experience dreams before a trip? Good or Bad?:scared:
Your first trip to WDW!! How exciting! I went for the first time with my boys when I was 31, so you're doing better than I did.;) You guys are going to have a great time! Can't wait to hear more about all the planning and excitement for you and your beautiful family. :goodvibes
I would say definatley take your camera! The photopass photographers are only in certain spots. Alot of times they aren't near the characters. There's nothing like capturing the look on your childs face while they are on a ride or watching the parade or fireworks for the 1st time! Crap, now I'm crying!:)

As for the dream, get used to it!:rotfl: It's amazing the dreams I have while planning a vacation! There's always somthing going wrong. Or a family member there ruining things, whom I didn't invite to go with us!:lmao:
Great start!
Your kids are so cute! They are going to have a blast!

Looking forward to more...popcorn::
Great pre-trip report. We will be there over Easter too, staying a little longer than you are. We were surprised by the need for ADR's too. It does feel like I'm planning a military operation sometimes!
First of all your family is gorgeous. Second, take the camera, don't be silly. Your hubby is going to fall in love with Disney. There is way to much to do and so little time....we go every year, my hubby & I have done all of our Island and beach trips prior to having our son. We had 10 years to do all that...now it is ALL DISNEY! I will take Disney over Aruba any day!!!:wizard: Good Luck, can't wait to read your completed report!!! I am so excited for you all.
I am 100% not a mushy person - I'm actually pretty cold when it comes to sappy movies, etc. But, every time I think of my kids faces at WDW, my eyes start stinging and I become engulfed in emotion!

Today I got a little welcome packet from WDW- just a simple personalized brochure confirming our reservations...nothing fancy. But it talked about 1st trips and magical experiences and before I got to the "Great Decision on the Dining Plan" secton I realized I had tears streaming down my face! I have LOST MY MIND!
Believe me we all understand. That's why we DIS.:wizard:

I agree with everyone else. Take your camera. You'll be glad you did.:thumbsup2

I hope your nightmares of WDW stop and you start having happy dreams.:cloud9:


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