Disney's Imagineers and DisneySea Revealed shows on Travel Channel tonight

Originally posted by Captain Crook

By all means Disney should NEVER have tried to pass off the number of lame & off the shelf attractions as 1st tier, Disney material. Agreed, agreed, agreed.:p

We hit the nail on the head Captain. It's not that the cycle rides are there, it's Disney passing it to us as "Indiana Jones and the Forbidden Eye". Splash isn't Screamin'. But Disney want's us to think that.

What they need is an attraction that Disney can present without a spin.
I was just pointing out the huge difference in quality between DisneySea and DCA. DisneySea is AWESOME!!:p

I'm a big Disney fan and I want to see DisneySea quality parks here in the U.S.A.

Can I get an "Amen" out of that?

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

King Triton
People are using DisneySea simply because it’s a tangible example of something good. It’s like you’re eating in a restaurant and they deliver a really good looking meal to someone at the next table. Suddenly that’s what you’re hungry for. Same thing here.

It’s also curious that no one is saying “gee, I wish we had Animal Kingdom instead”.
People are using Disney Sea because it is a tangible example...
OK...I'm not sure that's what everyone was actually saying but OK...For the umteenth tme I will add that I agree that DCA should have been built with the same thought, imgination and care that TDS was. They woud not have the problems thery are now having if it had been.

As for your AK crack...Well, comparing AK & DCA is still apples & oranges. The idea & imagination was there behind the building of AK whether you think they actually followed their plan or not...DCA never had the chance to succeed that AK had...I know that in your opinion AK was ruined by cost cuts but the fact is the imagination is still evident at AK. DCA's plan was justbasc from the start andwhile could still have been great, the initial plan WAS flawed.
:smooth: :smooth: :bounce: :smooth: :smooth:
I think everybody's in agreement that the important thing in the DCA debacle is that a higher level of committment to quality and imagination is what was needed (and still is...). Choosing the best theme is still important, but without the committment, it really doesn't matter.

I also agree with the Captain about the relatively higher level of committment in AK as opposed to DCA. AK may not be everything it could have or should have been, but its several entire levels closer to the "Disney Standard" than DCA. That doesn't make all of the AK decisions OK, it's just a relative comparison.

What's most disturbing is the fact that DCA came after AK. The mistakes that were made with AK were not corrected, and instead were cultivated and compounded. And then they threw in a few new ones as well...

Had AK came after DCA, at least we could point to the improvement and say maybe they were learning. Instead, they seem to be regressing.
TDS really looked great! What a shame Mr Eisner is turning the American Parks into Xanadu .I wonder why he is only interested in Japan and China and neglecting WDW?The Floating Jellyfish and Under the Sea Adventure really looked like fun!
Originally posted by raidermatt

What's most disturbing is the fact that DCA came after AK. The mistakes that were made with AK were not corrected, and instead were cultivated and compounded. And then they threw in a few new ones as well...

Had AK came after DCA, at least we could point to the improvement and say maybe they were learning. Instead, they seem to be regressing.

What is equally disturbing is what they say...Nothing is ever their fault for bad decisions...nothing wrong with AK...it's the public's misperception of it...nothing wrong with DCA..it's the economy and the dip in tourism...and meanwhile they have "successfully" made spending cuts in the parks...the word success in the parks should refer to delivering entertainment.

It’s also curious that no one is saying “gee, I wish we had Animal Kingdom instead”.

Why would anybody say that? They've got it...Nobody says "Gee, I wish I we had Epcot" either.

Especially with today's Southwest Airlines prices anybody in LA can get to WDW with a friend for less than half the price of renewing their car tag!
I wonder.....do you think the people of Japan are saying,"Gee, I wish Disney would have built DCA here instead of DisneySea."


King Triton
I wonder what the bottom line is?

Allegedly the suits built DCA instead of TDS because of cost.

Whether it was built as an attempt to squeeze a buck out of people the suits thought would mistake a Tilt-a-Whirl for a Disney attraction if it had a cardboard cutout of Goofy in front of it or as an honest strategic planning choice to only build $750M worth, it really doesn't matter - it ain't working either way.

So - how many people would have to show up at the gate to pay for TDS(equivalent)/Anaheim?

TDS cost what? $2B? How much of that was for the park and how much for the monorail/hotel/etc?

Do we have to wait for The Big ME to move to Long Island for somebody to recognize the obvious? Or is it possible that in his desperation to stay The Big ME he'll listen to whoever replaces PP?

Shoot - Is PP sufficiently identified with the failures of the parks & resorts segment over the past few years that he won't be able to dodge this bullet? Or will he pawn it off on someone else again?

I sure wish somebody could tell the future around here... :-)


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