Disneyland Divas: Working out, getting healthy and thin in 2010!!

Hi! I want to lose 75 lbs. Today I am going for a walk. Then I will post on here AFTER the walk, so I will actually do it!:lmao: I am not doing WW but I am thinking of counting calories. I became a vegetarian 6 months ago and so far have lost 18 lbs!

Went for a 30 minute walk with my son. Lots of hills!
Welcome Superme80. Good Luck with your 75 pound goal, and good for you for setting it. Sarah is a super roll model with her "nearly" 100 pound accomplishment.(WooHoo Sarah!)

Speaking of Sarah...you still haven't told us how you are going to reward yourself? It has to be something really super duper good!

I personally am scared to set a big goal. It seems so darn hard to get there. But I do well with really little goals. Right now my goal is to get into the 180's. I am hovering at 191, but really struggling with getting in my excercise. This week I am determined to get in 3 days. So far I have gotten 1, so need to hit it today and then Saturday to meet my goal. The part I have to remember is that I started at close to 215. (I don't really know because I changed scales(my son was always turning the dial and messing it up, and now he can't) , and also at the beginning refused to weigh myself for a while because it was so incredibly offensive to my image of myself that I had gone up so darn far)
I am so glad to log on and read about everyone's successes and it truly does inspire me. Beth, I know how hard it is, but it is so important to be able to feel good and be healthy so you can keep enjoying your time with your kids, ya know?? Good for you for taking that step and getting back on the bandwagon. You have to get that blood pressure down girl!

Anyhow, I almost quit the program with my son, as he is not making progress with his eating choices. But, I talked with the folks and am going to keep with it. It does take a while to change behavior and it is not easy! He did try a bite of watermelon last week.

Jen, how'd the interview go??
Last night DBF and I rode our bikes around town. I have an app on my iPhone that works with the GPS and tracks our path and miles and time. It said we did 9.82 miles in 31 minutes. It is getting easier as the days go by. Tonight is jogging.

I really need to work on my eating but it's hard when everyone at work has candy dishes on their desk and I have no will power to say no. :sad2:

Hope you all have a great day!
Hi ladies!
I forgot to check in on Monday night. I had a great loss of -3.2lbs. I'm down 16.2 and 9.8 from my 10% goal!

Jen, I have really kicked up the exercise because I know it will save me in the end. Even if I do go over points, exercising super hard that day always helps. I've gone over my points yesterday AND today but its been with protein and veggies which is good. I think I will start the simply filling plan during the summer, a lot easier since I'll be busy.

I have an interview on Friday with Six Flags Magic Mountain in the HR dept. I hope I get the position!

Congratulations on the loss! :cool1::thumbsup2:woohoo:

I totally agree with you on the importance of exercise. It does give you a little wiggle room and it makes you feel better and keeps you healthy. Great job!! :thumbsup2

And sending you lots of pixie dust for your interview on Friday!!! :wizard::wizard::wizard:

Speaking of Sarah...you still haven't told us how you are going to reward yourself? It has to be something really super duper good!

I personally am scared to set a big goal. It seems so darn hard to get there. But I do well with really little goals. Right now my goal is to get into the 180's. I am hovering at 191, but really struggling with getting in my excercise. This week I am determined to get in 3 days. So far I have gotten 1, so need to hit it today and then Saturday to meet my goal. The part I have to remember is that I started at close to 215. (I don't really know because I changed scales(my son was always turning the dial and messing it up, and now he can't) , and also at the beginning refused to weigh myself for a while because it was so incredibly offensive to my image of myself that I had gone up so darn far)

Anyhow, I almost quit the program with my son, as he is not making progress with his eating choices. But, I talked with the folks and am going to keep with it. It does take a while to change behavior and it is not easy! He did try a bite of watermelon last week.

Jen, how'd the interview go??

Yes, Sarah...how are you going to reward yourself???

Congrats on the almost 25 lb weight loss Tracey!!! :thumbsup2

And you can't give up on the program with your son. It will not get easier for him later. What lesson will it teach him if his own mom gives up on his ability to get healthy?

Just a question, does he have a lot of opportunity to make bad choices? Is there a lot of bad food in the house? Does he buy his own food or get bad food at school? As long as you are OK with him just being hungry, if you're buying the food, he may learn to try some new things when he really really wants to eat.

I have given up the white bread and the salami for the kids and they are adjusting. The rainy rainy weather has put a dent in our evening walking plans though.

Tried to eat pretty good today. Lots of Finn crisp crackers, cow milk cheese, sliced chicken. Soup for lunch. Salad with WW dressing for dinner. But did drink too much apple cider (which is so yummy here) and had too many Swedish fish which I bought yesterday at Ikea. Didn't track points. But probably stayed within reason.

Oh, and re. the interview...I thought it went pretty well, but haven't heard back, so I guess it didn't. Discouraging. Very discouraging.

And for the QUOTE OF THE DAY:
I think that you have to believe in your destiny; that you will succeed, you will meet a lot of rejection and it is not always a straight path, there will be detours - so enjoy the view.
-- Michael York,
Rewards....I plan to have a $100 shopping spree when I get to 100 lbs gone! I'd really like to get a summer dress so we will see if I can find one I like! Also need to get new essentials like undies and the like since a person tends to change sizes a good deal after 100 lbs.

Congrats Cristabel, keep up the great work!

Hi everyone else! Keep on keeping on and don't forget to drink that water!

Rewards....I plan to have a $100 shopping spree when I get to 100 lbs gone! I'd really like to get a summer dress so we will see if I can find one I like! Also need to get new essentials like undies and the like since a person tends to change sizes a good deal after 100 lbs.

Congrats Cristabel, keep up the great work!

Hi everyone else! Keep on keeping on and don't forget to drink that water!


How fun!
I already have clothes that is two sizes smaller so I won't need to go shopping for awhile. Which is good because I have no money!:laughing:
Rewards....I plan to have a $100 shopping spree when I get to 100 lbs gone! I'd really like to get a summer dress so we will see if I can find one I like! Also need to get new essentials like undies and the like since a person tends to change sizes a good deal after 100 lbs.

Congrats Cristabel, keep up the great work!

Hi everyone else! Keep on keeping on and don't forget to drink that water!


That is awesome. I told DH I want my dream trip to Disneyland when I make goal. :woohoo: My goal is to be skinnier than him. In order for this to happen I need to loose about 75 lbs and he needs to gain about 20 lbs. That should even us out!:lmao:

I did another 3 mile run last night. It was so windy here. On the way out I was feeling really good and almost ran the whole way, but only becasue the wind was behind me pushing me along. :rotfl: The way back was so hard, I felt like I was getting no where. :rotfl:
Hi Ladies!

Hope you all had a lovely Mother's Day weekends with your Moms, thinking about your Moms or enjoying being a Mom. I had a nice weekend here in Switzerland, though I did get off track exercise and eating wise.

Made it back to the gym today. Hope you are all moving! :woohoo: :yay:

It is better to believe than to disbelieve;
in so doing, you bring everything
to the realm of possibility.

~ Albert Einstein ~
Had my meeting today and was surprised to be down 1.6 lbs for a grand total of..............................................................................................

101.4 lbs!

Woo Hoo:banana:

Have a great day all!


P.S. I bought a dress this weekend and wore it to my meeting tonight! Another goal accomplished!
Had my meeting today and was surprised to be down 1.6 lbs for a grand total of..............................................................................................

101.4 lbs!

Woo Hoo:banana:

Have a great day all!


P.S. I bought a dress this weekend and wore it to my meeting tonight! Another goal accomplished!

:woohoo: Right on! I am so proud of you Sarah!!!!!!! You should feel so good about yourself right now!!!!
Oh, and re. the interview...I thought it went pretty well, but haven't heard back, so I guess it didn't. Discouraging. Very discouraging.

And for the QUOTE OF THE DAY:
I think that you have to believe in your destiny; that you will succeed, you will meet a lot of rejection and it is not always a straight path, there will be detours - so enjoy the view.
-- Michael York,
I'm sorry Jen. :hug:
Had my meeting today and was surprised to be down 1.6 lbs for a grand total of..............................................................................................

101.4 lbs!

Woo Hoo:banana:

Have a great day all!


P.S. I bought a dress this weekend and wore it to my meeting tonight! Another goal accomplished!


You are amazing and awesome and outstanding and inspiring and we are SO proud of you!

And I wanna see a picture of you in that dress!!

Really, Sarah, I hope you realize how incredible you are and how much you can accomplish in getting healthy and all aspects of your life. It's just really, really amazing.

And then put 400 hundred sticks of butter on the table and to visualize what a gift you have given yourself and your loved ones.

YOU ROCK!!!!:cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1:
Had my meeting today and was surprised to be down 1.6 lbs for a grand total of..............................................................................................

101.4 lbs!

Woo Hoo:banana:

Have a great day all!


P.S. I bought a dress this weekend and wore it to my meeting tonight! Another goal accomplished!

GO SARAH! :banana:
SARAH ROCKS!!!!!!! :cool1: :woohoo: :worship: :worship: :worship:

So are you done now? That was your goal right? :yay: :thumbsup2

I am trying to lose 135 lbs overall. Still have a bit to go but I will get there. My next goal is about 7 lbs away...I want to get to overweight instead of obese on the BMI charts.


P.S. Thanks everyone.

You are amazing and awesome and outstanding and inspiring and we are SO proud of you!

And I wanna see a picture of you in that dress!!

Really, Sarah, I hope you realize how incredible you are and how much you can accomplish in getting healthy and all aspects of your life. It's just really, really amazing.

And then put 400 hundred sticks of butter on the table and to visualize what a gift you have given yourself and your loved ones.

YOU ROCK!!!!:cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1::cool1:
EXACTLY what Jen said! You are amazing! Post that picture soon!

Hi to everyone. Sorry I am so unable to log on much, but thinking about you all as I try to find my inspiration:)

Sorry about your job interview Jen. Hang in there!
Had my meeting today and was surprised to be down 1.6 lbs for a grand total of..............................................................................................

101.4 lbs!

Woo Hoo:banana:

Have a great day all!


P.S. I bought a dress this weekend and wore it to my meeting tonight! Another goal accomplished!

:banana: Awesome!

That 100 Banner looks good! :thumbsup2
Hi Ladies!
I am off to Yakima for the marching band and then a day at the carnival. Do you think that any of the carnie food is healthy. I'm thinking not! Anyhow, wish me luck.

Hope you all have a great day.

It has been a trying week. My stress level is very high and instead of going to bed I've been eating. I've used almost all of my weekly points and that never happens because I make it a point NOT to eat them. Thankfully I have been more active these past two weeks. I'm trying to earn enough activity points to offset the weeklies that I ate. I know I don't have to but I feel better about it and you can't have too much activity!

Last night I did about 40 minutes high intensity, 10 minutes moderate of cardio. Then I got back to my apt and did another 20 minutes of moderate intensity strength training (sit ups, push ups, squats, walking lunges). I'm very sore today.

I promised my ww friend that I would meet her at the gym this morning at 9am. I was a little late but it was okay. I've started doing mostly the treadmill now. I did 10 minutes moderate and 20 minutes high intensity on the treadmill. But also walking to and from the gym is a 20 minutes, round trip. I did push ups when I got back and then ate.

I feel good today :)
So far I've earned 23 activity points this week :cool1: Yesterday I earned the majority of them (10).


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